Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 687: Angel Fall Operation

"Awacs006 report! Unidentified ship found in area code 3, 18116 - confirmed as Lord Angel!"

Hidden in the turbulent mountain wind and snow, the Compton-class land battleship was standing still.

On the bridge, Captain Uyin Rad, with full cheeks and a happy-looking appearance, had a disproportionately gloomy expression, but after receiving the reconnaissance report from the Air Sentinel, there was still a hint of satisfaction in his voice. .

"It's finally moving!"

For this special mission, the Uyin Rad team he led has been hiding in the mountains of western Eurasia, waiting for reports from reconnaissance planes.

Special task - is to search for the main angel.

The Archangel has caused a lot of trouble for Zaft since the appearance of Orb.

He disappeared in the Dardanelles and Berlin successively, and the radio waves caused by neutron interference made it difficult for people to grasp his whereabouts.

However, according to reliable sources, the Archangel has been moving in the direction of Orb.

Therefore, they were sent to guard areas along the coast from Berlin.

"Send report back to Command for support—"

Captain Uyinrad continued with cold eyes: "At the same time, the first-level combat readiness is released! Prepare to attack! Before the Minerva arrives, they must not lose their positions!"



"The Speaker said about the crusade for logos! How could it suddenly become the crusade of the Archangel!?"

Aslan banged on the table in the captain's room excitedly.

The Minerva had left Berlin and was speeding westward, ready to carry out new orders from headquarters.

And this new order is to support the 'Angel Fall' combat operation.

When he learned the content of the order, Aslan thought he had heard it wrong.

Aslan continued to say to Thalia: "The Archangel has already taken a stand on the Berlin battlefield. There may be a problem with this order! Please confirm with the headquarters again-+"

"I've already confirmed it!"

Thalia stood up angrily and shouted back, her face also looking very angry: "The answer is the same! The Archangel and the Freedom Gundam have always been part of the Earth United troops. In view of the future situation, it must be Immediately eradicate their threats and do not allow them to continue to exist, this is the decision of the Zaft Military Department!"

"Because of the crusade against logos, we should gather all available power, isn't it, the Lord Angel, which has left the Earth Union, isn't—"

"Aslan! This is an order!"

Thalia directly interrupted Aslan's speech.

To be honest, she was still a little reluctant to rely on this ship to solve a legendary body, or a body that had almost determined its position.

But commands are commands, and this is a fact that cannot be changed.

Aslan was still holding out hope, thinking that the misunderstanding was caused by the Speaker's incomprehension, but now—

Thalia herself did not agree with this combat operation, but the order is the order, so she spoke impatiently: "It's too late to say anything! The combat operation has already begun!"

The situation is no longer something that low-level soldiers like Aslan or Thalia can stop.

Aslan knew it in his heart, but he couldn't accept it.

But he saw Thalia staring directly at him: "Don't be fooling around anymore, Aslan, I know you don't want to lose your former comrades in arms... But people's hearts will change with time and situation."

"You've changed yourself, haven't you? - Please recognize the reality!"

Seeing the sternness in her eyes, Aslan gasped in shock.

Is this the inevitable reality?

What he firmly believes will never change, has already been lost without knowing it?

Your strong denial at the moment is just because you don't want to admit it, don't want to face this fact?

Thalia looked at Aslan's bewildered appearance and couldn't help sighing: "Hey, this is the operational order of the Zaft military department. If you really don't want to participate in the battle, as aith, you can choose to wait in the ship. I I won't blame you! At the same time, I won't report this matter!"


"Captain, we have received a signal from the awacs and are about to reach the combat area."

Just when Aslan was about to speak, a communication from the bridge interrupted his next words.

"I'll come over now!"

After replying to the communication from the bridge, Thalia immediately picked up her military hat and walked out the door.

Aslan continued to follow.


"If you don't want to watch it, just stay in the room, you don't have to participate, but if you do anything against Zaft, even if you are aith, I won't sit idly by!"

Hearing her cold words, Aslan instantly froze in place.

"Issued a red alert, the driver please go to the landline and stand by."

After putting on his driver's uniform, Ma Asuka, who was sitting in the guard room waiting to attack, slowly opened his eyes.

Heine and the others on the side also got up with a solemn expression and walked towards the MS storage room.

Although they have a numerical advantage.

But the opponent is Freedom Gundam, a legend on the same level as Captain Noel.

At the time of the Battle of the Black Sea, they also fought against Freedom Gundam more or less, and that was a very terrifying guy.

To deal with him, a siege might be the only thing they can do.


Seeing Zhen stand up with his helmet, Ray stopped him.

"Don't forget what I said."

"Well, I know. UU reading"

Shin Asuka turned around and nodded.

Maybe this is a slap in the face.

At the beginning, Ray's simulation driving specially analyzed the fighting habits of Freedom Gundam and Captain Noel.

I just didn't expect to use it so soon.

At this time, a rare smile appeared on Lei's face and he said with relief: "Don't worry, you will definitely be able to defeat it with your own hands."

A force poured into the body.

Shin Asuka returned a firm smile: "...Thank you."

With determination, he stepped forward.

Yes, freedom is strong, and Captain Noel is also strong, but so what.

A true warrior dares to face all crises and hardships.

Freedom Gundam, let me down!

Shin Asuka walks into the launch pad elevator to the Impulse Gundam.

At this moment, the door to the guard room opened.

Aslan walked in with a solemn expression.


"Aren't you going to attack?"

Shin Asuka stopped and asked Aslan who was still in uniform.


Aslan was at a loss for words.

Seeing this, Asuka didn't say much, shook her head and closed the elevator door.

Aslan and Freedom Gundam's pilot Kira Yamato are close friends and comrades-in-arms, it's no secret now.

He can understand that Aslan is reluctant to fight with his former comrades, but understanding does not mean he can accept it.

They are soldiers.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders.

Moreover, not to mention that the command of the headquarters is absolute to the soldiers.

It is said that the Angel and the Freedom Gundam have always been enemies, and many soldiers of this ship died because of their reasons during the naval battle.

Under such circumstances, Aslan, a soldier, gave up his insistence on being a soldier because of his previous feelings.