GT Virus Evolutionary

Chapter 329: 331. All Monsters ()

   "嗤..." The ancient monitor lizard sprayed a long white mist from its two nostrils, and its eyes trembled slightly, seeming to wake up at any time.

  Although the assistant was a little trembling, he understood that this was something he had to do. Although I don't know what happened in the base, they are responsible for this laboratory, and they are directly responsible for this project. And... Dr. Zhang is his boss, and he must follow Dr. Zhang's orders.

   "Puff!!" The needle in the helper plunged into the monitor lizard's body. A large amount of neurotoxins calmed the lizard again.

  But, at this moment, the abnormal changes are protruding.

  The anesthetic delivery pipeline that had stopped functioning suddenly began to inject a new liquid.

  "How is this possible..." Several assistants and doctors were constantly busy on the console. The computer clearly shows a few big red characters...

  "Awakening potion is being input..."

   "Wake up!!"

   "Grass, what are the people at the computer terminal doing and why do they wake it up!!!" The doctor's eyes were red, and he couldn't imagine why this happened. Why did the base awaken this monster? ? They haven't evacuated here yet? ? Moreover, this is not an actual combat laboratory either! !

   "Guru, Guru." With the awakening potion injected into the body of this huge lizard. Its huge eyeballs also began to roll. This is a sign of awakening from "hibernation."

   "Puff, puff, puff!!!" The back of the huge lizard exploded, a large piece of flesh exploded, and the entire white wall in the laboratory was all wrapped in this pink blood mist. And the booster holding the injection, the whole body was directly covered by the pink blood mist...

   "Zzizizi..." Large chunks of skin peeled off the assistant, and the assistant screamed. Tap the tempered glass in the laboratory... The hatch is closed, it is impossible for Dr. Zhang to open the hatch for him who is dying! !

   "Whhhh!!" In the powder mist, a sharp tentacle suddenly stretched out, and this tentacle actually has a huge mouth. Looking carefully, in the blood mist, countless tentacles with toothy mouths stretched out from the entire exploded back of the ancient monitor lizard, waving back and forth...

  One of the tentacles seemed to be able to feel the assistant's position, with a cracking sound, the huge mouth of the tentacle directly wrapped the assistant's head.

  "Crack, click!!" The giant mouth chewed. The sound of flesh and blood rubbing constantly came, very harsh. Within a few breaths, the tentacles were like a python, swallowing the assistant directly. People can still see the assistant's body slowly sliding down the tentacles into the body of the ancient monitor lizard...

   After eating the entire assistant, the body of the ancient monitor lizard began to slowly turn around. Scarlet eyes stared at the people outside the tempered glass.



  Huge claws and sturdy tentacles kept tapping on the tempered glass, making a dull sound, and every time it tapped, the laboratory trembled. But... the strength of this strengthened glass is really terrifying, even with such a huge force, it did not produce a trace of cracks. minute...two minutes...three minutes...

  The rescue has not yet arrived, the ancient monitor lizard is still beating, finally...

  "Kacha..." A crack appeared on the tempered glass. With the unremitting efforts of the ancient monitor lizard, a crack was finally broken...

  But Dr. Zhang had only despair in his eyes. When the first crack appeared...this strengthened glass was no longer strong! ! ! And he opened the button behind the emergency exit that controls the room door and still didn't respond... Sure enough, someone locked himself here! !

   "Pop!!" The tempered glass shattered. Four thick tentacles stretched out from the laboratory at the same time, and directly swallowed several doctors...The horrible chewing sound filled the entire laboratory.


  Experiment 286:

  The third-order ancient monitor lizard was injected with G virus, repeatedly infected, and severely changed its body. Possess the terrifying power of Tier 4...



  The same thing is happening constantly. In every room, different monsters are closed.

   286 and 174 are the exceptions, most of the other rooms are closed with some "relatively safe" monsters. Most of them are second-order, third-order, or even first-order. Once the strength exceeds the level of Tier 4, the monster's supervision facilities will be strengthened several times.

  In the No.7 passage, the crimson figure walked slowly like a stroll in the courtyard.

  The blood of the soldiers and the monsters melted together, and Yang Qun’s leather boots stepped on them and kept making a sound of water. The surrounding walls were filled with blood stains everywhere, and the bullet shells fell all over the floor. It was obvious that fierce fighting took place here.

   "Uh..." A soldier who was cut off was still groaning on the ground. He is a poor fellow. When a person is cut off, his life will not die immediately... He can live for at least a few hours before he will die in pain.

  Yang Qun glanced down at the horrified soldier.

   "Pain...I can feel your pain." Yang Qun said lightly.

  Not only him, there is a painful emotion in the whole passage.


  Yang Qun couldn't help taking a breath.

   "It's really delicious..."

  The smell of blood is contaminated with these negative emotions, and Yang Qun's Mark of the Devil is also excited. In such a situation, his abilities can definitely be swayed freely. He felt the despair in the crowd, the deep desire of those monsters.

   "Boo!!!" A room with house number 079 beside Yang Qun suddenly opened the hatch. A researcher in a white coat ran out with a flustered expression. There was also a beautiful female assistant who ran out at the same time...

   "Ahhhhh!!!" People screamed constantly in the laboratory. At least 3 or 4 researchers were trapped inside at the same time.

"Help us, help us, please." The beautiful female assistant saw a human in a scarlet robe standing outside the door... It was like catching the last straw in her life and rushing to Yang frantically. At Qun's feet, holding Yang Qun's thigh and crying...

   Yang Qun ignored him and looked inside the gate of Laboratory 079 with interest.

   "Hiss..." The huge body of a licker slowly crawled out of the room. The body of the licker was exceptionally different, the scarlet muscles had completely deteriorated. A hard brown shell wraps the muscles. It's like the thigh of a grasshopper...

  I don’t know, what kind of mutated genetic modification is this new variety...

   "Boom!!!" The licker leaped towards Yang Qun's body like a grasshopper. Sure enough... this licker possesses a special ability. His limbs are more explosive, just like the thighs of a grasshopper. The explosive limbs suddenly kicked up on the ground, and the huge figure directly fell on Yang Qun's body...

  The female assistant’s eyes were already full of despair, and she would die under such a flutter. While screaming... she couldn't help covering her eyes.

