Green Giant

Chapter 352: Away in Palermo

Palermo's right forward Rofaso also knows that he did not choose to play alone and quickly passed the ball to the center of Palermo's midfielder Joechev, and the center of Palermo's midfielder. Jochev sent the ball straight to Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez outside the penalty area. Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez just after the ball, the young player Filippo. Romana quickly stepped forward and broke the ball steadily.

At this point, the game has arrived in the twentieth minute. The teenager Filippo Romana successfully intercepted the ball from the foot of Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez. After the ball was broken, the young player Filippo Romana watched. After glancing at the frontcourt environment, without waiting for Palermo's defensive midfielder Yallo to post a big long pass, he found Cristiano Ronaldo on the left.

Cristiano Ronaldo was very confident after taking the ball, took a few steps forward and then suddenly accelerated and turned sharply past Palermo's right-back Damian Suarez. After passing, Cristiano Ronaldo quickly tilted the ball According to the pass, the middle and frontcourt player Diacarte easily got the ball.

The Palermo team's midfield and frontcourt players retreated very quickly to the midfield and backcourt. The defense in the midfield and backcourt was very dense and concentrated. Jingyang can see that the Palermo team hopes to win today. The teenager Diacarte did not Rushing forward with the ball but passing it to the better Kanter,

Kanter's ability is more people think that he is the best defensive player, but outsiders do not know that Kanter's ability to pass and exit is definitely a first-class midfielder, Kanter is very clever to use his body Relying on Palermo's defensive midfielder Yalo,

Kanter pushed the ball with his right foot to the younger Juan Iturbe who came to meet. The younger Juan Iturbe looked at the situation on the court and chose to break through. Palermo's defensive back Gilson Fernandez also Knowing that his speed is not as explosive as teenager Juan Iturbe,

If you continue to do so, the youngster Juan Iturbe can use his body to kill the ball all the way out of the penalty zone. This can be dangerous. The younger Juan Iturbe's long-range shooting ability and shooting ability are absolutely first-rate, and in the younger Juani Turbe's ball protection is also very good in detail,

There is no way for Palermo's defensive back Gilson. Fernandez can only call teammate Palermo's left-back Terence Congolo to help defend the youngster Juan Iturbe, but then there is a vacancy on the right. At the file, teenager Juan Iturbe smiled and passed the ball gently.

Dickman, who was inserted in the right wing, was thinking of making a breakthrough. At this time, Palermo's defensive midfielder Yaluo quickly chased back. The younger Dickman quickly passed the ball to the midfielder Dyakat and Diya. Carter passed the ball directly to the left wing Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo dunks the ball on the left side at high speed. Palermo center defender Pavel David has made multiple defenses in the hope of stealing, but unfortunately he thinks more. Cristiano Ronaldo's ability is not to say He, even the top defenders in Serie A, don't say that they can steal the ball from Cristiano Ronaldo's feet.

Cristiano Ronaldo also laughed a bit and used absolute speed. After an emergency stop, he quickly threw away Palermo center defender Pavel. Davido did a lot of times and dropped Palermo center defender Pavel. After Davido's time, Cristiano Ronaldo did not continue to burst and chose to cross at a forty-five degree angle.

The quality of Cristiano Ronaldo's cross was still very high, but unfortunately the younger Romero in the penalty area was closely guarded, and the younger Juan Iturbe was not good at aerial shots. The younger Romero snatched it. A header was scored for the goal, but unfortunately Romero's ball was saved by Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci.

Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez hurried to make a clearance, but the ball was inserted by Danilos on the left side of the midfield. After taking the ball, Danilos quickly passed the ball to the left wing. Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo took advantage of Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez and quickly led the ball into the penalty area.

Cristiano Ronaldo shot to the left of the penalty area and kicked the goal directly. Unfortunately, Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci took out the crossbar with both hands. Palma got the right corner kick and the younger Juan Iturbe opened the ball. Out of the right corner, passed to Diacart outside the penalty area,

The teenager Diacart didn't want to take a long shot directly, but unfortunately the ball was stabbed by Palermo's defensive backside Gilson Fernandez. After the ball changed direction, it rubbed the post and flew out of the bottom line. Palermo team Get the goal kick,

After going to work in the 23rd minute, Parma launched an attack again. Danny Rose saw a chance to steal the ball from the right side of Palermo's right forward Rofaso in the backcourt and passed it directly to Cristiano on the left. Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo advance quickly with the ball,

Palermo's defensive backside Gilson Fernandez quickly rushed over to make up for the defense. Cristiano Ronaldo turned sharply and stopped the ball to change the line and then broke out of Palermo's defensive backside Gilson Fernandez, Cristiano Ronaldo passed off Palermo's defensive backside Gilson Fernandez and took the ball directly to the bottom line and killed it at high speed.

Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball to the left side of the penalty area. At this time, Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez quickly guarded. Cristiano Ronaldo made several fake moves in a row. After passing Palermo's right-back Damian Suarez,

Cristiano Ronaldo crosses a forty-five degree from the left on the left side. After the penalty area, the young man Romero fought hard with Palermo center defender Pavel Davido for a header. Unfortunately, the ball was Palermo. Goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci struggled to the bottom and Parma had a chance at the right corner.

Corner kick from the younger Juan Iturbe. After a scuffle in the penalty area, the player Juan Iturbe passed the ball back to the middle of the arc outside the restricted area. It's a long-range shot. The quality of long-range shot by teenager Diacart is very good.

But Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci was not slow to fly. Instead, he barely pushed the ball to the left of the bottom line. Palma got the left corner and the corner was taken by younger Juan Iturbes. The main penalty, the teenager Juan Iturbe took the left corner and directly passed into the air over the penalty area.

The teenager Romero leaped with all his strength to make a strong header with Palermo center defender Pavel Davido, but unfortunately the ball was grabbed by Palermo center defender Pavel Davido. At the top of the header, the penalty area was cleared, but at this time Parma midfielder Kanter on the right side of the arc was very good at judging the location of the goal.

Parma midfielder Kanter estimated the distance and the current situation. After facing the ball, it was a volley shot directly. The ball hit the dead corner in the upper left corner of the Palermo goal like a bullet coming out of the chamber. , The home fans were already ready to shout,

But this time it is a pity that Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco. Vanucci, who performed very well today, magically bumped the ball, and the ball eventually hit the post and popped up. Junior Romero did not grab the first At two o'clock, the ball was caught by Palermo's centre-back Albiol and he tried to make a clearance.

In the first half of the game until the 25th minute, Parma organized the attack again. The younger Diacarte actively started the midfield and successfully intercepted the ball from the foot of Palermo's defensive midfielder Yaluo. Passed to right-wing teenager Juan Iturbe,

Juvenile Juan Iturbe took a look at the defender of Palermo's left back Terence. Congolo. Juvenile Juan Iturbe is very confident. You can see it in his eyes. Junior Juan Iturbe Knowing that if you want to get a chance, you can only use your body and speed to force the attack,

Otherwise, it is impossible to get a chance if the ball is pushed forward step by step. The teenager Juan Iturbe quickly turned and accelerated to successfully throw off Palermo's left back Terence Kongolo. The teenager Juan Iturbe took the ball. Quickly hit the bottom line. After killing near the bottom line, teenager Juan Iturbe took a look at the situation in the penalty area and chose to cross.

Palermo's goalkeeper Romero jumped the header and made a high goal. Unfortunately, Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci jumped up and strove to save the goal. Palma got the right corner kick. Corner taken by younger Juan Iturbe, and cornered by younger Juan Iturbe,

The ball was passed to the younger Diacart outside the arc of the penalty area. After receiving the ball, the younger Diacart kicked the long shot directly. Unfortunately, the younger Diacart did not control the angle of the ball. Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco. Nucci struggled to save the ball from the bottom line again, and Palma got the chance to the left corner.

The younger Juan Iturbe took the corner again. The younger Romero was very clever this time instead of heading directly to the goal, but instead leaping high against Palermo center defender Albiol and shaking his head to cross the ball. To the youngster Juan Iturbe on the right side of the penalty area,

The teenager Juan Iturbe directly pushed the corner, but at this time Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci again magically blocked the ball. Palma got the right corner and the teenager Juan Iturbe took the corner. The youngster Juan Iturbe kicked the right corner kick into the penalty area.

Palermo centre-back Pavel Davido missed a lot of errors and Cristiano Ronaldo shot quickly. Unfortunately, the ball was once again magically blocked by Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci. , Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez hurried to kick the ball out of the penalty area.

In the first half of the game, in the twenty-eighth minute, Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez kicked the ball and kicked it back. Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez made a good clearance. Passed to Palermo's defensive midfielder Yallo in the midfield,

After Palermo's defensive midfielder Yalolo took the ball, he quickly passed the ball diagonally to Palermo's left forward Norbert Barlog, and Palermo's left forward Norbert Barr. Logger quickly attacked after getting the ball. Palermo's left forward Norbert Ballog forced the ball forward with a pain from the leg.

Danny Rose also pinpointed this space and blocked the space for passing outside, because at the moment, the left leg of Palermo's right forward Rofaso could not exert power at all, so there was no existence from It's possible to pass inside. Palermo's right forward Rofaso is also very experienced and understands what Danny Rose means.

Palermo's right forward Rofaso did not pass the ball quickly to the Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez, Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez topped the ball With Parma center defender Coulibali passing the ball to Palermo's left winger Norbert Barlog,

Palermo's left forward Norbert Barlog has quickly pushed forward the youngster Dickman after receiving the ball. Palermo's left forward Norbert Barlog made a direct cross from the left side of the frontcourt. When Parma's penalty player, Filippo Romana, saw a high chance and smashed Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez to make a clearance.

In the first half of the game, Parma began to organize the attack in the 30th minute. The younger player Filippo Romana beat Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez in the backcourt and passed the ball to Kan's midfielder. Special, Kanter quickly dribbled the ball after taking half the ball, at this time Palermo's defensive back Gilson Fernandez rushed forward and kept defensive small moves

And Palermo's defensive back Gilson Fernandez's actions are very dirty. It can be said how dirty they are. Even players like Kanter almost broke out, but fortunately the referee quickly whistleed and Quickly ran over and took out a yellow card to warn Palermo's defensive back Gilson Fernandez,

After Parma got a free kick in the midfield, Parma midfielder Kanter quickly passed the ball to the right-hander Diacart, the younger Diacart took the ball to advance the attack, Kanter was tacitly stuck in the middle Although the lap position is waiting to see if the situation is plugged in or defensive,

The teenager Diacart drove the ball to the frontcourt and passed the ball diagonally to Cristiano Ronaldo on the left bottom. After Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball, Palermo's right-back defender Damian Suarez grabbed the ball and fell. Cristiano Ronaldo, the referee showed a yellow card and gave Parma a free kick on the left outside the penalty area.

Cristiano Ronaldo personally took the penalty. Cristiano Ronaldo took a free kick and passed into the penalty area. The young Romero leaped high to suppress the Palermo center defender Albiol's header. Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci struggled to the right of the bottom line.

Jingyang shook his head. It seems that Palermo's veteran Reina is in a surprisingly good shape today. Palma got a corner kick from the right. The younger Juan Iturbe took a corner kick. The Romeo Romero jumped high. He tried to beat Palermo's centre-back Albiol and shook his head. However, the ball was once again saved by Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci and Parma made a left corner chance.

The teenager Juan Iturbe took a tactical corner kick and passed the ball to the younger Diacart outside the penalty area. The younger Diacart shot directly from a long distance and blasted the ball. Unfortunately, the younger Diacart did not control the power and hit the ball. Flying out of the crossbar, Palermo scored the goal kick.

The 33rd minute of the first half of the game Palermo goalkeeper Gian Marco Vanucci gently threw the ball to Palermo center defender Pavel Davido in front of Palermo, Paler Mozambique centre-back Pavel Davido took the ball and threw it straight to the center of Palermo's midfielder Joechev.

The core of Palermo's midfield organization, Joechev, took the ball and controlled the ball at his feet to call teammates to run. Palermo played very well in the first half of the game today. In fact, the patient defensive end can be regarded as That's right, the core of Palermo's midfielder Jochev passed the ball to Palermo's defensive midfielder Yayal on the left.

Palermo's defensive midfielder Yalolo quickly passed the ball to Palermo's left forward Norbert Barlog, and Palermo's left forward Norbert Barlog was very clever. Knowing that Dickman is fast and has a strong frontal defense ability,

Instead of constantly entanglement, use his ability to protect the ball to advance the younger Dickman, Palermo left forward Norbert Barlog tried everything to push the younger Dickman forward to the left of the frontcourt and pass the ball diagonally Gave the center of Palermo's midfielder Jochev to the midfield,

After Palermo's midfielder Jochev took the ball, the younger Diacart chased the defense from behind. The teenager Dickman also rushed in time. Palermo's midfielder Jochev knew that he would continue to do so. Will definitely be intercepted,

The core of Palermo's midfielder Joechev passed the ball to the right-wing Palermo's right forward Rofaso, after Palermo's right forward Rofaso took the ball, Danny Rose came up, Palermo The team's right forward, Rofaso, directly kicked the ball, and Coulibaly jumped high in the penalty area and suppressed Palermo forward Volta Gonzalez. The ball was successfully grabbed by Coulibaly. Arrive and header cleared.

In the first half of the game until the 35th minute Parma counterattacked, the younger Diacarte retreated to the backcourt. After receiving the clearance from Parma center defender Coulibaly, the younger Diacart took the ball and stood against Palermo. The core of the team's midfielder Joechev advanced,

The junior Diacart brought the ball to the frontcourt and passed it diagonally to the right junior Juan Iturbe. The teenager Juan Iturbe faced Palermo's left-back Terence Kongolo's defense without any Hesitation and superfluous actions are straightforward.

The teenager Juan Iturbe directly took the ball to accelerate from the outside. The teenager Juan Iturbe passed the Palermo left defender Terence. Congolo directly chose to cut into the right side of the Palermo penalty area. , Teenager Juan Iturbe saw that his teammates were in a bad position at this time Romero was beaten by Palermo center back Albiol,