Green Life

v2 Chapter 41: Storm

The bright moon is like a hook, full of warm fragrance.

Isabella is actually quite disappointed today. Today is her eighteenth birthday. The Madels still failed to come back. The younger brother is in Switzerland, and there is only her elderly grandmother here.

Makqin originally wanted to make arrangements, but she vetoed them all, and finally they came to the lakeside of making love.

As soon as the game ended, Maqin refused Lucas' invitation to celebrate at the bar and came over in Peter's car.

The wind was very cold, and the refreshment of summer was gone, and the two of them wore winter clothes and gloves and sat snuggling on the boulder by the lake.

If you are seen by others, you will definitely think you are sick.

Isabella had her little hands, stomped her feet, and looked at the lake with shining eyes. Maqin reached out and pulled her hat down, and then helped her lift her neck.

"Isn't it cold?" he said with concern, pulling her little hand in his palm.

She let out a delicate nasal sound, shook her head again, and looked at the familiar paths and lakes. When she was in class, she liked to come here when she was fine.

She likes this place and her heart is full.

Makqin didn't ask her about her family. After visiting her house during the Chinese New Year, he felt that his father's condition was not very good. The things he had struggled for all his life collapsed almost overnight, and no one could bear it.

But there is nothing others can do. Although Maqin knows the history, it really happened in a family. He was helpless except to watch.

His previous life was just a salesman, and he was too far away from the top of the banking industry. He didn't remember anything except for remembering that the world began to throw money desperately.

The personal joys and sorrows created by the destiny of the times cannot escape, can't escape, and only when they happen around, can they feel the tragic reality.

Isabella has been quieter than ever recently. Apart from staying with her to give her some warmth and trying his best to help her maintain the family, he doesn't know what else to do.

Wealth once saved them a lot of worldly troubles, but now it has become a knife that pierces them.

He took out an exquisite cloth bag from his pocket, the gray flannel with intricate lace inlaid, beautifully.

Opening the mouth of the bag, he took out a pendant from the inside, and under the elaborately woven lanyard hung a crystal clear little Maitreya Buddha, moist and shiny, like a cold pool floating.

"What is this?" Isabella asked when he saw his movements.

Maqin opened the pendant, hugged her around her neck, and then dragged the jade Buddha with her fingers, and said to her: "Xue'er, there is an old saying in our place that men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha. The gods there, it will bless you"

"Also, we are determined to need to send a letter, you, you will be my person in the future, whoever dares to bully you, just report my name", said mischievously and blinked her left eye.

"Puff," she was teased by Huarong, and she said with her nose: "Don't make me happy. When I don't know, this is jade, my grandma wears a jade bracelet. It is said that it has been decades."

Looking at the crystal clear big-bellied Maitreya Buddha, the carvings are superb, lifelike, with a smile, as if it can accommodate the world.

She felt better in an instant, put the pendant carefully into the neckline, then hugged his waist and said: "Mark, thank you, I will always carry it"

"Didi, Didi", the watch on Makqin's wrist lit up, flashing happily, and he turned off the timekeeping.

"Mark, no matter where we go from now on, we will come here to sit here every year, okay?"

"Okay, as long as you want to sit, I will stay with you"


Quietness is always short, and the hustle and bustle belongs to eternity. In the early morning, the small window on the second floor was opened, and the cold air accompanied by the noise of the day, a brain pierced in, freezing Maqin shivering.

"Sneez~", he was wrapped in a blanket, his nose was a little itchy, he quickly closed the window and got back into the bed.

My head is a little dizzy, it's done, this is a symptom of a cold!

I played a game last night. I was tired and sweated. I simply took a shower. Then I accompany Isabella to the lake for two hours without holding back.

The biological clock wakes him up on time, and he feels something is wrong when he wakes up.

I feel suffocated, panicked, my throat is dry, and my eyes are itchy.

A sneeze completely awakened his dizzy head, this is the rhythm of getting sick.

Mark Qin was so dizzy that he could not take care of his hands and feet, and awakened Isabella.

She yawned and opened her eyes in a daze, "Ah~what time is it? Mark, aren't you going to train?"

"Hmm~", he drew the whole person into the quilt, and finally found a little warmth, "Honey, I want a cold!"

"Huh?" Isabella suddenly became sober, and when she sat up, she touched his forehead with her hand, ignoring her happiness.

"Ah~, it's really hot", she felt the temperature of his forehead, and then touched her forehead.

Anxious and nervous was written on her small face, "I'll get you medicine!" She lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Mark Qin took her back upstairs, "Ah~"

"You have to catch a cold with me, too", he covered the two with a quilt, and his nose started to scream.

"Get dressed, and tell Aunt Qiaoya later, give me a pot of red **** syrup, and I will tell you how to boil it without taking medicine."

"It's all my fault", Isabella's eyes are red, and she wants to cry, "I shouldn't have taken you to the hair dryer last night, you just finished the game~"

He tugged on the quilt, pulled out a corner to block between him and Isabella, to avoid the exhaled breath from infecting her, "Fool, just a small cold, just follow the method I said, and it will be fine tonight."

"Really?" She felt wet on his body, it should be cold sweat, a little hesitant.

"Absolutely works! You are like this..., go, get dressed, and when you are done, I will drink a few more glasses and sweat, just fine at night"

"Well, good", she quickly put on her clothes and went downstairs to make arrangements.

Mark Qin moved his body to make himself more comfortable. He reached out and touched the phone. Alas, he had to ask for leave.

He first called Jonathan and told him that he had a cold. The media would arrange it.

Jonathan was also nervous. Now that he is so hot, he can't produce any moths. Knowing that there is nothing serious, he hung up the phone chatteringly, and when he finished, he would arrange for a doctor to come.

Then he found out Benitez's phone and dialed directly. It has been more than a year. This phone number has not been used or rang several times.

"Hi, Mark", there was a slightly questioning voice on the other end of the phone.

Mark Qin sat up, cleared his throat, and said, "Hello, BOSS, I'm sorry to disturb you so early, but I think I will take a leave today."

"Ask for leave? Why?"

He sniffed and said, "I have a cold. I only found out when I got up this morning. Maybe I accidentally caught a cold."

"Catch a cold? Did you go to the hospital for a checkup?" Benitez was a little anxious, but don't let the whole team get caught, then he would have to cry to death.

"I called the doctor, but I think there should be nothing serious, two days at most."

"Oh", he was obviously relieved, "then you take a good rest, and the doctor will inform me of the results after the examination. You will not use it for training today, and get well soon."

"Ok, BOSS, thank you"

Mark Qin felt that his head was getting more and more drowsy, so he threw the phone away, covered his head and fell asleep.

Ginger is a must-have condiment for British people. When Aunt Joa heard that Mark Qin had a cold, she quickly boiled a pot of **** brown sugar water according to Isabella's method.


Melwood is as lively as ever, but the reporters outside today are a bit strange, why didn't they see Mark?

I didn't see any figure at the end of the game last night. Why didn't you come to practice this morning? What's the matter?

There was a burst of excitement on everyone's faces, and there was news when something happened, maybe it was big news.

So each showed his magical powers, took out his mobile phone and started to make a call. After a while, the report was posted.

"Rising star Mark caught a cold, will Liverpool have a fever? 》

"At the critical moment of winning, Liverpool's engine stalled! 》

"C Ronaldo won without a fight, good health is really good! 》

In less than two hours, all major websites and news media released the news, which was then quickly reprinted.

Today, everyone is waiting for the sequel to the Battle of Rome, but it turned out to have a cold.

The doctor quickly came to check Maqin's body. It was just a common cold. He suggested that Maqin take medicine, but he refused to take it, so he shrugged helplessly and left.

Fear of taking medicine has also become an anomaly for him in the future.

He quickly called Benitez, who was greatly relieved and asked him to recuperate and come back as soon as possible.

Isabella leaned on the head of the bed and supported him, feeding him **** sugar water bite by bite, sweating all over, and a little bit dumbfounded. Now he is like a child.

He is one year older than him. He usually looks like a quail egg in front of him. He must be as honest and honest as he is, and behave as he is. He is used to relying on him for many things.

Unexpectedly, he hates taking medicine so much, so childish~

The **** syrup is very hot and spicy. For the sake of happiness, Mark Qin specially asked Isabella to put some ginger.

He usually doesn't eat a piece of **** silk, now he pinches his nose and chews the **** silk while drinking sugar water. It's a spicy one.

From the nostrils to the throat.

Even Isabella was so smoked that she frowned, thinking that this thing is really better than medicine?

Mark Qin endured his discomfort and drank three bowls, a layer of fine sweat came out of his forehead, and his nose was slightly ventilated.

"I'm going to sleep, don't ask me to eat at noon, give me more hot water, I have to drink it when I wake I guess it will be almost the same when I sleep in the afternoon", now the only thing he wants to do is Close your eyes.

"Yeah, I see." She put him away like a daughter-in-law, straightened the pillow and covered the quilt.

Then I took care of wiping out a sweat and exhaling. When did I serve others, why do I feel so happy~

After a while, he fell asleep deeply, and Isabella tiptoedly closed the curtains, and then gently closed the door.

Looking at his sleeping face, with a knowing smile, she took a blanket, walked to the small sofa and lay down, and slowly fell asleep.

At noon, the situation suddenly changed...

I don't know which journalist with great abilities found Isabella's school unexpectedly, but he didn't even want to insert it.

Yesterday was Isabella’s birthday. It has been inquired by many media. It was very late after the game last night, but some school students said that they had seen them by the lake in the school.

Although I did not see it too clearly, it does not affect the inference.

As soon as the reporter thought about it, he got a general idea of ​​the matter. It was only logical that the game, the birthday of his girlfriend, the romantic cold wind on the lake, and the cold the next day.

He is a tabloid reporter who lives by lace. How could this be news? He laughed for his girlfriend regardless of his health.

So at noon, fresh reports came out, and now the network update speed is extremely fast.

"Love Saint Mark celebrated his girlfriend's birthday, caused a cold, and was absent from training", the report was quickly reprinted by major media.

The popularity on the Internet has also risen, "It's so romantic~, I'm just Mark's girlfriend...", "It's a wave, I'm going to the lake to blow a hair this day, I won't catch a cold"...

Benitez had just finished lunch, and when he came back and sat in the office, his face sank when he saw the news!