Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 112: Xishui

The Huo family was gone, and Ruan and Cheng Yumo also retreated with their heads down. The large Western Palace soon became only Yucheng Yujin and Li Chengjing. Ciqing Palace was busy for an afternoon, and now it was quiet again.

Li Chengjing raised his hand and waved, and the waiters silently retired from the palace. After the idle people waited, Li Chengjing looked at Cheng Yujin and said with a smile: "Prince Concubine is only eloquent. Yu Shitai did not encounter you. It is their loss. If you go to Yu Shi, there is no corrupt official in the world. , I am going to Bihai Yanheqing. "

Cheng Yujin glanced at Li Chengjing lightly: "Your Highness lifts love, but the concubine is only a weak woman. I'm afraid I can't bear such heavy responsibilities."

Li Chengjing couldn't help laughing, he took Cheng Yujin to sit down and asked, "It's Huo Changyuan who caused your second sister to be born, and it's not me. Why are you still so angry?"

Cheng Yujin took a deep breath and sullenly said, "It's nothing. It's just that the rabbit is dead and sad."

Li Chengjing raised his eyebrows. He looked at Cheng Yujin with his head tilted. His eyes were full of smiles: "Prince Concubine's Tongue Fights Confucianism, first Xun Ruan's, Huo Xue's, and then Jing Jing Hou Xun's sister, really, even me Can't be spared? "

Cheng Yujin had some unspeakable melancholy. Hearing his words, he couldn't help laughing. After being distracted by him like this, Cheng Yujin's inexplicable emotions disappeared. She glared at Li Chengjing with anger and said, "Prince is noble and noble. I haven't seen Jingyonghou's cousin today. I don't belong to you. How dare you say that your prince is not? "

Li Chengjing smiled and spread his palms, saying, "This has nothing to do with me. I don't know anything about these things today. I wouldn't know that the Huo family had gathered if they met Jingyonghou who returned at the gate of the palace. What about Ciqing Palace. Taking him into the palace is just a matter of course. "

"Your Highness is really selfless?"

Li Chengjing's eyes were bright and he smiled and asked, "What do you mean by my selfishness?"

Cheng Yujin originally choked him on purpose, but he did not expect to admit that he could not answer Cheng Yujin. Cheng Yujin pursed his lips and slightly opened his eyes, avoiding the topic: "Today is a trifle of trivial things, and the concubine's mother's family made His Highness laugh."

"What's the matter." Li Chengjing saw that she didn't answer or press, but she didn't care about her sleeves, "Life is a trivial matter. You can share these trivial things with me, this is what I see. For a part of your life. "

After speaking, Li Chengjing glanced at Cheng Yujin and raised his eyebrows lightly: "And, what is your mother's family? Isn't Cheng Yumo also my niece?"

He came again, Cheng Yujin choked, and gave him a hard look: "You still say! Uncle married niece, do you really think this reputation is good? Man Chao Wenwu deliberately circumvent this, you are good, you still can't mention it."

"It's just the truth." Li Chengjing didn't care, and even showed a pensive look. "Cheng Yumo is my second niece or your sister. Now that you are married to me, should you call her niece or sister?"

Cheng Yujin looked at him expressionlessly and would get up with a wave of sleeves. Li Chengjing hurriedly smiled and pulled: "blame me, I said nonsense. The crown prince is so angry, sit down first."

Cheng Yujin was pulled back and sat back, looking at his expression with patience and anger.

Li Chengjing knew that it would be real hair to tease again, so he was very obedient and did not dare to talk indiscriminately. He looked at Cheng Yujin's face and said, "But what happened today is that Huo Changyuan did something wrong. Huo Xueshi and Cheng Yumo didn't understand how I didn't understand it, but he pushed his wife and hurt his wife. Abortion, but no man is responsible. Whether he knew Cheng Yumo was pregnant or not, he was wrong when he started his wife. Is it possible that Cheng Yumo is pregnant without him? "

Li Chengjing was very disgusted by this. Cheng Yujin shouldn't say anything, but he nodded secretly. She thought that when she was in the Cheng family, she secretly brought gold from the old man's house. After seeing it, Li Chengjing directly asked Liu Yi to help her with the things. After that, she took her outside to see the shop. Li Chengjing also accompanied him throughout the journey and was not impatient.

If the same scene is placed on Huo Changyuan, the effect will be completely different. Oh no, people like Huo Changyuan will not accompany women to go shopping at all. In his opinion, this is probably an extremely unproductive performance.

Cheng Yujin was a little curious. Huo Changyuan grew up next to his widowed mother. Since childhood, he had little contact with adult men. As a result, he was spoiled by the widowed mother and took the woman's dedication for granted. What about Li Chengjing?

Huo Changyuan has no father, but Li Chengjing lost his childhood, lost his mother at an early age, lost his father at a young age, and grew up almost alone. Why did he grow to look completely different from Huo Changyuan?

Li Chengjing found Cheng Yujin's eyes were wrong, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this? I want to ask what you want to say, don't guess."

That being the case, Cheng Yujin asked it out innocently. Hearing this, Li Chengjing couldn't help but knock on Cheng Yujin's forehead: "Is it necessary to be taught by someone? Can't it be my own jade show inside, self-made beam?"

Cheng Yujin laughed loudly, his eyes were full of gleaming light, but his mouth was still holding the venue and said: "This is nature, His Royal Highness Prince is a rare jade, others are just icing on the cake."

Li Chengjing also smiled. He seemed to think of something, smiled slightly, and suddenly brought some solemnity in his tone: "If I say the kindness of education, I really want to thank someone. Although she is not related to me, but she has a deep affection for me. There will be me today, this grace is reinvented, and it is the same as the half mother. "

Cheng Yujin also solemnly said: "His Royal Highness, you are talking about ..."

Li Chengjing nodded: "Yes, it is my foster mother Xiao Xue."

Cheng Yujin sighed. Little Xue's talent was rare, but because of the Xue family's case, he was implicated in exile. Li Chengjing was able to be rescued and accepted by Xiao Xue's brother, so that he would not fall into extremes and hatred.

At that time, Li Chengjing was only five years old, but he experienced the death of his biological mother. His father married another. His grandmother said he was ominous and was excluded from the palace. He was almost killed by his stepmother and his family, and had to give up his original identity and steal his life. Such a life experience is placed on another person, and even if he does not surrender, he will hate the world. Li Chengjing was able to persevere, but still grew up to be sensible and self-made, even in the face of a woman, she could always be respected and polite.

Cheng Yujin thought more and more that good talents and decayed wood should not be confused, and the education of female elders in the process of growing up was also very important. Li Chengjing and Huo Changyuan are the most obvious examples.

Cheng Yujin seemed sighed and sighed softly: "His Royal Highness, it is really lucky for me to marry you. In fact, any woman can marry you well."

After Cheng Yujin finished speaking, he saw that Li Chengjing's expression was wrong and frowned and asked, "What kind of eyes are you looking at? Why do you look at me like this?"

"I'm flattered." Li Chengjing said truthfully, "I always feel that there is something behind you. Let you praise, there must be additional conditions behind."

Cheng Yujin glared at him: "I'm such a person who has a purpose in everything, and can't afford to be early?"

Li Chengjing nodded, and then he smiled himself, hiding behind him, holding Cheng Yujin's hand.

"Okay, don't tease you anymore." Li Chengjing smiled conscientiously and said seriously, "It's my honor that you rate me so high. But, I don't know how I will marry someone, because I only want to think about this life marry you."

With a rhetoric, Cheng Yujin scolded in his heart, and glared at him angrily, but inside it was gleaming and smiling.

Cheng Yujin was half joking and half serious, and asked with a smile: "His Royal Highness is good at controlling people's hearts. I said this to me today. I am afraid that it will be the same for your Highness if you change a person?"

Sure enough, Li Chengjing was helpless, saying: "Apart from you, do I have anyone else?"

"No now, who knows if there will be any in the future." Cheng Yujin raised her chin slightly, her neck was slender and her figure was absolutely gorgeous, so she looked down at her eyes slightly, her cold feeling was mixed with gorgeousness, and her arrogance was delicate and strange. 'S appeal, "Isn't Jingyonghou's cousin very worried about His Royal Highness today. Now it's just Jingyonghou's cousin. In a few days, who knows whether other sisters will emerge."

Obviously questioning, but listening to Li Chengjing's ears was very pleasant. Not afraid that Cheng Yujin would mind, but she did not mind. If she doesn't care about other women he accepts, Li Chengjing should have a headache.

Li Chengjing is in a good mood, and even his eyes are smiling: "My mother is the original wife, and your majesty started at the end of the age, and there is no one in my childhood memory. There is no third person between them. Good memories. Afterwards, I was taken care of by the adoptive mother. Although she was not married, she was extremely proud and self-esteem. She never bothered to be a concubine for anyone. If it was not for me, it would not be ... "

The next words said it hurt. Cheng Yujin silently took Li Chengjing's hand. Li Chengjing paused and skipped this paragraph, saying: "So, I never thought about concubine. The child is in essence, not in more, if Even the son-in-law is not well-educated, what is the use of having more sons, but it also makes the house uneasy. "

Li Chengjing watched Cheng Yujin deeply, his eyes deep and long, as if he were an old wine in an altar, and he indulged inadvertently: "In my life, my wife is enough."

Cheng Yujin blushed, she turned away from Li Chengjing, but the smile on her mouth couldn't be suppressed.

Li Chengjing also said that her eloquence is good. In her opinion, Li Chengjing is the master who really confuses people.

Cheng Yujin was just tempting by the way, but when he heard this, he made himself blush. Cheng Yumo and Huo Changyuan's vigorous, deep and strong love, but it is such a situation today, Cheng Yujin looked at it and sighed. She and Li Chengjing had never had strong feelings. The mode of getting along with each other after marriage was basically the same. They were always plain and respectful.

Both of them are rational and polite people who are good at the round field. After they are together, they give each other a very good face. Of course, these two people get along well, but they seem to lack a close and strong intimate couple.

This is why Mrs. Cheng has always worried that the two of them are superficial couples. They were too perfect and harmonious, never squabbled or even quarreled. Outsiders seem to envy them as model couples, but they always doubt whether they are cheating.

Cheng Yujin also suspected it at first, and Li Chengjing treated her after she got married. Cheng Yujin couldn't help but speculate at the worst. Could it be that Li Chengjing did this just to create a perfect prince image? Family harmony, spoiling his wife and loving wife are also part of his image?

But now Cheng Yujin is a little relieved. It doesn't matter what a person says, how to do it is the most important. Li Chengjing is a prince, or a prince who has been patient for many years and is waiting for opportunities. She is married to such a person. How can she blame him for being too much? As long as Li Chengjing respects and loves her as always, what are the reasons and what can be investigated?

If there is no vigour, then there is no problem. In fact, Cheng Yujin feels that they are very comfortable with each other. She really put the feelings of Huo Changyuan and Cheng Yumo on Cheng Yujin, but she couldn't bear it.

Forsythia sent Ruan and Cheng Yumo back and was about to go back to life, but was stopped by Du Ruo at the entrance of the hall.

Du Ruo Zhao made a look inside and said, "His Highness is talking to the Crown Princess, you will go in later."

Forsythia glanced inside, suddenly. The two of them walked quietly outside the corridor. Forsythia was very emotional: "When they were in Hou Mansion, the two girls and Jingyonghou were so passionate. When the two girls talked about Jingyonghou, their eyes were bright, and their bodies were full of unprecedented progress. But I just sent my second wife and the second girl out, and the second girl got into the carriage, and Jingyonghou stood aside, but the two of them did n’t even have a single word, and they did n’t have a single look. It became like this. "

Du Ruo also sighed and shook his head, "Qiu Ren De Ren. I said something bold and offensive, asking me to say that the princess and his highness are the long-term way. The princess was very smart since childhood. She knows how to take care of others, and to take care of others everywhere. Of course, she can live a good life when she is married, but it is not as comfortable as His Royal Highness. "

Forsythia nodded, obviously feeling the same. Two people with high EQs should have these two together, and stop poverty alleviation.

Forsythia looked in the direction of the palace gate, then turned back through the window and saw a smile on the lips of the crown prince, pouring tea to Cheng Yujin. Cheng Yujin picked up the teacup with **** and smiled gently at the prince. The two were elegant in posture, beautiful in movement, and beautiful like a picture scroll.

Forsythia and Du Ruoguang looked at them and couldn't help smiling. It ’s not just them. The other people in the Eastern Palace who saw the princes and the princesses ’fairy-like coexistence pattern. Which one is not natural but cherished by heart and cannot bear to destroy at all.

Many things happened today. It must have been a sleepless night for many people in Jingyonghou and Yichunhou. However, in the East Palace, this place where all the accidents happened, the couple of "starters" sat down to drink tea and talk and feast.

In this contrast, Forsythia looked so comfortable.