Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 791: Wang Mingyang Proof

The monster race needs time. It takes time for all the stars to fully integrate with the will of the stars, but at this time the group of barbarians of the witch race are attacking? .

How to do? .

The Emperor asked himself again, a group of star monarchs were looking at the Emperor.

There is not much time to think about it, and the two sides do the least harm. Is there any other way besides war? .

During the Lich War, the Blood God Lord laughed, the Emperor Yan Luo of Yinshan laughed, the black robe Dao Ancestor frowned, and Chao Xiaoyu of Leyang Realm was expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the secret room, Chen Jiu continuously drives his inner world to accelerate the speed of refining the world.

It is not that simple to contend with the big thousand world. It takes chance, and the Lich War gave Chen Jiu this opportunity.

Therefore, everyone was watching the battle on one side, and they did not stop the actions of the Lich II. Everyone was happy to see that the Lich War echoed the interests of most people.

In this battle, the mountains collapsed, the blood flowed into rivers, and the sky was said to have been broken, the laws were surging, and the destroyed world was constantly being repaired, and the will of Heaven paid attention to the Lich battlefield.

In the endless starry sky, the sun star flickered and dimmed, and a clear cry spread throughout the Three Realms, and the strong men of the ancient Golden Crow clan were reborn.

Chen Jiu, who was in retreat, slowly opened his eyes. The Golden Crow was indeed transformed by the will of the Sun Star, but the darling of the Sun Star. It actually emerged at this time and became the Supreme True Spirit.

The Golden Crow of the Sun Star has a forbidden family to come back. There is no relationship between the Emperor and Wuzi, and the battle is still going on.

A long sword composed of galaxies in the hands of the emperor split the heaven and the earth, and the universe trembled: "Witch, you are mad, and now the enemy is now, you just don’t have to think about how to guard against the enemy, why are you embarrassed with this emperor at this time? I am not afraid that who will come out of retreat and sweep across the heavens?".

The witch spit fiercely: "I, pooh, what the enemy is, if you are concerned about the enemy. Why do you have to insult my witch clan and cut off the messenger of my witch clan? I will tell you today. , Even if you are not in alliance with your monster race. As long as we can knock you off the altar, my witch race will take the opportunity to occupy the heaven and the earth, gather countless fortunes, and the King of Ping Tian is strong. I can't think of how we can get us."

The emperor’s eyes flickered when he heard this, and he obviously thought of this. The Galaxy Sword in his hand flashed again, and he slashed towards the barbaric emperor: “Okay, the victory is determined by the first battle. The winner will gain the vitality of this heaven and earth. Confrontation, the loser has no place to die, no matter what. You all dare to bet that there is no reason for stage fright locally."

After speaking, the seal of the emperor's hand was constantly changing and turning, and the surrounding stars continued to roll, like water waves, with a strange rhythm.

The long sword in the hands of the Barbarian Emperor engulfed part of the fortune of the Barbarian Clan and the Yinsi Difu, and slashed towards the galaxy surrounding the Emperor of Heaven.

One sword cuts through the ages, one cut breaks the galaxy.

"Junior, the ancestor is here to kill you." The seventh ancestor of the monster race didn't know when he led the soldiers from the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountain and rushed into the battlefield instantly. Seeing the Barbarian Emperor and Wuzi attacking the Emperor alone, he didn't want to pull out the Demon Emperor's sword from his waist and cut it towards the center of the battlefield.

Wuzi's fist was turbulent, and he stepped forward to block the seventh ancestor of the monster race: "Old guy. You are lucky not to die in the coffin, but you don't know how to cherish it. Instead, you ran out to stir the wind and rain. Today is the day of your death."

Before the Seventh Ancestor could speak, the shameless aura of the shaman had turned into a black axe. Cut the void, and slashed towards the Seventh Ancestor.

"Junior, when your ancestor I was in ancient times, even the ancestor witch used a few tricks. Today, let’s see how your younger generation has the skill of your ancestor." The long sword in the hands of the seventh ancestor turned into a golden dragon, and it was in the palm of your hand. Delicate scales emerged and turned into dragon claws.

"Longhua?" Wuzi's pupils shrank, and the next moment he roared, trembling in the void: "The true body of the ancestor witch."

The void waved and twisted, and when I looked again, I saw a crimson monster with a bird-headed human body and eight pairs of wings standing opposite the Seventh Ancestor.

"It's actually the real body of the Ancestral Witch, it's really powerful, and it's still the real body of Zhu Rong." The Seventh Ancestor smiled softly, and shook his body, instantly turning into a giant dragon, and rushed to the Ancestral Witch.

"Huo Huo Huo" the sorcerer shouted three times, a sea of ​​crimson fire spread, the void was burned through, and the monster monks were burned to death everywhere they passed.

Seeing this, the Seventh Patriarch was furious, and with a wave of the dragon's claws, endless clouds and mist spread out. This is not an ordinary mist, but the legendary mist of God. All the souls will be cut off instantly, but it is a witch. The mortal enemy of the tribe monks.

The witch monks only cultivate their physical bodies. They don't have the right time and place tomorrow. They follow the path of proving the Dao with strength, breaking the vacuum and seeing the Dao.

However, the body of the dragon race is also good. Since ancient times, the dragon race has been one of the most powerful races between the world and the earth. It has been constantly powerful in its spells. Even this flesh body is also unique, perhaps not as good as the Witch race, but far surpasses other races.

"Evil evil transpiration" The void shattered in front of Wuzi, and the dark evil spirit of the endless underground spread out.

The evil spirits contaminate everything, and there are very few things in this world that can escape the pollution of evil spirits.

In the capital city, Chen Yin sat opposite the ancestors and looked up at the sky. You can see a colorless cover covering the middle area, like a turtle shell, dividing the sky and the earth into two. The world is two worlds.

"The Lich War is an opportunity for my human race to benefit. Are we really not moving?" After all, Chen Yin was a little young and vigorous. He couldn't sit still watching the Lich War.

The thirteen ancestors were the highest among the ancestors who had regained consciousness. He frowned upon hearing this: "Although Ping Tianwang’s Ding Feng Zhongyu brought peace to the Zhongyu, it also lost a trace of pressure and motivation. Once there is a problem with the seal, it will be the catastrophe of my human race."

The following ancestor touched his chin when he heard the words: "The difference between the words of the father and the emperor. The reason why this seal can protect the Central Territory is because this seal does not affect the cause and effect. Once our human race sends troops to contaminate the cause and effect, it will cause the Lich race His anger brought the spear over, and my human race inevitably is another catastrophe."

As soon as these words were made, everyone fell silent for an instant.

Yuzhou City, Wang Mingyang's mansion, Li Ru held a scroll and silently recited a Confucian classic: "Zi said: Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is perishable."

"Zi said: If three people live, there must be my teacher."

"Zeng Zi said:,,,,".

Li Ru's words were dull, but they had a profound meaning to the road. The flowers and plants in the entire yard seemed to have been washed by Li Ru's awe-inspiring words. They were gently swaying with the breeze, making them mysterious.

At this moment, a mysterious aura filled the entire yard, the sky changed color, and red clouds and mists gradually gathered.

Li Ru was a little at a loss. The secluded monks in Yuzhou City stood up and looked at the void vision. They were a little confused, but a little excited, unable to hold on to themselves.

In the next moment, the endless awe-inspiring voice filled the entire yard, and then spread to the entire Yuzhou at a thunderous speed. After three breaths, the vision rushed out of Yuzhou, and the endless words of sages spread throughout the entire middle region, hitting the middle. Above the seal of the domain, the next moment I saw the seal singing softly, the awe-inspiring righteousness and the endless words of sages spread out, rushing to the heaven and the earth, as well as the infinite wildness, the heavens and the world.

The purple qi came three thousand li from the east, and the huge purple qi filled the entire Yuzhou city. Numerous Confucian temples were trembling slightly, and the statues of sages burst out with righteousness, echoing the purple qi in the void.

All beings bowed down At this moment, regardless of race, whether it was a human race or the fighting Lich race, they stopped their movements and bowed their heads under the majesty of the saint.

The Qi machine spreads quickly and retracts faster. After three breaths, all the visions disappear without a trace.

If it were not for the faintly remaining Dao Tianyin, everyone would think they had heard it wrong.

Li Ru looked at the ordinary door with excitement. In which door was sitting the only Confucian saint, and as the son of a saint, he would naturally rise in the future and his status would be extremely noble.

The door of the room opened with a creak, and Wang Mingyang in a white shirt walked out gently. At this time, Wang Mingyang's body no longer had the slightest breath. He stood there obviously, but he did not have the power of the red dust, and seemed to merge with this void.

"The disciple has seen the teacher, congratulations to the teacher, you will be on the road, a thousand catastrophes will not be destroyed" Li Ru hurriedly bowed. (To be continued.) xh118r1052

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