Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v1 Chapter 1131: Officialdom is never a lonely road

Xiu Xianzhu does not sound conspicuous, but this is a close minister, and his duty is to record the words and deeds of the emperor, not those who are optimistic about the emperor.

So Tang Ren was excited at once.

"The minister is willing to die for His Majesty!"

Han Qi's mouth twitched, and several Zaifu looked at each other, and they felt that this fixation might be a non-human.

In practice, you must record the emperor's words and deeds faithfully. If you only write well, it is dereliction of duty.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qi Zhuanggong liked to seduce other people's daughter-in-law, and he liked this stimulating feeling very much. One day, it seduce the head of a heavy minister, Cui Zhu, and the allusion of the green hat comes from this.

Cui Zhu found that his green hat was given to others by Qi Zhuanggong, and suddenly felt suspicious. When he went home, he packed up the shameless daughter-in-law and got the news that she was green. Continue to hook up with Zhuanggong.

Qi Zhuanggong came naturally and sang a song with Cui Zhu's wife, but was ambushed by Cui Zhu and hacked to death on the spot.

If this is the case, it can be said that the boy is angry at the crown, and Cui Zhu is a good man.

However, the historian characterizes this as a killer ...

Cui Zhu kills him!

I wipe!

Is this wrong?

Cui Zhu, who held the weight of power, was furious and killed a historian. His brother took over. In the face of Cui Zhu's murderous opportunity, he wrote five words without hesitation: Cui Zhu killed his king!


The second child was killed.

The third boy followed, facing the butcher's knife, without frowning, raising a pen to write five words.

Cui Zhu kills him!


Kill him!

The third son was justified by generosity.

The fourth son is here.

Your three elder brothers were killed by me, are you obedient? Obedient high official Houlu, disobedient ... Will the plate knife noodles eat?

The fourth son bowed his head, still five words.

Cui Zhu kills him!

Cui Zhu was dumbfounded. The knife in his hand weighed so much that he couldn't swing it.

People are not afraid of death, why do they fear it!

At this time, a historian came from the south with a bamboo slip.

——I plan to take over the post after the fourth historian is killed.


Just for those five words!

Cui Zhu kills him!

Word is not easy!

This is the successor of the historians!

When future generations see this place, they can't help but be engulfed in blood, but when Han Qi and others see Tang Ren, they can't help brain pain.

Such a flattering person served as a cultivator, and Taishi Gong was afraid that he would crawl out of the coffin with anger and strangle him with his own hands.

However, Zhao Shu felt very good, and said: "You just returned to Bianliang, and you had a good rest for a few days."

This is a holiday trimming, Tang Ren thank you, and then retired.

After he went out, Han Qi said: "Guangnan West Road has been pretty good in the past two years, the tax has increased a lot, and the businessmen are willing to go over. The minister asked for a while, saying that there has been road construction and the road is clear. There are many people going. "

Zhao Shu nodded and said: "Shen An said that the road is like the bloodline of the Song Dynasty. The bloodline is not smooth, and naturally there are a lot of diseases. I deeply take it for granted."

Zeng Gongliang felt that Han Qi always reported good news and no worries, so he came out and said, "Your Majesty, there is a lot of deaths and injuries caused by Jiaozhi prisoners over Guangnan West Road, and there are not enough people to build roads."


Zhao Shu frowned: "Why are there fewer?"

The prisoners of war used to be a rarity for the Song Dynasty. But in a few battles with Jiaozhi, tens of thousands of Jiaozhi people were captured. These people are now building roads on Guangnan West Road and have made outstanding contributions to the prosperity of Song Dynasty.

These prisoners of war are important assets of Song Dynasty. Now you have told me that these assets have suffered serious losses.

Zhao Shu was angry.

Zeng Gongliang said: "There are many mountains and water over Guangnan West Road, and it is difficult to build roads. Most of these people died of injuries and illnesses."

Zhao Shu looked slightly stern, and said, "It's so good to treat those who are toe-toe."

The people in the Central Plains refused to go to the southwest. If they were forcibly sent to build roads there, they would rebel if they walked halfway.

So the Jiaozhi captive is good!

At this moment, Zhao Shu looked a little depressed in the southwest direction.

Li Rizun, why don't you have a large army to attack Song?

Not only did he think this way, but so did the Zaifu.

A few years ago, Jiaozhi was a big trouble for Song Dynasty. Mentioned that Jiaozhi had a headache. But now it has changed, Jiaozhi is like a piece of fat, which deeply attracted the eyes of the great Song Junchen.

Han Qi said regretfully: "If only tens of thousands of Jiaozhi were captured again, it would be nice."


Han Qi is still too impulsive!

These things can be imagined, but implied, but unclear, otherwise the name of the Song Dynasty etiquette state will disappear.

Zhao Shu frowned: "The Great Song founded the country with benevolence and righteousness, and should not rely on it."

"Yes! The Great Song is a state of benevolence and righteousness."

The group officials should be together, and after waiting to go out, Bao Zheng said: "Not easy!"


Han Qi was very dissatisfied and said: "At the beginning, there should be no truce with Jiaozhi.

Everyone nodded their heads, and they couldn't see what they just said.

The gentleman cannot enter the political affairs hall.

A gentleman holding an important position in a country is the beginning of the disaster in this country.


In the palace, Zhao Shu and Gao Taotao in good mood were drinking tea.

"Then Tang Ren was dissatisfied when I looked at it, so I didn't feel sorry for him going to Guangnan West Road, but I didn't expect this person to be capable and steadfast. Words are more dependent on their actions, otherwise they will be wronged by good officials. "

If Tang Ren knew that he had been vindicated here at Zhao Shu, he would jump excitedly.

Gao Taotao curiously said: "What did he do to make you so praiseful?"

"He appeased the natives of Guangnan West Road, and led them down the mountain to plant the land. It was no longer the trouble of Song Dynasty. This credit is not a small one!"

Zhao Shu was very comfortable, Gao Tao smiled: "Does Tang Renchen concubine remember Shen's person?"

"Yes." Zhao Shu praised: "Everyone is a party, but Shen An is just that few people. Tang Ren was not eye-catching in the Privy Council, but was recognized by Shen Anhui's eyes. Now Tang Ren can stand alone, showing that Shen An's ability to teach people is not small."

Gao Taotao smiled and said: "You said that officialdom is never a lonely road, and if anyone walks alone, there will be no bones to be eaten sooner or later, so it is not surprising to form a party."

"Yeah!" Zhao Shu snorted: "I used to feel that the courtiers were afraid to form a party, but then I thought, if the courtiers do not form a party, how do they do it? Everyone has selfishness, and if they have selfishness, they will form a party. If one's own selfish efforts require the officials to be of high moral character, it is to beg for fish. "

"How about those natives?" In Gao Tao's imagination, the natives should be fierce, more fierce than Zhaojun.

Feiyan and Zhaojun stood outside the door, Feiyan was napping, and there were some snores.

The horizontal flesh on Zhaojun's face shivered, then stretched his hand and twisted around Feiyan's waist.


"shut up!"

Feiyan had a severe pain in his waist, opened his eyes and wanted to scream, but remembered that the saint was beside the official's house.

"Why pinch me?"

Feiyan felt that her waist wall was bruised.

Zhaojun said coldly: "You can hear it outside the Imperial Palace, and want to die!"

Feiyan couldn't help but fear, and whispered: "Thank you, please come back and ask you to drink."

Zhao Shu is not a benevolent emperor, they are the people around Gao Taotao, so they got some tolerance.

Take a look at Chen Zhongheng, with a sleepy look, I wish I could use firewood to lift my eyelids, but I dare not close my eyes.

Feiyan sighed and whispered: "The official's house is good, but it's a bit sharper."

The sharp-cut Zhao Shu would relax only with his wife.

Gao Taotao massaged his head and said about the situation of several daughters.

"It's still early."

Zhao Shu closed his eyes and felt relaxed. He was very enjoyable and said: "Let's not marry early in our family, look more, and settle down after 20 years old."

Gao Taotao didn't want his daughters to marry early, and said with a smile: "The official family is wise."

"What a wise man." Zhao Shu said with a smile, Huang Da wanted to recognize himself as a father, Gao Tao smirked and bent down.

"Ouch! That man ... how old is that man?"

"It's still older than me."

Gao Taotao covered his stomach and stood up, "Is he hesitant? You can't recognize this, otherwise you will have endless troubles."

Zhao Shu nodded, "But I can't categorically rebuke rejection, this matter ..."

"Let Shen An go."

Gao Taotao said without hesitation: "He is the most able to coax people. After a few words, he wants to coax Huang Da into a loyal minister of the Song Dynasty."


So the order was given and Tang Ren, who had just come home to rest, was overjoyed.

Wife Chang's displeased said: "You will go home to take a bath, but you haven't eaten a healthy meal yet. How could you have sent the matter to you, is there no one in North Korea?"

The daughter nodded violently at the side, Tang Ren smiled and touched the top of her head, said: "What do you know? Chaozhong is not nobody, but those people ... You know, who was unwilling to be in the Privy Council, who was Let Weifu stand out? "

"It's Shen County, but ..." Chang Shi smiled bitterly: "He cultivated you, but he let you run from north to south, a few years ago in Fuzhou, and a few years to the southwest."

"Women's opinion!"

Tang Ren got up, "Wufu only knew about flattery, where did he know the truth about doing things? No one led the way! Shen Xiangong not only guided Weifu, but also arranged his career for him, otherwise there would be no note for today ’s repair Glory? "

"Repair note?"

Tang Ren went to take a bath as soon as he came home. He hadn't had time to talk about his new job, and he nodded when he heard it.

"That's doing things next to the official's house!" Chang's rejoicing: "Government, is this really you?"

"This is not for the husband?" Tang Ren said with a black line: "Bringing a lot of special products in the southwest to the husband ~ ~ You have packed up and sent it back to the Shen family."

Chang's asked: "Is there anyone else?"

In her cognition, official gifts are called a wide-spreading net, which is more beneficial.

"Weifu is a man of Shenxian County." Tang Ren frowned: "In this life, we have followed Shenxian Gongfu, how can we flatter others?"

Chang's nodded, watching the husband go out and couldn't help but smile to his daughter: "Auntie, your father is now an official."

Auntie smiled and said, "Mother, is dad still out?"

Chang Shi shook his head, "Your father is a Beijing official, and will stay in Bianliang in the future."

"it is good."

"However, I would like to thank Shen County Public for his kindness to our family. Auntie, let's go. Let's pack some good things and send it back to the Shen family."
