Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

v2 Chapter 1459: 6 word yangwei

Wang Ding'er stood outside, raised his head slightly, and talked.

"Feng Shi said that if the official's family continued like this, Emperor Sui Yang Emperor's second was in front of him. The slave heard that Sui Yang Emperor was extravagant. Did Emperor Sui Yang build Luoyang, the capital of the east, is it really wrong? "

Wang Shuo said loudly in the room: "This is the intention of controlling the east side of Great Sui!"

There is nothing wrong with Yang Guangxiu and Luoyang. Later, the Li family often took a huge group of people to eat in Luoyang. Why didn't anyone speak at that time?

Because the population in Guanzhong is swelled and over-developed, food is not enough. Once some disasters occur, Changan City will starve to death. That's why there was such a joke about eating Tianzi.

But if it is the canal and those projects built by Wuqian Sui, let alone the Li family eat Luoyang, Guan Zhong does not know how many people are going to starve to death.

"Is it true that Emperor Sui Yang built the canal?"

Wang Dinger said calmly: "To date, Song Dynasty still relies on the canal to communicate north and south."

"Whether Emperor Sui Yang fainted or not, dare to ask Feng Shi to tell, who should the emperor's words and deeds listen to?"

Wang Shuo couldn't help but hear this.

"Some people think that the emperor's words and deeds should be listened to by his courtiers, then the emperor seems to be honorable, but in fact it is controlled by the courtiers ..."


Wang Xu rushed out with sweat.

Wang Ding'er blessed himself, "Dad, daughter knows wrong."

Feng Zhang inside seemed to be basking in the sun at the moment, and the sweat never stopped.

He suddenly arched his hands and smiled strongly: "Xiaguan ... Xiaguan ..."

Wang Shuo snorted, "The old man is tired."

Someone immediately laughed: "Please, please."

Several attendants looked at each other and then retreated.

After coming out, he saw Wang Xu's father and daughter standing on the sidelines, and everyone looked at Wang Ding'er.

The girl stood there, looking upright, slightly bowing her head, still having an unyielding breath.

Wang Xu took a step forward and stopped in front of his daughter, arching his hand: "Thank you all."

This is a courtesy, but his eyes toward Feng Zhang are full of hate.

Feng Zhang's words made his father vomit blood, and the two of them were naturally deadly enemies.

Let's never die!

He had originally thought about impeaching Feng Zhang, even if there was no chance of winning.

This is a madness.

But her daughter's sudden words made a wonderful change in this matter.

Take a look at Feng Zhang, all these walks are fluttering, and my heart is bound to panic.

After they left, Wang Xu turned to look at his daughter.

"Let Ding'er come in."

Before the father and daughter had time to communicate, Wang Shuo shouted and listened to his spirit.

This is good news!

The children and grandchildren are all happy.

But the grandchildren can only enter Wang Ding'er alone.

Wang Shuo had already sat up and had just drank a cup of hot tea.

He looked at his granddaughter and suddenly laughed, "The old man is old."

"Daddy ..."

A few sons wanted to persuade, Wang Shuo waved his hand, "Feng Zhang wanted to enter the admonishment official's house, the reason is absurd, but it can win a lot of applause, you know why?"

Wang Xu thought for a while, "All officials and gentry want to restrict the emperor."

The so-called rule of the world with the bureaucrats is not a false statement. If the emperor does not allow us, we will take back our rights.

This is the situation in the political arena of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Xu went to Daming Mansion, and many people persuaded to no avail.

Zhao Hao was released to go to Mangshan Academy, which was used as a medicine for opponents of the New Deal.

There are many ...

This official family is not our intimate person!

This is the voice of many officials and gentry.

Therefore, such an official family must control and control him.

At this time, Feng Zhangjin advised that the timing was very clever. Zhao Shu would be so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but it was not easy to deal with him, otherwise it would easily lead to a rebound.

The former Tang Dynasty was a powerful family power, which prevented those emperors from being free.

For example, Emperor Taizong.

What kind of admonishment is like ......... Being an emperor, no one wants to hear you beep every day.

This is just a gesture.

——I will listen to your words. Everyone has a negotiated governance of Datang, and your interests will also be guaranteed.

So everyone is related.

By the time of this dynasty, the influence of the family's gatekeepers had gradually faded over the long years, but it ushered in a huge group.

-Officials of the Imperial Examination!

The reason for the imperial examination was at least half to check and balance the family gate.

Later, this approach was successful, but it brought another drawback.

Many of these officials who passed the imperial examination were not good birds, they would hold together, and that force was more powerful than the family.

So the emperor of this dynasty can only hold back his hand: let's play together, play together.

"Today's official family is different." Wang Shuo said: "If Feng Zhang is admonished, he will be fine, but he will be unlucky for his father."

This is the punishment of the pond fish and the punishment for poor control.

"For the father, I wanted to dispel his thoughts. Who ever thought this man was actually a conscious person."

When referring to intentions, Wang Shuo was obviously mocking.

"Think about it for the father, but couldn't think of a solution, so he vomited blood."

Wang Shuo laughed at himself: "They are all very old, but their father's merits and fame are getting heavier and heavier and heavier and worse, so that the two eyes are confused.

"Weng Weng." Wang Ding'er stepped forward.

Wang Shuo looked at her and nodded, "Ding'er's remarks are revealing the skin, revealing Feng Zhang's skin, and revealing his original face and intentions to the public. He is persecuting the official family!"

He said with a smile: "Although the emperor's authority in this dynasty is not as good as that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, can the emperor's face be any more? No matter how you say, you can't force the official's house? No one dared to say such things in the past. "

"Dad, if this is the case, Ding'er's family affairs may be troublesome." Wang Xu licks the deep affectionately and worriedly: "Ding'er's remarks have opened many people's faces, I don't know how many people hate it she was."

"you are wrong."

Wang Shuo laughed: "Why does Ding Er say this?"

Wang Xu's eyes lit up, "Yes, it was Feng Zhang who was so deceiving that you couldn't deal with it and finally vomited blood. Today he came to visit in a pretentious manner. In fact, this is a demonstration! It is tolerable, which is unbearable. , Ding'er, as your granddaughter, was full of righteous indignation and said this, it was forced! "

"You're smart."

Wang Shuo smiled, "Then Feng Zhang felt that he was flawless, even if the official family could not deal with him, but Ding'er went off the edge and forced him into a desperate situation at once. He's a bone, do you know why? "

"Officials have always been dealing with political affairs with the ministers of Zaifu. It is rare to be arbitrary, but this lacks the authority of the emperor. In the past, everyone just played silly and fooled about life. But now it is not true, Dinger's words spread out, Someone outside will say that the Zaifu forced the official family.

"Do you know why officials and gentry fear the emperor of Jiuding?"

Here are all my children and grandchildren. Wang Shuo was in a good mood after the turnaround today, and he mentioned this taboo topic.

Wang Xu and others shook their heads.

Wang Shuo sighed: "It's one thing to worry about the emperor fainting, the most important thing is the emperor ... he will stand by the people. Do you understand?"

Seeing that his sons did not understand, he said: "This country is the kingdom of the emperor. After he said his words, he would at least care about the collapse of the country, but what is the reason for the collapse of the country? What are the reasons for the dynasties ..."

Wang Xu whispered: "Land mergers are the deadliest."

Wang Shuo asked in a low voice: "Who are the beneficiaries of the land merger?"

"Officials and gentry."

"Remember Emperor Renzong's New Deal?"

Wang Shuo's smug and child-like pride seemed to tell some important secrets.

Wang Xu has fully understood, "Yes, Emperor Renzong's Qingli New Deal mostly cut the benefits of the officials and gentry, they fought back wildly, and finally caused the New Deal to fail."

"What if Emperor Renzong said Jiuding?" Wang Shuo closed his eyes.

"Then ..." Wang Xu sucked his nose, as if smelling a **** smell, "That would make blood flow into a river."

Zhao Zhen will use a long knife to cut off the greedy heads to show his determination and deter those with vested interests.

Wang Xu was in a great mood, and even touched the top of his daughter's head.

After Wang Ding'er was ten years old, Wang Xu never did it again.

At this moment he caressed his daughter's hair, and the long-lost warmth between father and daughter made people warm.

"Therefore, no official wants the emperor to say a word. When the news spreads, Zaifu will hate Feng Zhang. You wait and see, at most tomorrow, Feng Zhang's good day will come to an end."

Wang Shuo rejoiced: "Although I am happy for my father, I am even more delighted that Ding'er can even have this knowledge. Some words have taken a new path and forced Feng Zhang to a dead end. Unfortunately, Ding'er is not a man, otherwise ..."

He glanced at several sons with disgusting eyes, probably to say that if Wang Ding'er was a male, he would definitely cultivate it with all his might.

"Dinger ..."

Wang Shuo looked at his granddaughter and said kindly: “Mo have to worry about this. Looking back, Weng Weng will show you a good life. You can naturally live your life with your talents.”

Wang Ding'er looked up, remembering Shen An's previous words, "Weng Weng, I went to Yulin Lane before."

"Oh." The problem is solved, and you can still see that Feng Zhang is having a bad luck. Wang Shuo feels that he is more than half better. "Is it going to the Shen family? That Shen Guoguo is also cute, and you have the time to come and go, and your family is not bad. Just treat the guests. "

"Weng Weng, Shen Jungong said to me before."

That Shen Jungong, really is superb.

Wang Ding'er admired Shen An to the extreme, "He said six words to spy on Emperor Weifu."

Wang Shuo froze, immediately covering his forehead and muttering, "Emperor Weifu ... If an emperor loses Weifu, then he is a hypocrite. Under the hypocrite is a power minister. Who wants to be a power minister? Han Qi did not dare. Today it is said that the emperor should not say this, and tomorrow he is said that the emperor should not go to the north ... What is the purpose of such a courtier? Wonderful! "

He was old in official career, and now he is understood by the six words of Shen An.

"This matter Shen Jungong Gaoyi, Gaoming!"

Wang Shuo struggled to get out of bed, and a son wanted to persuade him to slap him in the face.

"Shen Jungong said six words. The original intention was to let you tell Weng Weng, but you could understand the truth by yourself. It really is a material that can be made."

Wang Shuo touched the granddaughter's head and said, "The old husband's books will be available for reading."

Wang Shuo has a lot of books, some of which are precious ancient books. Under normal circumstances, he never shows anyone, but today he even gave his granddaughter the privilege to let Wang Xu smile.

"Preparation, go to Shen's house for my father."

"Dad, your body?"

"The old man ’s body is intact ~ ~ Wang Shuo laughed:" The Shen Jungong said only six words, even guessing the helplessness of his father, he was spitting blood, hahahaha! So the old man got help from him, and then he got out of trouble. If he didn't come to thank him, what other face does the old man have to meet someone? "

He solemnly said: "Wang family can do anything, but can not be ungrateful!"


Wang Shuo stretched out his hand with a smile, "Come here."

In such a big family, the resources are all in Wang Shuo ’s hands, and it is common to fight for the grandfather ’s favor.

So when those grandchildren saw Wang Ding'er help his grandfather out, they couldn't help but envy.

This is valued by my grandfather!

It was instinct for the children to compete for pampering, and when they learned that the grandfather's book collection Wang Ding'er could borrow it at will, he immediately surrounded her and asked for sharing.

In this noisy, Wang Shuo went all the way to Yulin Lane.

"Just say Wang is visiting."

Wang Shuo solemnly delivered the famous thorn.

The Shen family has been in Bianliang and Anjia for nine years. They are all acquaintances, so they do n’t need any stings.

So when Zhuang honestly stabbed in with his famous name, he was still muttering.

"Lang Jun, there are guests."

Shen An is teasing holding Maodou, and after receiving the famous thorn, he said lightly: "Is it him? Please come in and say that a certain one will come later."

He took the edamame and handed it to Yang Zhuoxue.

"Who is coming?"

Yang Zhuoxue now lays a heart on the edamame body, some meaning not to ask the world. Shen An felt that if she tried harder, she could go to Zhongnanshan to become aunt.

"It's Wang Ding's grandfather."


Sure enough, Yang Zhuoxue was so indifferent.

Guoguo said nervously: "Brother, Ding Er's Weng Weng is so fierce. Last time I saw the atmosphere, I dared not get out."


Second, there is.