Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v1 Chapter 665: Great head, you can take it away

"Judge Su, good words! Peerless good words!"

"As soon as this word comes out, how many people should feel ashamed!"

"Sometimes I can't write words this year. It's too difficult, too difficult!"


Su Shi was drinking, and the wine flowed down the short beard to add refreshment. He swallowed up his head, and no one was around.


He smashed the glass and said, "My readers should not only be proficient in poetry, but also kill people!"

He wore a long sword today. At the moment, according to the hilt, he stared at him and said: "Li Liangzuo is coming. Someone is going to follow. If he does not kill the enemy this time, he will not come back!"

Huo Ran got up and strode outside.

The people present looked at each other, and someone said, "This ... Judge Su has drunk too much?"

A little man covered his mouth with his hands and whispered: "Mostly yes, you see that he is not stable in walking."

Su Shi walked to the door of the wine shop and stopped, only to feel that a burst of blood was rushing, he couldn't help but screamed.


The howling was very powerful and noisy.

Shen An looked down upon him on his horseback and even saw his tonsils.

"Just ate the fish?"

"Cough cough cough ..."

Su Shi, who was screaming, was startled and then coughed.

"Cough ... the fishbone is stuck!"

He struggled to cough a few more times, and a fishbone was coughed out.

Shen An frowned: "Don't cry and howl on the street, be careful to bring in the real wolf."

Su Shi said angrily: "Some howling is clear, those women are full of praise ..."

Shen An pointed at both ends of the street, and Su Shi looked at it, and saw the pedestrians looking at themselves, his eyes surprised.

It's like ... watching a lunatic.

A child was held by her mother. When she saw Su Shi looking at herself, she hugged her mother's neck and cried, "Mother! Mother! Fear ..."

Her mother frowned at Su Shi and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm a lunatic."

"Fear of lunatics!"

"Then let's go, far away from the lunatic."

"Okay, mother, hurry up."

Su Shi sorted out the clothes, and then said righteously: "The woman's opinion is not worth mentioning."

Shen An pointed to his chin and said, "It's all soup."

Su Shi paid the most attention to appearance, and rushed into the wine shop after hearing the words, shouting: "Water, bring water!"

Later, he came out smooth and gloomy, and raised his head and said: "Are Anbe looking for a plan?"


Shen An didn't know where the confidence came from, but he felt that he could point the finger at war.

"It's about to leave, are you going to be here, or ..."

"Some follow you, wherever you go!"

Su Shi grabbed Shen An and said, "If you don't want to, don't think of someone writing for you in the future. Even if you force someone to write, someone will write indiscriminately, making you jump like a thunder!"

Shen An likes to collect Su Shi's words. At first, Su Shi didn't feel anything. After thinking about it, she felt that Shen An liked her own words. Besides, she also learned to threaten.


Shen An was just a word, and Su Shi immediately changed his face: "The word is easy to say."

Fine wine and writing ... Of course, fine wine is more important.

Shen An hooked his shoulder and smiled: "Go, you always say that there is a lot less majesty in the poems. This time I will take you to see what is the real battle."

Su Shi rejoiced in his heart, but he refused to convince him: "Last time I have seen it, and I still have one hand, is it not a battle?"

"It's a long way off, follow a certain one, you will know what a battle is!"

Shen An took him to Bao Zheng's station. After entering, he saw that there were a few more sergeants in the guard, and his eyes were fixed on the people entering and leaving.

Bao Zheng was discussing things with people, and when he saw him and Su Shi came in and said, "Are there any news?"

He has been waiting for news for the past few days, and he has trouble sleeping at night.

Seeing that there were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Shen An said: "When the news arrived, Li Liangzuo has arrived, and the rider is approaching Jingyuan."

Bao Zheng sat on a chair and looked sideways outdoors. He didn't need to look at the map anymore, he rubbed his brow and said, "This is to rob?"

"Yes, because if you want to attack the city, it's better to attack directly. But if our army's defense is not strict, the looting will become a decisive battle. And ... you know, the people are afraid that they will be unlucky, so ..."

Shen An's expression was somewhat solemn, Bao Zheng looked slowly, Shen Sheng asked: "There are many people around Jingyuan Erzhou, and after the war, they will be looted. What do you want to do?"

Shen An slowly looked at the people in the room and said, "Some want ... a decisive battle!"

Jiang Pei and others were puzzled, Shen An said: "Li Liangzuo refuses to attack the Jiancheng. He will provoke us by robbing the surroundings, can't save? Looking at the people being taken away, the money and food they have accumulated over the life Take away ... shall we watch, or will we go out to the rescue? "

Li Liangzuo hoped that Song Jun would go out to the rescue to form a favorable situation in the field. And field warfare ... For Xixia people, field warfare is an opportunity.

Jiang Pei lowered his head and his voice went down. "People outside the city will naturally try their best to withdraw to the city, but you know, after all, there can't be so many people ..."

"In the past, Xixia people would have harvested every time they came ..."

Wu Kang said that he blushed a bit, which made Shen An think he was saved.

"To be blamed, there are many cavalry of Xixia people."

This is Da Song's dead spot!

Shen An said: "There are horse breeding grounds. On the Hetao side, we have cavalry right now, but are the people on one side and the Xixia people on the other, dare you?"

In the hands of the Xixia people in the Hetao region, the Song Dynasty can only hope Mei to quench thirst.

Instead of looking at Bao Zheng, he looked at Wu Kang: "Someone wants to fight the enemy ... in the wild!"

The room was quiet.

For a long time, Wu Kang said with difficulty: "In the past, the Xixia people came, and our army could not close the door. They looted and left naturally, but someone felt suffocated and felt ... sad. The people of Song pulled down to the city and abused them, listening to the crying and howling ... "

He lowered his head and could hear the sound of sniffing.

Jiang Pei sighed: "The enemy is strong but the weak, why?"

In Xixia, the defeat of the Song Dynasty and the victory of the Song Dynasty led everyone to lose confidence.

Shen An looked at Bao Zheng, "Has the Shuichuan River passed away for many years, has the Song Dynasty always wanted to avoid war? Bao Xiang, please here please, if you can't win, please behead!"

Bao Zheng slapped the case on the table and got up and shouted, "Even if you want to behead, you're going to be an old man!"

Jiang Pei slowly got up and said lightly: "There is something else! Good head, you can take it away."

Wu Kang has never seen such a tough official, so he could not help but get up, "If it is defeated, Xiaguan is willing to die on the way to the battle!"

The blood was boiling like this, and Bao Zheng was inevitable.

He attacked at once, kicked over the case and shouted, "Get up!"

Someone immediately went out and shouted: "Xiang Gong has orders, start soldiers!"

"Start soldiers!"

The voice continued to spread, and when it reached the army camp, it finally aroused cheers.

"Get up! Get up!"

Bao Zheng stretched out his hand and took the long sword and wore it around his waist, and led him out.

"Get up! Get up!"

When cheers came, he said to Shen An: "I heard that morale was low, why are you so happy now?"

Shen An didn't speak, Wu Kang said: "Bao Xiang, last time Fuzhou defeated the Xixia people, he was there, and later he also defeated the Jiaozhi people ... He, the soldiers felt the bottom of their hearts. "

Bao Zheng looked at Shen An and said in a deep voice, "Since this is the case, you have to work hard, don't take it lightly."


Shen An knew that this was his chance to become a real star, so he was very determined: "This battle, our army will win!"


Three days later, when seeing a team of Xixia rides ahead, Shen An put down his telescope and said to Bao Zheng around him: "Bao Xiang, the enemy rides patrol, the army should be behind."

Bao Zheng also saw it, and he asked, "The old man does not understand the battle front, but he can kill the enemy. You have to come up with suggestions and the old man will consider each one."

This attitude is really too friendly, the generals are all eager to try, and want to take the opportunity to come forward.

Unlike Han Qi and others' "cowhide", Bao Zheng spared no effort, but he did not pretend to be an expert in things he didn't understand. This is a good start.

Wu Kangce said immediately: "Bao Xiang, the enemy army is approaching and not retreating. It can be seen that there is fear and fear. Xiaguan feels that Li Liangzuo is not far behind."

Bao Zheng nodded and looked at the others.

Jiang Pei wanted to speak, but found nothing to say and had to smile bitterly.

Even Bao Zheng said that if he didn't understand the battle front, he wouldn't blend in. Do you know Jiang Pei? Shut up if you don't understand.

"Shen An!"


Shen An was observing the enemy army ride, "Xixia's days can live, but they don't live well."

Some people puzzled: "Does their life have anything to do with this war?"

Shen An shook his head and said: "It does matter. Their days are not easy, they can't delay the battle. Think about it, if they are piles of grass and grass, then Li Liangzuo can use the advantage of cavalry to fight with us. When the time goes on, we will definitely Tired of running. "

The man said flatly; "Yes's vision is narrow."

Shen Anxin thinks that brother has the vision for a thousand years, and can naturally crush you. "War is never just fighting. War connects the court and the people. The three are closely related. For the general, you must have a far-sighted vision and insight into these three. Only in this way can the relationship between the two continue to improve. "

The general of Song Dynasty probably spent too long as a quail, so after hearing this remark, some people praised it: "It's very much to be criticized."

Bao Zheng also said with a smile: "The battle array cost a lot of money and money. During the Han and Wu Dynasties, the former Han defeated the Huns, but the economy that was finally dragged on was withered. If you understand this principle for the monarch and the general, you will naturally not be poor. "

Lao Bao still thinks that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has some poor soldiers, but Shen An does not.

"The enemy is coming!"

The scout is back, bringing disturbing news.

"Bao Xiang, our army travels long distances, and the soldiers are tired ... Is the advanced city resting?"

Jiang Pei hoped that the decisive battle would take place when the Song Dynasty was waiting for work, so he proposed advanced city defense.

Bao Zheng said with a cry, "Can it affect morale?"

He did not know how to fight, but he knew what was most important to the army.

Morale, this is the most important thing in the army.

"definitely will."

Shen An began to observe the distance. At this time, the scout came to ask for instructions: "Bao Xiang, villain, please check the enemy's situation before being ordered out."

Bao Zheng nodded, scouts shouted, and rushed out.

Then came a chase battle.

Song Jun's scouts were driven and intercepted by Xixia Rangers, and fierce fighting broke out from time to time on both sides.

Several Song Jun scouts were hacked to death by a knife ~ ~ The rest of them did not retreat, but penetrated into the depth.

In the arrows flying, they rushed past bravely, and the trail was broken.

Bao Zheng said slowly: "Are they ... are you afraid?"

The brave scout subverted Bao Zheng's view of the martial arts, and he was a little worried about the warriors.

Shen An said: "Before the war between the two sides, covering the battlefield is the first priority, and the task of the scout is to break through the cover, check the enemy's accurate situation, and pass it back if they are out of their lives ... they have no choice! "

Shen An's words made Bao Zheng's eyes red. This was the tragedy and sacrifice he had never experienced.

"Old man ... is this a fight?"


Shen An said: "Bao Xiang, Xiaguan asked to meet them."