Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 21: reunion

   Chapter 21 Reunion

   It was not until evening that the solemn couple Lu Mingfang showed up.

   The solemn face is slightly tired, but his expression is very satisfied.

  Lu Mingfang's legs were weak and weak, and her face was like a peach blossom, which was very delicate and beautiful.

   Dabao and Xiaobao immediately rushed over when he saw his father and mother. Zheng Chong's eyes and hands were quick, and he took both sons into his arms.

  It was probably because of the excessive energy consumption before, when the two heavy sons started, their solemn arms softened and they almost didn't hug them.

   Zheng Dabao looked at his father with some disgust: "Father, you can't hold me anymore."

   Zheng Xiaobao nodded inarticulately: "Father is really useless."

   solemnly: "..."

  Lu Mingyu and others laughed lightly.

  Lu Mingfang's face was a little hot, and he coughed and said, "It's time to prepare dinner! I guess that the adopted father and second brother should go back to the house soon."

  Lu Mingyu replied with a smile: "I have already ordered to go on, this little thing, eldest sister doesn't need to worry about it."

   Then, he waved at the two naughty bags: "Eldest brother-in-law has been running all the way, tired and hard. Don't make a fuss, you two, come to me obediently."

  Zheng Dabao Zheng Xiaobao has long been Lu Mingyu's most loyal valet, he nodded and got down from his father's arms.

   solemnly laughed: "These two little monkeys, when they are in front of the fourth sister, are extraordinarily well-behaved and obedient."

  Lu Mingyu is close to the eldest sister, and is also very close to the eldest brother-in-law Zheng Zhong. Hearing this, he smiled playfully: "Anyone who comes before me has to be obedient. Does the eldest brother-in-law not listen to me?"

   As a brother-in-law, in front of my sister-in-law, I always have a better temper.

   What's more, Lu Mingyu is still so young and beautiful.

   Miss Lu Si is notoriously bad-tempered, only her family can get Lu Mingyu to make jokes like this.

   grinned solemnly and good-naturedly: "Yes, yes, it was I who didn't speak well. Of course the elder brother-in-law had to listen to what the fourth sister said."

Lu Xuan leaned over and said, "Brother-in-law, tell me quickly, did you win this battle? What military exploits did Dad and the second brother get, and how many rewards did they get? Also, was there anything interesting during the war? "

  Lu Mingyue also stretched her neck curiously.

   After a few years, Lu Mingyu's memory is also a little fuzzy.

   Anyway, the Great Wei Dynasty has been fighting, until four years later Dayan and Great Chu were destroyed, and the Central Plains were unified. There were victories and defeats, of course.

  's solemn voice quickly sounded: "We won the battle. Dad led the army to conquer a city and made a great contribution. The second brother beheaded more than a dozen, and this time he can also be upgraded to another level."

"Fighting is nothing more than killing and killing, nothing interesting... Wait, but there is one. On our way back, the second prince accidentally fell off his horse. Fortunately, the accompanying imperial doctor rescued in time, and the second prince only suffered Some minor injuries. After a few days, it will be fine."

   "However, His Royal Highness the Second Prince has been in the carriage since then, and has never been seen again."


   Second Prince Li Jing?

   Lu Mingyu's mind quickly flashed a handsome young face.

  The second prince is two months older than Li Hao. One is the direct descendant of the main family, and the grandfather is the first assistant of the dynasty. One is the son of a dancer, and the disparity between status and status is by no means a star.

  Li Hao is both civil and military, tall, handsome, shrewd and decisive.

   The handsome appearance of the second prince is even better than that of Li Hao.

   It's just that the appearance and temperament of the second prince resembles Queen Qiao, which is not pleasing to Emperor Yongjia. The most beloved son of Emperor Yongjia was Li Yi, the eldest prince from Concubine Meng.

  Speaking of which, the second prince was also unlucky. As the direct son, he has not been established as the prince for a long time.

   When it came time to choose the prince concubine, Queen Qiao lost her head for a while and made a foolish move to choose Meng Yunluo, the daughter of the Marquis of Guangping, as the prince concubine.

   In Queen Qiao's view, this is a great trick. The first prince's biggest reliance is the Guangping Marquis Mansion. As long as the Marquis of Guangping can be drawn over, the position of the second prince's heir will be as stable as Mount Tai.

  Imagine, is Quang Pinghou willing to be the elder brother of the queen mother, or the father of the queen?

   Facts have proved that Queen Qiao really made a bad move.

   After Meng Yunluo, the daughter of Hou Guangping became the second prince's concubine, she did not agree with the second prince. Others are young couples, harmonious and loving. After the second prince got married, Meng Yunluo and Meng Yunluo were indifferent and respected each other like ice.

   Concubine Meng attracted her own niece, which made Queen Qiao even more depressed.

   Later, in the battle against Dayan and Dachu, the second prince was shot dead on the battlefield by an assassin hiding in the dark. I almost didn't get the corpse back...

   A strange and complex light flashed across Lu Mingyu's black eyes.

   Everyone was attentively listening to the solemn words, and no one paid attention to Lu Mingyu's strangeness.

  Lu Xuan asked curiously: "Eldest brother-in-law, who has made more contributions to the first and second princes this time?"

   What a fool to ask.

Lu Mingyue tapped Lu Xuan's big head with his hand, and replied eloquently: "Why don't you ask! I heard that His Royal Highness, the eldest prince, has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has excellent skills. He has been in the military camp since he was a child, and his ability to fight is in No. 1 among the princes. With Hou Guangping taking care of him and the emperor's preference, how can the second prince compare to the eldest prince."

   "The second prince must have seen the eldest prince in the limelight, and he was not happy. After being slightly injured, he simply hid and did not see anyone."

   This clever ghost.

  Lu Mingyu laughed dumbly, reached out and touched Lu Mingyue's head.

   solemnly smiled approvingly, and immediately reminded sternly: "It's okay to say these words at home. To outsiders, don't talk nonsense, so as not to spread to the ears of people who care."

  Lu Mingyue nodded obediently.

   The porter hurried to deliver a letter: "Miss, the general and the second son are back."

  Lu Mingyu's eyes lit up, and he walked away without saying a word. Lu Minghua and others also walked quickly. Lu Mingfang wanted to walk faster, but when he took a step, his legs were sore and soft.

   solemnly and cheekily leaned over and supported his daughter-in-law's arm: "I'll support you."

  Lu Mingfang gave a solemn look and smiled solemnly and silently.


  Lu Mingyu was anxious and walked quickly. The siblings were soon left behind.

   In the distance, I saw a familiar figure walking forward.


   Lu Mingyu's nose was filled with strong sourness, and his eyes became warm.

   In his previous life, Lu Lin died on the battlefield.

   She disguised herself and hid in Li Hao's tent all the time.

  The sad news of Lu Lin's death in battle came, she was devastated, but could not show her face. When Lu Lin's body was placed in the coffin, her unfilial daughter was taking care of her injured husband in the military tent.

   Later, Li Hao rebelled. In just a few years, she was trapped in a deep palace and murdered by poisoning. In the end, he died young.

   Her life is so sad and ridiculous.

   Who in this world really loves her?

   Who steadfastly trusted her to support her?

   Only his own father.

   "Father," Lu Mingyu burst into the arms of the tall man with tears in his eyes: "You are finally back!"

   (end of this chapter)