Green Life

v4 Chapter 32: New Beckenbauer?

"Oh, oh, la la la...", "England, England"

"Oh, oh, England, louder, louder, Let\'sGo, GoGoGo"

Outside the Mandela Bay Stadium, English fans from afar were reluctant to leave for a long time. They put their shoulders on their shoulders, heads to their heads, jumping and shouting, waiting for the team's bus to come out.

At this time, England was receiving compliments and congratulations as a matter of course, and Prince William went to the locker room again to praise the team from top to bottom.

Compared with the promotion, England's performance in these two games was praised by the media, which made Prince William feel bright.

Dominance, this is something that this country has lost but is indulging in memories and struggling to pursue.

"We were completely suppressed today," Matt Yaz said helplessly at the press conference. "We are well prepared, and their striker knives are not there. We have always had a great deal in the first 30 minutes. Hope, but the first goal deeply hurt us"

As if still a little unwilling, he sighed deeply and said: "When we won the first match, we thought it would be a World Cup that made Slovenia proud, but we couldn't stop it. Mark, he completely dominated the game in the last ten minutes of the first half, tearing our defense time and time again. When you are behind 0:2, you will inevitably feel lost."

"Hello, I am a reporter from "French Football". Algeria often arranges for two nearby players to defend and pinch Mark during the game, but your team did not do this. Can you talk about why?"

Matt Yaz made a lip curled expression, "Then they were scored four. We did study that game carefully. Their defense was torn apart by Mark's running. He ran that game. How many meters are there?"

Other reporters next to him immediately broke the familiar data, 6,300 meters, "Well, he only played for more than 60 minutes in the last game. This game is similar. You can only feel his kind of people when you are on the side of the field. Desperate control"

"We tried our best to ensure the closeness of our lineup and not leave him a pass. We did a good job in the first twenty minutes, until he unexpectedly intervened, so you can't say We lost the ball, just say that our defensive players didn't work hard. There are always a few players on this court that you can't stop defending anyway..."

At this moment, Capello and Maqin, who had been delayed because of Prince William's visit, walked into the press conference hall together and instantly detonated the venue.

Just after taking a shower, Mark Qin sat down while wearing a training suit and greeted the media with a smile. The media immediately repeated what Matt Yaz had just said to him, wanting to hear what he said.

"Oh, Mr. Matt Yaz passed the award. In fact, I think their performance today is very respectable. You can feel their united defense on the court, which caused us a lot of trouble, but our performance is also worthy. Today’s victory, I’m glad we have advanced," he said with a smile.

"Mark, hello, I'm a reporter from the German "Kicker". You set a jaw-dropping record today. You have scored and assisted in three games in the group. Why are you in such a good state? And, you Do you think you can maintain this performance in the knockouts?"

Mark Qin nodded while listening, and then smiled and said: "First of all, I have to thank the boss for letting me play, and for arranging a comfortable environment for me." He turned his head and gestured to Capello, "You know the stadium Not everyone can play as much as they want. We are a whole. Teammates have made a lot of sacrifices. So you ask me if I can perform so well. I can only tell you that I only think about winning and who scores. We are all happy to assist, of course it also depends on some luck on the court"

"So, Mark, how far do you expect you to go and how confident are you to win the championship?" another reporter asked.

"As long as we stand, we can go on forever", this time he answered quickly, almost without thinking, and the vigorous answer ushered in bursts of whistles, cool!

Capello smiled and took the topic, "We are only thinking about the next game, tonight we will see who will be the opponent, the game will be played one after the other, we will not think about things that are so far away."

"Mark, I'm a reporter from the British "The Times". How do you define your role on the court now? You played on the side when you debuted, then played for the number nine and a half, and then played for the center of the midfield. Then it’s the fake number nine, and now your playing in England is a bit like a free midfielder.” The reporter himself said a bit of tongue twister, but he was interrupted by Mark Qin with a smile before he finished.

He nodded and said clearly: "OK, OK, I know what you mean, let's put it this way, the field is not the game or the things in the coach's textbook. The responsibilities of players are not as fans are familiar with. Oh, Mark, you play midfield freeman today, oh, Mark, you play number nine and a half today"

He shrugged, "Right, Boss, you didn't arrange like this", "Haha", Capello smiled and held his glasses and nodded.

"We would say, oh, today we need someone who threatens the ball behind our striker, oh, our backcourt doesn’t control the ball well, we need someone to sort it out, oh, our left side seems to be under a lot of pressure and we need someone To assist in the defense, some people have clear responsibilities on the court, such as being responsible for defense, while others are very vague. My responsibilities are offensive. Whether it is to make the teammates more comfortable offense or I commit suicide in the penalty area, my purpose is the same"

Mark Qin, who had a record-breaking performance, naturally became the most dazzling focus of the press conference. Every sentence of his was news material, and every interpretation of the game was a bible.

When you win, you always feel that you have everything.

But when the England bus accepted the call of fans outside the stadium and set off on the way back, the discussion about Maqin became even more enthusiastic.

"French Football": The youngest Mr. Golden Ball staged a great World Cup group stage debut performance, 3 goals and 4 assists!

"Kicker": Mark's dream is directed at the Hercules Cup!

"The Times": When he won the golden ball at a record age and led Liverpool to a reversal to win the league championship, after tying Mueller's league scoring record, he can be said to be great, but now he has shown again in England He is interpreting a new kind of football.

"Torino Sport": Maybe after Pirlo, Mark will once again set off a revolution in the midfield position.

"Marca": What else to say? Buy, buy, buy! , He should belong to the Bernabeu!

The commentary of German TV Station Five started the comment program immediately after the game. The football emperor Bellbauer was on the list, and the German game was in the evening.

The host Wolfgang directly asked Beckenbauer: "Do you think Mark will become the new Bellbauer?", "Wow," there was an uproar in the audience.

In addition to Beckenbauer's status, which sounds doubtful but is actually a huge praise, which caused an uproar in all German audiences, there is also Beckenbauer's unique style.

Few young people still have the impression of Beckenbauer in their minds, but in the year when Kaka was appointed to the gods, Grandpa Elno told Kaka when he presented the awards, you are the most like Beckenbauer I have seen in assault. Players.

But everyone knows that Beckenbauer is a free guard, and Kaka is like Beckenbauer? Isn’t it funny?

Of course not, you have to know that Beckenbauer played from forward and center to midfield, and he was successful in every position. He is not strong, but he is fast and elegant.

In 1966, he completed the World Cup in 86 years like Maradona and scored five consecutive goals. Finally, under the temptation of self-challenging, he went to play a defender at Bayern, and he naturally derived it. Free man's position.

In other words, Beckenbauer inherently possesses the will of the Germans. Although he does not rely on physical defense, he has active defense, accurate judgment, and full spiritual attributes.

When he stood in the position of a free agent, it was equivalent to Kanter's large-scale defense + Pirlo rear organization + Kaka raid + Lampard's post-launch point.

Don't believe it, this is the truth. What the stars you see on the court can do. This ancient **** has done it and has done better.

Of course, there is no point in discussing the battle between Guan Gong and Qin Qiong. The maturity of football tactics at that time was indeed incomparable to that of now, but Beckenbauer did complete this unprecedented new position definition: free man.

The most like him in the back are actually Germans, Matteus and Summer, but in terms of technology, Beckenbauer is incomparable. They don’t have the grace that comes at hand, but they have indeed become free agents. Able to inherit Beckenbauer's existence.

Germany mentions Beckenbauer, the emperor of football, the kind of all-round excellence on the field, not all-around and then very mediocre, this is Beckenbauer.

So when Wolfgang said this, he can imagine how big an impact it will bring to the fans. If Argentina is a small man with invincible dribbling, he will be considered the successor of Maradona.

But has there ever been a successor to Beckenbauer? Or lower the bar, Mateus' successor? No, none of them!

Free people are extinct!

It can be said that the development of tactics has led to the refinement of the division of labor on the field. It can also be said that no one can inherit such a talent and reappear in the world.

Even if there are those ambiguous so-called free players, they can't play the top performance of free agents.

But if you try to figure out some German midfielders, they actually all have the shadow of free men, such as Khedira and Emure Mire.

If Zidane is a Western chef, then the western food in the midfield is exquisite and artistic.

So free people, such as Beckenbauer, are the Chinese God of Cookery, the eight major cuisines, and the full-feast of Han and Han people. They will give you everything and unambiguously. Each cuisine is not top-notch but first-class.

What an honor it is to say that Mark is the new Beckenbauer!

"I can't comment on this," Beckenbauer shook his head and smiled, "but", he said seriously: "Personally, Mark's feet are balanced, dexterous, predictive and creative. I think I'm not as good as him, but defense, speed and breakthrough, oh, and header, he is not as good as me"

"Wow," the fans below were in an uproar, whispering, this praise is too much.

"I'm serious," Beckenbauer said solemnly. "Mark's development trajectory is very similar to mine. He played forward first and then hit the backcourt, but he is not destined to become the new Beckenbauer. , Because some things are restricted by his physical condition, although my body condition is not excellent, but it is better than him", laugh.

"However, he will become a unique Mark. If I have to forcefully define Mark's future, I hope he is half Beckenbauer plus complete Zidane"

After speaking, he thought for a while, then nodded affirmatively: "If he can continue to maintain this momentum of development, don't be affected by the injury, he should become like this one day."

Boom, the world is in an uproar!

This is the first time someone clearly pointed out the future of Makqin, and this person is the emperor of football...

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