Great Sage of the Heavens

Chapter 1407: Didn't want to do good

go to hell! "

Kui Mu Lang yelled violently, then used his cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal, picked up a mace, and attacked him vigorously.

The mace and tiger rose in the wind, and there were divine lights flying up, and there were strange divine lights appearing at once, and they flew to the front of Jiang Quemian in an instant, wanting to smash them into pieces of meat.

The scenery moved by the clouds.

All sorts of miracles appeared quietly.

Kui Mulang was originally the Celestial Star in the sky, and he was originally a gods.

He has supreme magic power.

Although he only has the cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Wonderland, he has been in the Dao for many years, and after he was awarded the title of the gods, he kept thinking about it, and he has great power in Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

Have great supernatural powers.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to mobilize the power of the stars on that day, if it wasn't that his strength could not be improved, it wasn't just Taiyi Jinxian.

The power of madness is working.

Jiang Que was taken aback.

If a word is inconsistent, he will shoot. This person is so terrifying.

It's really scary.

"However, your Kui Mulang angered me instead."

Originally, Jiang Que didn't want to be an enemy of Kui Mulang, and he didn't want to help Princess Baihuaxiu of the Baoxiang Kingdom. The matter had nothing to do with him.

But now Kui Mulang didn't say much, so he killed him.

This is a great grudge.

Born in an instant.

He was the initial cultivation base of the Taiyi Profound Fairyland. Naturally, this level was not the opponent of Nakui Wood Wolf Star Lord, but Nakui Wood Wolf would never want to kill him in the first place.

As a powerhouse at the Golden Immortal level of Luo, the Black Bear Spirit was already standing in front of Jiang Que at this moment. He could not let Jiang Que be killed by Kui Wood Wolf. That would also have a great influence on him.

Don't say anything else.

Only when Zhen Yuanzi Daxian asked in the future, he couldn't help it.

After trying to understand these situations.

The Black Bear Spirit naturally stood in front of Jiang Que without hesitation, a weapon that looked like Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared in his hand, and the mana that operated his Daluo Golden Immortal Realm began to madly kill the wood wolf star Lord Nakui.

At the beginning.

The black bear spirit is still a little curious.

After all, Kui Mulang is the star monarch of the heavenly court, and a true **** descending from the sky. He hasn't seen it with his own eyes, so he has a long experience.

But now it seems.

Things were beyond his expectation.

"It turns out that the gods in the heavenly court are so unreasonable, and so do not talk about causal logic."

He understood it.

In fact, he and Jiang Que were completely misunderstood.

But if you want to say this is a misunderstanding, he Kui Mulang is a star king, will he know?

The answer is yes.

He must know, but he also wants to take this opportunity to kill people, and he doesn't want anyone to know that his yellow robe monster is the fact that Kuimu Wolfstar descended as a demon.

Cover the truth.

He thought he could escape.

They wanted to kill Jiang Que and the Black Bear Spirit, just two immortal cultivators who had no identity background and no future.

As a star of Taiyi Golden Immortal level, he Kui Mulang, as a genuine heavenly god, possesses a perfect identity, and it is natural to kill a few people.

It is naturally possible.

Kill a few people.

You won't be punished so severely if you want to.

It may even be unpunished.

Ordinary human monks are not strong in the first place. In the eyes of immortal gods like Kui Mulang, they are like ants.

Such existence is simply not enough.

It is precisely because it is not enough to see, so no matter it is the high gods and Buddhas, or the jade emperor who despises the world, they don't care.

Perhaps it is because of a bet that the plague **** can spread the plague and ravage the world.

Or maybe it's not known that the lives of the human world will be overwhelmed by some schemes.

Because of the various factors in it before, Kui Mulang dared to think of killing Jiang Que and Hei Xiong Jing the first time.

In his opinion, only Jiang Que and the others died is the best way to hide the secret.

But today's situation is a little different.

The aura exuded by the black bear spirit turned out to be the aura of the early days of the great Luo Jinxian.

Although it was only the first Da Luo Jinxian, it was also Da Luo Jinxian.

It is different from the general strong.

They are more terrifying, weird, and even more bizarre.

This is the advantage of a powerful monk.

"Damn, who are they?"

In a time.

Kui Mulang was also a little shocked, it was hard to believe what he had seen.

what happened?

Which great supernatural power is this, is he kidding himself?

Da Luo Jinxian.

That is now the mainstay of the Three Realms, the top powerhouse.

When the quasi-saint and powerful person does not come out, it is to respect the monk of the Daluojin fairyland.

It can be said.

To a certain extent.

Even a monk at the level of Daluo Jinxian can now completely crush him.

Even if he drew the power of the stars in the sky, it would have the same effect and would not change any results.

"It's over."

Kui Mulang knew he was finished at the moment he fought against the black bear spirit.

Facing a master of the Da Luo Jinxian level, he was not an opponent at all.

How is this good.

Before he had time to think about other things, he had already seen the black bear spirit using various methods to kill him.


He was also thrown out fiercely by the powerful power of the black bear spirit Fang Tian's halberd.

Fly upside down.

Almost disappeared.



The sound of a terrifying explosion sounded.

Blasted apart.

A small hill not far away burst open in a moment.

That terrifying force was like a violent storm, and the raging tide was like a cracking ground that day.

Fortunately, the sound and power of the explosion went faster.

It disappeared after only a few breaths, but Takui Wood Wolf was also attacked by the black bear essence mana, and was smashed to the ground again.

He fought hard and used the mace magic weapon to resist.

But it only blocked the Fang Tian painted halberd from falling on him, facing the black bear spirit that day's supernatural power, facing the imposing force of his early cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, he was crushed severely in the underground pit.

Even if it is a powerful person, it is not enough now.

not to mention.

He Kui Mulang is just Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Compared with that big Luo Jinxian, it was a big difference.

Although it is said to be a **** in the heavenly court, it is the famous star monarch on the list of the gods in the heavenly court, and a disciple of the cultivator who once came to the dynasty of ten thousand immortals.

But after all, it was only Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Perhaps it can compete with Monkey King, perhaps relying on other means, can also be able to fight against the black bear spirit who has just broken through the cultivation base.

but now.

The Black Bear Spirit has long used Zhenyuanzi Daxian's ginseng fruit to consolidate his cultivation realm.

In other words.

The combat effectiveness of the Black Bear Spirit is not bad anymore.

He can completely suppress Kui Wood Wolf, completely suppress him, there will be no such thing.

As a dignified star, Kui Mulang probably didn't even dream of thinking that he would lose so quickly and so badly.

"You won."

Seeing the black bear spirit stopped, Kui Mulang also got up from the pit, "However, this king is the Kui Mu Wolf Star Lord in the sky, and it is definitely not an existence you can provoke."

He expected that Jiang Que and Hei Xiong Jing would not dare to kill himself.

After all, he is a one-star gentleman.

To be precise, it should be the righteous **** of heaven.

Killing him is tantamount to slap the heaven in the face, offending the Jade Emperor, but not worth the gain.

What's more, his true spirit is trapped in the Conferred God List, which is actually a kind of protection. As long as there is that true spirit, he can use the Conferred God List's ability to directly resurrect him anytime and anywhere.

This is also the current situation of many gods in the Heavenly Court.

The main thing is not to die, so you can be fearless.

Their true spirits were on the list of the Conferred Gods, and they were originally immortal, unless the list of the Conferred Gods and their true spirits were also destroyed.

But in that case, the offense is even greater.

It's really sad Now facing the black bear spirit, a strong man of the big Luo Jinxian level, he can only admit it for the time being.

But Jiang Que didn't forgive him, "Kui Mulang, didn't you want to shout and scream just now? Why don't you continue now?"

Kui Mulang: "..."

He was a little dazed, and thought: "What are you doing now, your friend is a big Luo Jinxian, what am I refuting?"

Not as good as humans.

It was really embarrassing.

I knew I would not provoke him, but now it is too late to regret it.

He regretted it, "I was too arrogant before."

He still admitted.

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