Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v2 Chapter 1361: King

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Before going out, Yang Zhuoxue said that Zhuang honestly looked at the house and Guoguo was in charge.

She went to her mother's house and returned at most half a day. After a while, there will be no problem with the Shen family, so this is what I said casually.

But I didn't expect things to really come.

When things come, come on, Zhuang honestly feels that he can also stabilize for the time being.

Can't bear Guoguo really want to be a Lord!

As a result, her decision was to smash the Chen Fu'er family.

Lei Xiang couldn't help but look at Zhuang honest, thinking what little trick is this little lady?

According to his presupposition, he should first stabilize the emotions of the female workers in the workshop, and then come to the door to inquire.

Smashed their home!

Is this fierce?

Zhuang honesty is also very tangled, but it is necessary to maintain the authority of Guoguo, so he said seriously: "Did you hear what the little lady said? Yao Lian hurriedly to gather people."

Yao Lian stunned, "There is no man at home."

Zhuang honestly stomped, "Meng Shanjun didn't leave dozens of people on Zhuang as a square! Hurry and call."


Yao Lian hit the horse out of the city to call people, and Zhuang honestly walked to the screen and smiled: "Little girl, then this little man has gone?"

Of course, he has to preside over this matter, otherwise the villagers are all thieves, and they do n’t have any importance. If they are killed, Lang Jun is not at home, which will be troublesome.

Behind the screen, Guoguo sat there, lying with flowers at his feet. She thought about it and remembered that her elder brother said, don't be afraid when something happens, just hit it.

Yes, my brother started from Bianliang City.

Now my brother is not at home, what should I do?

She frowned, the flowers at her feet stood up, stretched out, and looked at the extra fierce.

"I'm going!"

Zhuang honestly persuaded a few words, but Guoguo was very serious about preparing to preside over the work.

Later, when Mangshan Army entered the city and assembled outside the Shen family gate, he saw a young girl in the middle of her eyebrows.

The carriage is ready, catch the car on Tuesday, Yao Chain guard, Zhuang honestly follow the car ...

Guoguo stood outside the door, followed by Zhao Wuwu.

The Shen family was considered to be out of the nest.

Guoguo stepped down the stairs, and the neighborhood looked at this door.

No way, the movement is too great!

Dozens of village soldiers were blocked at the door of Shen family, all of them were in a sturdy breath.

Seeing Guoguo coming out, the village soldiers bowed their hands to salute, "Have seen the little lady!"

Zhuang honestly gave Guo Guo a worried look, worried that she would be shocked.

Guoguo glanced at them and said, "Follow them all."


Guoguo got in the car and gave a light drink on Tuesday. The carriage slowly drove out of Yulin Lane.

"Guoguo, what are you doing?"

The neighborhood is a little curious.

A carriage, accompanied by dozens of tough men, such a lineup is rare in Tokyo City.

The news spread quickly.

When Guoguo reached the gate of Chen Fu'er's house, it was still quiet.

The people who were blown by the autumn wind were very cool, but they killed more.

Zhuang honestly asked across the car curtain: "Little girl, she's at the Chen's house ... but she's going to get in."

Guoguo thought sadly in the car.

It is pitiful to see that she is underage!

"His house makes no sense."

Guoguo justified the truth.

My brother often said that we should serve people with virtue.

Well, it makes sense to convince people by virtue.

Guoguo thinks so.


Guoguo waved his fist and deflated his mouth.

Zhuang honestly shouted in his throat: "Little girl has orders, smash!"

The two village soldiers rushed over and ran into the gate in turns with their shoulders.


The door was knocked open, and the Chen family inside came to sniff.

"What do you do?"

Only one time to ask, this man was overwhelmed by the soldiers.

Then the inside began to smash.

Guoguo lifted the corner of the car curtain, glanced inside, and then put down the curtain.

Knowing that she probably couldn't bear it, Zhao Wuwu said: "Little lady, slave has seen many people in the palace before. This person, Lang Jun once said, the Shen family does not bully people, but it cannot be bullied. Someone moved our house and desperately made him pay the price. This is the price today. "

Guoguo nodded.


"A thief has entered the house!"

"Where are the inspectors?"


There was a lot of trouble inside, and the neighborhood was alarmed.

They came out and wanted to see, and they saw the carriage and Zhuang honestly.

Zhuang honestly raised his head and said: "Shen's business."

"Which Shen family?" Asked the neighborhood.

Zhuang honestly asked: "How many Shen families are there in Bianliang?"

The man narrowed his neck, "Shen An's home?"

Zhuang honestly nodded lightly. At the entrance, a team of sergeants from the inspectorate is trotting.

On the left side of the alley, several men stood there, and one of the young men turned around and said, "It's okay today, you can go by yourself."

The sergeant headed shouted: "Who are you waiting for?"

The young man smiled, and another man beside him said, "Some Su Shi."

Another man said coldly: "A certain Wang Jiao."

The young man turned slowly, and a sergeant suddenly exclaimed: "It's the king!"

The young man smiled and then looked at the Chen family.

Several sergeants looked at each other, and finally someone said, "Where is the king, we can't afford it."

Another said: "If it doesn't matter, I'm afraid of being impeached by Yu Shi. When the king is fine, we're out of luck."

"Fool, then Su Shi is Yu Shi."

"I don't know who smashed it in here, but it even attracted the king to turn the wind ..."

"Don't use the term" chaotic "to disgrace yourself."

It's inappropriate to put the wind in the jargon of the thief!

A group of sergeants walked in dismay.

Su Shi sighed: "Guo Guo has done a little poorly on this matter. She should directly report the news and let us do it ... how good it is."

Wang Xu frowned and looked at him, feeling that he was really tired with these stupid guys all day long, and it was really tiring. Brother Anbei ca n’t go out yet? He ’s worried about being bullied at home, what else do he do? ”

Su Shi said dissatisfiedly: "Let's do the same with our hands!"

"This is a business battle. What are we going to do?" Wang Jiao, who changes himself, will never say so much, and will only give him a cold look.

Zhao Xu explained: "The business battle is always there. It's okay to ask someone to help, but you can't call someone all the time? So don't call yourself if you can do it yourself. But the behavior fits together, it really is a genius! "

Wang Jiao looked at him coldly, feeling that this person was a little shameless, but think about him as praising Guoguo, that's all.

The beating of the Chen family continued.

"Is there no law?"

Chen Fu'er's wife watched the village soldiers smashing and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Come here!"

The servants lying on the ground in the front yard all stopped being beaten down.


The village soldiers just smashed it, and no one would resist if they did not resist.

"I'm going to sue the royal!"


Several village soldiers dropped their hands and stared at her.

A blow of murder covered Chen Fu'er's wife. She felt that her abdomen was a little swollen, and she stepped back a few steps, shouting her legs and shouting, "What are you doing? Come here ...

On the other side, several township soldiers happily removed several pillars, and then the hall collapsed.


They ran out disgraced, turned around and looked at their masterpieces, and couldn't help laughing.

Shouldn't the little lady be relieved now?


The village soldiers walked away, and the Chen family looked up and down at this mess and could not help crying.

"Call the officials back!"

When Chen Fuer was called back, he couldn't help but be furious and said, "You don't have to watch it, it must have been from the Shen family, so go and complain!"

He angrily went to Kaifeng to report the case, and then he was taken in smoothly.

"What's the matter?"

The inquiring push officer Yang Jian looked listless.

Sleepy in spring and tired in autumn, sleep at the moment is the best.

Chen Fu'er said: "Just before, Shen Guoguo of the Shen family smashed the villain's house, and now the Chen family is in disarray and even the main hall has been smashed."

Yang Jian's eyelids jumped, thinking that the main hall was smashed? This is ruthless!

"This is bold, come here."

"The villain is here."

Several bureaucrats recently heard orders, and Yang Jian said angrily: "Is it lawless and lawless? Is the Shen family terrible? This is the Song Dynasty. This is the Bianliang. Even if the emperor's relatives broke the law, there was no place for him to enter Kaifeng! Go, go to Shen's to get people! "

Several bureaucrats looked at each other, and Yang Jian smashed things down when he saw it, but it was a Yantai ~ ~ Yantai smashed and debris flew.

"Having brought people in half an hour, otherwise heavy responsibility!"

After a few bureaucratic farts passed away, Yang Jian took a deep breath and said aloud: "My generation is an official, not a ruler for the people, that is a mediocre officer!"

The following Chen Fu'er was moved to tears and said: "The Shen family has been in Bianliang for many years and has been uncontrollable. Today, Yang Tuiguan shot, and the people of Bianliang will be happy and inspiring.

Yang Jian looked outside and smiled slightly.

A little official came in from the outside and asked, "Dare to ask Yang Tuiguan, but is anyone saying bad things about the Shen family?"

This man is the person around Yang Zuo, the prefect, and Yang Jian didn't dare to neglect. He said: "Here is the victim, and the family has been smashed by Shen Guoguo."

The young man glanced at Chen Fu'er and said, "Just-billed monkey gills are not good people at first sight."

Chen Fu'er touched his fat face, thinking this was what he said? Outsiders say that a fat man with big ears is a blessed person at first sight.

Yang Jian's eyes were cold, and he said: "There is a culprit in this matter, and the person who verified it also went. Someone called someone to the Shen's house and asked them to ask someone for questions ..."

"Dare to ask Yang Tuiguan, who is it?" The little official seemed to be polite, but his eyes were anxious.

Yang Jian ... This Kaifeng government official with the same name as the emperor of the Sui Dynasty said lightly: "Of course it is Shen Guoguo."

The official immediately froze his face, "The governor has orders, there are other disadvantages in this matter, the Chen family is wrong first, and this is the matter."


Chen Fu'er couldn't help but get angry, but he didn't dare to get angry.

Yang Jian got up, put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and asked, "People have already gone."

The young man is a member of the governor Yang Zuo, and he will follow him in the future, so he is not afraid of Yang Jian. He said stiffly: "The governor has orders, this matter is over! How can ... Yang push officer this is to disobey?"