Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 342: good news

   Chapter 342 Good News

   The good news that the Xingyang army had conquered Pengcheng spread to the capital more than half a month later.

  Winning a battle is a great joy. The hall was full of joy. Especially the East Palace faction, knowing that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has made the first contribution, everyone is excited and joyful.

   Queen Qiao, after hearing the good news, put her hands together and worshipped the Bodhisattva and Buddha reverently: "God bless you!"

  Lu Mingyu pursed her lips and smiled.

  The army left Beijing in February, now it is June, and four months have passed in a blink of an eye. The weather is also getting hot. An ice basin was placed in the Jiaofang Hall, and a soft and thick blanket was spread on the floor.

   The two brothers and sisters, Brother Jie and Sister Xuan, were sitting on the blanket and playing.

  The two brothers and sisters, after six months, can already sit. Lie down for a while, turn over and continue to play. The hair that was sparse before became thicker.

   When Lu Mingyu is interested, he will do it himself and use a red head rope to tie two small tugs for his son and daughter. A pair of white and tender little dolls, grinning together and drooling at people, not to mention how cute.

Queen Qiao received the good news and felt at ease. Regardless of the queen's dignity, she sat on the blanket and teased a pair of grandchildren: "Brother Jue, Sister Xuan, your father is amazing, he has made great contributions on the battlefield. Brother and sister, are you happy for him?"

   A seven-month-old child, who can understand so many words, can only grin. Then, drool filled his chin.

   Queen Qiao was amused, took the handkerchief, and carefully wiped the saliva for Brother Jue. Then he smiled in surprise: "Hurry up and see, Brother Jue has a small tooth exposed."

  Six or seven months old children show their small teeth slowly. The characteristic of this period is that they love to drool.

Sister    Xuan is the tip of the tooth that was exposed a few days ago. Queen Qiao is particularly worried about Brother Jue, and she has to watch it several times a day. Today I saw my grandson showing his little teeth, and I was as happy as I heard that the prince had won a battle outside.

  Lu Mingyu came over with a smile, took Brother Jue into his arms, and took a closer look with his small mouth: "Sure enough, the tips of the teeth are exposed."

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were happy, but Sister Xuan, who was sitting beside her, was unhappy, and stretched out her little hand to hug her mother.

   Queen Qiao laughed: "This sister Xuan, I just can't see you hug my brother more."

   Queen Qiao and Princess Hui'an both prefer Brother Jue and hold them a lot on weekdays. Lu Mingyu felt sorry for her daughter, so she naturally hugged Sister Xuan more.

Sister    Xuan also domineeringly thinks her mother is her own. Now that I'm getting older, I can't bear my mother to hug my brother.

  Lu Mingyu touched Sister Xuan's nose and smiled affectionately: "Let grandma hug you, mother take a look at brother's teeth."

   Queen Qiao stretched out her hand with a smile, but Sister Xuan refused to ask for it, she twisted her little body and still wanted her mother. Queen Qiao was amused: "Sister Xuan's temper is like her aunt. She was so domineering when she was a child."

  Lu Mingyu had no choice but to give Brother Jue to Queen Qiao and pick up Sister Xuan herself.

   Sister Xuan happily put her arms around her mother's neck, snuggled her head over, and rubbed against Lu Mingyu's chest.

  Lu Mingyu was so angry and funny, she reached out and patted her daughter's little butt: "Don't always fight with your brother for your mother in the future."

Sister    Xuan didn't know whether she understood or not, and giggled with her arms around her mother. Brother Jue glanced at his sister slowly, and turned his head into his grandmother's arms.

  The two brothers and sisters look exactly the same, but their temperaments are obviously different. Today, growing up day by day, there are also significant differences.

   Brother Jue is naughty and active, and has a relaxed temperament.

  Sister Xuan's domineering temper is gradually emerging, and she always wants to compete with her brother.


  The two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law each held their children on their laps, teased for a moment, and then talked about the business: "A Jing is the military governor, why did he lead the troops in person?"

After Empress Qiao was overjoyed, she was a little scared: "War is not a joke. If you are shot by a stray arrow or get injured, what should you do? Ben Gong has to write a letter and tell him not to charge into battle. ."

  Lu Mingyu said: "His Royal Highness goes out with the army, and naturally he must lead the army to fight. Otherwise, why go?"

  Queen Joe: "..."

   Queen Qiao was choked for a while, and felt a little unhappy in her heart. However, it didn't show his face because of this unpleasantness, and he said softly and slowly: "Then you have to take care of your own safety. If there is a mistake, what should you do?"

  Lu Mingyu said warmly: "Your Highness will definitely cherish yourself. After such a long distance, it's useless for us to worry about it. Thinking about this all day is just asking for troubles. Empress, please relax."

   That is my own son, how can I be so relieved by you.

   Queen Qiao muttered in her heart and smiled casually.

  Lu Mingyu sensed Queen Qiao's dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been together for a long time, and the advantage is that they become more and more familiar. The disadvantage is that you can't see it when you look up, and it is inevitable that there will be times when your teeth touch your tongue.

  Lu Mingyu is not a coaxing temper, at most silent. So as not to scold words, to the point where it is not easy to clean up.

  Fortunately, there were two children dancing in front of me, and it was not embarrassing.

   "Queen Mother, second younger brother and younger sister," Princess Hui'an entered the Jiaofang Palace with a bright face: "I heard from the concubine that the second younger brother led the troops to capture Pengcheng and made a great contribution. This is a great deed!"

   Queen Qiao stretched her brows and laughed: "Isn't it? Ben Gong is talking about this with Mrs Lu!"

  Lu Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "His Royal Highness led the troops to fight outside the country and made contributions to the great Wei. As a crown princess, I also feel that my face is bright."

Princess Hui'an was not so attentive, and did not notice the subtle differences between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and smiled cheerfully: "This kind of happy event must be celebrated with a banquet. By the way, the imperial grandmother doesn't know it yet! I'll go right now. Shouning Palace announces the good news to the imperial grandmother!"

   Queen Qiao opened her mouth to stop Princess Hui'an: "Your grandmother has been in a bad mood recently. Yesterday, even Concubine Qin was scolded by her. Don't go to Shouning Palace to get bad luck."

   Princess Hui'an was a little surprised: "Who dares to make the grandmother unhappy?"

   With the status of Empress Dowager Zhao, even Lu Mingyu would not provoke him head-on. Inside and outside the palace, who else dares to make Empress Dowager Zhao unhappy?

Lu Mingyu replied softly: "I am old and I like to eat sweets. If I eat too much, my body can't bear it. The Zhou Yuan envoy went to the Shouning Palace to check the pulse and asked the imperial grandmother to eat less sweets. The imperial grandmother was not happy, and Concubine Qin persuaded a few sentence, and was scolded."

I see.

   Princess Hui'an breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be such a trivial matter. I thought the fourth brother had lost the battle."

Lu Mingyu smiled and said: "That's not true. After the fourth brother became the main general, he was very attentive. He lost two battles at the beginning, but quickly stabilized and gained the upper hand. The chaos was settled in an orderly manner. If you start to appease the people, you will be able to return to Beijing within a month or two."

   (end of this chapter)