Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 242: .242 Light up the road to legend

Bayern Munich coach Van Gaal said in the pre-match press conference nothing but morale-boosting words about Bayern Munich's efforts to comeback.

From the outside, it is very nutritious.

But maybe he hid all his true thoughts, after all, the coach is not obligated to tell the battle plan and his plan before the game.

Of course, the German media expect Van Gaal to be quiet on the surface, but there is a good plan inside.

At the end of April, Bayern Munich visited the Louis II Stadium.

In history, Monaco and Bayern Munich have no record of fighting before the semi-finals of the Champions League this season. The German teams that Monaco have encountered in history include Leverkusen, Hamburg, Frankfurt, etc., but they have not played. Bundesliga classmate Bayern Munich.

However, Bayern Munich is not the first time to visit the Louis II Stadium. They have been here when they played the European Super Cup.

It's just that it was 9 years ago.

This time Bayern Munich’s visit to the Louis II Stadium, the local fans of Monaco are extremely excited. This year they are particularly satisfied. They can enjoy the elegance of Premier League giants Chelsea and Manchester United at home, as well as the arrival of La Liga giants Real Madrid. Now they can appreciate Monaco at home. In the battle with Bayern Munich, they have never been so happy and have never experienced the glory of standing in the center of the European football arena. Under the illumination of the global spotlight, even the fans are extremely proud.

Twenty minutes before the start of the game, the players warmed up and returned to the locker room. When they walked back to the locker room to start the final pre-match preparations, Situ Yunbing started the pre-match training in advance.

He walked smoothly in a circle in front of the seat in the locker room, his voice deep and full of magnetism.

"You don't have to look up at me, but listen carefully.

When you look at the team emblem when you sort out your jerseys, you will think of the greatness of this team. We have created extraordinary achievements this season. Yes, there is a credit for each of you.

In the past year, we have been tired of the **** theory that other people say Monaco can’t do it, say Monaco will be eliminated in the Champions League group stage, say Monaco will learn from the Champions League this year, and come back next year to strive for good results. We are also in front of the rich. Described as the gap between children and adults.

No one dares to say that about Monaco now, because we sent Atletico Madrid and Porto back to our hometowns, we put Real Madrid to shame, and we made the incredible Manchester United hate!

When we sent off one opponent after another on the stage of the Champions League, people finally began to admit that we are strong. If the traditional giants are giant dragons, we are the dragon-slaying warriors!

Instead, we have to calm down and think about our performance every time we can defeat a strong enemy and eliminate an opponent, and think about your efforts!

Is it because every step forward, you pay much more than before? !

Because we are climbing towards the highest peak of European football. The closer we are to the peak, the greater the resistance. If we let out a sigh of relief, we might be swept down the cliff by the gust of wind. With stronger morale and willpower, how do we climb to the top?

If you can figure this out, then you should know that we are now favored by people, because some teams are beginning to fear us, they should fear us, because we are the champions and we are the kings who have conquered France!

But if we relax and we don’t show better abilities than before, we cannot move forward!

The road ahead will be harder and more challenging, but isn't this what you want?

If you don’t need it, why did you come to Ligue 1 from the Eredivisie? Why come to Ligue 1 from the comfortable little league? Why work harder than others?

Let us make our efforts meaningful, let us hold our dreams in our hands and never let go, let us shake European football, let the world tremble, let our enemies fear us, let our supporters cheer wildly!

Each of us walks in a similar way, similar to the ordinary, and similar to it will be repeated a thousand times, but we have the opportunity to light up the road we have taken when we stop, and engrave on it: legend!

I see light in you, but you need to illuminate the entire European football arena and make everyone look up and worship!

This is enough to make you work hard, believe me, you have such energy! "

Situ Yunbing said that there was no passion in the dressing room, but the players looked at each other, and the surging fighting spirit was all written on their faces.

When he was halfway through, in fact, everyone had arranged their jerseys, put on the shin guards and sneakers. They listened seriously and earnestly to every word that Situ Yunbing said in a deep tone, which was deeply printed on theirs. Remember in my heart.

Situ Yunbing can always bring them spiritual baptism on the eve of key battles!

And it's just right. Sometimes it's to instigate passion, and sometimes it's a cooling warning to make them enlighten.

As a result, the players have become dependent on Situ Yunbing. No matter what their emotions are, they will always reach an amazing agreement after the training of Situ Yunbing. The overall thinking of the team is unified, whether it is right or wrong. , After all, in the game will make them appear as a whole.

Situ Yunbing certainly couldn't be right every time, and he was not a god, but it was better than a dish of loose sand.

The pre-match training is always only part of his command of the team, and the rapid correction of errors on the spot is also a challenge to test his ability, and it will continue.

Because no coach or player has always been perfect.

Sudden situations on the football field are always unprepared.

Situ Yunbing stood by the door of the locker room and sent every player to the game as usual.

If someone else came to the dressing room in Monaco, they must have thought they were in the wrong place, and they thought it was similar to the nest of mafia gangs.

Because now, every player who passes by Situ Yunbing before the game will take the initiative to bow their heads to Situ Yunbing and ask Situ Yunbing to hug or kiss them. Their faces are pious, as if they lack the "inspiration" of Situ Yunbing. The combat effectiveness will fall short of expectations.

In less than two years, Situ Yunbing’s dedication to Monaco has received the best return. Even the Monaco coaching staff can’t help but admire Situ Yunbing. Even they are all now facing Situ Yunbing. There is a feeling of reverence.

The players and coach left the locker room.

Situ Yunbing took out his tablet and began to distribute cards to the players.

After beating Bayern Munich in the previous game, he drew two more cards.

One Schmeichel, one Cole.

Schmeichel’s card made Situ Yunbing very satisfied, because there is still one in the card library. As a result, he used a Schmeichel for De Gea today, and he can also ensure that if he advances to the Champions League final, Can use one for De Gea.

Today, his idea of ​​using cards is to use the elimination method.

Now there are 12 cards in the library and he needs to use 5 cards.

Except for Schmeichel with two, there is one in other positions.

First of all, he has to keep the five cards he will use if he enters the finals.

Like Giggs, Keane, Stam, players with corresponding positions in the team can use powerful cards with a high degree of fit, he must stay.

At least if it is used today, the price is not high.

Cole and York kept one, he chose to keep Cole, used York's card today, and used it on Falcao.

Give De Gea a sheet of Schmeichel.

Because there are no suitable players to use Beckham's cards, they are still reserved.

Give Vertonghen a card from Defender Johnson.

Give Muratori an Elvin.

Finally, he used Scholes's card on Matic.

There are 7 "Champions of Champions League" cards left in the library.

Schmeichel, Gary Neville, Stam, Keane, Beckham, Giggs, Andy Cole.

If they can advance to the finals, then these 7 cards can at least ensure that Situ Yunbing can effectively enhance the team's on-the-spot performance when lining up in the finals.

After doing all this, Situ Yunbing put away the tablet and walked out of the locker room. When he came to the player aisle, he in a suit and leather shoes swaggered, and the starting players of the two teams were already lined up and ready to go out.

Hearing the sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor from behind, the Bayern Munich generals looked back, but the Monaco generals were unmoved, they were already familiar with the footsteps of Situ Yunbing.

The indifferent Situ Yunbing with one hand in his pocket seemed to have his own bullishness, and from the inside out, when he walked past the Bayern Munich generals, the Bayern Munich generals even breathed a little heavy.

Situ Yunbing did not take a look at the Bayern Munich players.

When playing Real Madrid, he had seen the two Golden Globes, and he really didn't think Bayern Munich could put him under pressure.

On the contrary, he was portrayed as a miracle man by the media of various European countries, and he was more likely to put pressure on his opponents.

Because he is like a mystery!

Comes with mystery!

Superstitious fans will even say that he is the incarnation of the Oriental God.

Otherwise, how could this guy who didn't know where he came from sweeping France in two years, and now he is leading his team to sweep Europe!

Even Alexander the Great or Napoleon’s rebirth might not be possible!

Situ Yunbing knew that although some people would have a unique sense of freshness when they saw him for the first time, more people knew that his opponent would have an invisible pressure!

He enjoys this feeling of putting pressure on opponents, which is commonplace in Ligue 1, but it is novel to have this feeling on the European stage.

Deep down in his heart, he also knew that if he wanted to maintain this pressure on his opponent, continue to enjoy it.

Then he will.
