Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha

Chapter 125: Regroup a four-man squad

   Chapter 125 Reorganization of the four-man squad

  Orochimaru laughed and glanced at the surprised Jiraiya and Tsunade...

   "What happened to Rope Tree?"

   Tsunade is not concerned about this, she suddenly woke up when she saw Wu Cai, does this mean...

   "It's okay, they are safe, but the chakra consumption is too much, let me help you now."

   Wu spread his hands:

   "I'm... pretty much qualified now, right?"


  Orochimaru coughed twice, then glanced at Jiraiya with a strange expression:

   "My disciple, I'm not far from an idiot now."

   "Hey! Orochimaru, pay attention to the occasion!"

  Jilai also bared his teeth and was about to jump:

   "God is very strong, but the opposite is a 'Ninja demigod'!"

   "So I'm just assisting... three teachers, it's up to you~"

  Wu rolled his eyes, the names of the three teachers are fine.

   After all, all three of them are taking students now.

   "Great, boy Wu, back then..."

   beat his head in annoyance, Tsunade laughed:

   "I should have tied you as my disciple back then! Orochimaru, you bastard, you got such great benefits, and you didn't even invite me to drink!"

   "Didn't you win my money..."

  Orochimaru shook his head with a wry smile, and then his face became serious:

   "Okay, your demigod is still watching... ready to fight!"

   " finally remembered, I'm still watching?"

  Hanzo has blue veins jumping on his forehead.

   What's going on with these four Konoha ninjas, especially the ice boy!

  Perhaps the three young Jounin didn't realize that the tension that shrouded them in the first place disappeared in an instant after that kid appeared!

   [They didn't realize it themselves, what kind of confidence did the appearance of this blood follower ninja give them? 】

【teacher? This Ice Dunn Chunin is that black-haired young Jōnin disciple... Hmph! When the master and the apprentice go into battle, they really don't take me as a 'half-god' in the eyes! 】

  Hanzo's face darkened. It seems that the Chunin is not only strong in ice, but also has a unique temperament.

   "Then, let me see how long you four can last under my hands!"

  Hanzo flicked his hands, and the eight kunai flew out in an instant. The special detonating talisman that Hanzo carefully prepared was hanging behind the kunai!


  Hanzo narrowed his eyes, and even the three of Orochimaru who were about to take off and dodge stumbled——

  Eight crystal clear ice guns hit the eight Kunai accurately, so that the Kunai did not reach the predetermined target, and the detonating talisman exploded!

  Hanzo gave a cold smile, quickly formed a seal, and at the feet of the three Orochimaru who had not adjusted their footsteps, there were many detonating charms!

   The detonating talisman moved quickly, and it was about to wrap around the three people’s feet—Hanzo obviously cooperated with the confinement power of Tudun Ninjutsu, making the three of them unable to move!

   At this moment, the three of them are in danger!

   But because Satoru was standing behind the three of them consciously, Hanzo couldn't lock him down, and he realized something was wrong right away.


   Wu snorted coldly, his hands flashed red, and the fiery ring of fire spread out under his feet, hitting the three people in front of Orochimaru.

The    was deliberately adjusted to reduce the range, but the shock wave that strengthened the knock-up ability sent the three of Orochimaru flying out——

   Although it was closer to Hanzo, it undoubtedly let them escape.


   A huge number of detonators exploded, Hanzo frowned:

   "That chunin boy... is Huo Dun so good?"

"well done!"

  Orochimaru was in the air, and the series of changes just now made him as calm as him, and he also broke out in a cold sweat.

   If the move just now hits, the three of them will lose their skin even if they don't die!

   "Shimmering Snake Hand!"

  Orochimaru threw his arms fiercely, and a large number of poisonous snakes appeared in an instant, tying Hanzo firmly:

   "Jiraiya! Tsunade!"


  Jiraiya took the lead with both hands, and the long white hair stretched out longer and became extremely hard at the same time:

   "Ninja, Needle Hell!"


   Countless long hair turned into silver needles densely slammed towards Hanzo who seemed unable to move, Tsunade also jumped up, and if the petite fist hit hard, Hanzo might not be going to Half-Life.

   But Hanzo just smiled coldly, and the shape of the sansho fish that sat down disappeared instantly!


   Hanzo and Sanshoyu instantly appeared behind Orochimaru and Jiraiya, but his expression changed immediately, and he smashed a long ice arrow with a flick of his sickle!

   "The detonating talisman just now, so close to you, didn't actually hurt you?"

   Looking at Satoru who was intact, Hanzo suddenly remembered the trick he had used to escape his poisonous fog.

"I see……"

   "However, with that level of art, you've used it twice in a short period of time, so it's not a small burden, right?"

  Satoru frowned.

   Although Hanzo seems to have misunderstood, the ice barrier will consume a lot of chakra, but in fact, the super low temperature effect does have an impact on him.

  Hanzo guessed the principle wrong, but the results are not much different. In a short period of time, it is indeed not suitable to use the ice barrier again.

   "Ibushi, attack!"

  Satoru has a headache. Although Hanzo is very tall, he is also a background board at the back.

   Therefore, some details about him have not been paid attention to.

   At present, this guy has shown, in addition to the amazing water ninjutsu, as well as the detonating charm, the instant body technique, the body technique, and the psychic beast, there should be a lot of great moves hidden.

   "Wind, Vacuum Jade!"

   "Fire Gun·Big Flame Bullet!"

  Satoru was about to erect an ice wall to block the poisonous breath of the sansho fish, and the combined ninjutsu of Orochimaru and Jiraiya arrived:

   "Composite Ninjutsu・Vacuum Fire Bomb!"


   Although it was a rainy environment, Jiraiya also had Orochimaru Fudun's Great Flame Bullets, and they still fired an attack power that exceeded the limit!

  The large poisonous fog of Sanjiao Yujingfu was directly blasted out of a passage by the big flame bullet and smashed into Hanzo!


   And hidden behind the big flame bomb, it is a huge boulder!

  Tsuna held a boulder in his hand, which not only resisted the high temperature of the big flame bullet, but also gave Hanzo a head-on attack!


  Satoru stared at the coordinated attack of the three, but then slapped him on the forehead:

   "Oops, big trouble!"

  Hanzo was not at all moved by the three men's mighty attacks, he calmly performed the teleportation technique, and instantly appeared in another position.

   The poisonous mist that was swept by the big flame bullet and the evaporated rainwater directly mixed into a highly poisonous poisonous mist, and Tsunade, who followed the big flame bullet, was shocked!


   Tsunade suddenly inhaled a large amount of poisonous mist, her feet softened, and she fell to the ground. In this state, she no longer has the ability to prepare an antidote!


   Tsunade desperately mobilized Chakra. With her medical ninjutsu skills, it was only a matter of time before she returned to normal, but during this time, she would not only be unable to participate in the battle, but would also become a burden!

   "Leave me alone! Attack Hanzo! I can solve it myself!"

   "I'm pretty confident..."

  Hanzo's eyes flashed with satisfaction. Tsunade and Chiyo, who can detoxify medical ninjas, are the types he hates the most.

   Now, you can let go!

   (end of this chapter)