Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 136: .136 If you don’t wake up tomorrow, yo

Situ Yunbing once visited the Monte Carlo Royal Casino, but was turned away by the security guards for not wearing formal attire. For this reason, he was teased by the French media.

Today he put on the suit that Sigrid gave him earlier. Situ Yunbing of Yu Xuanang in the suit and leather shoes took Sigrid to the Monte Carlo Metropolitan Shopping Center first, and she quickly picked one. After putting on the pink one-shoulder evening dress, he went to the Monte Carlo Royal Casino with Situ Yunbing.

When Sigrid walked into the casino with Situ Yunbing's arm, no one stopped them, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid both had smiles on their faces, because he was on the way. Sigrid was told about the fact that Alonzo and Alonzo came here and was blocked by the door. Obviously, crossing the threshold of the casino seemed to have a landmark feeling for Situ Yunbing.

When the two stood in the casino lobby, looking at the lively scene and various entertainment items, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid were a little at a loss.

"Have you been to a casino before?"

Sigrid asked curiously.

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said calmly: "This is my first time in a casino, and I didn't gamble before."

Sigrid smiled and said, "Me too, but since we are here, we should always participate. You see, there should be a bargaining chip."

Situ Yunbing ran to exchange the chips, thinking that regardless of winning or losing, in the end, if there is any leftover, it can be exchanged for cash back, so he left 100 euros for himself, and all the remaining belongings were exchanged for more than 6000 euros. Chips.

Who knows that Sigrid also took out a card and demanded that the balance in the card be converted into chips, so that the total amount is close to 30,000 Euros in chips.

The two of them took the chips and started exploring the game of entertainment while trying to place small bets.

When the two win, they will cheer and celebrate regardless of the eyes of others, even if they won the tens of euros bet in the eyes of other guests, there is nothing to be happy about.

The two played almost all the entertainment in the casino lobby. At the most they won more than 10,000 Euros, but they quickly exported them.

When the evening arrived, Sigrid dropped the last chip in the roulette points, completely trying his luck, and then lost without surprise.

Situ Yunbing and Situ Yunbing smiled bitterly at each other. Their chips ran out. When they walked out of the Monte Carlo Royal Casino, Situ Yunbing hugged Situ Yunbing's arm and said: "Oh my God, I was one day. I lost more than 20,000! No, I cannot come to the casino in the future! Now I am penniless!"

Situ Yunbing was in a good mood. At least this afternoon was very happy. He smiled and said, "I have 100 euros left. Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner. I'm afraid it can't be too rich."

Sigrid laughed, who was very unlady, and took Situ Yunbing's arm and didn't take the car, so he walked southwest along the coastline from the Monte Carlo Royal Casino northeast of Monaco with Situ Yunbing.

The two in costumes attracted a lot of attention from passers-by, but they were not surprised when someone recognized Situ Yunbing. This Monaco marshal has always acted unexpectedly.

Blowing the sea breeze by the beach, eating authentic but not expensive delicacies in ordinary restaurants, Sigrid stretched out after a feast, looked at Situ Yunbing and smiled contentedly: "My dear, I only have two Day holiday, but from yesterday to today, I had a very fulfilling and very happy life."

Situ Yunbing kept putting her hand in the palm of her hand, loving it, and said softly: "The season is about to end, I want to take you to see more beautiful scenery."

Sigrid probed over and kissed Situ Yunbing, their foreheads touched each other, and she smiled joyfully: "I'm looking forward to it."

Her assistant had already called her and was about to pick her up. Situ Yunbing suddenly remembered something, patted her forehead and said to her: "I almost forgot, you call your assistant and let her go Pick you up at the Monaco Club, let’s go now."

Sigrid didn't ask the reason, and on the way to the Monaco club with Situ Yunbing, he sent a message to his assistant and changed the location of the car.

Situ Yunbing went to the office alone to fetch things, and then ran downstairs to find that Sigrid's assistant had been driving outside the club and waited. She also politely greeted Situ Yunbing, Situ Yunbing smiled and said to her After saying hello, he handed the gift box in his hand to Sigrid and smiled and said, "Happy birthday, this is a gift for you."

Sigrid was full of surprise and asked after receiving the gift box: "What is it?"

Situ Yunbing smiled and said, "You can open it to see if you like it or not."

Sigrid opened the gift box and saw the diamond-encrusted gold bracelet. She immediately put it on her wrist, raised her white arm to take a closer look, and then smiled at Situ Yunbing: "I like it very much, thank you."

Situ Yunbing hugged and kissed her goodbye again.

When he watched Sigrid get in the car and leave, he felt a little melancholy again, but he quickly disappeared without a trace.

The current rhythm may also be the best for him. Every time he partes, he will look forward to the next meeting and cherish the opportunity to be together. When she is not around, he will devote himself to work. This is about his life and future.

And because the wonderful time spent with Sigrid will also inspire a stronger fighting spirit, he can only have more if he keeps winning!


Monaco successfully won the League Cup. After winning the championship, the atmosphere of the team became more relaxed, and Situ Yunbing also took it for granted that the current state of the team has become comfortable.

However, when Monaco faced Auxerre in the 34th round of the Ligue 1 weekend, Monaco was a bit relaxed. It was not bad at home, but the overall grasp of opportunities was no longer so rigorous, but reckless. Splurge, causing Monaco to gain power at home without scoring, but was successfully attacked by Auxerre!

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the score on the scoreboard made Monaco very embarrassed.


Monaco lost the game at home.

Even if Situ Yunbing replaced more offensive players in the last 30 minutes, Auxerre held the victory and gave the league leader Monaco a slap in the face!

It is hard to imagine that Monaco had no results in this game with 27 shots. If you only look at the data, everyone will think Monaco is out of luck.

But everyone who watched the game knew that Monaco played too casually. When it was obvious that it needed to be organized, he chose to start shooting. The shooting data was high, but the shooting efficiency was extremely poor.

Situ Yun criticized the team ruthlessly after the interview.

"I think we made a common sense mistake. The League Cup is not the same as the League Championship!

Monaco performed very badly today. Even if it seems that we are dominating the game, we did not create a real threat. Basically every aspect is much worse than in the past. Auxerre performed very well today. They look hopeless No demand, but obviously do not want to leave with a defeat at the Louis II Stadium. They did it. Congratulations to them for winning the game. They let Monaco wake up from the joy of winning last week!

The situation has become very clear. If Marseille and Bordeaux win this round, then Monaco is one step away from losing the championship!

If tomorrow we cannot wake up quickly and cheer up, then the day after tomorrow we will die. "

Situ Yunbing knows that the French media will have a new view on the situation of the league title. Even if there is a team in Marseille and Bordeaux that cannot win this round, there must be at least one team that can take all 3 points and maintain it. Pressure on Monaco!

When he returned to the locker room after the game, Situ Yunbing was not furious. Such excessive words and deeds were obviously inappropriate.

Modesto, who always appeared in the stands on the home game day during the recovery period, was called by Situ Yunbing. He asked the captain to go with the current captain Perez to convene an internal team meeting in the locker room to let them do this. The players themselves sum up and remind each other, the coach will not come forward, so as not to make a fuss.

Originally, Monaco's super strong record in the second half of the season could be fault-tolerant. At this time, there is no life hanging by the thread. It is impossible to make the whole team nervous. Situ Yunbing expressed his attitude to the outside and asked the captain and deputy captain to hold a political meeting internally. "It can be regarded as his improvement in management methods.