Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 247: Compensation (2)

   Chapter 247 Compensation (2)


  Emperor Yongjia wants to make the second prince the crown prince? !

In Yihua Palace, Concubine Su suddenly got up, her hands were tightly clasped, the backs of her hands were white, and her face was flushed with a strange flush: "Ahao, you heard that right! How could the emperor have established a prince so early! How could it be? Li Second Prince! This is impossible!"

   This is impossible!

   In his previous life, Emperor Yongjia was undecided and never established a reserve.

   By next year, Emperor Yongjia will lead the army, and several adult princes will set off with the army. The eldest prince and the second prince died one after another on the battlefield. Her son picked the peaches without much effort and was established as the prince.

   Her idea was to shrink back and forbear. No matter how capable Lu Mingyu is, and no matter how powerful the Lu family is, they cannot go to the battlefield on behalf of the second prince. Some things are meant to be.

   The second prince, this short-lived ghost, will die on the battlefield sooner or later.

   But now, things are not what she expected at all.

  Emperor Yongjia wants to make the second prince the crown prince!

Li Hao was in a gloomy mood, listening to Concubine Su's piercing scream, he became more and more irritable, and there was a little impatience in his voice: "My father made it clear in the Wenhua Hall today, and the old prince of Xingyang of Qiaoge and the Marquis of Puyang were all present. , some of our brothers are also there. It can be a joke. "

   "We have several brothers, only Li Jing is the direct descendant. Who else can he stand if the emperor does not stand?"

   "Concubine Meng made a big mistake, and the Marquis of Guangping was implicated and was demoted from the title. The father was disappointed and angry, but he had the intention of making up for it, so he put the matter in advance. The mother and concubine don't need to make such a fuss."

   Concubine Su's heart was numb, and there was a panic that couldn't be spoken.

  Things are completely different from the previous life, all the changes must come from Lu Mingyu.

  There is such an enemy looking at her, which makes her feel like a awn on her back.

   She grabbed Li Hao's arm and said in a hurry: "Ahao, you can't just watch the second prince become the prince. Thinking of something, we must stop this."

Li Hao's brows were very tight, and his voice was condensed: "Meng Guifei made a move, and the mother saw what happened. Li Yi, who is most favored by the father and emperor, has to be a man with his tail tucked. At this time, I will dance. Come out, don't you find yourself unhappy?"

   "It will take a long time to come to Japan. The father emperor is in his prime, and it is no problem to be a dragon chair for another 20 to 30 years. It is hard to say whether the second prince's crown prince will be able to sit firmly."

   "How could your royal father live so long." Concubine Su blurted out without hesitation.

  Li Hao: "..."

  Li Hao took a breath, his eyes full of shock.

   As soon as Concubine Su’s words came out, she knew something was wrong. Immediately said to remedy: "I mean, your father is leading the army to fight, and the battlefield is the most dangerous. Maybe there will be some danger, or injury, etc., it is hard to say how long life will last."

   Concubine Su is lying.

   The words she blurted out were extremely firm. Clearly knowing something will happen in the future.

   Thinking of Concubine Su and Lu Mingyu treating each other as enemies, and thinking of all kinds of anomalies that happened, an astonishing conjecture came to mind.

   Li Hao's heart surged with turbulent waves, but his face calmed down: "There are only two of us here. Since the mother and concubine know some secrets, why don't you tell me?"

Concubine Su clung to the secret and refused to admit it: "Don't think about it. I don't know anything. I just said it casually, and I never meant to curse your father for the premature death. You should have never heard of it, Qian Qian Don't tell anyone."

  Li Hao looked at Concubine Su fixedly: "Concubine Mu, can't you even believe me?"

  I can’t say it if I believe it!

   Once the secret of rebirth is revealed, everything in the previous life must be revealed one by one. What face does she have to tell Li Hao what Li Chang did?

   She values ​​and trusts her eldest son, and Li Chang is also her son. She must not let the two brothers become estranged or turn against each other.

   Concubine Su made up her mind and quickly said, "Ahao, I really don't know anything."

  Li Hao was silent.

   Concubine Su hurriedly opened the topic: "By the way, if the Marquis of Guangping suffers, will it affect you?"

  Li Hao replied briefly: "Concubine Meng Gui is the mastermind and Marquis Guangping is the accomplice in the assassination. It has nothing to do with me. The royal father will not blame me for angering me."

   Concubine Su first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said bitterly: "Meng Guifei is also useless. If you don't do it, why can't you assassinate it? Let the second prince take advantage of it and easily establish the crown prince."

   urged Li Hao again: "The Marquis of Guangping is your father-in-law. He is unlucky now, and it is temporary. It will not be difficult to restore the title after he has made military exploits in the future. You can take advantage of this time to walk around the Meng family and draw him over."

   Li Hao asked abruptly, "Will you win the battle against Yanchu?"

"Of course." In that affirmative tone of knowing everything, Concubine Su didn't know that she was revealing, and pretended to guess: "We have so many good soldiers and generals in Wei, and we are all in one mind. Your father was born to be brave and brave, and he personally led him. Soldiers, even if you fight for a longer time, you will definitely win.”

   Therefore, the conquest of Yanchu will eventually succeed.

  The Great Wei Association unified the Central Plains.

   However, this battle took a long time. The father emperor should have been injured in this battle, which greatly damaged his lifespan.

  Li Hao thought silently in his heart, deliberately urging Concubine Su to say more, but Concubine Su refused to say it, and opened her mouth to urge Li Hao to go to Meng's house. Li Hao had to temporarily rest his heart and nodded in response. Leave Yihua Palace soon.

After    Li Hao left, Concubine Su let out a long sigh of relief. He scolded Lu Mingyu fiercely in his heart.

  However, no matter how fierce the scolding, it cannot change the fact that Li Jing will be placed in reserve. The hateful Lu Mingyu is about to become a crown princess.


   After returning from the palace, Lu Lin brought back the good news that the second prince was about to be established as the prince. The Lu Mansion was instantly overjoyed.

   "This is really nice."

   "Yes, His Highness was established as the Crown Prince, and Fourth Sister is the Crown Princess."

  The eyes of everyone all turned to Lu Mingyu.

  Lu Mingyu was the calmest one, and smiled lightly: "The position of the prince should belong to His Highness."

   With the temperament and temperament of Emperor Yongjia, he originally had to wait at least three or four years. Concubine Meng Gui's move helped a lot.

  Lu Lin also smiled: "If Meng Guifei knew about this, I'm afraid she would have to find a pair of sharp scissors to stab her heart again."

   Anyway, it was a happy event.

  Lu Mingyu thought for a while, then whispered: "Father, I originally wanted to live in the Lu Mansion. Now it seems that I have to go back to the Second Prince's Mansion."

   Establishing savings is no trivial matter.

  Li Jing must go back to the Second Prince's Mansion, so Lu Mingyu naturally has to go back together.

   Lu Lin pressed the reluctance in his heart and whispered: "Alright. Let someone pack up and go back in the afternoon! Be more careful in everything you say and do in the future."

   (end of this chapter)