Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 11: Seed of magical powers, the technique of

   As the first spring thunder blasted between heaven and earth, Chen Jiujian felt the surging air of good fortune and destruction in the endless sky.

This momentary selflessness and desirelessness, no desires, no phases, no phases and impermanence, thunder contains all kinds of opportunities, good fortune and heaven run naturally at this moment, all weather mechanisms become chaotic at this moment, and the thunder that coexists with vitality and destruction follows. The aura induction in the darkness passed through Daqian and entered Chen Jiu's Purple Mansion, running through his body.

  The sky thunder passed, but Chen Jiu's work has just begun. The first step to make the heavens is to feel the Qi machine of the heavens, and then slowly use the body to accept the Qi machine to wash the marrow and cut the hair.

   The next step is to wait until the beginning of spring when the first sky thunder explodes.

   This first sky thunder is different from ordinary thunder. It is the thunder that springs back to the earth, everything returns to the original, and vitality is restored, driving away the destruction of winter and autumn, and ushering in the opening thunder of spring and summer.

   This is the manifestation of heaven, this is the manifestation of the movement of heaven.

   The whole **** thunder is not something Zhang Shiyang can bear, and even the whole **** thunder has the power of the world, and if you act arbitrarily, it is estimated that the **** will be bombarded and killed.

   Chen Jiu can only steal the essence of thunder and lightning, the essence, the core of vitality and destruction, with the help of strange good fortune.

   The moment when the sky thunder entered the body, Chen Jiu's body died instantly, his six senses were insensible, chaotic and chaotic, as if he had returned to the beginning of the opening of the sky, feeling the good fortune of the chaos.

   This is just an illusion brought by Chunlei. Of course Chen Jiu could not return to the chaos, and that Chunlei did not have the ability to replay the profound meaning of chaos, but just such a slight illusion also benefited Chen Jiu a lot.

  In the midst of vitality and destruction, the heavenly path of good fortune is still running unhurriedly, and the second step of feeling the energy of heaven and earth is to trigger the thunder, attracting the **** of good fortune that contains the coexistence of good fortune and destruction.

   The next step is to plant magical seeds to make this spring thunder one of his own seeds, and then make the seeds take root and germinate, grow slowly, and blossom and bear fruit.

   Once a year, when this Kaitian God Lei grows up, then Chen Jiu's work will be completed.

  Time flies, it's already March, and the breath of spring back to the earth is already obvious, but Chen Jiu is still sitting so peacefully.

   For the past month, Chen Jiu did not eat or drink. The sunken bigu used the thunder that day to wash the pulp, cut off the grains, the surrounding aura, and the vitality at the moment when the vegetation sprouted slowly moved closer to Chen Jiu's body.

   At this time, Chen Jiu's body has been covered with a thick layer of dust, it looks like a corpse that has been dried for thousands of years, and there is no breath of alive.

   Perhaps it was the gathering of vitality, which made the vegetation around Chen Jiu more luxuriant than other places. Occasionally, birds came and fell on Chen Jiu's body, chattering non-stop.

   Inside Chen Jiu's body, in the inexplicable space, two streams of light, black and white, are constantly entangled, intertwined, and danced, shuttled and flew within the body.

   Every time the light of the two colors of black and white shuttles around the body, a little bit of dirt is forced out of Chen Jiu's body.

   The Qi machine between heaven and earth is slowly captured by good fortune heaven, and merged into the two streams of black and white that are constantly circulating.

   Thousands of years seem to have become an instant, as if the air machine between the heavens and the earth has been absorbed and saturated, the black and white streamer finally changed, and a seemingly illusory sphere is gradually forming.

The two colors of black and white are gradually mixed, intertwined, and then irrespective of each other. A mysterious trajectory appears on the bizarre sphere, and the talisman seals that seem to be full of great principles are constantly intertwined, but those talisman seals and lines It looks very illusory and specious, making it difficult to see.

   For a long time, Chen Jiu's body trembled slightly, and as the fingers and eyelids slowly tremble, a bright light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes.

   Looking at the green in front of him, a little bit of consciousness converged in Chen Jiu's eyes, and then closed his eyes again to realize his body.

   Looking at the slightly illusory ball, Chen Jiu's mouth finally showed a smile: "Is this the seed of magical power?, but it's not very attractive."

   Looking at the appearance of this supernatural power seed, Chen Jiu's first sigh was to show off.

It looks ashamed, and even some imaginary orbs are the seeds of his own magical powers. If it weren’t for the strangely mysterious lines and the weird and inexplicable characters, Chen Jiu even thought he was doing his work. Something went wrong, or it was a failure.

   Gently moved his arms and neck, squeezed his legs, the seeds of magical powers wandered around the body for a week, and the sound of thunder in Chen Jiu's body exploded in his blood.

   Qi and blood began to become active, and the deadly rigid body began to slowly turn around, looking at the thick dust, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   But soon Chen Jiu's wry smile had to stop, because of the twitching of his face, a large amount of dust fell on Chen Jiu's mouth.

   "Bah" "Bah" Chen Jiu spit out the dust in his mouth while looking at the earth.

   "I don't know how many days have passed, the dust has fallen so much" casually grabbed a handful of grass and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and then spit it out.

   "Let's find a place to wash up before talking."

   whispered, Chen Jiu walked towards the distant river.

   This river is an indispensable part of the entire village. All men, women, children and children in the village come here to fish and fight their teeth whenever they have time.

   I don’t know where the upper reaches of the river is, but the water source is extremely abundant. When the water is never cut off throughout the year, the fish and shrimps in the river are also very plump, enough for everyone to make a full pot.

   There are no people by the river, no children, presumably at the beginning of this late spring, everyone is preparing to farm, who would come here to fish.

   And children are not allowed to come here to fish alone without the care of adults. After all, the kid who drowned more than a decade ago is not a joke, and the power of a role model is endless.

   Jumped into the river with a "plop", Chen Jiu plunged into the river bottom, and soon a large piece of dirt was suspended on the river, drifting downstream along the current.

   Chen Jiu’s head appeared on the river, and there was a crystal-looking prawn in the innermost mouth. With a big mouth and a rolled tongue, the prawn was caught by Chen Jiu into the big mouth of the blood.

It’s not very pleasant to feel like screaming in the stomach, although there are endless vegetation providing vitality during this period, and even the aura of heaven and earth is also maintaining its own life. It is not enough for the body to move at this time and the blood circulation is opened. The little life energy provided by oneself is far from enough.

   My stomach began to groan as soon as I jumped into the river, and there are even some growing The river water also absorbs heat and energy from the human body.

   Because of the condensed seeds of supernatural powers, Chen Jiu's six senses are particularly keen, and any changes within a radius of ten feet can't hide his perception.

   Looking at the scorching sun hanging in the air, Chen Jiu touched his belly: "It's better to go back and find something to eat. Although the fish and shrimp are fat, they are not used to the fishy smell after all."

   The house is the easternmost part of the village, so no one knows that Chen Jiu came back. The gate is still the same as when he left. Obviously no one has been here during this time.

That old big lock was replaced by Chen Jiu a long time ago. He opened the door and looked at the weed that just popped out of his head. A thought flashed in his mind: "Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise this weed will grow taller." .

   Stepping on the soft weeds, Chen Jiu gently pushed open the door. There was not a lot of dust in it, and he was too lazy to clean it up, so he started cooking with a bucket of water.

When he was busy, time passed the fastest. After Chen Jiu finished his meal, it was already afternoon. After drinking a cup of tea, he sat cross-legged on the stone chair in the yard again, running the magical seeds, and the surrounding aura slowly turned towards Chen Jiu. Gathering, being refined and absorbed by that magical power seed, even the sunlight in the sky was not let go.

   Sunlight is the essence of the sun.

  The first heaven has already started, and Chen Jiu has had his own way of cultivation since then. He feels the seeds of the magic power and slowly searches for his own magic power.

   After a while, Chen Jiu opened his eyes and said in surprise: "The technique of Talisman Seal, the first magical power is actually the technique of Talisman Seal".