Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 170: examination

The fireworks all over the sky are absorbed by ghosts and gods, and there is only one accident.

On the first floor, a dazzling sword light soared into the sky, all the ghosts and gods retreated, only one inadvertently turned into a fan.

Chen Jiu injected mana into the magic weapon from a distance, and the long sword exuded a dazzling light.

This is a warning, this is a signal, I do not allow any ghosts and gods to step on and stop on the first floor.

In the Yin Si Mansion, Cheng Huang looked at Chen Jiu's first floor: "This kid has gained a lot of heavenly merits, as well as a huge amount of humane merits. It is a pity that such a powerful person cannot join our Yin Si Mansion."

The voices on the first floor are full of people, and the power of thought is naturally countless. It is a pity that those ghosts and gods are greedy, and under the threat of death, they dare not take a step beyond the thunder pond.

Time flies, a spring thunder explodes, it is the solar terms of the grass grows Yingfei.

The exam started in March, and Chen Jiu prepared the general for four months, and finally reached the critical time.

"Chen Jiu, answer well. Since the master of the prefecture has asked you to come for the exam, as long as you do not embarrassed, the master of the prefecture will not call you off the list." Chao Xiaoyu arranged the collar for Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Sir, you don't have any confidence in me. I have emphatically rushed for a few months. Maybe this first place was actually picked by me."

Chao Xiaoyu rolled his eyes: "You'd better pray that the articles you memorized are effective, otherwise, let alone the first place, I think it will be difficult to get into the list."

After finishing his clothes, Chen Jiu and Chao Xiaoyu bid farewell to Chen Jiu in the backyard. The old shopkeeper and others in the front hall were sending Chen Jiu farewell.

Chen Jiu waved his hand: "It's okay. This exam is in Qingyang Academy. It stands to reason that I am still at home."

Chen Jiu smiled and walked out the door briskly.

The roads are very congested, not ordinary, they are almost comparable to Beijing in the previous life.

Traffic jams, traffic jams, of course the traffic jams are cars, not people. Those who have status have to take the test and have to rush the car. It deserves to be blocked.

You don't keep a low profile when taking the exam. Then you will let your invigilator see you. What does the examiner think of you.

Chen Jiu ducked left and right, and finally came to the academy.

The people who checked the entrance and exit of the academy were from the army of the town government. Chen Jiu was familiar with these soldiers, and they worked together many times. Moreover, Chen Jiuzheng's supernatural power status is not a secret. Soldiers worship the strong in the army. Because in times of war and chaos, following the strong will have a greater chance of survival.

The soldier did not dare to check at all, facing a warrior in the realm of supernatural power. If you are slapped to death, you have no place to reason, and the court will not offend a martial artist of the supernatural power realm because of you.

"My lord," the soldier said respectfully.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Young man, promising."

Turned around and walked in.

The people who lined up for the test in the back looked sideways: "Damn, who is this kid, who is so hungry".

Seeing the puzzled gaze of everyone, the soldier patted his chest proudly: "You know, that is one of the only two martial artists of supernatural power in Qingzhou Mansion."

Everyone's mouth instantly turned into an o-shape, and then sneered: "This kid can really bullshit."

A scholar cautiously said: "Master Bing, you have been deceived, how old is that kid, how could he be a warrior in the realm of supernatural power".

The soldier curled his lips in disdain: "A useless scholar is a scholar. Look at you, how old you are, and you can't understand the world of genius."

The boy blushed and his neck was thick and he wanted to argue, but when he saw the soldier's fist the size of a vinegar bowl, he swallowed again.

This suddenly made the soldiers laugh more.

Naturally, Chen Jiu didn’t know when he was outside. When he walked into his examination room, Chen Jiu’s acquaintance was the invigilator. During the entrance examination, Chen Jiu wrote an essay on the Holy Path. It was this master who supervised the exam. This master was also in Qingyang Academy. of.

Seeing Chen Jiu coming, the master nodded to Chen Jiu and motioned him to sit down.

In a short while, everyone was here, and only Chen Jiu was the most eye-catching. Why? Because all the people nearby are 27 or 18 years old, only Chen is in his 90s.

"Since everyone has arrived, the master will begin to announce the rules of the exam." The master stood up and cleared his throat: "No whispers during the exam, no plagiarism or cheating."

Speaking of this, the master slowed down to: "This exam is divided into three sessions. This first is not important. Anyone who has some talent can pass it. So the invigilation is not very strict, so this first It’s here for everyone to take the test."

"As for the second test, where is the third test, I will tell you when you pass the first test."

After speaking, the master clapped his hands gently, and two other masters took out a rolled dossier. The master gently uncovered the paste on the dossier and glanced at it: "The topic of the first exam is "Enlightenment." "".

When this statement was outstanding, everyone looked at each other, and then lowered their heads and bit the pen. The so-called enlightenment is actually to write down your previous learning experience, and let the examiner see if you are working hard and how hard you are.

Of course, how you write it is your business. It doesn’t matter whether you write it hard or tired, but you must not be too exaggerated, or even if the examiner wants you to pass, you won’t come. .

At this time, Chen Jiu suddenly wondered why this first scene was so easy. It turned out to be the process of writing his own books. This process is not easy for everyone to plagiarize, nor can they plagiarize. After all, everyone's situation is different.

Chen Jiu bowed his head and spread out the rice paper: "What are you writing? I'm doing errands outside every day. If you talk about studying hard, I really haven't studied except for the past few months."

"Yes, no one has verified it anyway. As long as you don't write too much, it's okay."

"Hanging the head and stabbing the stocks is my ambition and my spirit. Students study hard at home every day and do not sleep at night. Although people are inert, if they want to succeed, they must endure what ordinary people can't and read daily. Tie the hair sideburns to the beam of the room when you are sleepy, and dare not lower your head slightly."

"Every late night, drowsy, will pierce the strands with a sharp cone, the days are deep and the moon is long, the body is not complete,,,,,,".

Chen Jiulaoli wrote a chase in a wordy way, nothing more than the two later generations used by parents to educate their children.

The so-called head hanging beam is to tie one's hair to the beam of the roof with a rope. Every time you are sleepy, when you want to lower your head to sleep, the hair will be pulled, and you will wake up in pain and restore your spirit.

Cone piercing is even simpler. Once you get sleepy while reading, you can pierce your buttocks, and you will be completely sleepy.

Soon, Chen Jiu handed in the paper. The master looked at Chen Jiu’s paper and nodded: "As expected of the future saint, he has good aptitude, and now has such hard work, it’s hard to think of success. In the future, it will definitely be the pillar of Confucianism and Taoism, and the sages of my Confucianism."

After answering the first question, someone naturally led Chen Jiu to the new examination room.

This time, the examination room is all closed. Rows of halls separate the candidates. The brick walls on the left and right walls of the hall are located one or two feet above the ground. Two brick brackets are built up and placed on top. Two-layer planks.

During the day, the test takes place on a wooden board for Kojo, and the lower board is a bench for candidates to sit and answer questions.

The upper wooden boards are removed at night and incorporated into the lower to be used as a bed to sleep, but because the house is only four feet, which is equivalent to 1.33 meters, people cannot straighten their legs after sleeping.

Moreover, there is no door in the hall, and candidates need to bring their own tarp as a curtain to prevent wind and rain.

Chen Jiu looked at and shook his head: "I didn't expect that I would also enjoy this treatment one day."

"Master Chen, please" said the two government officials.

"Thank you two big brothers for leading the way." Chen Jiu arched his hands and found a house to sit down.

Chen Jiu was not allowed to wait for long, but one after another examinees came over. It was the master. The master’s expression was quite serious at this time: “We’re starting to focus on this exam. Cheating is not allowed. Once we find out, we will immediately cancel the title. No scientific expeditions are allowed within the year."

The master stopped and posted an article, and finally took out the exam questions again and hung them in front: "This is the question of this exam, everyone quickly answer the questions."

Chen Jiu raised his head to look at the title, nodding his head: "The three major classics, "Ce Lun", "Speaking of Teachers," and "Confucianism" must be tested. I rely on them. There are some other books behind. (To be continued...) ()