Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 32: 032

Tan Mo doesn't understand the world, but he is smart.

It is true to be irritable at this moment, but the inherent intention is also true.

Qiao Lan said that there is no relationship between them to allow him to help her or provide for her in this way. The words "there is no relationship between them" are like a TV video that suddenly freezes, playing it over and over again in his mind. .

He even increased the volume deliberately.

He threw the knife and fork on the plate fiercely, anger, sadness, irritability, and emotions he couldn't describe himself, such as disappointment, such as grievance.

The eyes are full of haze, just want to leave in anger.

Qiao Lan hurriedly apologized to the disturbed guest and ran back, "Uncle Chen hasn't arrived yet, where are you going? Tan Mo, I didn't want to make you angry."

He doesn't want to listen, he can go anywhere now, anyway, he doesn't want to stay here now.

Qiao Lan quickly sorted Tan Mo's tableware, blocking Tan Mo's wheelchair just to prevent him from leaving, Tan Mo sat in the wheelchair coldly and fixedly looked at Qiao Lan.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit nervous, but Qiao Lan felt it unilaterally. Tan Mo couldn't perceive the atmosphere. He stared at Qiao Lan without a word for a long time, and suddenly remembered the last time he had When one brought breakfast to Qiao Lan, there was a confrontation between them for a while.

At that time, why Qiao Lan didn't eat it? He looked at Qiao Lan like this, saying that if he didn't eat it, then throw it all away. In the end Qiao Lan compromised.

Tan Mo was stunned. Suddenly he was distracted. The anger was also transferred to where he didn’t know. He lowered her head thoughtfully. Qiao Lan didn’t know what Xiao Jiujiu was in Tan Mo’s mind at this moment, and looked at her. Tang said helplessly, "I will give you another copy. This does not count as your order. The restaurant can compensate for it for free."

Tan Mo returned to his senses.

"No need", he raised his head and stared at Qiao Lan, "I don't want to eat."

Qiao Lan glanced down at the steak that he had barely touched. Tan Mo had eaten so little today, and he must be hungry when he goes back.

"Then I will pack it up and let Uncle Chen take it back later."

Tan Mo's eyes flickered, "I will let Uncle Chen throw it away."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Tan Mo looked at Qiao Lan's speechlessness, and finally felt a little better. He thought that Qiao Lan was finally going to compromise like the last time, but Qiao Lan stopped smiling, and looked away without expression.

"Want to lose that."

He really felt that Tan Mo at this moment was a bear kid, and he was used to something wrong, so Qiao Lan turned and left.

Tan Mo was left with a dazed and stunned eyes. After the dazed retreat, only wind and rain were left.

After a while, Uncle Chen hurried over. When he came over, he found that the atmosphere today was not right. He carefully glanced at Tan Mo's face. Although he was still expressionless as usual, the anger of the storm was already coming. Bashing.

What's wrong with this?

Uncle Chen took Tan Mo into the car inexplicably, and then asked Tan Mo after a long time when the car drove out, "What's the matter? Have a fight?"

After a while, Tan Mo's dull voice came from behind, "She said don't let me come here again."

Tan Mo's voice was just a little lower than usual and a little duller, still a cold tone without ups and downs, but Uncle Chen insisted on hearing the wrong tone from inside.

Don't let Tan Mo come to the restaurant again. Uncle Chen probably guessed the reason, but still asked, "Then Qiao Lan said why he didn't let you come?"

Uncle Chen will not give up any opportunity to communicate with Tan Mo normally, and every communication with emotional fluctuations is helpful to Tan Mo.

Tan Mo was silent for a moment, raised his head, looked at the street lamp in the distance blankly and began to make a statement.

"Qiao Lan said that I spent a total of 70,000 yuan in three months. The consumption amount was too high. I said it was not high. She said it was high and it was a waste. Western restaurant food is not good for my health. She also said that we are friends. It’s a classmate. Friends and classmates don’t do this, so I don’t need to give her money or help her.”

Although Uncle Chen has always been distressed by Tanmo’s Asperger’s disease, he sometimes feels that this disease is convenient. For example, he will not lie. For example, he will not deceive when answering questions, and there is no nonsense to treat The whole thing is fully stated.

Although the word order or emotion will be a bit wrong.

After listening to Uncle Chen's description, it seems that Qiao Lan's reasons for not letting Tan Mo come are similar to what he thought.

As a person with normal thinking, Uncle Chen not only understands Qiao Lan's feelings, but also appreciates Qiao Lan's actions very much. However, if it is Tan Mo, he will not feel Qiao Lan’s embarrassment, nor will he feel Qiao Lan’s embarrassment. His thinking is like a computer program, with his own set of established logic. As long as his logic is reasonable, others It's useless to say anything.

When he was still very young, about three or four years old or younger, Tan Mo once made a snowman in the room.

For normal children, they may not understand the principle that snow will melt when heated, but they understand that snow cannot be moved into the room.

At that time, Tan Mo's mother was still alive. She held Tan Mo's little red hand and asked him why he was building a snowman in the room. There was no expression on Tan Mo's small face. He said that he was uncomfortable because of the wind outside.

Because the wind is uncomfortable outside, but I want to play with snow, so I moved the snow to the room and made a snowman in the room.

This is Xiao Tanmo's own logical thinking.

In the eyes of others, it is unreasonably stupid.

Later, Tan Mo's mother accompanied him to wait for the snow to melt, telling him that after the snow melted, it would turn into water, soil the floor and wet the sofa, and Tan Mo was convinced.

It is difficult for Tan Mo to change his mind unless you can convince him with more correct logic.

At the beginning, Tan Mo’s mother could use the melting of snow to convince Tan Mo. It was a natural phenomenon, intuitive and clear; but now Qiao Lan forbids him to come to the restaurant because Qiao Lan cannot accept it in her heart, and how can she convince Tan Mo? ink?

In Tan Mo’s opinion, being helped is a very pleasant thing. He can’t understand why he helped Qiao Lan. Qiao Lan would be embarrassed and unhappy; while Qiao Lan was unhappy because of his help, Tan Mo might think Because she didn't like him, she didn't want it.

Qiao Lan did not accept his money, and it was no different from someone who did not accept him.

Uncle Chen has a headache.

In the past, he wanted Tan Mo to have a friend who could communicate with him and be good to him. Now that he has it, new problems are coming again.

Tan Mo's behavior towards friends is different from ordinary people, and even the definition of friendship is completely different from ordinary people.

The next day, Uncle Chen sent Tan Mo into the school tremblingly, and sent a text message to Qiao Lan, telling Qiao Lan not to deliberately chill Tan Mo, which would stimulate Tan Mo's mind very much.

Uncle Chen wouldn't do it even if he didn't say Qiao Lan.

She read a book about Asperger's disease last night and saw two o'clock in the morning, and now she is too sleepy to open her eyes.

But when Qiao Lan talked to Tan Mo, Tan Mo kept her mouth closed and talked to Qiao Lan. Qiao Lan tried to reason with Tan Mo, "Tan Mo, rejecting you and rejecting your help are not the same thing. You have already helped me. For one semester, I don’t need it now."

Tan Mo finally spoke, "You need it, you are still working."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Qiao Lan finally understood a sentence in the book.

For people with Asperger's disease, whatever is in line with their logic, they believe that they are correct, and what others say is useless.

Talking too much may have a reverse effect.

Tan Mo pursed his lips, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.

When he left the western restaurant that day, for a moment, Tan Mo was so sad that he never wanted to see Qiao Lan again and didn't want to go to school.

But the next day he came to school. Not only did he come, he continued to sit next to Qiao Lan. While he was still mad at what Qiao Lan said and did, he didn't want to talk to Qiao Lan again, but the other side was in his heart. Faintly worried that if he really does not go, Qiao Lan will not ignore him again.

Even if Qiao Lan didn't accept that his feelings of deceiving him made him so sad, he still didn't want to break with Qiao Lan.

Pei Ning didn't have any eyesight and even ran to Qiao Lan to ask her English question. After she finished the question, she looked up at Shang Tan Mo Yin and shook with shock.

Then quickly looked away, leaned in Qiao Lan's ear and asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong with Tan Mo? I didn't mess with him?"

Qiao Lan: "...My question."

"Can you still annoy Tan Mo?" Pei Ning expressed surprise. He really felt that Qiao Lan was so good that she had no temper when facing Tan Mo.

Pei Ning's voice was very small, Tan Mo couldn't hear what they were saying, and could only see that they were close together, and his hands suddenly became vigorous.

Lightly broken sound.

Tan Mo lowered his head to see that the tempered film was broken, and the small **** cut a small cut on his fingertips, and the blood was dripping out and dripping onto the white school uniform.

Qiao Lan turned her head and saw the blood stains on Tanmo's school uniform. She asked him anxiously what was wrong, and quickly took out a band-aid from her schoolbag.

"Reach out," Qiao Lan said helplessly looking at the uncooperative Tan Mo.

Tan Mo looked at her steadily, motionless.

Qiao Lan couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Tan Mo's wrist, wiped the blood on her fingertips with a tissue, and then wrapped it with a band-aid, "I'm going to take a monthly exam soon, and I don't know if it will be affected. "

Tan Mo silently took his finger out, and said coldly, "No."

Then, on the way home in the afternoon, I stared at my band-aid fingers for nearly half an hour.

Two days later, it was the first monthly test of this semester. After the results came out, Tan Mo was still ranked first in the grade, but I don't know why the English this time was less than 140 points.

Many people are surprised, but dare not ask.

Tan Mo stuffed the English answer card into his schoolbag and said nothing.

During class, the English teacher Lao Liu put several English essays on the projector in the class, saying it was the high-scoring essay this time.

The theme of English composition is friendship.

Old Liu praised the three English essays. They wrote friendship is sharing. Friendship is a feeling that will not dissipate even if you haven’t seen it for many years. It will make everyone better and beautiful. One of the three is Qiao Lan written.

Tan Mo also wrote about friendship.

He wrote in his composition that friendship is possession, possession, and an absolute realm where no third person is allowed.

In the 15-point composition, he only scored two points in the end, and he silently threw the answer sheet into the trash can.

After school in the afternoon, Qiao Lan continued to work in the western restaurant. Tan Mo could not go to the western restaurant anymore. He sat in the car and watched Qiao Lan’s back. Uncle Chen didn’t want to watch the Tan Mo shaft become like this and turned on the radio on the car. Attempt to attract Tan Mo's attention.

The result really attracted Tan Mo's attention away.

Even Uncle Chen was shocked when he heard the news.

Uncle Chen heard the news from the city. There were all sorts of miscellaneous, traffic jams and car accidents. As a result, he heard the radio saying that there was a robbery in the early hours of last night. Two men robbed one. Woman and injured the woman.

This kind of news is usually used to make everyone complain, but if the place where the robbery occurred is on the street of the western restaurant, it is enough to make Tan Mo feel nervous.

The western restaurant where Qiao Lan works every day, although in the downtown area, is not on the bright road. It is safe during the day, but it is actually quite dangerous at night.

Especially when it was late, there were no people on the street and the girl was alone.

Because he hadn't heard anything like this before, Tan Mo didn't think of it either, but I just heard it now. For a while, Tan Mo only had the standard broadcasting tone of the host in the broadcast.

No matter how sad it was to regenerate, he thought of Qiao Lan's safety for the first time. When Tan Mo was rarely nervous, he immediately asked Uncle Chen to turn around and go to the western restaurant.

Uncle Chen sighed, "Are you going to wait for Qiao Lan to take her home from work? That's too late, so let's go home first, and then I will pick her home every night, okay?"

Tan Mo calmed down after being nervous, and then he remembered the current situation of him and Qiao Lan.

Tan Mo inexplicably didn't want Qiao Lan to know that he still cared about her so much.

"Not good," Tan Mo said dullly, and said after a long while, "Uncle Chen, you find someone to send her back every night", and added, "Sneak follow, don't be discovered by her."

Uncle Chen: "......"

Obviously I still care, why do I have to be so axis.

"Okay," Uncle Chen agreed, and then asked again, "When will I follow."

"do not know."

Just follow along if you keep working.

Uncle Chen: "......"

Forget it if you are happy.

Qiao Lan didn’t know what was going on, but when she was working, the team leader deliberately approached them, saying that something had happened here recently, and told them to be careful, especially the girls on night shifts, and sent them to every employee. A bottle of spray and a fruit knife.

Qiao Lan: ...

The past few days have been fine. I heard that the police have chased the two robbers to justice, but you still have to be careful.

Packed all the things, Qiao Lan packed up things and looked at the time, and walked home as usual.

It is now 11:47, and it should be around 12:20 when I get home... Today is not a lot of homework, mainly because I almost finished it in the break... But I still have to preview tomorrow's course...

Qiao Lan was making plans for tonight in a mess all the way, and when she walked downstairs to Qiao's house, it was exactly 12:20.

He raised his head and glanced, slightly surprised that the light was on at home.

At this time, everyone in Qiao’s family was supposedly asleep, unless it was Mother Qiao who stayed up late to watch TV series, but she would normally not turn on the lights in the living room so bright when watching TV series.

The lights were brightly lit, Qiao Lan's pace of going upstairs slowed down, always feeling that something was going to happen.

Going upstairs and opening the door of the room, Qiao Lan looked up and saw that except for Qiao Yuan on the living room sofa, Qiao's father, Qiao and Qiao, and Mrs. Qiao were all there. Mrs. Qiao had an expression of watching the show, and Qiao's and Qiao's faces were extremely ugly.

"Why are you standing at the door, why don't you come in?" Seeing Qiao Lan coming in, Qiao's mother stood up immediately.

Granny Qiao said twice, "I can't tell if there is a ghost in my heart, I dare not come in."

Father Qiao sat on the sofa with a full face and shouted violently, "Don't get out of here yet!"

Qiao Lan squinted her eyes, her feet stopping to enter the door.

When she came up, she guessed what might have happened. For example, the second sister Qiao cried and went back to her family's house and said that her husband had found a small fourth, and the old lady Qiao and Qiao's mother quarreled again.

After all, she did nothing.

But the posture of these three people now seems like she has done something unforgivable.

Mother Qiao became even more angry when she saw her standing there still, "I can't hear you, let you in, and the door is closed. You are not ashamed of yourself, I am afraid that others will hear it!"

Qiao Lan frowned, "Why am I ashamed?"

"Ah, don't you admit it," Mrs. Qiao raised her eyebrows. "I said that I must have lost my studies every day. If I don't come back every day at night, I might decide where to do it. If I don't say stealing money from the house, I still don't admit it. "

Qiao Lan finally heard something and suspected that she was stealing Qiao's money?

"I didn't steal," Qiao Lan said.

"Your second sister came to the house some time ago and gave me 20,000 yuan. I just put it in the drawer under the coffee table. I haven't found it yet. Today I counted less than a thousand yuan." Mother Qiao was holding a stack of money. He kept patting on the table, "Where did the money go, you said!"

"I don't know, it's not me," Qiao Lan said blankly, "Go ask others."

"It's not who you are, ah, you said, your grandma can't bear to spend money at all. It is impossible for me and your dad to take it. Yuan'er, I just gave you enough money a few days ago. Your eldest sister and second sister have not been here recently. Didn’t you stole it?"

"That might be a ghost," Qiao Lan sneered with her eyelashes down. Mother Qiao couldn't sit still because of Qiao Lan's attitude. "I don't think so, we can't control what we can do if we are good at school. Is that right", stood up and turned around several times, took the broom out of the toilet, "I'll ask again, did you steal it?"

"It's not who she could be. I bought all the mobile phones. It's not that she bought the mobile phone with the money she got from where she said that she earned her part-time job." Old lady Qiao gave Qiao mother a white and stared at Qiao Lan with small eyes. Suddenly stood up, "Look at it, I said she stole it, look at what is hanging around the neck..."

She said she was about to run over to grab the apple jade pendant on Qiao Lan's neck.

Qiao Lan slapped Mrs. Qiao's hand to protect her neck, and Mrs. Qiao's voice became even sharper, "It's fine to kill it without skin and face..."

Father Qiao, who had not spoken, finally jumped up when Mrs. Qiao was pushed aside by Qiao Lan, her fat face shook, and he drew the broom in Mother Qiao’s hand with one hand and drank violently. I roll over..."

Qiao Lan opened the door and ran downstairs.

Father Qiao ran out to chase after holding the broom.

Qiao Lan's younger body is much more vigorous, Qiao's father is so fat and wearing slippers, it is probably unexpected that Qiao Lan, who has been introverted and timid, dared to run, chasing and cursing on the stairs, waiting for Qiao Lan to run downstairs. No one was seen.

After looking for the left and right, but didn't find anyone, he went up again after angrily for a long time. He didn't believe that Qiao Lan would not come back. He would fight to death when he returned.

Qiao Lan ran out of the community until she ran to the road. She squatted under the street lamp by the side of the road to give herself a breath.

If Qiao's father caught her today, she might be killed.

It's safe for now, but Qiao Lan is a little worried again looking at the empty road in front of her.

Where are you going now? Where to go after

The western restaurant is closed, and I can’t go back. She is a girl’s house and she can’t spend the night on the street, nor can she go to the Internet cafe to hang out like some boys.

Go open a room?

It hurts to think about it.

But I really can’t think of any other way. I can only use my mobile phone to open Meituan, search for the nearest hotel, find a slightly cheaper one, deal with today and then talk about it, wait for tomorrow and then think about the next thing.

Squatting on the road and pulling his mobile phone, looking left and right, I finally saw what was acceptable to me, then clicked on the map and looked at it. After identifying the road, I was about to stand up. A black car slid over from a distance. Finally stopped in front of Qiao Lan.

The door of the car slowly opened. The young man dressed very thinly, with a pale face and gloomy eyes, sat in the car condescendingly looking at Qiao Lan, who was squatting on the road and hugged in a group.

The two looked at each other for nearly half a minute, and the boy finally turned his face away.

"Not up yet."

The author has something to say:    I accompanied my mother to my hometown today. After I came back, it was more than five o’clock in the afternoon. I wrote a bit late. I’m sorry to be late. Let’s change the chapter first, and the second chapter will follow. Wait and see, if you don’t stay up all night, just wake up and watch it tomorrow morning. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: Huh!, Little Peanut who loves to eat, 394746802; There are always people who want to harm the palace, Yang Shiba must work hard, Ting'an, 30735021;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles in a small bag; 30 bottles of Yu Ning; 20 bottles of Xiaoli, Asami, and lemon tea; 18 bottles of like to write; 13 bottles of the little princess whose nickname is a mystery; 10 bottles of Dongfeng Bulai and Jiang Yuci; 8 bottles of McDull; Fusheng 7 bottles of one-year-old admiration; beyoundfriengship, arielxxxx, vera, fan. , Qiuqiu do not want to lose 5 bottles; Duck y^o^y 4 bottles; black tea, 27449433, 3 bottles; fejal?, Qiantu Guangming, Mizuki_swatow, Jiejie, I won’t tell you my nickname, give you wink Two bottles of duck; Gu Chaochao, Pikachu and Rin who love sugar. , Ling Ning, c&nine, blue light writing ink. , Cai, He Yidian, 1 bottle of cookies;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!