Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v1 Chapter 664: Bao Zheng digs pits to bury people

This fight was short, but it was tragic.

In the past, everyone was thinking about what it was like to fight in battle, but today I saw them.

Bao Zheng turned back and said: "The people of the Song Dynasty are about to face the threat of the Xixia people. If you are still lamenting for them, why don't you go to Li Liangzuo and want to come to a high-ranking official to do both fame and fortune? ,go down in history."

Zhang Yuan is a Han Chinese. When he surrendered to Li Yuanhao at that time, Han Qi, the battle of the Mizuskawa, was defeated in his hands, and he was considered a big traitor. As for what is known as a history, it is impossible to be sure.

The more than ten people blushed embarrassingly, and the poetry that had just been born was in vain.

A gust of wind blew the **** smell from Shen An's body everywhere.


"Smelly smelly!"

Several civil servants swallowed their throats and retched a few times.

They recalled Shen An's arbitrariness in beheading the Xixia people, and couldn't help but be horrified.

Is this Shen An known as alien?

Civilian leaders are more common, but no one who personally went to battle to kill the enemy. Even at the last minute, those civil servants are still thinking about how to control the martial arts and use their intelligence to command them to win.

Someone couldn't help but ask, "Wait, let's fight to kill the enemy ... are you afraid?"

Everyone likes the killing of Jin Ge Iron Horse, but this is very dangerous, so everyone should sing poetry, throw these pride in it, Liufang eternally.

Shen An said: "Afraid is sure to be afraid, but when you see the interracial raging Song, you can't stay out of the matter."

There is no shortage of smart people in Song Dynasty. They know that the crisis in Song Dynasty will burst out sooner or later. When the time comes, everyone will be buried.

Under such a crisis, they chose to pretend to be stupid.

It is enough that the crisis will not erupt in my lifetime. As for the children ... I will see nothing after the death, and see nothing for nothing.

Everyone nodded, and felt that Shen An was not a stranger, but also a civilian who would be afraid.

"But Moumou's temperament is weird and he will spoil children ..."

While cleaning the battlefield over there, Shen An took the opportunity to be free, so he taught these people who are still in the hope of long-term peace: "When someone is worried that he will die, the child will face the abuse of the enemy in the north. Even if he lives, he will become a slave, From then on in the darkness ... "

Decades later, Bianliang fell and countless Han people became slaves. In more than a hundred years, Shen Shen Lu Shen, the Han people became inferior.

"That one will die."

Shen An nodded, Bao Zheng said: "Go, go into the city."

Shen An gently supported him with one hand, and a group of people entered the city.

The officials stood outside the city, and some people said, "Is the Liao people to be blamed for the murder of the enemy in the north?"

"No, Song and Liao have been peaceful for many years. How come there will be another killing?"

Some people retorted: "This was also the case before the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. When did the aliens covet the Central Plains? Our Han people are hardworking and can always create a lot of wealth. They look at the greedy and panic, they will snatch, kill, where Not once? "

Isn't everyone thinking this way? From the Qin and Han Dynasties, every time Zhongyuan Bandang could see the figure of aliens. Can't help but stunned.

"Liao people are fierce, and Xixia is fierce, too. What about Song Song?"

Da Song couldn't beat Liao or Xixia, so everyone was very frustrated.

"Xia Xia is fierce, but they just lost."

A civil servant had a look in his eyes and said, "Everyone used to say that the martial arts were incompetent, but why did he wait for them to defeat the Xixia people?"


"I'm still a civil servant."

"Han Xiang ..."

An official lowered his voice and said, "Han is quite young ..."

Old Han was defeated!

"Has Han Xiang been in battle?"

Everyone remembered the previous fight, and couldn't help but be fascinated.

"Shen An led the army to fight, and he rushed into the battle first. Is this the way for civilians to lead the army?"


A civil servant dreamed: "You can kill enemies even if you are suspicious. Why can't I wait? As long as civil servants can kill enemies, what are we afraid of? Think of the Han and Tang dynasties. Swords are facing each other. Out of the country, they can lead the army to kill the enemy ... "

The civil servants paced more and more anxiously, and their expressions were excited: "If the literati and civil servants of the Song Dynasty are all like this, are you, terrible Liao people? Horrible Xixia people?"

Everyone thinks about that scene, and they can't help but get crazy.

"Everyone walks with swords and raises their chests. When they hear the battle and are happy, they ride out of the gate to find their merits ... Knighthood with military merits is what the boys do."

"If this is the case, the aliens might be trembling!"

A sergeant was on the sidelines. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but say: "If this is the case, there is still hope for this great song."

An excitement was inexplicably stirred outside the city.


Bao Zheng met local officials at the station, followed by a briefing.

When Shen An went to take a shower, Huang Chun acted as an narrator: "Bao Xiang, more than three hundred people have been riding around, and then there must be a lot of enemy riding."

Bao Zheng looked at the map and asked, "Why are they here?"

Huang Chun said: "They went deep into Fengxiang Mansion. One was to investigate the military power of the Song Dynasty. The other was to see if they had defenses. If they had no defenses, the Xixia people would dare to attack."

Bao Zheng nodded: "The last time Li Liangzuo raided Qinzhou, fortunately ... who?"

There is no room for Su Shi to speak in this place, so he pretends to be a little transparent at the back, and when he heard the words, he tipped his hands and said: "Bao Xiang, Xia Guan Su Shi."

Brother, I'm here!

Bao Zheng looked up at him and said, "The old man knows it's you."

Su Shi grieves, and the sorrowful heel falls to the ground.

"The old man doesn't know much about things in the army, but the old man knows that Li Liangzuo will do his best every time he strikes, because he needs to win, so ..."

Bao Zheng said: "Full-time guard. In addition, the official family has made a decree to reinvigorate Zhe Jizu and the Chongye cavalry. If Li Liangzuo comes, he will be disgraced, otherwise the old man will return to Beijing. Before that, the old man will let you wait for the faceless to become an official, so they all cheer up. "

The old man will make you lose his official position before the bad luck!

Lao Bao's warning was shameless, but it was very useful.

Shen An came out of the bath, and Bao Zheng asked, "Why did you want to come and take the enemy troops before?"

Everyone also puzzled.

Shen An said: "The battle between the Song Dynasty and the aliens has happened from time to time, but how many people in the civil service have seen the battle battle? Who has seen the strength of the Xixia people? . Otherwise they will not be able to get here. "

With strong self-confidence in these words, if before this battle, these people would definitely say Shen An bragging, but now they are admired.

Bao Zheng glanced at everyone and asked, "What do you think?"

Before the war, a unified understanding is needed, and Lao Bao's question is very timely.

Wu Kang said: "Bao Xiang, Xiaguan thinks that Xixia people are fierce, but it is not invincible. As long as the command is proper and the soldiers use their lives, Xiaguan guarantees that this battle will win."

This remark is too high, without nutrition, the **** directly ignored.

Jiang Pei said: "Together with the war, supply is the top priority. The cadres will do their utmost and Shaanxi Road will do their utmost."

This statement is very powerful, Bao Zheng praised: "Well, the old man will tell his majesty one by one."

He suddenly asked Shen An: "How does it feel to kill?"

This problem was a headache, and Shen An subconsciously said: "The first palpitations and vomiting will be uncomfortable for a while afterwards. But the second time is much better. By the third time, I hardly notice the discomfort."

Bao Zheng got up and said: "In this case, the old man looks for opportunities to see if he can kill the enemy."

Everyone was a little flustered, Jiang Peidui smiled and said: "Bao Xiang, it's all done if you go to the next official, you ... you can just command in the back."

Bao Zheng is more than sixty, and he went to battle to kill the enemy ... This is mostly to give away the head.

Bao Zheng looked at him seriously and said, "This is what you said, the old man remembered it."

Jiang Pei stayed in place, Bao Zheng said: "The old man is tired, Shen An, help the old man deliver guests."

Bao Zheng, who is in his sixties, followed the army and was able to persevere here.

Shen An smiled and sent Jiang Pei and others to the gate, and Jiang Pei smiled bitterly: "Everyone said that you are a stranger to kill enemies as a civil servant, but the old man did not think so. Whenever there is an opportunity, the old man will also learn from the past, and finally let Changjian see the blood. "

Shen An laughed: "It will definitely make the festival happy."

Jiang Pei shook his head and said: "The old man said that he could not do anything without the power of a chicken, but he was prepared to kill the first time, Bao Xiang's move was for you, old man ... The old man had a difficult career, but no one supported, Shen Waiting, the bag is so envious of you! "

Shen An nodded and said: "Yes, there are a number of Xiaguan."

His use of civil servants to engage in military affairs attracted a lot of discussion from the outside world. Civil servants and civilians regarded him as alien, which is not a good thing in the long run.

Bao Zheng caught Jiang Pei with words, and if there is a follow-up opportunity, Jiang Pei must hold the sword. Of course, just make a look. But it will cause a lot of discussion afterwards.

From Zeng Gongliang's killing the enemy to Jiang Pei in battle, who dares to say that the civilian killing the enemy is alien?

Bao Zheng's good intentions, even Jiang Pei can see.

In the following two days, scouts were dispatched intensively.

Wearing the Shaanxi Lu Wenwu officials, Jiang is constantly coordinating the materials and personnel, and there are many people everywhere in Fengxiang. The sound of daily practice makes it difficult to sleep.

Shen An went to see several drills, and when he came back, Bao Zheng asked him how his local sergeant was. Shen An answered well, at least he looked more wild than the footsteps in the capital.

Song Jun gradually recovered his energy, and when Shen An just wanted to come to Jianyan for several joint exercises, he scouted for the news.

"Found the enemy."

The scout's face was full of panic, Bao Zheng asked, "How many people?"

The scout sucked his nose and said with a cry: "Forty or fifty thousand."

Wu Kang said in a deep voice: "Bao Xiang, Li Liangzuo is here."

Bao Zheng nodded, and when he was sad, he asked, "What are you crying for?"

The scout choked: "After discovering the enemy, in order to know the number of the enemy, I waited for an adventure to get close, and then was chased down. The villain's brother ... was killed."

Bao Zheng's body stiffened, and a civil servant was on the side shouted: "What do you do in front of Bao Xiang? Go out!"

As soon as the scout trembles ~ ~, he is ready to ask for guilt, but Bao Zheng walks over and stands in front of him, and solemnly says: "Your brother is a warrior, his credit ... The old man will report it . "

The scout was shaking with excitement, and said with tears: "The villain's brother will certainly rejoice in the spirit of heaven."

The warriors need encouragement and affirmation so that they will not be afraid of death.

Bao Zheng patted his shoulder and said, "This person can't fight anymore, but he must remember the merits."

Scout hurriedly said: "Bao Xiang, the villain can still play!"

Shen An said: "Bao Xiang is to pity your brother's battle and want to leave roots for your family."

The scout didn't expect that Zaifu, who was above him, was so thoughtful and could not help crying on his knees.

"Thank you Bao Xiang."


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