Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 438: Diaka's determination

"Is this your last word?"

Noel's calm and indifferent voice sounded slowly.

"Last words? No, this is just my momentary emotion."

Cruzer shook his head in denial, and said, "Sometimes I'm really curious about what kind of philosophy your parents have instilled in you. It must be a philosophy that I can't understand."

"Do you think that everyone is born with no father or mother like you? Wake up, I was raised by my father and mother, and it's not the same as you."

Nuoer said heart-piercing words in the coldest tone.


However, the anger did not appear as expected, but Cruzer's laughter appeared, saying: "Yeah, I am a freak, a monster."

"But so what!"

However, in the next second, Cruze's words became cold and crazy, saying: "Humans have created monsters, and they must be prepared to be attacked by monsters! I am a monster, and I am the result! It is the final result of this world!"

"Backlash? The result? Do you mean Yakin Duwei?"

Nuoer said indifferently and disdainfully: "Then you are really powerful, so powerful that I even forgot the existence of the old fox."

Seriously, if it wasn't for Durandall pushing in the back, it wouldn't be so easy for Cruze to even get this far.

"Since when did you think my plan was over?" Cruze asked rhetorically.

Noel couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, this is not right.

"I'm a monster, aren't I?"

Cruze's tone was extraordinarily complicated.

Hatred, anger, indifference, madness - like a negative aggregate.

"It's a pity that you will die today, a dead monster, meaningless!" Nuoer's eyes flickered with dim light.

Noel cares about everything in Cruze's mouth, but what he cares more about is the person who really pushed himself into the abyss.

That's right, maybe his existence is exactly as Cruzer said.

Maybe he was really looked at from the moment he was born.

But so what?

The childhood in his memory was beautiful, and the No. 4 gene drug did not cause damage to himself. What really brought irreversible results was the biological CPU experiment jointly conducted by Cruze and the Earth.

In order to obtain more data for research, Earth United proposed various experimental methods and theoretical assumptions.

In order to obtain more information and connections, Cruze implemented all these methods and assumptions on himself, and the final result was—

Nuoer suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong for a while.

"I can totally understand your hatred for me, but do you know why?"

Cruzer sneered: "Do you know why you suffer from all this? You don't think it's all that simple, do you?"

"What are you trying to say?" Noel felt his heart tighten when he heard the words.

He wanted to think that it was Cruzer's words to bewitched, but for some reason, there was a feeling that told Noel that everything Cruzer said was true.

From just now, every word in Cruze's mouth has come from the bottom of his heart.

"Want to know?" Cruze asked rhetorically.

"Speak!" Noel felt that something was wrong.

"Do you know your final result?" Cruzer suddenly changed the subject and continued to ask.

"You are courting death!"

Nuoer only felt a suffocation in his chest going straight to the sky.

Roaring drove the covenant straight up.

"For the future of mankind, for the beauty of mankind, for mankind—"

"Ah—what a noble and great excuse!"

While avoiding Noel's attack, Cruzer laughed and sighed: "Crying out a great dream, while calling for the future of mankind to trample on the future of mankind!"

"It's inexplicable! Who can understand these things you say!"


bang bang —

As Noel's voice fell, two golden cannonballs flew out from the magnetic railgun on the covenant's waist.

Then, without waiting for the cannonball to catch up with God's Will, the engine on the back of the covenant roared and chased towards God's Will Gundam.


Two golden cannonballs rubbed the sides of Shenyi and fell into the forest.

With the roar and explosion, Cruze's voice came again: "You know, because this is human beings, covering up sin with light, and trampling on smallness with greatness!"

"Justice, freedom, the future - just selfish words from a group of people who only think about themselves!"


The beam saber slid across the raindrops, and with a bright red light, swiped towards the Shenyi cockpit.

beep —


The warrior Gundam, who approached from the side first, raised his shield to block in front of Shenyi.

"I remember that there is a saying in your hometown - if there is more help, there is less help, and now it seems that I am right."


In Cruze's sneer, the rear muzzle of the dragoon turned and activated.

"Get out of here!"

Nuoer, who has been unable to attack for a long time, has long been suffocated in his heart. Seeing that God's will retreats and prepares to attack, Nuoer roars against the warrior Gundam and accelerates.



With the two V-shaped antennas broken, the Warrior Gundam was hit by Noel and stumbled.

"Boy in the way! Die for me!"

Accompanied by Noel's roar, the covenant turned around and waved the knife, and the right hand slashing knife swept towards the cockpit of the Warrior Gundam.

At the same time, Shenyi Gundam Dragoon was fully charged.

beep beep —



In the next second, several beams flew from a distance.

With the explosion of the covenant and divine will, Warrior Gundam took the opportunity to break through the covenant and flew to Thunder Gundam.

[Stop it, the meaningless battle is over—]

"shut up!"

bang bang —

Before Lux could finish speaking, Covenant, who lost his right arm, turned around and flipped the railgun.

Two golden cannonballs flew erratically towards the Archangel.


After the Freedom Gundam blocked the magnetic railgun, he pulled out the beam saber with his backhand and rushed up.

When Noel released his rhetoric, Kira no longer thought that the other party was someone who could persuade him with words.

Although there is some helplessness and reluctance, but sometimes I have to swing the knife.

"I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you!"

Noel looked at Freedom Gundam, who was rushing straight in, turned and rushed towards God.

As for freedom, if you have the ability, you can chop me up!

beep beep —


In the next second, a pulsed beam flew across the battlefield from a distance, blocking the freedom to pursue the covenant.


Kira stopped the body and turned to look at the Storm Gundam and Thunder Gundam flying behind him: "Why are you—"

"I know your ideas and ideas, and UU Reading also agrees with your ideas and ideas."

As Diaka spoke, the muzzle turned and aimed again, and he said coldly: "But today - none of you can stop Captain Noel! No one can!"

"Diaka? You—"

Inside the Holy Shield Gundam, Aslan's expression was stunned.

It's been a long time since I heard Diaka speak in this tone, so long that Aslan almost forgot that Diaka has such a side.

"The Atlantic Federation must die today! If you're going to stop us—"

While talking, Diaka pointed the muzzle at Aslan and said, "Aslan, even if it were you, I would choose to shoot!"
