Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 323: Hundred Days (1)

   Chapter 323 Hundred Days (1)

After the    army set off, the Chaotang was still running as fast as before.

   Guaranteeing the delivery of food and grass is the top priority right now. The Ministry of War is the most stressed and the busiest. The two ministers lived in the government office for a long time, and they had to continue to live.

  Elder Qiao and the other four ministers are in charge of daily government affairs, and the fourth prince is also on the side every day.

   He was told by the Marquis of Puyang, and he had a heart. Then again, when Concubine Qin occasionally showed her arrogance and was beaten by Queen Qiao Lu Mingyu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, how could he dare to do anything differently? Every day, I honestly go to the court to listen to the government, and watch the important ministers in the cabinet discuss and handle government affairs.

   Then, I went to Jiaofang Hall once a day and reported what I had heard and seen to Queen Qiao.

  Lu Mingyu led a pair of children and spent the day in Jiaofang Hall.

   Lu Mingyu also heard what the fourth prince reported.

"...It's been six days since the father's departure, and the marching speed is breaking fast. The army has been divided into two groups, the Marquis of Guangping... No, it was the elder brother who led the troops to go to Chu with the father. The king of Xingyang and the marquis of Puyang were divided into two groups of troops. Go to the direction of Yan Kingdom."

  Like the previous life, Yongjia Emperor's eldest prince and his son went all the way, and Li Jing and Li Hao brothers went the other way. The two armies penetrated straight into the border between Yan and Chu, and they were all the way through.

  Lu Mingyu knew it and didn't ask much.

   Queen Qiao did not understand the matter of marching and fighting, and was worried about the safety of the prince, so she had to ask a few more questions.

The fourth prince answered one by one, comforting the restless Queen Qiao very intimately: "The Xingyang army is the most elite army of the Wei Dynasty, and the king of Xingyang is even more brave. The second brother will walk with the Xingyang army, and the king of Xingyang will definitely protect the second brother. Don't worry."

   Queen Qiao felt a little at ease, and praised the fourth prince warmly: "You have been in court every day these few days, and you have to take care of comforting the queen mother and this palace. This piece of filial piety, this palace has written down."

   That's right, the fourth prince had to say the words twice every day. First go to Shouning Palace to appease Empress Zhao, and then come to Jiaofang Palace to comfort Empress Qiao.

  The fourth prince, with a lively mind and a sloppy mouth, immediately responded: "The father and the elder brother, the second brother, and the third brother went to lead the army to fight. I couldn't accompany them together, and I was left in the capital. These are what I should do."

   After the fourth prince left, Queen Qiao couldn't help sighing: "Concubine Qin is the most careful, which is quite annoying. The fourth prince finally did not follow his mother's temper, and was much more lovable."

  Lu Mingyu came back to his senses and replied with a smile, "Yeah, the fourth brother is doing a good job as a messenger. At least there has been no transgression in the past few days, and the mother can be a little relieved."

   Queen Joe smiled and nodded.

   She had already made people secretly watch the movements of the Fourth Prince. No change right now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Therefore, the eyeliner that should be followed is still necessary.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law said a few words and then turned the topic to the child.

   They are all in the palace, and they have not reached out to the government, and the army is three or four hundred miles away from the capital, out of reach. It's no use worrying every day. After the first few days, I am gradually getting used to it.

"There are many things in the court, and the emperor and the prince are not in the palace, so the 100-day life of brother and sister Xuan will not be a big deal." Queen Qiao smiled at Lu Mingyu: "There is a palace banquet in the palace, and my own family will be happy. People get together and have fun.”

  Lu Mingyu replied with a smile: "Everything is up to the mother."


   said that it is not a big deal, and it is impossible to leave Lu Mingyu's maiden family alone.

  Queen Qiao sent people to the Lu Mansion to announce the decree, and ordered Shen Lan's aunt and sister-in-law to enter the palace. In addition, the Qiao family also entered the palace, as well as Mrs. Puyang Hou and a group of royal clansmen.

   As for Mrs. Quang Ping Hou, because her husband was deprived of the title, her official life was also lowered by several ranks, and this time she was not included in the palace.

   Meng Yunluo read the list of the banquet, and felt aggrieved and annoyed. She went back to her parents' house and said to Mrs. Guangpinghou with red eyes, "The queen mother still remembers that her father sent an assassin to assassinate Lu Mingyu!"

   Mrs. Guangpinghou was imprisoned for more than half a year, with silver threads on her temples and a few wrinkles on her forehead, making her much older.

   Hearing her daughter's indignant whispers, Mrs. Guangping Hou was not agitated and indignant, and said lightly: "It's me, and I also hold grudges."

   Meng Yunluo was speechless.

"In the end, it was the Meng family who made a big mistake." Mrs. Guangping Hou sighed: "At this time, how can you blame the empress for not giving face to the Meng family? The Meng family's face has long been lost by your father and your aunt. Finished."

Meng Yunluo bit her lip hard, still unwilling: "The father has also been punished, and no one has mentioned the assassin for a long time. If Lu Mingyu's son and daughter are a hundred days old, if the mother can enter the palace, this matter will be completely over. His Royal Highness the Third Prince and I, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should also be more tolerant."

Mrs. Guangping Hou rubbed her forehead: "I really don't know where you got the confidence to say such nonsense. Let's not say that the empress is the queen of the middle palace, just say that she has no such status, and the mother-in-law is unwilling to give you this. Face, what can you do? And that Lu Mingyu is not a good stubborn. Don't make yourself unhappy by thinking about it."

   "If you have this spare time, it is better to raise your baby with peace of mind."

   Meng Yunluo was also a little annoyed when she saw that her mother did not get in the oil and salt: "Forget it, I am thinking about my mother's family, and my mother doesn't appreciate it at all. I won't say it."

   After saying that, he turned around and left.

   Mrs. Guangping Hou did not get up to see her daughter, but sat for a while, her face full of bitterness.

   How prominent was the Meng family in the past. She is Mrs. Guangpinghou, and everyone is holding it up wherever she goes. Even more beautiful than the Qiao family's daughters. Now the door is cold, and even the qualifications to enter the palace for banquets are gone.


   The 100-day banquet of elder brother and elder sister Xuan was set in the East Palace. Empress Dowager Zhao was bored in the Shouning Palace, and came to the East Palace on purpose today.

   Concubine Qin supported the Empress Dowager Zhao with a smile. The embarrassment of being beaten a few days ago was long forgotten, and she was more affectionate when she met Lu Mingyu.

   This is also Concubine Qin's specialty. Despite the wind and rain, this face remained unmoved.

  Lu Mingyu was stunned and responded casually.

   It was Zhao Yu, who pulled Lu Mingyu's sleeve and whispered, "Don't take what Mother Concubine said a few days ago. Your Highness is not someone who doesn't understand the rules."

  Lu Mingyu smiled calmly: "Lu Yao knows horsepower, and he sees people's hearts over time. Of course, I can trust the character of the fourth brother."

   Zhao Yu didn't hear any deep meaning, and said with a smile: "It's fine if you didn't misunderstand. I also often advise Your Highness to be diligent. Don't meddle in things you shouldn't care about."

  妯娌 whispered a few words, and soon, the people who entered the palace for the banquet came one by one, and the two of them had no time to gossip. Zhao Yu was enthusiastic and took the initiative to help greet everyone.

  Speaking of which, those who can enter the palace today are all relatives of the heavenly family.

   For example, the Lu family, the Qiao family, the Zhao family, and even Mrs. Liang led her two daughters-in-law into the palace for a banquet. No wonder Meng Yunluo was annoyed because of the lack of the Meng family.

   (end of this chapter)