Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 161: trick (1)

   Chapter 161 Tricks (1)

   Queen Qiao's goodwill, Lu Mingyu responded very promptly: "Thank you, Queen Mother."

  Li Jing had already stood up and stretched out his hand to support Lu Mingyu.

   Princess Hui'an couldn't help curling her lips when she saw it.

   The second brother was simply dazed. She looked left and right, but she really couldn't see what was so good about Lu Mingyu. However, the second brother is determined to marry, she is the eldest sister, and she has no part in talking.

  The mother had specially instructed her to intervene less and talk less today. He also promised her a farm. She barely managed to keep silent.

   Facts have proved that no one dares to provoke difficult nails easily.

   was Concubine Meng, and after weighing it, she shut her mouth wisely. Not to mention Su Zhaorong, who only considers himself a quail.

  Lu Mingyu even dared to go back to the Queen Mother Zhao, these concubines, don't humiliate themselves.

   For a while, the main hall was quiet.

  Lu Mingyu didn't feel embarrassed at all.

   Li Jing comforted in a low voice: "The grandmother is magnanimous, and she is also the most loving towards the younger generation. You just made an unintentional mistake, and the grandmother will not blame you."

  People: "..."

  Emperor Yongjia twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and glanced at his second son.


   After the Empress Dowager Zhao changed her clothes, she came back to her senses.

   "This Lu Mingyu," Empress Dowager Zhao was trembling with anger, "It's just daring! How dare you treat Aijia like this!"

Concubine Qin comforted her in a low voice: "Auntie calm down first. Lu Mingyu is unruly and difficult to discipline, which is well known to everyone. I persuaded my aunt before to serve tea safely, and don't provoke her. Sure enough, she didn't at all. With a little reverence, you dare to embarrass your aunt in public."

   Where is this consolation, it is clearly adding fuel to the fire to make things worse.

   Empress Dowager Zhao flashed anger in her eyes and snorted heavily.

   Concubine Qin was secretly happy.

   Seeing that the princess was about to enter one by one. No matter how the Empress Dowager Zhao could not be allowed to favor other granddaughter-in-laws. The stiffer it gets, the better. It would be better if Empress Dowager Zhao hated Lu Mingyu thoroughly, and only favored Zhao Yu in the future.

  Concubine Qin had a small calculation in her heart, and she deliberately "consoled". It was only after she persuaded the Queen Mother Zhao that she became furious.

   The palace servant who was waiting on the side reminded softly: "The Empress Dowager, the emperor and all the other ladies are waiting in the main hall!"

  The grandson-in-law who has just entered the door is waiting to serve tea!

  Empress Dowager Zhao, with sparks flashing in her eyes, threw a sentence: "Concubine Qin, wait for Ai's family to go to the main hall."

   Concubine Qin replied softly and went to the main hall with Empress Dowager Zhao's arm.

   As soon as Empress Dowager Zhao entered the main hall, Emperor Yongjia stood up to greet her, and the rest of the concubines, concubines, princes and princesses naturally got up to greet her. These battles finally calmed the anger of the Queen Mother Zhao.

   "Mother, please take a seat." Emperor Yongjia helped Empress Zhao to take a seat, and said warmly: "Lu's unintentional mistakes, I have already scolded her. Don't bother with the juniors."

   Zhizi Mo Ruomu.

  Don't think that Empress Dowager Zhao will just play nonsense. That was under the premise that Emperor Yongjia was in a good mood and filial to his mother. When Emperor Yongjia really sank, Empress Dowager Zhao would soften.

   It is worth learning from all the rambunctious mothers in the world.

   Empress Dowager Zhao looked at Emperor Yongjia aggrievedly and responded.

  Emperor Yongjia was really unhappy.

   Serve tea well, it's like this.

  Everything started from the Queen Mother Zhao. If Empress Dowager Zhao refused to forgive, Emperor Yongjia would definitely be angry. However, Empress Dowager Zhao is now showing the appearance of grievances and concessions, and Emperor Yongjia has softened his heart again, and then has a little dissatisfaction with the daughter-in-law of Xinjinmen.

   Empress Dowager Zhao is an elder after all, and she is old. As a junior, the right should be to coax the elders to be happy, there is no reason to make the elders look ugly in person.

  Emperor Yongjia waited on the Empress Dowager Zhao and sat down.

  Lu Mingyu glanced at him and knew what Emperor Yongjia was thinking.


   It's not a loss to be Li Hao's biological father, both father and son treat their mother in exactly the same way. Even if the mother is wrong, others have to respect it.

Queen Qiao broke the silence with a smile: "Ms. Lu, hurry up and serve tea to your imperial grandmother." Then she turned to the Queen Mother and said, "Ms. Lu has been much stronger than ordinary people since she was a child. Just compare with her."

   Empress Dowager Zhao snorted from her nose.

   didn't say anything.

   The maid brought the tea cup over again. This time, the tea cup was no longer hot, Lu Mingyu offered the tea, and the Queen Mother Zhao stopped supporting her and quickly took over the tea. But he didn't drink a sip, just put it aside.

  Looking at the posture, I even wanted to save the greeting.

  Emperor Yongjia patiently glanced at his mother: "Didn't the mother prepare a pair of jade bracelets for her granddaughter-in-law?"

   Empress Dowager Zhao reluctantly instructed the palace servants, and the palace servants quickly took out the brocade box.

  Lu Mingyu took the brocade box with a smile: "Thank you for your generous appreciation." He opened the brocade box generously and praised with a smile: "My grandson-in-law has never seen such a fine jade bracelet!"

   actually put it on on the spot, and thanked again with a smile: "grandson-in-law thanked the imperial grandmother."

   Empress Dowager Zhao: "..."

  Emperor Yongjia's mood became more and more subtle.

   No wonder Lu Mingyu dared to turn his face on the spot. That's because people also have the ability to round up the field!

   Empress Dowager Zhao couldn't let out her anger, so she forced a smile: "Wear it if you like it!"


   After serving tea to Empress Dowager Zhao, Lu Mingyu served tea to Emperor Yongjia and Empress Qiao.

  Emperor Yongjia, who was in a complicated mood, took his daughter-in-law's tea, took a sip, and gave a greeting.

   Queen Qiao's mood is much better, and her smile is extraordinarily gentle: "Ms. Lu, you and Ajing are married. This palace hopes that your husband and wife will be harmonious and spread branches and leaves for the heavenly family as soon as possible."

  Lu Mingyu was not shy, and responded generously: "My mother-in-law's teachings are all written down by my daughter-in-law."

   Next, it's time to greet Concubine Meng and others.

   You don’t have to kowtow and serve tea, you just need to do the sacrifice.

  Lu Mingyu showed his great power and overturned the Empress Dowager Zhao. Meng Guifei knew Emperor Yongjia very well, and knew that it was not appropriate to make waves today, so she was quite polite to Lu Mingyu: "Second prince and concubine, please get up."

   Then, the palace servant gave a greeting gift. Gifts are not generous, but also justified.

  Concubine Qin is similar. Don't look at her privately instigating the Queen Mother Zhao, but in front of Lu Mingyu, she is both loving and kind. Even more enthusiastic than the serious mother-in-law of Queen Qiao.

Concubine Qin pulled Lu Mingyu's hand, smiling and complimenting: "...In the past few years, I have seen many outstanding girls. However, if I want to pick one who can compete with the second prince and concubine, there is almost no one. ."

  Lu Mingyu responded with a smile: "Concubine Qin praised it highly, but I was disrespectful and accepted it."

very good.

   Everyone in the harem now knows that she is not a soft persimmon. Come to think of it, it will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

   (end of this chapter)