Green Life

v4 Chapter 41: Wielding hoe

As night fell, a business Rolls Royce drove directly to the underground parking lot in a luxury hotel in Johannesburg.

After a while, the back door of the commercial vehicle opened and Florentino stepped out, followed by Bardano.

"Sixteenth Floor", Bardano rushed to the front and pressed the elevator, whispered again, Florentino nodded.

The elevator went up steadily and quickly, and soon the indicator light pointed to sixteen, expensive carpets, and several adjacent luxurious suites, which have everything in them, no less than those top private clubs.

"Mr. Perez, you have worked hard all the way, please here." Jonathan had already received the news and waited at the elevator entrance.

The huge suite is very clean. There are only three of them. The coffee and refreshments for entertaining guests have already been prepared.

"Please sit down, Mr. Perez," Jonathan reached out and gestured to the sofa where the guest was sitting, and he did the other side.

"Mr. Jonathan, you are very proud of the spring breeze these days," Galeries Lafayette said with a smile as soon as he sat down, "I think you are reluctant to leave in South Africa."

"Haha", Jonathan said with a red face, "Mr. Perez joked, I'm just a handyman, running around, earning hard money, not better than you"

"It's different now", Galeries Lafayette lit a cigar with a smile, "All clubs are now inseparable from your communication and connection, Real Madrid very much hopes to establish a closer relationship with you"

"This is also my hope", Jonathan handed over two cups of poured coffee, and then said: "I know why you came, but to be honest, I might disappoint you."

"No, Jonathan," Florentino said confidently, "You know that everything has its value in my dictionary. We respect each other, we take what we need, and we achieve a win-win situation. I, you, and Mark, I think this is the perfect result, isn't it?"

"It's no longer a question of money," Jonathan thought for a while, and said seriously, "To be honest, I respect you very much and hope to establish deeper business relations with Real Madrid, but Mark’s situation is better than that of all the players under me. To be complicated, I must be careful"

Valdano interjected, and he confidently said: "Jonathan, we know that Barcelona and Paris can afford the transfer fee alone, or you have their guarantee, but to say that the best running club is now, Ten years ago it can be said to be Manchester United, but now it must be Real Madrid"

"After Mark comes here, the huge market value that can be derived is not what those transfer fees can replace, and this will establish his position as an absolute superstar and become one of the most appealing superstars in the market. Doesn't he want to be in business? Go further?"

Jonathan kept nodding his head, why didn't I know, he said in his heart, just if any other player would not be so complicated, only Mark Qin, he represents too much.

The developers behind Liverpool, the Asian market, global sponsors, Liverpool fans, and even England fans, his step will have a huge social impact.

And the most important thing is that England has reached the top 8 and 4 is the best result in 20 years. Maqin now has 3 goals and 5 assists. In the next two weeks, his status may change drastically every day.

"Baldano, I understand what you said. After all, I have been in this industry for so many years." Jonathan is going to have a real talk. "I can only say that after the World Cup, I will try my best to convince Mark to choose Real Madrid. This is what I can All we have done, now we can’t actually talk about anything that can be implemented"

"I heard that Mark and the original Liverpool boss had an agreement?" Florentino was not moved at all, still continuing his topic. Since he is here, he will definitely not go back like this.

Jonathan nodded, "Only a limited number of people know exactly what it is. For example, the chairman of the fan club Dalglish will definitely know when they signed the transfer agreement. I don't know the specific content, nor have I asked Mark. We have always In this way, I don’t need to ask if he wants to tell me, and I won’t ask if he doesn’t want to tell."

"Jonathan", Florentino snorted, "I am a very honest person. As long as Mark can work, the door of Real Madrid will be completely opened for you in the future."

It is false to say that Jonathan is not excited, but the problem is that his guarantee is useless now. Jonathan pursed his mouth. Just about to speak, Florentino raised his hand and continued: "Jonathan, I know you too It’s very difficult. Many things are not completely controlled by you, but I want to hear your opinions and suggestions. Is it possible this summer and what we need to do"

Jonathan leaned on the back of the sofa and exhaled. When it comes to a business worth hundreds of millions or even a billion, he also has a thirsty voice.

Taking a sip of coffee, he organized a bit of language and said: "From what I know about Mark, if you want to transfer, this summer is the only chance. He has acquired everything in Liverpool. To be honest, he himself Don’t put too much emphasis on the increase in market value that Real Madrid can bring to him. That’s the icing on the cake.”

As soon as Valdano wanted to speak, Florentino waved to stop him, and then motioned Jonathan to continue.

"Why do you say this is because of the contradiction with his original Liverpool boss, involved in the original acquisition, guilty of David Moores' suspicion, in order for Liverpool to successfully restructure, Mark must have made some kind of compromise."

Florentino nodded and said, "We all guess it will be related to money."

"Definitely," Jonathan said confidently. "It's also possible that it's not entirely money. There are other things. To be honest, the membership system is very ideal. I don't recommend Mark to do this in Liverpool, but I don't want him to do it. It will be blocked. In order to guarantee the absolute control of the fan club, most of the huge funds must come from the fan club, and only a small part of the strategic funds can be used."

"If this incident created the opportunity for Mark to leave, based on my understanding of him, what we need to do is how to make him feel that the choice of going to Real Madrid is good for Liverpool."

"It is true that Liverpool will receive a huge transfer fee to repay the loan of the fan club, but this is not only Real Madrid can give it, and to put it arrogantly, Liverpool's lineup, he can lead to the championship, the giants will not be. His inevitable choice," Jonathan said confidently.

"Good for Liverpool?" Florentino said to himself, touching his chin.

"Yes, I thought about it for a long time." Jonathan put his arm on the back of the sofa and continued: "First of all, Liverpool’s strategic investments will definitely not want Mark to leave Liverpool. It will hit Liverpool too much. It must be done beforehand"

"You mean, do some interest exchange?" Baldano asked.

"Yes, this is difficult, but I believe it is not too difficult to do with Real Madrid's worldwide resources."

"Well, it makes sense, you go on," said Lafayette.

"There is also the Liverpool fan club. Now it is a very difficult time for them. In the next few years, they will not have funds to sign up and have to repay the loan. Mark and his father-in-law are also members of the fan club and have been worrying about it. Regarding Liverpool’s business development, Real Madrid must be able to convince Mark. This is a very useful bargaining chip.”

"Haha, it's hard for you to think of it", Florentino smiled. "Real Madrid's set is from Manchester United. If Liverpool needs it, I don't mind giving it back to them. Yes, you go on."

"There will be his sponsors again," Jonathan said. "Such as Adidas will definitely approve of his transfer to Real Madrid, but some conflicts with your business map may be hindered, and there are many sponsors from China. They sponsored Liverpool. If he leaves, let these sponsors follow, I am afraid it will make Mark very unhappy. After all, Liverpool needs money now"

Florentino is frowning a bit. Real Madrid is not the president of the United Nations because it is influential, so how can he manage so much? "I won't say much about Real Madrid's commercial development capabilities. I can guarantee that Mark lost because of his departure from Liverpool, and he can get it back in Real Madrid exponentially. As for Liverpool's sponsorship, I forgive me for help."

Jonathan himself felt a bit too much. Is this Real Madrid buying players or ancestors? However, he wanted to facilitate this transfer very much, and he couldn't do it positively, so he could only think of these detours.

He nodded and told the truth, “Barca, Paris, and Manchester City have all promised me, and even Manchester United’s Ferguson are negotiating with the board because of this. As long as he can buy Mark, he will delay his retirement.”

"So, you have a lot of competitors. If Mark has to go, his first choice is definitely the one that is most beneficial to Liverpool. This is his principle of life."

"Also, you must not forget. It is the World Cup and England has reached the quarterfinals. Since Mark's crazy performance in the Champions League that year, I will not be surprised what miracle he accomplished

"If, I mean, if England wins the championship..., what we are talking about will drive the world crazy..." Jonathan even felt a burst of heat.

"Hi..." Bardano took a breath.

Florentino smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Why am I looking for you now, you understand the reason, I am also worried about this"

"Huh", Jonathan was shocked by the scene he performed, and was also irritated. He took a deep breath and said, "Carlsberg's director, Parry and even Isabé Ra, they are the key figures in this transfer and they can also know a lot of inside information, so..."

Florentino patted the armrest of the sofa and sighed: "I said it won't be in vain this time. What you said is too valuable. It seems that we still need to do a lot of work, but it doesn't matter. In less than July, we still have more than two months."

Baldano nodded, "The transfer fee and the image rights are divided into..."

"Haha", Jonathan waved his hand, "Trust me, if Mark nodded, none of what you said would be a problem. I believe in Mr. Perez and Mark's ability. We will find a suitable point."

Florentino also smiled and said: "Yes, the transfer fee and the share are really small problems now, I really didn't come in vain this time.

After saying that he stood up, "There is still a lot to do, I won't stay too much, but Jonathan, you have to believe me, I will honor my words, Mark will definitely join Real Madrid, and Real Madrid will open the door for you! "

"Mr. Perez, I look forward to that day", Jonathan also stood up and stretched out his hand.

As the night fell, the Rolls-Royce commercial vehicle quietly drove out of the underground garage again, without disturbing anyone. Jonathan stood in front of the window, staring deeply at the back of the vehicle, and his hands trembled slightly while holding the cup.

Is that excitement? , Is that expectation? , He couldn't say what it was, he only felt a rush of blood flowing into his old veins, and even made him smell the breath of youth.

He believes in Florentino, and he also understands Maqin. So far, no one can force him to submit to what Maqin doesn't want to do.

He didn't know whether he would succeed or not, but he just couldn't help it, his heart was full of grass...

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