Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 10: plan to proceed

When Evan followed Duke Wilson into Edward's room, Edward was sitting by the window, a small person, curled up on the windowsill, his curly hair looked very soft in the sun.

He heard something coming in, but he didn't raise his head, but his arms shook slightly and continued to bury his head in his arms.

"Edward?" called the Duke.

Little Edward raised his head with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Duke Wilson couldn't help but sighed: "Pastor Bruce came to see you, won't you say hello to him?"

Edward turned his attention to Evan and looked at her with a look that didn't seem to recognize him. Evan felt a little embarrassed for a while.

"Hello, Lord Edward." Evan nodded slightly.

Edward nodded indifferently and did not speak.

Duke Wilson's face suddenly turned a little bad: "Edward, how can you be so rude, Reverend Bruce saved you last time, did you treat him like this?"

Edward heard these words, and then turned to look at Evan, with a little warmth in his eyes: "Hello." His voice was very weak.

Evan just smiled: "The Duke is serious, I'm just doing my best, you keep saying this, I feel very ashamed."

Duke Wilson's face became a little better: "Mr. Reverend, you are the bravest person I have ever seen, Edward is suffering a mental blow these days, I hope you can use your fearlessness His heart taught him well and made him strong."

When Duke Wilson said these words, Evan had been observing Edward's reaction. Although he had been looking out of the window with some indifference, when Wilson said the issue of bravery, he It was obvious that Edward trembled, like a sensitive little rabbit, trembling slightly.

Evan suddenly knew.

Duke Wilson left the room after receiving Evan's affirmation. He looked at Evan with obvious gratitude, which also made Evan sure that his decision was not wrong of.

After the Duke went out, Evan approached Edward cautiously, but Edward shrank even tighter, almost shrinking himself into a ball.

Evan walked to his side, knelt down halfway, stroked the top of his head, and said softly, "Lord, are you cold?"

Edward spread his arms gently and glanced at Evan: "I'm not cold." There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but his expression tried to be indifferent.

Evan couldn't help but smile: "It's a little dangerous here, you'd better come and sit on the chair first." He stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture.

Edward gave Evan a determined look, and finally stretched out his hand.

Evan helped Edward down from the window sill, let him sit on the sofa, and then said: "I heard from the Duke, you are a little unhappy recently?"

Edward pursed his lips, a stubborn expression on his face.

Evan stroked the top of his hair lightly, and said warmly: "I know that Mr. Lawrence's death is a huge blow to you, but the way you are now makes the Duke very worried. "

Edward lowered his head, his two small hands clenched into fists: "I don't like John!" His voice was not high, but it was unusually firm.

Evan looked at Edward in surprise: "You don't like him? But I heard that you have a very close relationship with him..."

Edward did not respond to Evan's question at all, still lowered his head and said nothing, but his shoulders trembled slightly, as if he was holding back something.

Evan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Lord, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as Evan finished speaking, he saw big drops of tears falling on little Edward's shirt.

"The servants all say that John's bad." Edward's tone was a little choked: "But my father has never been there, I have only John to accompany him, he always exaggerates, saying how much his father likes him, but I'm my father's child, why doesn't he like me! Is it because I'm not brave enough?" Edward suddenly raised his head and looked at Evan, his big eyes filled with crystal tears, a kind of innocence unique to a child .

"Pastor Bruce, your father praised you as a brave person, can you tell me how to become a brave person?" Grabs Evan's cuff.

Evan was at a loss for words for a while. When he looked at this really innocent child, he realized that all his previous despicable calculations were useless at this moment. .

Evan stretched out his hand, gently wiped the tears from his cheeks, and finally stripped off the mild disguise in his words, and whispered: "You are a good boy , the Duke really cares about you, but he is not good at expressing it. You have to believe that he loves you. Mr. John's death is a tragedy. Whether it is for you or his family, you say you don't like him. , but in my opinion, you are just pranking, no matter what is wrong with him, but he has been with you for so long, and there is a moment of softness in the heart of the stone, but even so, you can't be depressed like this."

Evan raised Edward's chin lightly and looked straight at the little Edward who had already been crying: "You are the son of the duke, a noble lord, you want to become the whole German Lan Lier's example, instead of crying alone in a corner, because there are more people out there living a life a hundred times more painful than you, as a noble, you have no right to choose weakness, please remember at this point!"

Evan's expression was not as gentle and tolerant as usual. He looked at little Edward almost sternly, with a low and dignified tone. Edward was stunned for a while, and he almost forgot to cry , Leng Leng looked at Evan.

Evan couldn't help but smiled bitterly when he saw him: "It's my fault, you are still young, you will definitely not understand these things, well, Lord Edward, you have to be strong quickly, things It has happened, it has happened, no matter what we do, it is impossible to go against God's will, this is the test of the Lord's life, if you grow under the glory of the Lord, you don't have to be afraid of these troubles."

Evan gently hugged Edward into his arms and patted his back lightly.

After a long time, he heard Edward whisper: "I understand, I will definitely remember your teaching."

Evan laughed silently, he glanced at the door that was closed again from the corner of his eyes, with a secret pleasure in his heart, such a selfless and fraternity speech, just poking Hit the itch in the Duke's heart, his plan is being realized step by step.

When Evan finished comforting Edward, he read a passage of the Bible for Edward. The previous relationship made Edward's attitude towards Evan obviously a lot closer. He almost always cuddled by Evan's side, He listened to him reading the Bible with a submissive face, and his eyes were full of attachment.

Evan actually sighed in his heart, this child lost his mother at the age of three, and Duke Wilson is not a very good father, so he has a kind of almost sensitive to foreign friendliness of persistence.

When he finally finished reading the Bible, Duke Wilson warmly invited him to stay for dinner. Edward also looked at him expectantly. Evan had no other choice but to stay.

The dinner at the Duke's Mansion is very rich. Although Mrs. Haydn is good at craftsmanship, she lacks this exquisiteness. Evan laments in his heart while eating, when will he be able to live such a life, God It's so unfair.

According to the rich love history of Evan's last life, being away is the best way to get along.

Evan didn't go back to the pastor's cottage, but went to Delan Lier Church. Mrs. Sanders has been sick and asked for leave in the past few days. He is the only one who is busy with the whole church. Busy inside and out.

Actually, by coincidence, Mrs. Sanders fainted at home on the afternoon of John's death. After the diagnosis, Dr. Hester prescribed a lot of medicine to her, and ordered She must have a good bed rest. It is said that she fainted due to overwork. Because of this, Evan also received a lot of condemnation from Dr. Hester, as if it was all his fault.

Evan had no choice but to manage the church more attentively. At the same time, he also asked someone to inquire about Jimmy's news in London. He had a strange hunch that this must have something to do with Jimmy's departure.

During this period, John's murder began to ferment again, the police station was surrounded by reporters every day, everyone wanted to get first-hand information, and the Lawrence couple also began to Frequent visits to Sheriff Chandler's house, expecting to get the slightest bit of news.

Sheriff Chandler is in the center of the storm, no one is around, and he is complaining on both sides. He sometimes comes back to Evan to complain, and Evan also wants to hear something useful The news, but unfortunately, what he said were all clichés, the police did not find any useful clues, and Evan was very disappointed.

This afternoon, Evan was sorting out the church ledger. It has been two weeks since the problem was found, but he didn't have time to check it. Now the whole Derain The town of Lille was swept up by John's murder, but this one was on the back of the line.

But at this moment, Dr. Hester suddenly came, and Evan felt a little strange. Dr. Hester was not a particularly religious believer. He hadn't seen Dr. Hester appear in the church at all.

"Pastor Bruce, something happened." Dr. Hester said anxiously.

Evan's heart suddenly raised: "What's wrong?"

"Sheriff Chandler has Arya arrested." Dr. Hester nearly burst into tears.

"What?" Evan was shocked. Although he didn't like this maverick heroine, he also knew very well that Arya had absolutely no courage to kill.

" They said that Alia had gone to John that night, and they had a quarrel, and they found Arya's handkerchief in John's house, so it is now certain that Alia Leah is a suspect, and they still have to interrogate her, oh! Oh my God! How can my little Arya bear such humiliation." Dr. Hester said almost painfully.

Evan frowned tightly, he knew the fact that Arya didn't want to marry John, but it was too ridiculous to kill for this.

"Why did Arya go to John that night?" Evan asked in a deep voice.

Hester suddenly became a little ashamed: "Yes...she told me what to say...she, she doesn't want to be engaged to John, so she went to negotiate with John..."

These words were too difficult for Dr. Hester to say, so when he finished speaking, almost his entire face was flushed.

As Evan looked at Dr. Hester's performance, he had a little doubt about his own judgment. It seemed that this era was more closed than he thought.

"If that's the case, then what's the use of you coming to me? I'm neither a policeman nor a detective. If you tell me this, I can't do anything." Evan sighed softly and said again : "Sheriff Chandler is a shrewd police detective. If Arya is not at fault, he will find out. You can rest assured."

Dr. Hester listened with a worried look: "Alia asked me to come to you, she told me that you can prove her innocence, she did not want Killing John means."

Evan frowned slightly: "To tell you the truth, Arya did talk to me about her and John's marriage before, she hopes I can talk to you, it's better to cancel This mismatched marriage, but this doesn't prove that he didn't do this terrible thing."

Dr. Hester's face suddenly showed a look of disappointment, he seemed to be a few years older in an instant, he sat down on the church chair and buried his face in the palm of his hand .

"It's all my fault, I'm blaming Arya for doing such a thing without asking her opinion before." Dr. Hester's tone was full of sadness.

Evan couldn't help frowning: "Don't blame yourself, now Sheriff Chandler has no real evidence to prove Arya's guilt, even if it was her that night I went to John, but I can't be sure that she killed John."

Dr. Hester was more distressed at this time: "The evidence is enough for the court, John's death was in the middle of the fireworks display, and almost the whole town was Go, only Arya and John didn't go, they... they're sure now that Arya did it."

Evan was slightly surprised: "Why didn't Arya go?"