Green Giant

Chapter 114: China Tour

Liu Zaishi saw other members looking at him. He also knew in recent years that it has become increasingly difficult to develop. It is difficult to take care of these younger brothers and sisters with limited resources, and he has received the news in advance. The Ace Variety Challenge at her hand is also about to stop broadcasting, and runningman has been getting lower and lower ratings in recent years. Although the newcomer has been added this year, the newcomer effect is not particularly outstanding, but she also has his difficulties.

After struggling for a while, Liu Zaishi said, "I am willing to join. The truth is that the conditions you have given are very good, but ... but I and fnc ... if you can solve it, I am No problem. "Jingyang smiled:" It's okay, you can rest assured, nfc is not a big deal to me, and I might as well tell you that in another month and June, ne will complete the acquisition of fncentertainment. By then fnc It will become a subsidiary of ne, so what you worry about in Shige is not a problem at all. "

After Liu Zaishi listened, he pushed his glasses. How could he not understand Jingyang's plan for decades in this circle? This is to turn ne into a comprehensive entertainment agency. Liu Zaishi: "There will be no problem, I am willing to join." After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, the other five were relieved, but Quan Shaomin and Liang Shican did not speak.

Jing Yang: "Shaomin, your company secreter doesn't seem to be planning to give you resources. Even the variety shows are run by yourself. How are you interested in joining my ne company? And I listen to President Li and I report to you and Guangzhu ... "Li Guangzhen, who was on the side, said quickly:" This ..... this .... "Jing Yang looked at Quan Shaomin and continued to say," Brother Guangzhu, don't need to So nervous, I'm still very open to the love of the artists, and you don't want to be married like Zhong Guoge for more than forty! "Jing Yang said with a smile.

Quan Shaomin said shyly: "I would be very willing to work with Guangzhu Ouba in a company, but my contract is still three years away." Jingyang: "This is not a problem, the secreter has always wanted to invest in our movie It ’s not a problem for me to ask them to come over a few actors, hey ... Brother Guangzhu, I can help you so much, treat others well, I can see that Shao Minxi is a kind person, here It's rare in the circle, "Jingyang said. The image of Guangzhu when she changed shows repeatedly stood up seriously, bowed deeply to Jing Yang and said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Jingyang stood up and lifted up Guangzhu and said, "No need, I will do my best to help. Brother Guangzhu and I have already arranged for President Li before coming to Korea. It will start in the second half of this year and next year. You're busy, two TV series and one movie, don't embarrass me and work hard! Prove to those who once looked down on you, you can do it! "

Then Jingyang looked at Liang Shican again and said, "Hey, your contract ... is signed on s. I haven't done it for you at the television station, but you can rest assured that you will be directly after the two-year contract expires. Join Ne, and you do n’t need to worry about resources. I think Shige will find a way. ”Liang Shican said happily,“ Thank you, thank you Jingyang xi. ”

Jing Yang: "By the way, does Zhong Guoge have any idea to continue singing? You can rest assured that you have joined us, and no other recording company dares to continue to embarrass you." Jin Zhongguo shook his head: "Although I want to continue singing, but said In fact, even if several other companies will not shoot, but I do n’t dare to try it without absolute good songs, after all ... ”Jingyang:“ Well, I understand the idea of ​​brother, if the right song is later, Brother, if you want to sing, just say directly, I will tell President Lee in advance, so let ’s eat first. Look at Ji Xiaonu and my wife ......... " After Jingyang smiled, everyone smiled, and Sunny held Jingyang's arm: "Huh!" Sunny hummed cutely and delivered the wrapped barbecue to Jingyang's mouth.

Everyone was eating almost, and they went away. Some went on their journeys, while others went straight home. After Jingyang and Sunny returned to their villas, Sunny asked: "Husband, do you seem to be ready to make a big move?" Jingyang squeezed Sunny's company and said: "Hey, when is your husband my little move? Now? Since you want to do it, do your best. With the joining of Liu Zaishi and others, this step towards the variety show is opened. After the acquisition of fnc, the territory is considered complete. "Sunny:" Huh, husband, you To be honest, did you buy fnc as a member of aoa? ”Jingyang reached out and knocked on Sunny ’s little head:“ What do you think you think all day long, in fact, you bought fnc because you fancy him? Potential, do you believe that fnc has the ability to compete with the other three major companies in the future? And if you want to say that person, I am more optimistic about Zheng Ronghe, and you are busy with him ... In fact, Zheng Ronghe is very talented. How many songs have been created by him alone over the years, and his ability is very strong, but he has not encountered a reliable president. "

sunny: "What about that uncle?" Jingyang smiled: "You do n’t understand, Zheng. The company ’s dominant situation, the chambers are fighting, in fact, we are really a family behind you, you know What do I mean? No matter how fierce the fight is on the face, but hey in the back ... "Sunny nodded, in fact this is

Like j., The company is superficial, but the relationship is actually good. "That husband, when I was chatting with Xiuying last night, she said that seeing a foreign report, your value reached 20 billion US dollars is true or false?" Sunny asked. "Of course it's fake!" Jingyang said. "Oh, I said, husband, you do n’t seem to be such a rich person!" Jing Yang smiled: "My stupid treasure, in fact, my worth is more than 20 billion, some time ago I and Bolton Counting it up, taking into account those subsidiaries and so on, it is almost more than 58 billion. "Jingyang said.

Sunny hugged Jingyang's head and rubbed it: "It's nothing special, how did you do it." Jingyang: "Cough ... wife, I know your capital is" rich, "but you are like this I'm going to suffocate. "" Why are you so hooligan! Alas! "Sunny said blushingly. "Oh, when Li Sanlang was still shy," Jing Yang said with a grin.

After spending a few days with Sunny and Sunny's family in Korea, Jingyang asked Sunny's parents about it. The second elder did not want to travel abroad. Jingyang and Sunny had to give up a family to Hawaii for a holiday, and Crespo also took a holiday. Back, Jingyang brought Sunny to Seoul Airport to go to Beijing, China, and Bolton had arrived a day earlier. Crespo and Bolton also came and went. This time in China, Jingyang did not arrange a club to warm up. It ’s a low-key look for real genius. In fact, although Jingyang is now Italian, he is still a Chinese, and now he has this ability. Why not choose a few good seedlings and bring them back to Palma to train, and The reason why there is no fanfare to do it, one is that they do not want to be connected with the official department, and the other is that the so-called geniuses and coughs recommended by the clubs are basically rich in families. You know, Jingyang is not for any image project. Or earn money, but sincerely want to cultivate real genius.

And this time when he went to Jingyang, China, he also contacted Han Qiaosheng. Han Qiaosheng also knew Jingyang's purpose. He respected Jingyang from the bottom of his heart, because he knew that Jingyang's visit this time was not for the purpose of publicity, but rather Sincerely want to tap the genius of China. Outside Beijing Capital Airport, Burton, Crespo and Han Qiaosheng waited for Jingyang with sunglasses and hats.

The temperature in Beijing was very comfortable in mid-May. Jingyang and sunny walked out and saw Bolton and others walking past. Jingyang: "I'm very annoying Mr. Han this time." Jingyang said politely. "Mr. Jingyang, you're very kind. Let's go to the hotel first. The province will be found by the media for a while." Han Qiaosheng said.

Jingyang and Sunny left the airport with five people and arrived at the hotel by car. Jingyang and Sunny left their things and left the room with everyone and came to the restaurant.

Jing Yang: "Trouble Mr. Han this time. I do n’t know much about China. I hope I can find a teenager or two who are 16-18 years old. I do n’t know where to find other than major clubs. . "Jingyang directly expressed his thoughts.

"If you just said, there are only two of them, one is a field stadium and the other is a school." Han Qiaosheng said. Jingyang nodded: "Even if the wild stadium is chosen, generally the temperament of playing in the wild stadium is better than freedom. It seems that I can only start at school. I do n’t know if Mr. Han has time recently. I plan to go to Beijing and Tianjin. I visited two places, and this time I was in a hurry and couldn't stay too long. "Jingyang said. "Well, I haven't had much trouble in the last week. It seems that Mr. Jingyang is very familiar with China. It is really close from Beijing to Tianjin, and there are many children studying football in these two cities." Han Qiaosheng said.

Jing Yang smiled: "Well, I have loved Chinese culture since I was a child, so I also supplemented some Chinese historical knowledge. This time I chose to go to Beijing and then Tianjin because the two cities are not only close, but also Deep football heritage. "Jingyang said. Everyone went back to rest after having lunch. Jingyang also agreed with Han Qiaosheng and will start visiting major universities tomorrow.

After Han Qiaosheng left, Crespo only said, "Jingyang, I received bad news last night. Vincenzo's agent proposed a transfer. At present, many Premier League clubs are interested in Vincenzo, of which Lai The City of Manchester City and West Ham have the most sincere initial offer of 20 million, you see? "Jingyang frowned. The original plan was Vincenzo partner Itulbe, but Vincenzo's outstanding performance this season seems It attracted the attention of others, and the players also seemed to want to play in the top league, but ... for Jingyang's thoughts, closing his eyes and calling out the system, right winger ..... ..Screening ............ Since the system upgrade, you can be more precise when searching for players. For example, you can set the player's speed, cross, shoot, and minimum values ​​of these attributes, which is a lot more convenient, eh It's him!

Jing Yang opened his eyes and watched Crespo and others watching themselves. "Ahem, just now I was thinking of a suitable player, so Hernan, if you go back to Vincenzo's agent, you say I agree with his transfer application, and then you go to these interested clubs and resume The price of Leicester City and West Ham is 30 million, but it can accept 20 million + 10 million 12-month installment. "

"In addition, you will contact Bayern Munich a short time and quote Douglas 15 million Euros.

The price is about 20 million Euros! "Jingyang said. Douglas played well this season, but the information that Jingyang got from the system is lack of competition, but the values ​​are very strong. Among them, several key attributes of wingers are explosive power 20, flexible 20, speed 16 , Cross 16, dribble 18, long shot 16, but the free kick is worse than Vincenzo by only 14 and Vincenzo's free kick has reached 18 points! But to say the winger, Douglas is more suitable for Parma.

Crespo: "Well, I'll contact Bayern Munich right now." Crespo turned and left Jingyang's room after speaking. Sunny: "Husband, let's go to the night market." Jingyang: "Huh Then, let ’s change clothes now. ”After half an hour, Jingyang and Sunny changed their clothes and walked out of the hotel to the streets of Beijing. The hotel is not far from Panjiayuan in Beijing. Before Jingyang and Sunny strolled past a stall, Sunny saw a jade bracelet as soon as he wanted to see it and was stopped by Jingyang. "Wife, it's not too early to go." Jingyang said and squeezed Sunny's hand hard, Sunny nodded, and the stall owner just wanted to speak when he left, Jingyang stared fiercely at the other side. , Turned away for convenience.

Afterwards, Jingyang and Sunny returned to the hotel without any thought. When I arrived in the room, Sunny: "Husband, just now ... Is there any problem with the jade bracelet just now?" Jing Yang nodded: "It's okay, but I stopped it in time. Sunny, you may not know much about this kind of thing I also knew something about a friend who had happened to me before. "Jingyang could not help but remember that before rebirth, at that time Jingyang had just entered the company and was still a newcomer. There was a good relationship with a colleague of the same period, but ... Hey.

"Sunny, I know you understand what I just did. I do n’t want to elaborate too much. The bracelet just now should not be what it is now. From the eyes of the stall owner just now, I have also determined that there are two types of jade articles. One is the carved jade that is mined now, and the other is ... it is the relic left by the ancestors, commonly known as the unearthed. The written meaning is to dig from the soil. You think you should understand me What did you just say? The jade bracelet just now is of superior quality, whether it is fine or carved. This kind of thing shouldn't have appeared on this kind of stall. Besides, have you found that bracelet with a little red? "Sunny:" Well, did you find that it was born of jade? "Jingyang shook his head:" No, if it's the same as I think, the red spots are ... Qin Xueqin! "Sunny face Yibai: "Her husband, don't scare me!" Jingyang shook his head: "It's all right, don't be afraid, don't I stop you in time. Remember next time it's easy to avoid touching such things." Sunny He fell asleep in the middle of the night while holding Jingyang, while Jingyang was lying I remembered the friend who was born before the rebirth. Of course, the friend was not dead, but was crazy. No one knows how crazy, but Jingyang guessed that it was related to the bracelet. Jingyang also inquired a lot about it data of.

Just now Jingyang and Sunny saw that the bracelet was very much an unearthed object, and the jade was **** ... but it was fine. The next morning, Jingyang and Sunny washed and went downstairs to eat. After that, they took a bus with Crespo and others to go to various middle schools and high schools. In the morning, Jingyang and others visited several schools, but they did not find that their talents were too prominent. The highest one has a potential value of 135. Even if this potential is thoroughly cultivated, it is the main force of the second level at most, which is of little significance to Jingyang.

Crespo got a phone call at noon. There was David Fefferer, Parma's chief team doctor. Ten minutes later, Crespo sighed: "Jingyang just got the news. David said that Giraldo fell off the stairs this morning when he went downstairs to buy something, and his left leg was broken .... It takes at least half a year of rest I ’m afraid we still need to buy someone on the left. ”Jingyang covered her head silently, because when they talked just now, Jingyang had heard and quietly checked the status of some of Girado, Gira It really takes more than half a year of rest and the potential has dropped to 158 ... "Hey, this is also no way, natural disaster ** this .... Let's continue to look for genius, I will think about it later Who to buy to complement the left-back position. "

In the afternoon, everyone continued to visit major universities, but the results were unsatisfactory ... After returning to the hotel at night, Jingyang quietly searched for which players on the left guard position are suitable. Well, this Ajax talented teenager is good. ,by! It's so expensive! Next ... When I looked around Jingyang, I found that only Tottenham Hotspur's Danny Rose and Dortmund's Dum were more suitable, but compared to Danny Rose, Dum appeared to have Although some soft and good prices and speed, but the defensive ability and cross, are not as good as Danny Rose, although Danny Rose is a bit more expensive 12 million euros, but ... Jingyang now think Yes, why not fight after the upgrade to the Italian Serie B this year, the lineup can go to the Italian Cup to challenge it, and finally get a qualification for the European Union.

Jingyang: "Hernan, you can quote Tottenham Hotspur. The first quote is 10 million. The highest is not more than 15 million. I want to buy Danny Rose!" Crespo: "Jingyang, this year's flowers Is there a little more money? "Jingyang:" No, I don't think it's much at all, and I now have an idea. The goal of this year may be bigger! Now our lineup Hernan, do you think we have Are the league teams much worse? "