Green Life

v5 Chapter 42: Tactical suppression

The hustle and bustle of the Lansdowne Stadium suddenly fell into a fiery, beautiful goal that can ignite passion forever, Atletico Madrid, scored, and it was a world wave!

"I see it, I see it," Big Sam shook the Spaniard next to him hard, almost before shaking him apart, "I said, trust Mark, he won't let you down, your future champions will come from you. Constantly"

"Ha..., you don't know how many team fans in the world envy you", more fans echoed.

"How happy you are to watch him play every week"

"Haha, what else do you guys say, I am also very happy..."

In the stands, the MKQ18 from England and the fans from Spain holding the portrait of Maqin merged into one, celebrating wildly, equally hideous.

Football can cross borders and languages!

Now no one can overshadow the desire of Atletico fans for the championship. They haven't tasted that taste for too long. They are about to get used to it and forget about it for a long time.

It turned out that the quiet sidelines boiled instantly, and Ancelotti excitedly clenched his fists to celebrate, the perfect script, Boas was still too tender, and fell into his calculations at the beginning.

He glanced at Boas, who was already a little impatient on the other side, young man, he was too dogmatic, and he would stumble sooner or later, he thought.

Knowing that you Falcao and Hulk are great, how could I not set up traps?

Mark Qin and his teammates are still celebrating with excitement in the Jiaoqi District. This is the best stage for them to regain their strength, let all the clouds end here, and let everything new start here.

"Take out all your abilities and break them down for me," Maqin yelled at the teammates who came over, "Tell everyone, we are really here!"

"Roar...", the sentiment was passionate.

"Atletico, champion, here we are..."

The ferocious shout ignited every drop of blood in an instant, and he wanted them to become familiar with the taste of champions and the determination that "it must be me standing at the last minute".

Then, go ahead and go!

"Mr. Ma, it's so beautiful," Zhan Jun shouted, "This goal instantly ignited the heat of the game. What about you, Portugal's double crown, I can't miss it..."

The championship trophy, which looked like a big torch, was placed at the entrance of the passage, shining brightly, but when Maqin saw it when he came out, it was no longer regarded as honor, but dignity.

Yes, dignity, their dignity on the court, to use this honor to defend.

The Porto players did not expect that the ball could actually be scored. Fernando, who made the siege, was still lying on the ground before he could get up. The goalkeeper Halton was akimbo depressed.

Their system and the combination of Atletico Madrid's personnel made it impossible for them to assign special personnel to mark Mark Qin, and Boas also developed a siege strategy as usual.

This is what you beat you, I beat me.

But obviously they failed. At least they failed at the beginning. Atletico Madrid's pass was so fast that they had not had time to form a full siege, and they formed a shot.

Guardiola watched the TV at home and shook his head slightly. It was too rigid. When Barcelona played Atletico, he didn't dare to be so crazy. Instead, he was mainly protected from the back because he was afraid of Mark Qin's passing. Ancelotti's men have completely become free agents.

The two guards behind you are so poorly coordinated with the midfielder, don't you let his direct pass be accurate.

Atletico Madrid, which has focused on the league throughout the season, has actually stumbled in the UEFA Cup. Their promotion path is so economical that it makes people feel that their level is no more than this, not in China. Didn't you win the championship?

But who knows, now that Atletico Madrid, who has nothing to worry about, really began to show their dormant fangs.

A season of smashing and rolling has allowed them to grow up quickly. Now they are familiar with the taste of chasing and are used to the pressure that exists at any time. More importantly, they have a champion heart.

Perhaps this is the most precious thing Maqin brought to this team this season, not how many assists he provided and how much firepower he provided. This is a kind of strong temperament.

A domineering way to the king.

That is the most precious thing he condensed after a long time in the red wave.

The game restarted.

"Atletico Madrid, this time they were uncharacteristically and started a frontcourt press after kick-off," Zhan Jun said in surprise. "They are quite experienced and know that this may be the time when Porto's mentality is the most unstable."

Boas anxiously watched the situation suddenly get out of control from the sidelines. They fell into a fierce fight in the midfield and did not think of a countermeasure for a while, because he really couldn't guess what Ancelotti thought.

Or is this another trap?

"Stay steady, hold steady, don't worry, play at our rhythm," he hurriedly conveyed instructions to Moutinho, who controls the rhythm of the team.

The common problem of many academic coaches is poor on-the-spot command, and Boas is also among them. His first thought is not how to limit Atletico, but how to play out his advantages.

But when he returned to the defense, Sanchez entangled Moutinho firmly and prevented him from dividing the ball. The elderly Fran also joined the defense hard to help him defend the side.

Because he knows that this may be his last game at Atletico Madrid, in the second half of the season he has been a bit unable to keep up with the team's rhythm, has become a substitute.

He wants to win this championship.

"The ball has reached Hulk's feet again. Atletico Madrid is heavily defending here. Hulk gives Guarin, Guarin, and his big foot is transferred to the weaker Varela, Varela, cross...", Zhan The military commentator said.

Before Juan Fran came up at a 45-degree angle, Pereira kicked a diagonal pass. His ability was the worst among the tridents in the front court. If Ronaldo was not too young, Boas would not use him as the main force. .

The pass was a bit hasty, although the quality was good, it was passed directly to the small penalty area around the Atletico Madrid back line, with the intention of allowing Falcao to jump in and grab a shot.

But now Falcao was firmly entangled by his sister-in-law, and there was a guarding Godin next to him. He didn't let him rush up at all. The ball reluctantly swept through the restricted area and slipped directly out of the bottom line.

The camp of the fans in the stands fully matches the colors of their jerseys. The red and white sides are jubilant, and the blue and white sides frown and sigh.

Atletico Madrid slowly began to control the situation on the field. Porto can form an offense, but it cannot form a continuous attack that suppresses it. It often ends up in the penalty area.

Their most active player was Hulk, who kept cutting inside and then trying to shoot from a long distance, but they contributed a lot of steals to Makqin and fell into a defensive trap.

Strangling Falcao and releasing Hulkneche is an established strategy formulated by Ancelotti. To keep the space in the penalty area, how many long shots Hulk can score even if he wins the first prize? Falcao is the most threatening point in Porto.

"Guarin, the pass was passed, and it was confiscated by De Gea," said Zhan Jun when he saw that Porto's offense had been terminated again. "Porto has no way to attack during this period. Falcao can't get points. Hulk fired two anti-aircraft guns even when he was not in the shadows."

"Silva is staring at Falcao very much unless you go to the side, but Falcao on the side is not a threat. He will stare at you in the middle," Zhang Lu analyzed, "and Martinez's position is very Live, Atletico Madrid’s circulation system is about to take shape"

As he was talking, De Gea threw the ball to Felipe on the wing with a strong hand. Atletico started attacking again. Unknowingly, more than 30 minutes had passed in the first half, and the score was still 1:0.

This time Porto learned the first lesson of losing the ball and retreated quickly, leaving only one or two nearby to harass and delay. They were afraid of being robbed by Atletico Madrid's smooth passing.

Mark Qin followed for a while, and rushed directly to the right side of Porto's defense line, because he saw Sanchez, who had switched positions in the front court, retracted from the center, with Fran next to him.

"Felipe, Guarin who deducted the defense, handed it to Aguero who was diagonally forward, ah, this small pass in front of the Atletico Madrid penalty area is very slippery, Sanchez..." said Zhan Jun.

As Atletico's offense was launched from the left, Porto midfielder Moutinho also closed in the center, and Sanchez took the ball to face his defense.

At this time Maqin had already ran to the penalty area. Sanchez pretended to glance at Juan Fran who was on the sidewalk, but he turned his ankle and pushed the ball between Fernando and Moutinho to the penalty area. Maqin before.

Makqin at this location immediately attracted everyone's attention. His left foot shot here was too threatening, Maicon hurried over to prepare to defend.

But Maqin, who stepped on the ball, seemed to have made a mistake, and the ball leaked directly from his feet, which surprised Zhan Jun. How could Maqin make such a mistake?

Mistake? "Boom", the shouts from the stands and Juan Fran who diagonally inserted into the penalty area to chase the ball told everyone that this was not a mistake at all!

This is a planned delivery!

The ball crossed Macon’s feet, passed between Maicon and Porto’s left-back Pereira, slanting straight to the bottom line, and crossing Juan Fran’s running route in the penalty area!

"This is a deliberate leak by Mr. Ma. The leak is too imaginative." Pereira, who was attracted by Maqin's attention, could not catch up with Juan Fran. Only the left forward Barrera was still there. Desperately chase back.

However, Juan Fran has always been known for his simplicity in handling the ball, catching the ball aside from anything else, pulling his thigh is like sweeping a small penalty area.

Ancelotti’s role as a quick-witted striker like Aguero was once again reflected. He burst out from Rolando's side like a cheetah, quickly pulled Rolando half of his position within two meters, and then directly He fell to the ground and stabbed.

Halton, who rushed back quickly, was helpless, and could only watch the ball jump into the goal from his side again!

"Goaaaal... the goal... the goal... again... Aguero", Zhan Jun quickly shouted, "Atletico Madrid scored another goal, 2:0, this goal is beautiful."

"Ha...", the Atletico Madrid fans in the stands jumped up again, shouting loudly, the champion, the champion is ours!

The blue and white fans all covered their heads with their hands and couldn't believe they were two goals behind.

It seems that the two teams are not on the same level at all. How do Atletico Madrid play, they catch blind as soon as they reach the penalty area!

"Bah", Boas grabbed his hair in confusion, don't know what to can't attack and can't defend, Atletico and the opponents they played before are not at the same level. team.

The more anxious he is, the more panic he becomes. His coaching experience is only two seasons. This kind of big scene is not something he can handle at the moment, especially in the case of headwinds.

"Haha..." Maqin quickly grabbed Aguero, who got up and rushed to the sidelines, "Good job, A Kun", he put his arms around his neck hard, and the Atletico Madrid players rushed crazy again. , Began another celebration.

"This time it’s Aguero", Zhan Jun shouted, "Atletico Madrid’s teamwork was so beautiful just now, especially Mr. Ma’s missed this, 2:0. Will Porto still have a chance to come back? Looking at his performance, hope is slim..."

"What Boas is good at hasn't been played out," Zhang Lu said, "They are really good at the midfield. To be honest, the back defense is very average. If you can't play offense, the defensive pressure will be great."

Boas had a small racing car in his head. He ran into him for a long time. He got a headache. Finally, he glanced at the bench, gritted his teeth, and made a crazy decision.

"Eh? Porto changed? It was less than 40 minutes in halftime. Barrera went off the field and replaced it with Rodriguez, a 19-year-old player. This is a matchup substitution." Zhan Jun was surprised Said.

Porto was depressed when he scored another goal. Barrera is even more depressed. Who wants to be replaced in less than 40 minutes? , He did not say hello to Boas when he walked off the field.

He pulled the young Ronaldo and kept telling him to make those changes after he played. As for Barrera? He can no longer care.

Strengthen the attack, or strengthen the attack, only with the attack, Porto has no way to retreat...

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