Green Life

v2 Chapter 2: Letter to fans

   Mark Qin came to the new villa for Peter to buy, and Aiming had let her move in early, and he was going to live there by himself.

   Aiming disagrees alive and alive, Maqin became angry. This is the first time he was angry with Aiming and cried the girl.

   "Hey, stingy, still angry", Maqin licked his face and sat beside Ai Ming to coax her.

   "Huh, ╯^╰", she turned her head away.

   "Oh, brother knows that I was wrong, this is not an apology for you, your lord, please laugh a lot~"

   The corners of Aiming's mouth are almost lifted up, still holding back, "Huh, ╯^╰"

   "How about I promise you that I will take you to Switzerland for skiing during the offseason?"

   "Huh, ^O^"

   "Can it work?", he smiled and pinched her face.

   "Oh oh oh", Ai Ming knocked out his hand, "you dare to kill me in the future"

   "Oh, look at the posture of the queen, where the little one dare~"

   "Hmph, I will spare you this time~", she raised her neck like a proud peacock~

   "Okay, stop arguing between you two, are you ready for the press conference?" Chen Zixuan asked while sitting.

   "Well, Parry and Jonathan have already seen it, no problem," he turned his head and said.

   "You are so temperamental, like his grandfather, no, it's okay for Peter to move, you can't help you much, don't blame him"

   "Aunty, what are you talking about? How many things my uncle has solved for me after he was busy, I can't thank him in time yet"

   "Oh", she wiped her eyes, "I feel wronged just because you are so old, and I feel distressed~, what do you think you are doing when you come back~"

   Mark Qin hurriedly sat next to her and put his arms around her shoulders and comforted, "Don't worry, aunt, most of Liverpool fans support me, and I won’t be scolded for anything."

"You will be scolded by the leader when you are in the company, you will be scolded by fans when you sing, and movie fans when you act. Even if I go to Spain, no one will be scolded? Even if I return to China, no one will be scolded? Just like when Eming was scolded when I was a child You are a wild boy, can you still control others' mouths? Just hit it back~"

   Aiming also hurriedly sat aside, "Yes, my brother has a thick skin, they can't scold them well, don't worry about it, auntie"

   "Fuck you", Chen Zixuan patted Ai Ming, "Oh, why are you so tired after kicking this ball~"

   "Because the human heart is unpredictable~"


   Tonight is Liverpool playing at home against Porto. David Moores invited him to watch together in the box. After the conference is over tomorrow, he will officially return to the team.

   Came back at this time, Benitez didn't say anything, he was a little bit sad.

   Regarding the origin of the bullet shell, Jonathan’s friend is still checking it, but it is estimated that it will be found soon. The fans are not professional at all.

   After dinner, Peter sent him directly to the Anfield underground parking lot, where there is a direct access to the box. In order not to cause trouble for the game, it is better not to expose it.

   David Moores, how can I put it? At first sight, Mark Qin felt like a barbecue seller in Ottoman Turkey. Well, you can’t look good.

   "Hehe, Mark, our little genius, welcome," David stood up and said, and Parry followed.

   "Thank you, Chairman, I have caused trouble to the club recently, I'm sorry"

   David led them to the sofa and waved his hands, "I have been in this business for almost 50 years and I have seen everything."

   Parry locked the door from the inside, poured a drink for each of them, and a drink for David.

   "It's you," David raised his cup and gestured for a while and said, "I appreciate it very much, I am very courageous at a young age."

   The stadium underneath has already started the game. Looking from the box, the stadium is surrounded by a circle of red, with torrents surging.

   "Mr. Chairman, I just do what I think is right"

   "That's right, boy, haha", he always felt relieved.

   "When Shankly was here, I was a child. His Liverpool were fighters back then. No storm can knock them down. Now it is much more civilized than it was back then, so don't be afraid."

   "You can play here with confidence. Although some fans are irrational, most fans will not hush you. You came out of Liverpool and they know that"

   Mark Qin smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Chairman, I know what to do"

   David Moores nodded, then turned to Parry and said, "Have the press conference been arranged with the media?"

   Parry nodded, "It's arranged. At four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, all major media in the UK will come."

   "Okay, after the meeting, arrange for a statement on the official website of the club, welcome Mark to go home, and all the club will support him"

   "Chairman", even if Maqin knew that everything was not so pure, he was still moved, "Thank you!"

   David Moores waved his hand, "If his player club does not support it, it does not deserve to be called Liverpool."

   The red mountain whispered the tsunami, celebrating frantically, and Maqin stood up and applauded.

   This noisy green field, it didn’t take long to leave you, I really miss you so much~

   Liverpool smashed Porto cleanly in the final four to one. They didn't give them any chance in the whole game, and they moved to second place in the group!

  The last away game against Marseille will be the first match. Now Liverpool is three points behind Marseille, but the goal difference is far more than Marseille. As long as they win, they will appear as the group leader!


   At four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the Melwood Press Room.

   The Times, BBC, Sky Sports, Team News, Echo..., the annual meeting of the media industry is about to be held, and everyone is waiting for the parties to say about this incident.

   After all, he hasn't shown up after being sent off!

"Hey", Parry patted Mike, "Media friends, please be quiet. This press conference will be divided into two parts. First, Mark will respond to the recent events, and then there will be a question time. Two questions..."

  Makqin dressed up very vigorously today, and walked into the living room with Peter, "Wow..."

   "Please be quiet, friends"

   He and Peter were seated separately, and smiled and said to Mike: "I am flattered by such a multimedia friend here, everyone has worked hard today~"

   "We won't work hard if you talk more~"


   Makqin also smiled and said, "It is better to be respectful than fate, I know everything today."

   He adjusted his sitting posture, straightened Mike, no longer laughed, and the audience was quiet, ready to hear what he said.

   "Dear friends from the media and fans, thank you all for coming today, and thank you fans who have always supported me"

   "In the past week, you have been wronged. For me, you will be subjected to unprovoked abuse, slander, and even threats. I am very sorry..."

   "There is no professional player who doesn't want to win on the court, nor do I, no matter which team I represent, whether it is a club or a national I want to win and I want to contribute..."

"About that red card, I don’t want to comment on right or wrong, because it has already happened. I can find a thousand reasons to prove my choice, and you can also say that I am a sinner with 10,000 reasons, but it doesn’t matter anymore. We lost the European Cup. Even if the game repeats itself, I will still do that..."

"I will not complain about the boos and scolding that some fans will give me in the future, because when I stand on the green field, put on the jersey, and make money that most of you may not make in your life, I understand. , What to do for the fans who paid for your tickets and paid for your advertising..."

   "Most of them are working class. The team may be the biggest entertainment and spiritual support in their spare time. We did not meet their expectations. It is their natural right to call us..."

   "The fan who gave me the bullet shell, I want to say something to you today, thank you, because you wake me up and let me understand where our glory, flowers, and applause come from..."

"Let me no longer take everything I have obtained for granted. If you see this live broadcast, please come to me, rest assured, I will not hurt you, nor will I sue you. I just want to thank you. And tell you, maybe I'm not as hateful and unforgivable than you think..."

"I always hope that football brings people joy. Yes, it always wins and loses. One is happy and one is depressed. But you support it and love it. Don’t turn it into hate, because it hurts you. Myself..."

   "Finally, I would like to thank my family and the club, especially my girlfriend, who protected me during the huge dispute and gave me a quiet haven, so that I can rest and heal..."