Green Life

v4 Chapter 36: Routine operation

"This is really an unexpected start," Duan Xuan said in disbelief. "England played very quickly in the last two games of the group stage."

"Before the game, everyone thought they should be able to easily advance, but they didn't expect that it was Ghana who scored the first goal in less than 5 minutes. They were still a little careless."

After confirming that the goal was valid, Ji An rushed to the plastic track outside the stadium in ecstasy, and danced an unknown dance to the lucky Ghanaian fans in the stands.

This is their first sports goal in this World Cup. The opponent is still England in the knockout. Ghanaian fans are naturally ecstatic, as if seeing the dawn of promotion.

Correspondingly, the white England fans who had been singing all the time suddenly quieted down. Many people looked at the field with their heads in disbelief and still couldn't accept that they just lost a ball.

"It's a bit unexpected," Zhang Lu nodded and said, "But there is no need to worry for England. It has just started, and there is still more time. There is still a lot of hope for them to equalize or even overtake."

"On", but Beckham was the most anxious. He kept clapping on the sidelines to cheer up the players. Capello was depressed for a while and stood quietly on the sidelines.

Accidents are accidents. There is no need to make adjustments to the situation. Moreover, he also believes that Maqin can stabilize the situation.

The work for Ghana was done before the game. This team's defense is good. He emphasized patience and patience with the team many times in the locker room!

Now is the time to test their patience. If the team wants to go far, they must have a calm temperament. Making mistakes at this time is always less expensive than in the future.

He stared at the court with scorching eyes, but gestured towards the court with both hands. He chose to believe in the adjustment ability of these players. This is a process that a mature team must go through.

Coincidentally, Makqin and Capello made the same gesture. He looked at Ghana, who was shrinking in his own 40-meter area, still pouring the ball unhurriedly outside the center circle.

He presses down with both hands from time to time, sometimes beckons for the ball, and has been directing the ball to dispatch around the center circle, but he did not rush forward.

Just now, he suddenly realized that Ghana had begun to treat them as tyrannical, defending and counterattack.

In the group stage, although the opponents were defensive, they were able to boldly press out and fight for the frontcourt with them. Unexpectedly, Ghana gave up directly.

Rajawaz is very pragmatic. When he arrived in Ghana, he first emphasized the issue of defensive discipline. This is a common problem of African teams. So relying on solid defense and the personal ability of African players and small-scale cooperation, they have come all the way to the present. .

Every game in the World Cup is really like levels with different styles and different levels of difficulty. You don't know what you will encounter!

But if you want to stay, you must overcome all this!

"Mr. Ma is calm enough. England has fallen in the midfield for a few minutes, right?" Duan Xuanjie said.

"Yeah," Zhang Lu nodded and continued to analyze, "It seems that England players generally enter the state a bit slowly today, and their attention has not been fully concentrated. It is right that President Ma is not in a hurry to launch an attack."

Mark Qin, as always, directed the team's operation in the midfield. Slowly, his calmness began to stabilize the team's agitated and eager mentality. He knew that Ghana was waiting for this and waiting for their mistakes. Fight back.

"Give it to me", Mark Qin ran to the right and waved again, asking for the ball under Johnson's feet, instead of letting him hand it over to Gerrard in front of the attack, but to Barry in the back.

In that scene, it was as if England were the leader, you would never go forward if you didn't come to grab me!

Boateng and Ji An were finally a little tired, and they accelerated directly towards Barry, but he was just a transition. The ball didn't stop, and the ball returned to Makqin's feet wherever it came.

But at this time, Maqin had already ran to the middle, and directly drove a small arc on the ground with his left foot facing the ball, bypassing the grabbing Essien, and directly at the feet of Rooney inside.

Sudden change in style!

"Rooney, he received a pass from Mark", Lineker suddenly raised his voice, feeling more anxious than the player.

Essien’s grab caused the emptiness of Ghana’s midfielder, but today they played five defenders. They had expected this situation, and a central defender came out directly.

Rooney stopped and knocked his left foot, and then slanted the ball with his right heel. If Salpe did not come out, he would definitely raise his foot for a long shot, but Ghana would certainly not give him this opportunity easily.

"Rooney, continue to play, Sarpe is out, Rooney, hand it to Lampard, Essien, his club teammate Essien is back, obviously he is also very familiar with Lampard"

Lampard had just received the ball and completed a half-turn before avoiding Essien's tackle. The personnel in the back waist area immediately became crowded. He immediately swiped the back of his feet and handed it to the upman Mark Qin.

England completed a continuous cooperation in the middle, and finally Ghana's defense began to lose sight of one another.

Just now Rooney passed the ball directly into the penalty area, and Maqin didn't wait for Ghana's defense to come up, and just hit the ball directly.

"Mark, pick the ball, beautiful..." Lineker shouted, and he clearly saw the opportunity in the picture.

The Ghanaian player was deceived by Mark Qin's eyes. He stared in the direction of Rooney's advance, and lifted his left foot along the way, but when he touched the ball, he flicked his ankle and handed it directly in front of Crouch in the middle.

"Crouch, good goal, chance", I saw him jumping out of the long legs between the two central defenders in Ghana, and following the falling ball, he fell to the ground and volleyed!

"Crouch, shoot..." Lineker shouted as the falling ball leaped towards the goal. The English fans in the stands all stood up, ready to cheer.

Ghana goalkeeper Kingston quickly jumped forward two steps and threw himself out with his eyes closed.

Then he heard a "bang" and the ball hit his face firmly and bounced again.

"Oh... I was actually saved, and, Gerrard, header..." Two players, one white and one yellow, collided fiercely in the air. It was Mensah and Gerrard who wanted to fill the empty goal. , One wants to make a relief.

"Gerard..." Lineker's shout came to an end, and then helplessly watched the ball rise above the crossbar.

"Oh," Capello regretfully helped his glasses and shouted, "Good job," he loudly encouraged the players.

"Wow...", "Wow...", "GOGO, England", there was a huge sigh from the stands, and then all England fans were resurrected with blood.

"It's a pity, this offense was quite threatening," Wilson analyzed, "Rooney pulled the opposing center back, Mark immediately found a gap, and his threat was hell-level. Of course, it was for the opponent. Say"

Several English players in the frontcourt sighed to the sky, the game fell into a short period of stagnation, because the Ghanaian goalkeeper would not be able to get up for a while, he was a little stunned.

"In this way, we have to hit the success rate." Taking advantage of the gap in the treatment of the opponent's goalkeeper, Maakqin and his teammates got together. "Their defensive formation and overall linkage are not very good. We will definitely seize the opportunity."

Crouch nodded first, then glanced at the goal unwillingly, "What the **** is it, this can be blocked, bah"

"It's okay, they can't be so lucky every time," Maqin replied firmly, "Let's come again."

"Hold your position, didn't you hear it, don't lose your position easily", Rajevaz couldn't sit still, and ran to the sidelines and yelled at the Ghanaian players.

This wave of attacks made him feel a little bit in his heart, but Boateng's loss of position was immediately caught by Mark Qin, how could he not be frightened and afraid.

He needs the team to firmly hold the advantage of this goal, and strive to wait until England makes a mistake and then score a goal. This is all his script, the script of the dark horse.

Goalkeeper Kingston took a big kick after a while. This time England's backcourt did not allow Ghana to take the ball easily. Terry and Barry made a header relay and sent the ball to the side.

Ashley Cole quickly dribbled the ball in. Ghana made a symbolic push in the frontcourt. After being avoided by England in three passes, he quickly returned to position and set up a defensive formation.

"Ghana is determined today to guard against the end," Lineker said depressed. "Especially after they scored a goal, this is really not like the African team, but considering that their head coach is a Serbian, it is Can explain"

No way, now football all over the world is seriously Europeanized.

"Mark, a beautiful long pass transfer, Rooney pulls the side", I saw Maqin still cooperated with his teammates from the right, and directly made a precise long pass to find Rooney who was pulled to the left.

"Rooney, dribbling the ball from the side, Ashley Cole puts it in." Ghana's defensive focus immediately shifted back. Rooney made a fake move and pretended to pass to Cole. The gap is passed directly.

The ball arced lower and was directly pushed out by the Ghanaian defender. Cole stopped the ball on the sideline and continued to pass it back to Rooney, still in the same position.

Mark Qin was cruising on the right outside the large penalty area, and saw Gerrard cut inside to grab a spot in the small penalty area. He immediately turned a corner and ran towards the back of his ribs, raising his hand towards Rooney.

"Rooney, get the ball again, see what he will do this time," Lineker said.

He raised his head and glanced at the restricted area, and then the same action, first pretending to break through the bottom line, and then back, directly swiping it is a big foot, he has seen Maqin.

The ball drew a high arc, flew directly over everyone's heads, and ran to the ribs of the far side penalty area, where a white figure appeared more and more, and it was plugging in at high speed!

The ball spins directly to the bottom line, Maqin ran while estimating where the ball would fall, and the result was that the pass was too big!

"It's Mark," Lineker shouted, "The ball is a bit stronger, Mark is at him..., Mark..., beautiful", he shouted.

I saw a white figure flying into the air when the ball was about to fly out of the bottom line, and directly used a sideways volley and inverted hook. Based on the feeling, I found the approximate direction, and the right foot was accurately drawn when I wanted to fly out of the bottom line. On the ball.

One spirituality is enough to save an attack that may fail!

With a "bang", he fell firmly to the ground, and then heard a "bang", the white English fans in the stands all cheered and shouted frantically.

First, a white figure rushed over, pressed onto his body, yelled frantically, and then he felt heavier and heavier, layering on top of each other.

Damn, this goal must have been scored, but can you tell me how the goal was scored and who scored it?

"Goal..., Gerrard, Gerrard, England equalized the score, Mark volleyed and crossed, Gerrard shook his head and scored, GoalGoalGoal..." Lineker cried frantically, "God's pen, God's pen "

Beckham and the substitute rushed to the sidelines, Capello clenched his fists in excitement, he knew that they would definitely score a goal.

"They are not wrong, Maqin is a Beckenbauer-style superstar, he is everywhere on the court," Duan Xuan also shouted excitedly, "He has assists in four consecutive games! This is a **** data, especially this It's the World Cup!"

"HataGoal..." Wilson also exclaimed excitedly, "This is the most beautiful England played in 20 years. It's so beautiful. I love this England to death."

Even Joe Hart ran the entire court and jumped up and pressed on his teammates.


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