Great Slaughter System

v2 Chapter 754: Dust history

With the abandonment of the Emperor's shot, an event for the merits and demerits finally came to an end, and Shen Lang had already left the Dragon City with the Emperor and a page.

In the middle of a mountain, Shen Lang sits on a mountain, holding the merits of the holy golden light in his hands, watching it quietly. At this time, Shen Lang’s **** knows the sea and has a Buddha that exudes golden light. The Buddha's mouth chanting, the mysterious notes, from the mouth of the Buddha, filled with the sea of ​​Shen Lang, the sea of ​​light and the sea like the golden ocean.

As the last page of the merits was finished, the waves of Shen Lang slowly closed.

boom! ! !

I don’t know how long it took, and Shen Lang’s body exudes a sigh of momentum. With the explosion of the swell of the waves, the sky begins to cloud, the lightning is thundering, and the electric snakes are constantly floating in the clouds. People can't help but raise a sense of guilt.

The Taihuang and the one-page book at the foot of the mountain saw the catastrophe in the sky. They couldn’t help each other and flew away to the distance.

Shen Lang finally had to cross the fifth day of the robbery. It was only about half a year after the fourth day of the robbery.

Shen Lang slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

boom! ! !

The day of the robbery did not give the time for Shen Lang, but it just formed a cohesive shape, and it collapsed and thundered the thunder, as if to smash the waves into two halves.

The warrior was originally going against the sky, especially to the realm of Shenlang. If you survived the catastrophe, you will be able to increase your strength. If you can’t get through it, you will probably die and die.

However, at this time, Shen Lang has already perfected his heart because of his cultivation of meritorious deeds. There is no trace of loopholes at all. Whether it is to face the destruction of robbery or the robbery of the devil, he cannot shake him.

I saw Shen Lang and pointed to the sword, and a light stroke, the fallen robbery in the sky, instantly annihilated.

The robbery continued to fall, and the Shenlang was still so easily resisted. After the last thunder of the demons, the heavens and the earth finally quieted down.

With the end of the fifth annihilation, Shen Lang can clearly feel the rhythm between heaven and earth at this time, which is very clear, as if he can reach it as long as he stretches his hand.

"Is this the culmination of the ancestors? A realm from the master."

Shen Lang whispered to himself, and then his mouth slightly curved. This powerful feeling made him feel an excitement, slowly raised his hand, and gently gripped, the space around his fist was slightly distorted.

At this time, the emperor and a page of books also rushed over, Shen Lang said faintly, "Let's go, I have already felt his breath."

Then the three became a streamer and disappeared into the sky.


The land of the far-fields of the celestial fields, here is said to have had a very powerful force many years ago, and it has been a murderous celestial being.

But I don't know what the reason is. This tyrant's ancestors disappeared bizarrely, and the killing of Tianzong was also due to the disappearance of the ancestors, the gas movement dissipated, and finally disappeared into the long river of history.

But what is even more strange is that after the annihilation of Tianzong, there were countless people who were going to come here to find opportunities, in order to find some exercises or resources in killing Tianzong.

Killing Tianzong is a hegemonic force, and it is not destroyed by people. The things in the killing of Tianzong are certainly still there. Unfortunately, no matter what the realm of the warrior, as long as he enters the ancestral gate of the killing of Tianzong, it will be inexplicable. Into a madman, a madman who only knows how to kill, even the three hegemonic forces, the true martial arts gate, the Wanjian Pavilion, the strongest of the illusion moon pavilion, can not go deep inside, but it is said that the ancestor of Wan Jiange, Wan Jian Supreme The strength of the realm of the realm is killing Tianzong and eating some losses.

Since this incident, no one dared to kill the attention of the Emperor Tianzong, and here, it has become a forbidden place in the Tianyu domain.

The three people came to kill the place where Tianzong was killed. I saw that it was a wild forest, but at that time, the forest was covered with a strange killing, which was already rich to a certain extent. It’s just that those killings are very strange, and they only cover the killing of Tianzong, and there is no tendency to vent to the outside.

Seeing this scene, Shen Lang could not help but think that this place should be the place where the killing and lord are placed. After all, if it is not the body of the killing lord here, I am afraid that this will never happen here.

For those who let the heavenly warriors talk about the murderous spirit, Shen Lang did not worry at all. He cultivated the killing of the heart, and how the killing gas might affect him. As for the emperor and the one-page book, they both There are still waves, don't worry.

The three people walked quietly in the ruins of the murderous Tianzong. Looking at the temples and pavilions that had been completely derelict, Shen Lang could imagine that the power of the murderous Tianzong was that, even though countless years passed, from killing Tianzong On the ruined site, it is still possible to see the glory of the The more you go inside, the more intense the killing, if it is not the smashing of the heart, I am afraid that it has not been able to hold it now. Exited.

"Emperor, the killing power here is very strong. If there is no protection from the emperor, I am afraid that I and Baishi Jinglun will come to this place and it is already the ultimate."

When the emperor looked at it, he couldn’t see it even a hundred meters away, and he couldn’t help but say it.

Shen Lang smiled faintly. "If you dominate the strong, even if you are dead, if you want to protect something, it is not something that anyone can move. These killings are even the ruler of the strong, if there is no restraint, It can't be sustained for a long time."

Finally, the three people of Shen Lang came to the depths of the killing of Tianzong. When the three people saw the huge palace in front of them, they could not change their looks.

Killing Tianzong has been annihilated for countless thousands of years, and this palace can still not fall, this palace absolutely has his unusual place.

On the grand gate of the palace, there are countless lines of criss-crossing, which makes people feel a mysterious breath.

When Shen Lang saw the lines, the system in his mind suddenly changed, it was an excitement.

"Go ahead, enter the killing gas."

The system urged Shen Lang to let him open the door.

Shen Lang knew that the system might know something, and then he did not hesitate. Instead, before coming to the magnificent gate, the palm of the hand slowly pressed on the gate, the infuriating body in the body, like a flood, and the crazy output.

As the instinct of Shen Lang entered the gate, the lines above the gate began to slowly light up, and the door of dusty doors opened slowly.

A savage scent of scorpion rushes out of the gap between the gates. If the person with insufficient strength is afraid of this breath, he will have to be murdered and blinded.