Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 122: Congenital treasure, it's annoying

Chen Jiu rolled his eyes upon hearing this, "Is this considered contempt?".

Although knowing that one's strength is not worth mentioning with those great powers that have existed for thousands of years, it hurts people to say that, and it hurts self-confidence.

"Since your treasure can't be loaned to me, what else do you learn about this spell? Besides, this spell is inherited from my blood, and I can't teach you." Chen Jiu heard the words in his hand and turned to adjust. Just not looking at Chao Xiaoyu's shiny eyes.

"The petty guy" looked at Chen Jiu's expression towards Xiaoyu, really angry and happy, and stomped Chen Jiu's instep.

"Hiss~~~" Chen Jiu took a breath: "What are you doing?"

Chao Xiaoyu hummed twice, the threat of which was naturally self-evident, Chen Jiu licked his lips: "Go to my room tomorrow night."

After a pause in Xiaoyu's footsteps, he squinted at Chen Jiu, and after looking up and down, he walked over.

Not far away, the two refugees who were wading on the ground withdrew their gazes at this time, and the darkness covered the figures of the two guys. Except for the faint voice, they couldn't see their faces clearly.

"This kid has a few brushes" the voice was faint and inaudible.

"Well, we are not the opponent, what should we do?".

After being silent for a while, the person who spoke for the first time looked at the figure shining under the torch in the distance: "Nothing, we can't take our lives. Now the refugees are gathering here, I feel that there are experts around. , Let’s stay honestly, there is no flaw in the arrangement this time. We have no chance."

"Hey, do you really want to live here?" Yi smiled and asked Chen Jiu, looking at the abnormally tattered and turbid refugee camp around.

"On the first night, I was afraid that some of these people would make trouble, and I would feel uneasy if I didn't sit down in person." Chen Jiu looked at the distant crowd.

"Okay, take care of yourself. My sister and I will go back first." After Yi Xiaoxiao said, taking Chao Xiaoyu's arm, the two got into the carriage.

Chen Jiu looked at the servants standing around, then smiled softly: "Everyone, it’s not easy for us to watch the night. Let’s do that. I’ll pay some money, let’s buy some meat and some tea to eat, but absolutely not Dip wine".

"Thank you little master".

"Thank you son."

After dismissing the official post casually. Chen Jiu walked back to the account. It is late autumn. Chen Jiucai didn't want to sit outside and get cold. As for how those refugees would survive the night, Chen Jiu had already thought about it. Now this group of refugees don't worry about eating, they will be asked to go up the mountain to collect firewood tomorrow, and the evening will be better.

Having initially mastered the magic of causality, Chen Jiu couldn't sleep in excitement.

A subtle light flashed in his eyes, and the world in front of Chen Jiu suddenly changed. There were dense silk threads all over his body. These silk threads were almost to entangle Chen Jiu and become a zongzi.

"She keeps cutting, the logic is still chaotic" Chen Jiu whispered softly, and then lightly waved his right hand in the void, and countless threads broke instantly.

"This great causal magical technique is really powerful, even causality can be cut off forcibly."

But soon, Chen Jiu's brows frowned slightly: "How is it possible, this **** karma thread is actually connected again".

Karma was just cut off by Chen Jiu, but it was connected again.

"These refugees owe me cause and effect. If they don't cut off the cause and effect, it would be a cocoon." Chen Jiu touched his chin.

There are two options for eliminating cause and effect. The first is to kill the person who has the cause and effect with you, and the second is to find a way to unlock him.

"Chao Xiaoyu has a causal artifact. It seems that you have to borrow it no matter what method you use, otherwise it will really be a cocoon." Looking at the silk thread around his body, it is indeed like a silk thread spit out by a spring silkworm.

Chen Jiu's fingers stretched out gently, drawing the ground as a prison, and the surrounding camps seemed to have been given a strange power to block outsiders' temptations.

After sinking his thoughts into his body, Chen Jiu's hands soon showed a kit, it was the Qiankun bag.

Looking at the tightened chain on Qiankun's bag, Chen Jiu gently opened it, and then a treasure fell out.

This is a red cloth, the red cloth is shining brightly, and emits shining light.

This is one of the three treasures captured in the cave. The original fist-sized thing was wiped out by the force of Yin and Yang in the Universe Bag. After the prohibition is unlocked, the original form of the treasure will naturally appear.

There is a strange vitality exuding all over the treasure, this vitality is very peculiar, and it is refreshing to smell, with an inexplicable charm.

"This,,, is it innate aura?" Chen Jiu was a little uncertain.

Congenital treasures were born congenitally, and when the heaven and the earth first opened, they were given a strange rule and a strange power.

Chen Jiu's mind sank into the destiny of heaven. Although the destiny of destiny produced an introduction that was not attached to the general outline, there was still a little explanation about the innate spirit treasure.

"Looking at this vision, it should be the innate spirit treasure." Chen Jiu was a little uncertain.

"Even if it weren't the Xiantian Lingbao, it wouldn't be much worse, it's cheaper to pay for Xiaoyu," Chen Jiu muttered.

Regardless of whether this treasure is a congenital thing or not, Chen Jiu has no intention of staying. A big man is fighting with others. Isn't it enough for you to use a piece of red silk as a weapon? , Think about Chen Jiu and feel cold.

When he first saw this treasure, Chen Jiu wanted to give it to Chao Xiaoyu, but now, Chao Xiaoyu has a causal artifact, and he exchanges an innate treasure for a causal artifact. Chao Xiao Fishing is still not happy to die.

For these three treasures, a lot of blood was shed, a lot of people died, and a lot of plans were made, but now it seems that all of this is worthwhile.

The red silk cloth is so powerful, with innate aura, wouldn't the other two treasures be even more powerful.

Gently grasping the red silk cloth in his hand, Chen Jiu's body was moisturized by the rich innate aura, as if he was smoking a big cigarette, fluttering and falling.

"Good treasure, good treasure, it's a pity that you are red, otherwise I will keep you, but don't worry, I will find a good master for you."

Chen Jiu touched the treasure and couldn't put it down, then the red light of the treasure was converged, no different from ordinary red silk cloth.

Chen Jiu folded the red silk cloth and placed it in his arms. He deliberately wanted to sacrifice the treasure to see the details of the treasure, but gave up after thinking about it.

I don't have enough strength right now, and it is estimated that I will not be able to sacrifice a few layers, and once the treasure is sacrificed by others, if Chao Xiaoyu wants to sacrifice it, I am afraid it will take some effort.

There is no need for this. When the time comes, just ask Chao Xiaoyu the performance of this treasure will soon be better.

Looking at the Qiankun bag in his hand, Chen Jiu thought for a while and put it away again. There must be spies from all major forces when the refugees gather here. These two treasures are not in a hurry, let's talk about it later.

There was no word for a night. At the dawn of the next day, a guy came over to cook and cook food. There were rations for hundreds of thousands of people. There were hundreds of pots here. However, it took a lot of effort to ensure that everyone was served. , This is not a simple task.

After getting up, the refugees were still sleeping, and they had a rare moment in life, and finally relaxed.

"My boss, give you the porridge" a guy sent the porridge in a spirited manner.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Li Li, UU reading, have you noticed a change in the weather, why is it so hot?".

Chen Jiu had some doubts. Logically speaking, it was early morning, and the dew should be coming. The weather was humid. But Chen Jiu just discovered something was wrong. The air was very hot and dry. It was even hotter than noon, and suddenly. , Chen Jiu even wondered if he had become crazy.

"It's the reason for my boss. I was just a little kid cooking and sweated his entire clothes. The weather is really abnormal."

Chen Jiu exposed the porridge, then touched his chin: "Is it the ghost of Fang Xian Dao? What is Fang Xian Dao going to do?"

In Yinsi Mansion, Chenghuang's facial smoke fluctuated violently, and then suddenly stood up: "There is a problem, a big problem."

The ghosts underneath looked at each other, wondering what could be called a big trouble by the city gods. Could it be that the sky is falling? .

After a while, Chenghuang sat down slowly, and after a period of contemplation, he picked up the big seal and wrote an official document: "Impermanence, go and ask the master of the prefecture to enter the Yinsi." (To be continued...) ()