Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 294: East Palace (2)

   Chapter 294 East Palace (2)

  When Emperor Yongjia came, he saw such a harmonious picture.

   Taking a break from the busy state affairs and entering the harem, isn’t that what you hope for?

  Emperor Yongjia stretched his brows and said with a smile: "If there are no outsiders, the family should not be polite." Turning his head and instructing Li Jing: "Bring Brother Jue over and show me."

  The children were all in Lu Mingyu's arms, and it was inconvenient for the father-in-law to approach, so he simply ordered his son to go.

   This eccentric eye!

  Lu Mingyu felt a little unhappy when he heard these words.

   Li Jing comforted Lu Mingyu with his eyes, stretched out his hand to pick up Sister Xuan first, and handed it to Emperor Yongjia.

  Emperor Yongjia hugged Sister Xuan happily, and then listened to Li Jing laughing: "Father, don't be too partial, just open your mouth and hug Brother Jie. First, hug Sister Xuan."

  Emperor Yongjia: "..."

  Emperor Yongjia coughed and said with a smile, "When did I become partial. I like my grandchildren as well. Look at Sister Xuan, she is exactly the same as Brother Jue, she is smart and smart."

   The child is just over a month old and can't understand anything. However, being held and shaking gently always makes the child happy.

  Xuan grinned happily. After a while, Sister Xuan stuffed her small fist into her mouth and smothered it with relish.

  Emperor Yongjia also found it interesting to look at, and immediately gave birth to some love and affection. Emperor Yongjia hugged Sister Xuan for a moment before changing Brother Kui.

   Queen Qiao smiled and said, "It's almost noon, does the emperor want to stay and have dinner together?"

  In fact, Emperor Yongjia was going to Yanxi Palace to see Concubine Meng and have dinner together. Where is he willing to go now, he replied without thinking, "Alright."

   Queen Qiao's smile did not diminish, and she snorted softly in her heart.

   Anything is fine.

   It can be seen that Emperor Yongjia changed his mind temporarily. It turned out to be going to Yanxi Palace.

   Concubine Meng has been injured for half a year. Now that she can stay and move around, she is beginning to feel restless. From time to time, there was a pain in the chest. Under the pity of Emperor Yongjia, the number of visits to Yanxi Palace gradually increased.

   However, Wang Meiren is in the limelight and is quite popular with Emperor Yongjia. Now a pair of children live in the East Palace again, and they stay in the Jiaofang Hall every day.

  How much free time did Emperor Yongjia have to deal with political affairs?

How much can    give to Concubine Meng?


   Yanxi Palace.

   Concubine Meng looked at the mirror again and again, and was a little dissatisfied with the slightly haggard face in the mirror, and opened her mouth and ordered: "Bring the rouge."

When the palace staff carefully dressed up and covered up her sick face, Concubine Meng felt relieved for a while, and then quickly frowned: "No! If the emperor came, seeing my ruddy complexion, I thought it would be good for me to be bored in Yanxi Palace every day. This can't be done! Quickly fetch water and wash off all the makeup on your face."

   After tossing and turning, in the end, he was still looking sick and waiting for Emperor Yongjia to come.

  I didn't think about it, waited and waited, and never saw the trace of Emperor Yongjia. Instead, Eunuch Liu waited.

   Concubine Meng knew something was wrong, her pretty face sank: "Is the emperor not coming?"

   Eunuch Liu replied respectfully: "Back to Concubine Meng, the emperor wants to eat in the Jiaofang Palace, and ordered the servants to send a message to the empress. Don't wait any longer. When you have free time, the emperor will come to visit the empress."

   Concubine Meng: "..."

   Concubine Meng has been favored for 20 years, and has long developed a arrogant and wanton temper. Even if he wanted to change now, he couldn't change Su Fei's resignation.

   Hearing these words, Concubine Meng's expression suddenly changed, and her voice tightened a bit: "Why did the emperor suddenly go to Jiaofang Palace? Still eating in Jiaofang Palace?"

   Mingming promised to see her! Why did you go to Jiaofangdian halfway through! What means did Queen Qiao use to keep Emperor Yongjia?

   Eunuch Liu's tone was quite tight, and he opened his mouth to answer: "This slave is not clear. The slave has to speak for the emperor, and he has to return to his life. This is the retirement."

  When Eunuch Liu left, Concubine Meng's face sank completely, anger flashed in her eyes, and she called the confidant of the palace: "Let's ask, who else is in the Jiaofang Palace besides the Queen?"

   Could it be Wang Meiren's little ~ cheap ~ person?

   It is not difficult to inquire about the movement in the Jiaofang Hall. The main reason is that Lu Mingyu just moved into the East Palace. Today, he brought his two children to the Jiaofang Palace with great fanfare, and he stayed for half a day. The palace servants I saw with my own eyes, there are no one hundred or eighty. This inquiries were soon passed into the ears of Concubine Meng.

  Lu Mingyu!

   When Concubine Meng heard this name, the anger in her heart did not dissipate, and even added a layer of hatred.

  If it wasn't for Lu Mingyu, she wouldn't be where she is today.

   Now, Lu Mingyu has become a crown princess and moved into the East Palace. Now, she also uses a pair of children to compete for the favor of Queen Qiao. In the future, isn't this palace going to become the world of their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

   Concubine Meng got angrier the more she thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She opened her mouth and called someone to come: "Go and invite the eldest prince."

  The eldest prince had already returned to the palace, but was called into the palace by his mother. After a busy day, I was tired and hungry, so I had to cheer up to appease the angry Concubine Meng: "Mother Concubine, don't be angry."

   "The prince and the prince concubine took a pair of children in Jiaofang Palace. The father and the emperor went to Jiaofang Palace to see their grandchildren and stayed for dinner. It is also human nature."

   "It's like this now, so don't make a fuss about the mother and concubine. It's the most important thing to take care of your body."

   Concubine Meng didn't listen at all, and scolded her angrily: "You can see it! If this goes on, there will be no place for our mother and son in this palace!"

   Then, he scolded the eldest princess for not being able to give birth to a child.

  The eldest prince was also on fire in his heart, and he replied firmly: "This can't be blamed on the Liang family. If the concubine hadn't packed two palace servants over that day, the Liang family would not have had a miscarriage in vain."

Concubine Meng looked at the eldest prince in disbelief: "Are you blaming me? Her belly hasn't moved for more than three years, what happened to me giving you two palace servants? Who knew that she just happened to be pregnant again, and she couldn't even keep the child! You also have to blame your mother for not succeeding!"

   The eldest prince was annoyed and irritated, and his words became more rushed: "I don't blame anyone, I just blame myself for not having luck."

   "I was born a concubine, and now that I have a son, I am also a concubine."

   These words can be regarded as stabbing Concubine Meng's heart and lungs.

   Concubine Meng raised her hand and gave the eldest prince a heavy slap: "You bastard! You are despising your mother! Do you think I want to be a concubine?"

   "It was your father who took me down and promised to marry me, but in a blink of an eye, he left it behind and married Qiao's wife."

   "I can't take this breath. If I want to enter Li's house, I can only be a concubine."

"You think I want to kowtow to Qiao's family and serve tea, do you think that the son I am willing to have is a concubine? All these years, I have been fighting for victory, and it is not all for you! It is also for you to start with the Lu family! You unscrupulous bastard! Now you actually despise your own mother!"

   "Get out! Get out of here now! In the future, don't enter the Yanxi Palace again."


   (end of this chapter)