Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v1 Chapter 66: On the first day, there was an oolong

Shen An spent two happy days at home. On the third morning, she wore stars and wore stars and yawned to go to the dynasty.

There are stars in the sky, and Shen An is riding the horse he just bought, with Yao Lian in front of him, otherwise he would not dare to mount the horse.

A lot of sergeants from the inspection department went back and forth and stared at Shen An several times.

Shen An carried a lantern in his right hand, which said, ‘To be edicted’.

"So small to be blamed?"

The sergeant of the Inspector General was confused. Shen An went all the way, and when he was in front of the Imperial City, he saw all the lanterns in front of him.

Countless officials carried lanterns around the edge of the imperial city, which was spectacular.

This is the Chang Dynasty.

Before leaving the hospital, there were all small vendors. These vendors did not give preferential treatment even in the face of Zaifu. The screams of one after another made this morning warmer.

Shen An dismounted and searched all the way in front of the stall. In the end, because he was afraid that Yuqian would lose his way, that is, he wanted to pee around the emperor, he still asked for pot stickers.

After he ate the pot stickers, it just opened the door.

Shen An entered the palace with the flow, and reached the front of Wende Hall.

There are so many people here, Shen An even saw Zhao Yunliang and Zhao Yunrang.

The two kings stood together, seemingly intimate, but Zhao Yunrang's shoes clearly stepped on Zhao Yunliang's feet.

The old guy is so good!

Shen An admired Zhao Yunrang's sturdiness, and waited for a near step, only to find that Zhao Yunliang twisted Zhao Yunrang's waist fat with one hand.

A pair of old friends!

Shen An wanted to avoid this battlefield, but Zhao Yunliang found him, and then smiled.

He smiled naturally and relaxed. Zhao Yunrang thought he had his foot strength. When he was preparing to pursue the victory, he heard Zhao Yunliang smile and said: "Shen An ... Hahahaha! He came here, hahahaha!"

Zhao Yun let a bit startled, at first thought it was Zhao Yunliang's trick, but the officials around him gradually laughed, and he realized that it was not good.

Shen An stood there a little ignorant, thinking you guys would laugh at wool.

But the officials were laughing, and some even laughed back and forth, and they were overjoyed.

Shen An looked at the left and right with a look of embarrassment, but all she saw were smiling faces.

Zhao Yunrang's appearance was clearly about to be stunned, Shen An was puzzled. As he was preparing for the past, an internal servant hurried over and whispered: "Shen Yizhao, you are not used here in Chang Dynasty."


I actually got an oolong?

The inner servant laughed, but accidentally leaked, like a fart.

He covered his mouth and smiled, "You should go to the Hanging Arch Hall, Your Majesty has already begun."

Lying trough!

Shen An patted his head, turned and ran away.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter behind chased all the way, Shen An flew all the way from the left, passed through the upper palace gate, and reached the hanging arch hall.

In the vertical arch hall, Zaifu and other important ministers, including Bao Zheng, were present, and everyone played in order until an inner attendant came in and broke the atmosphere.

This inner attendant is smiling. This smile is frivolous and domineering in the eyes of the ministers.

Several Zaifu exchanged a color, and after some preparations, they investigated it, and then went to admonish the emperor and get rid of the inner attendant.

"Your Majesty, Shen Zhaozhao is here."


Zhao Zhen asked, "Why is he late?"

Late arrival and early departure has always been an aversion to every group, and even Bao Zheng couldn't speak for Shen An.

Neiwa suddenly lowered his head and smiled, and then felt that he had made a big mistake, he knelt down and asked for sin: "Your Majesty, the young is guilty."

Zhen Zhen frowned: "Talk."

Nei Shi shivered and said, "Your Majesty, Shen Biaozhao just ran to Wende Temple ..."


Han Qi smirked, and then went to work to guilt.

"Haha ..."

Fubi couldn't hold back either.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Zhen smiled for the third time, but he laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An entered the hall with this laughter, and then asked for sin.

Zhao Zhen's stomach hurt, he gasped: "You don't understand these, so you are innocent, just remember to ask first before you go next time!"

Then began to play, Shen An heard one by one, Bao Zheng finally played.

"Your Majesty, the price of rice grain in the city has risen a bit recently."

The people take food as the sky, which is a big problem.

"Why is this?"

Zhen Zhen was a little unhappy, and Wen Yanbo came out and said: "Your Majesty, the news that arrived yesterday, the grain ship going north from the south is blocked."

The Song Dynasty capital Bianliang City, a large number of people's army gathered here, the daily consumption of materials is an astronomical figure.

And the affluent south has become a place to provide materials.

At this time, Han Qi came to work and said: "Your Majesty, mention the Jiangdong prisoner Wang Anshi and send someone to Kuai Malai. The news has just arrived, saying that the two ships collided and sank.

Wang Anshi?

Shen An froze in a moment.

Wen Yanbo said coldly: "Did this news take the military route?"

Han Qi nodded and said: "This kind of big event is of course the fast horse in the army."

The atmosphere was a bit dull, and Shen An remembered the so-called civil and military imperviousness.

This was the method of a certain emperor in earlier years. Under this unspoken rule, the servants of the Zhengshitang and the Privy Council of the Privy Council basically had no possibility of communicating with the government privately, and everything was spoken by Yuqian.

Zhen Zhen regarded it as if he hadn't seen it. He relaxed and asked, "Since this is the case, what should Zhu Qing do about it?"

Wen Yanbo said: "Your Majesty, after a few days the grain ship arrives, the grain price will naturally fall, but there is no need to do anything at this moment."

Fubi felt that he should take the initiative: "Your Majesty ~ ~ Let's warn you, lest the people don't know the details and think they are going to be famine."

Zhen Zhen nodded recklessly and then asked Shen An and Xiao Qing: "What do you think?"

Shen An ’s heart is full of enlightenment: the emperor wanted to pass on their mouths to tell some of the situation in the central government to the two county palaces.

Even if he wanted to have a son, Zhao Zhen left the way.

Xiao Qing said: "Your Majesty, you think those businessmen probably want to make a fortune, Your Majesty should be blamed."

Needless to say what follows, everyone understands.

This is a way to build momentum for the emperor. It seems that Zhao Yunliang has set a strategy to win Zhao Zhen's heart and soul with all his heart.

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly, obviously in a good mood.

Xiao Qing glanced at Shen An, remembering Zhao Yunliang's displeasure last night, his heart was full of fighting spirit.

As long as the Prince of Huayuan County can seize the crown prince, his Xiao Qing is the first meritorious person.

This is the future that scholars dream of!

Shen's work is still honest, "Your Majesty, the minister feels that these businessmen are probably spoiled, so it's a lesson."


Wen Yanbo coughed, and his days have been getting worse recently, with more and more bullets.

At this time, he was not prepared to be silent. "Businessmen do business, officials manage politics, and people work in farms. This is the way to go."

Is telling Shen An: Business is in business. If this rule is broken, it will be messed up in the future.

Zhen Zhen nodded his head, and the Song Dynasty did not discriminate against businessmen, so the business was developed, and the annual business tax collected was considerable.

This cornucopia cannot be destroyed.