Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 632: Broke into the underworld, weirdly old

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At the foot of a big mountain, Xu Fu's head was thrown out, as if he was dancing a great god, and the whisk in his hand was flying up and down.

After a long time, it seemed that I felt the yin between the heaven and the earth, and then stopped, hesitated to look at the void, and then clapped his hands fiercely: "Don't worry, this world is not to be missed, it is the master who is fighting for the good fortune There is no room for loss."

After speaking, Xu Fu slapped his forehead, and the black and white figure jumped out. Xu Fu pinched the method: "Go."

In an instant, the black-and-white and two-color phases crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and descended on the border of Dingzhou.

Just entering Dingzhou, the Yinsi Spiritual Qi in the void seemed to be feeling something. It drilled towards the black and white silhouette, and the black and white silhouette let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, so comfortable, this Yinsi is my black and white image. A place to grow".

The news of the entrance didn’t last long. Before long, the entrance of the Yin Division was full of monks from the heavens and a hundred tribes. They looked at the entrance of the Yin Division one by one, where they felt the legendary treasure. And the supreme throne of the heavens.

Seeing more and more people around him, Chen Jiu raised his eyes slightly: "Don’t hesitate, we have Hao in our hands] ↓, ww∷w. Tianjing, go directly in, and it’s a big deal to use the Haotian Mirror. ".

As he said, Chen Jiu was the first to fly up, and a black and white yin and yang fish under his feet revolved and turned into a non-kenning golden bridge, heading towards the entrance of Yinsi.

"Walk" Chen Jiu stepped on the Golden Bridge and stepped into Yinsi first, and then Chao Xiaoyu and others went on the Yin Yang Bridge. Follow behind Chen Jiu.

The people around who were hesitant to see Chen Jiu and his entourage stepped into it, they were immediately anxious, yelling anxiously, ignoring a lot, seeking wealth and danger, and people of a hundred races followed closely behind. After seeing the yin and yang fish, those who had evil thoughts and wanted to take advantage, stepped up to the end of the yin and yang bridge, and were instantly turned into ashes by a strange force of yin and yang.

On the Yin-Yang Bridge, Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly. To those who wanted to take advantage, he could only say one thing: "I don't know whether to live or die."

At the entrance of the cave, Chen Gan looked at the Demon Emperor. Looking at the Barbarian Emperor and the Shaman, without saying a word, the emperor's dragon gas revolved, instantly breaking through the mist and stepping into the Yin Division.

Chen Jiu went in, the Human Emperor went in, the Demon Emperor couldn't sit still, and looked at the Barbarian Emperor and the Shaman. Walked into that Yin Division.

What is it like in Yin Division? .

You have to ask Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu will definitely tell you: "I don't know either."

Yes. After Chen Jiu stepped into this Yin Division, he didn't know the south, east and northwest at all. The surrounding space was reversed, and time and space were disordered. Perhaps the relationship between the fragments of Yin Division just pulled out of the long river of time had a strange force of time.

Standing on the Yin Yang Bridge. Chen Jiu looked at the fog in front of him and stopped. The long river of time kept jumping, making Chen Jiu stop and tell him intuitively. It's not easy here.

"Why don't you leave?" Chao Xiaoyu said behind Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "The front is not easy, wait for them to come and talk."

Chen Gan saw Chen Jiu standing there, gloomily looking at the black mist in front of him, decisively stopped, and did not ask why Chen Jiu didn't move forward, it was purely self-explanatory.

Soon, the Demon Emperor also arrived. Looking at the situation in the field, his eyes grumbled and he leaned aside.

The witches of the witch clan and the barbarian emperor also stood on the side, and the rest of the heavens and hundreds of clan people rushed up, and when they saw the strong men standing still, they stopped moving.

Seeing that no one wanted to step forward, Chen Jiu stepped forward and came to the front of the mist. Everyone's eyes widened. They were about to watch Chen Jiu enter the mist, but they saw Chen Jiu pointing his finger at a birdman with wings on his body:" come here".

The birdman was named by Chen Jiu, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck. Chen Jiu's reputation was not good among the heavens, and that was definitely a reputation for killing.

"Lord" Birdman said cautiously.

"You bird people live a long life, right?" Chen Jiudao.


Feeling that Chen Jiu's gaze looked like two knives, Birdman's heart trembled, and he wanted to speak a lie, but found that his tongue was not used, so he admitted without hesitation.

"Go in" Chen Jiu said blankly.

"Ah" Birdman shrank his neck, took two steps back, exclaimed.

"This king asked you, don't you understand?" Chen Jiu put his hands on his back and looked at the bird man indifferently.

"The prince is forgiving, the prince is forgiving, there is a big horror in the mist, you masters dare not go in, let alone my little character" Birdman cried his face, hoping to receive Chen Jiu's mercy.

Seeing Birdman begging for mercy, Chen Jiu was unmoved.

The demon emperor stepped forward: "The prince's approach is too much."

"Are you going to be nosy?" Chen Jiu looked at the demon emperor.

"This is not a mediocre business, but a major event of my hundreds of clans. The prince insults my members of the hundreds of clans so much, I am afraid that there is something lacking."

Chen Jiu nodded: "Okay, let me see how you can solve it. I have some time in this king and I can afford it."

After Chen Jiu finished speaking, he stepped back and closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

The Demon King was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Jiu to retreat so thoroughly. Originally, he just wanted to stand up and win over the relationship with the Hundred Clan and behave. As for Birdman's life and death, what matters to him, he also peeked into the contents of his coveted. , I can't wait to rush in immediately, Chen Jiu's behavior is exactly what he wants, but he just doesn't want to let go of such a chance to make a face.

Unexpectedly, the white face was done, but it has also become a target for everyone. Everyone is looking at this, what do you want the Demon Emperor to do? .

Anyway, your Demon Emperor prevented Chen Jiu's actions, and the next step is up to your Demon Emperor. If you can't solve it, everyone will not let you go.

Wuzi and Manhuang stood aside watching a good show, and Chen Qian and others all smiled.

"Thanks to the Demon Emperor, thank you to the Demon Emperor." The bird man greeted the demon emperor earnestly, took the opportunity to retreat, and hid far behind.

Looking at the fog in front, and then at the gazes of the hundreds of clans in the sky, the demon emperor is a little difficult to do. As an emperor, the courage is a must, otherwise, in the future, he wants to dominate the hundreds of clans and reach the top, what will everyone do? To see him.

"This emperor can't bear to be harmed by the same people of all the heavens and a hundred clans, so I want to walk forward in person." The demon emperor smiled lightly, with a calm look. As for the specific mood, only the demon emperor himself know.

Chen Jiu's mouth showed a joking smile. None of the powers in this world related to time are simple. This time, the Demon Emperor suffers from suffering. It really deserves him to be a good man.

"It's dangerous inside?" Chao Xiaoyu bit his lip and pressed it to Chen Jiu's ear.

Chen Jiu nodded: "It's not a normal danger, it's quite dangerous."

Being forced on the cliff, the Demon King's words had already been spoken, and he had to bite the bullet and push up.

"Your Majesty is the body of a daughter, how can you do this kind of adventurous things? If you don't let the old cow do it for you, your Majesty will do it," a cow spirit said.

This bull is not low in intensive cultivation, but is a demon king, and can be regarded as the number one person in the demon clan.

The Demon Emperor waved his hand: "It's okay, there is no difficulty in these heavens that the Emperor cannot restrain."

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely forbidden. Once your Majesty is injured, where is my demon clan's great cause, please think twice." Niu Jing fell to the ground.

The Demon Emperor paused, and slowly retracted his steps.

After a long time, the demon emperor walked slowly to the bull spirit: "I have trouble you, don't worry, after the treasure is won, the emperor will definitely not treat you badly."

"Thank you, Your Majesty" Niu Jing stood up and showed a smile: "I am old and thick, thick and thick, and generally tricked, so why not be my old man, please rest assured, your majesty, my old man will come."

As he said, he saw the Niu Jing stepping into the mist with one foot under the gaze of the people of the heavens and a hundred races.

Going forward step by step, the tautoujing kept paying attention to the surrounding situation and found nothing unusual.

"Come back soon" the Demon Emperor yelled from behind.

Although the tauren didn't feel the strangeness by himself, everyone from the outside world could see clearly that the hair of the tauren began to lose its luster within a few breaths, and gradually aged, and even some skin began to wrinkle.

The bull spirit always pays attention to the surrounding situation, and has not noticed the changes in itself. Besides, the life span of the monster is long, and it is normal that it cannot be felt for a while. (A great event for pie-dropping in the sky, a cool phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/public account (you can add a friend on WeChat to add a public account to enter), and participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat public account! )
