Great Tang Idyll

v4 Chapter 345: Officials are quick to come

The 345th chapter of the bureaucracy

The pool water is steamed like a jade, and people are rushing to the horse. Last night, the stars were thin and moonlight, and one purpose was to ride the same ride.

For the younger siblings and the younger brothers and sisters, Zhang Xiaobao temporarily put down other things, and ordered the people to carry a scorpion and know how to go back and make snacks.

Pick up the meat, let it go in the hot water, then steam it on the pan, steam it for a while and change it to a pot. The water in each pot is filled with different things. After steaming, it won't be baked or placed in the shade. Blow it with a fan and blow it up half-dry.

Tossing into the middle of the night, this is to make the snacks that know the meat, let people send them to Beckham, they can get up early tomorrow morning.

"This is really a sister. I counted it. You put in a total of forty-two seasonings, including walnuts, pulp, abalone, raisins, etc. After the pot, pick out other things. Just leaving the meat, tired?"

When Wang Xiaobao made a snack in Zhang Xiaobao, he took the book and looked at it without delay. See Zhang Xiaobao finished sweating and said.

"It's okay, it's late, sleep." Zhang Xiaobao is really tired, but there are five pounds of meat, and I don't want to use a big pot to make it. I only take a small spoon and steam it back and forth many times. Because the temperature of the small pot is well controlled.

Wang Hao put the book together. "You are busy, what should I say, what should Li Linzhen do? Will he still stay for one day tomorrow?"

"Leave, if you don't stay, Zhang said that it is not convenient to start, Li Linyi is not a leisurely generation, Cui Rizhi can't do him, drag him a day, and it is estimated that there will be something."

Zhang Xiaobao spoke and told the remaining piece of meat to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao received the hand and threw one of his mouth. He said, "It’s really good. It seems that the ability to use it in the younger brother and sister can break through, go where to go, take a shower."

It was late, and the sound of the cymbals rang louder. Li Linyi, who couldn’t sleep, pushed open the window in the small courtyard of the Fengwu Pavilion and looked at the moon that almost rounded out. He was still thinking about what he saw during the day.

It is a fake to say that it is not touched.

Why is the official? Some are in order to be able to use their own skills, not to be buried, some want to make money, and more is to get the recognition of the people and the court.

The local officials, the people admitted, that is what the court admitted.

I used to hear that when Zhang Zhong left the office, the people and the people alleyed and cried. They never saw this scene in the local area. Today, they finally saw it once and for all, and when the official was like this, it was enough.

I don't know how Feng Changgong in Xincai County is doing it. I hope they are smart, and they are opposed to Cui Rizhi.

Li Linyi thought about it, reached for the teapot next to him, poured a glass of water into his stomach, frowned, and felt that there was no tea in the local slogan, and he swallowed it, and turned and sent Zhang Xiaobao’s plan. Hold it on the hand and watch it with flashing lights.

When it was louder and louder, when the ugly time came, the door was opened and the room next to it was told: "Come, come back to Xincai County overnight, but anyone who is close to Feng Changgong's room will be blocked."

Someone in the opposite room responded, and when Li Linyi turned and closed the door, someone had already gone out.

"Feng Changgong, Feng Changgong, you can kill me. I really want you to see this incomplete plan and let you know who is offended."

Turning the plan to the last page, remembering it, Li Linyi lay on the couch and watched the moon mutter.

The person who had just left the house, came to the stables, found his horse, turned over, took the reins with his hands, and clipped his legs.

In his heart, he was ready to take advantage of the night in the street. No one was rushing back to Xincai County. Who knows that he just ran out on the road for a hundred steps, and he heard someone in front of him asking, "Who is a horse at night? Come and win."

As the sound began to sound, a torch was lit in front of it, and it was seen by the fire. A row of martial artsmen’s water fire sticks stopped there.

"I am a young man from Xincai County, and I am in a hurry to return to the county. Please give way." The people immediately slowed down and shouted at the servants.

"You said yes? I also said that you are a monk, and then come down and say, Ma Maso waiter." The opposite side of the servant did not have the meaning of accommodation, shouted, and someone pulled up the rope.

Seeing this situation, the immediate man reluctantly sighed, stopped the horse, turned over, wanted to let the servant see his face, and he knew that when he landed, he was covered with a sack on his head, and then someone was outside the sack. I used a rope to hold my mouth.

"Catch a monk and bring it back to meticulously interrogate." The servant said another sentence, Li Linyi's person was tied, and people were carried away, and the horse was taken away.

The next day, I thought that Li Linyi, who wouldn’t have a problem in Xincai County, would get up and wash, hurriedly had breakfast, and went to find Tuenmen to find Zhang Xiaobao. Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao came first.

“Is Li Daren still comfortable in a new place last night?” Zhang Xiaobao and Li Linyi just met and smiled and asked.

Li Linyi also smiled. "Yes, the Fengwu Pavilion is really good. I heard that Xiaobei, the sister of Zhang's main book, was injured. I have to visit, but Zhang's main book is coming, it is abrupt."

"The little baby can't help, and it's okay to get rid of it. It's fine, it's a small injury. You don't have to worry about it, so let them have a long memory." Zhang Xiaobao, who was busy for the younger brothers and sisters in the middle of the night, was a bit of care at this time. Look like that.

Li Linyi wanted to give some money. Suddenly he thought that he had only brought less than one hundred words. He couldn’t take it. He had to say: "If you come in a hurry, you have never brought a gift. If you make it up next time, you must make up."

"A little bit of things don't have to be hung up. Li Daren looks at it. This is the plan for the two counties. If there are any omissions, I hope that Li Daren will add one or two."

Zhang Xiaobao did not expect Li Linyi to send any good things. If he only gave some money, it would not be as good as the little ones sent yesterday. He signaled that Wang Hao took out the plan and handed it to Li Linwei for viewing.

Li Linyi waited for the plan, otherwise he would not stay, happy to receive the hand, and the article looked at it.

After reading a few articles, I suddenly stopped and asked Zhang Xiaobao: "Why do people have three rows of willow trees by the river? Do you still want to use willow trees for furniture? A variety of three rows of willows, which can take up a lot of land. Even the riverside is the same."

Li Linyi means to say that the sofa, the coffee table and so on, Zhang Wang two furniture is notoriously good.

"There are supplements in the back, one, the berm, in case of the rainy season, in order to avoid the flooding of the riverbank, the multi-planted willows can consolidate the embankment, and further, let us know more places to survive, knowing Not only is it delicious, it is nutritious, but it can also be used as a medicine. Last night, I gave Xiaobei a snack, and I felt that it tasted good. Hey, please let Li Daren taste it."

Zhang Xiaobao explained this plan. Actually, there is a plan behind it, but Li Linwei has not seen it there.

Wang Hao took out a paper bag from the bag and opened it to let Li Lin eat.

Translucent knows the meat, it looks like it is eye-catching, Li Linqi puts a pinch in his mouth, licks his mouth, grabs a few, and keeps eating, saying that he does not complain about He Yiwei and the two Shangniu villages. People eat and support, this Xiaobao does something extraordinary.

It tastes fresh and not simmering, it is not salty, it is not tough, but it is sweet and not greasy. If you eat one, you want to eat the second one. You can do this for Beckham. You want to come up with a little bit of effort, just like this. I just didn't care about it, I showed it up.

Li Linyi did not say that he broke. Seeing that Wang Hao still took the paper, he took it all over. "I will take it with my own food. I haven't thought of it. You are really not a simple means. I know that I see it all over the place." Are you going to plant trees again?"

Zhang Xiaobao saw Li Linyi robbed the bag, and despised it in his heart. He said: "He has been here for a while, knowing that nowadays only small baby is caught and eaten. Adults usually do not eat, such as silkworms, but there will be The practice of knowing it came out, and by then everyone was caught, and the households knew it.

One year is endless, two years are endless, three or five years are endless, and the world is endless. Since then, the descendants can only be known in the book. Their ancestors have a food, and the taste can be used as medicine. The name is known. Now there is nowhere to know, and it can be seen in the painting. ”

"This official has been taught." Li Linyi understood, Zhang Xiaobao was afraid to spread the method of making the knowledge. When everyone went to catch it, they knew that they had caught it, and the descendants could not see it. They could only be in the painting. I know that there is such a thing in the book.

Even if this one is over, it should be planted, and more will give you a place to survive.

Then look down again and ask humblely wherever you don't understand.

Zhang Xiaobao's two sets of plans did not deceive people. He also disdain to use false plans to deal with Li Linyi. It would be a means of sacrificing the interests of the people.

Wang Hao did not say anything at the side, and took out a small packet of knowing that the meat was chewing there.

When a set of plans was finished, it was nearly noon, and Li Linxi invited: "It is better to eat here than Zhang Zhang and Wang Xianyu."

"That can't be done, Beckham is still waiting to eat, I have to go back, Li Daren is still going back with me, waiting to take care of Beckham, and then eating and saying, why?"

Zhang Xiaobao refused very simply.

"Great good." Li Linyi should come down.

The three people went to Tuen Mun together. Li Linyi knew that the meat had been eaten. He watched Wang Hao eating there, and he wanted to open his mouth. He had to secretly swallow.

The three of them came to the back of the Tuen Mun. They didn't wait for them to enter. The door was opened. The Zhang family's descendants saw Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao. They first glimpsed and then said with joy: "Little son, little lady, you are back." There are official residences in the capital, and it is said that you will let the two of you immediately enter Beijing."

"Do you know when?" Zhang Xiaobao wondered, now what time do you let yourself and Wang Hao go to Beijing? And it’s still a bureaucrat, is it a matter of your own family?

"If you go back to Xiaogongzi, you have asked, saying that it is a matter of the emperor's travel, letting you two deliberate in the past." The next person replied. 2k novel reading network