Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 381: Counterattack, flooding Nanban

"Okay, General Iron Wolf is really good, let's divide the game next time."

Morale has fallen to the bottom today, and the barbarian king simply turned around and went back to camp.

The Iron Wolf flew back to the camp, and all the soldiers congratulated him. It was a great joy to beheaded before the battle.

However, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Iron Wolf: "The Barbarian King actually uses such evil things as the Barbarian King of Death to calculate our wait. If you come and go without being indecent, we have to return."

Fortunately today, the Iron Wolf slashed the opponent in front of the formation, otherwise the opponent rushed into the army, I don't know how many soldiers will lose their lives.

"What is the general strategy?" a general said.

The Iron Wolf pointed to the north: "Just now, based on the northern stars, there is a river thirty miles away. Let's introduce the river into this place. How about flooding Nanban?".

Chen Jiu slightly frowned: "The other party has a tribe of rain masters, I am afraid it will flood us in turn."

"The Rain Master Tribe has gone," Iron Wolf said.

Everyone did not ask why the Iron Wolf knew that the Rain Master Tribe had left, and that the general did not spy.

"Even if you can't flood them, you can teach them a lesson and scare them."

"I can count on them." Chen Jiu rolled his eyes and revealed a dark smile.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then this matter is scheduled tonight" Iron Wolf whispered.

It was night, Chen Jiu [Chang] [Wind] Literature, Chao Xiaoyu, Iron Wolf, and soldiers came to the embankment.

No one would be willing to do such an overwhelming karma as the **** broke and the river flooded hundreds of thousands of troops. They had no choice but to die a fellow Taoist but not a poor Dao. Three wicked men were arrested as strong men.

Chen Jiu threw a jade bottle to one of the soldiers: "Know what to do, I don't need to teach you."

"Know," the three of them said nothing but promise.

"Since you know, let's work." Li Guang's eyes flashed with precision.

The three drew out three big knives and started digging.

It is easier to destroy than to build.

Only a hole the size of an ant is enough to instantly derive a bursting bank.

A fist-sized groove appeared, the water flowed out, and everyone backed away.

With the passage of time, under the impact of the river, the river burst its bank instantly and rushed towards the plains, carrying billowing mud flows. Unstoppable.

The soldier is holding a jade bottle. Pour the water droplets in the jade bottle into the river.

Chen Jiu showed a touch of complacency: "Adding these eighteen drops of one-yuan heavy water is enough to teach these well-developed guys a lesson."

One yuan of heavy water is very heavy, and one drop is 129,600 catties. Of course, this bottle of one yuan of heavy water is not something that ordinary soldiers can handle. Chen Jiu blessed the formation on the jade bottle. Light as a feather.

The current roared. The generals in the barbarian army were awakened in an instant, watching the billowing torrent, a general smiled coldly: "Stupid. What is the use of ordinary ordinary water".

Speaking of the general's blood bursting out of his body, he used magical powers: "Turn the river to the sea".

The rest of the generals stood on one side laughing and joking, and didn't mean to help. If a magical warrior couldn't solve such a river, then what is a magical warrior.

But what happened next made everyone dumbfounded, and saw that the general's expression was relaxed, trying to make the water flow back, but the next moment a scream came out, which general vomited blood and flew out.

Eighteen drops of one-yuan heavy water is not so fun, especially the one-yuan heavy water that Chen Jiu has done.

The current rushed unscrupulously against the barbarian camp. The generals were dumbfounded, and it took a while to react and quickly stepped forward to intercept the current.

The Man King walked out with a gloomy expression, looking at the camp tent being impacted by the current, and said, "You two go to the source of the river to cut off the current, otherwise the current will gather more and more, and even if the generals have the power to support the sky, they will not be able to bear it sooner or later ".

After speaking, he hurriedly shouted: "The army retreats."

The two barbarian generals followed the water flow to the upper reaches, and they saw Chen Jiu standing there in a distance. They shouted and called to the others.

Chen Jiu stepped out and asked a brutal general: "This is God's will. The two generals retreat quickly. You can't violate God's will, otherwise punishment will inevitably fall."

These two savage generals are just supernatural power realm, how Chen Jiu and Li Guang are opponents, although Chen Jiu and Li Guang are also supernatural power realm powerhouses, they are much higher than the monks of the same realm.

Facing the general, Chen Jiu stretched out a finger, the Big Dipper moved, the lunar yin in the three yin fingers pointed out, and the general flew out: "You have received the three yin fingers of this general, and you must be able to help you Get rid of it, otherwise it will definitely not survive a moment or three, and you will not quickly retreat.

The man really felt a strange cold force raging in his body, corroding his body, draining his own vitality, and did not dare to delay, he immediately disappeared into the distance.

The man who fought with Li Guang also left an arm and disappeared into the night.

Several people looked at each other, and Chen Jiudao: "Come and go, the heat is almost the same, let's go, otherwise we can't resist the opponent's master."

Several people drove the escape light and disappeared in place.

At Nanban camp, the king of the barbarian looked gloomily at the continuous accumulation of water in the sky, his expression ugly.

"My lord, I can't resist it anymore. I'm afraid this water flow is hundreds of thousands of catties." After finishing speaking, the supernatural power instantly collapsed, and the more violent water flow rushed towards Daying.

Seeing that the current cannot be stopped, the generals can only pin their hopes on the source to be cut off.

Obviously, the people will be disappointed, and it didn't take long for two figures to rush over in embarrassment: "General, please punish the army for incompetence."

"Majesty, his subordinates have caught the opponent's supernatural powers, and ask the king to save me."

Seeing the embarrassment of the two, the Man King knew what was going on, and after cursing "trash", he said to the guards around him: "Go and go."

"Subordinate Order" two guards flew out, facing the current.

There was no resistance from Da Zhou, and the flood was soon stopped. Seeing that Ze Guo had become a big camp, Man Wang said: "How much is the loss?"

One general said with an ugly expression: "A hundred thousand troops were flooded, fifty thousand died, and fifty thousand were seriously injured, most of which were caused by his own people in the panic."

The surrounding atmosphere of the Barbarian King swelled and said gloomily: "This group of waste has lost too much. That is the elite of my barbarians. This time they must bleed heavily."

The soldiers were silent and didn't know who they were in the mouth of Man Wang.

The big week camp, celebrate tonight. There are two steps to the battle between the two sides. The first step is to cut the general, and the second is to blow the morale of the other side.

Now that there are hundreds of thousands of people killed and injured before they have played against each other, their morale is naturally extremely low.

"Chen Jiu, this time you will count your efforts." The general Iron Wolf laughed as he sat in the big tent.

"Thanks to the general" Chen Jiu is not humble, because it does require military merit.

"This time flooded the barbarian army, I am afraid that the other party is going crazy. Although the last war captured half a million people, but after all, there was no damage. The other party always has a way to redeem it. This damage is enough to make the barbarian king heartache for a long time. Up".

Li Guangdao: "General, we must also prevent the other party from going crazy for revenge."

"This is natural. This general has been marching for so many years, so naturally he still has experience."

The barbarian army, in the camp of Xin Anza, the barbarian king sat there with a gloomy face.

"General, there is a person outside the camp saying that he has something important to see the general" said the soldier outside the camp.

"Someone is looking for this general so late, so let him in."

Not long after a man in a hat walked into the big tent, clasped his fists in both hands: "I have seen the general".

Man Wang narrowed his eyes slightly: "It turns out that it is you. I am looking for you if you don't come. You have also seen the loss of our army tonight. Add 50% to the items promised last time."

"Don't worry about the general, my master already knows what happened here, and he wrote a letter specially, and the general's worries are in this letter."

Looking at the letter in the hands of the man in the hat, Man Wang dubiously accepted it, opened it, and nodded, slightly pensive, and said after a while: "Just do as he said."

"Haha, the king is really wonderful, the villain won't bother the king."

After speaking, don't wait for the Man King to speak and walk out of the camp.

Turning the letter in his hand into powder, the Man Wang just turned around and looked at the dark night sky outside the big tent: "Come on, if the generals ask tomorrow, they will say that this general will go out, so that everyone is safe, wait. My return is the day when my plan can be accomplished".

After speaking, the barbarian king disappeared in the camp. (To be continued...) ()