Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 348: dislike

   Chapter 348 Dislike

   Meng Yunluo finished her confinement, and on the day when her child was full moon, Queen Qiao gave her a precious name.

   Now the Great Wei is fighting, and the father and son of the Tian family are not in the capital. Sister Zhen's full moon banquet wasn't a big one. There were several tables of banquets, and everyone sat in one place for a lively event.

   The blush on Sister Zhen's face faded, her skin became white and tender, and she looked much more pleasing to the eye.

   However, they are born with a pair of slender eyes, which are piled up by the fat on the face, and the eyes seem to be unable to open.


   After saying this, everyone looked at Li Chang subconsciously.

   Well, it does look a little like it. Especially those eyes, like the fifth prince.

  The niece is like an uncle, and she is not out of line.

   However, the four uncles, who are not good, look like the fat man fifth uncle with mediocre appearance. I wonder if Sister Zhen will cry when she looks in the mirror when she grows up.

  Lu Mingyu smirked in her heart, and kindly didn't sprinkle salt on Meng Yunluo's wound.

  It’s okay to laugh at other things, it’s better to talk less about children.

   Zhao Yu's sentence was enough to make Meng Yunluo sullen. After the crowd dispersed, Meng Yunluo hugged her daughter and scrutinized it, despairingly found that Sister Zhen really looked like Li Chang...

   Meng Yunluo's heart was already crying.

  It is said that the niece Xiaogu, Princess Hui'an is a beautiful woman, and Princess Jing'an is even more beautiful. Sister Zhen can't be ugly like any aunt, why is she like the short and ugly Li Chang?


   On the second day, Meng Yunluo led the child into the palace to greet him.

   "My daughter-in-law has seen her mother." Meng Yunluo gave a bow.

   Queen Qiao said with a smile: "Hurry up and excuse me. Sister Zhen, bring it over and show it to Ben Gong."

   Meng Yunluo responded, took the child from the nanny's hand, and brought it to Queen Qiao. The joke that "the niece looks like the fifth uncle" reached Queen Qiao's ears yesterday. Queen Qiao was also very curious, and looking at it today, it really looks like it.

   However, such a small child, no matter how ugly, is cute.

   "Sister Zhen is extra fat, so it can be seen that she was well raised in her mother's womb." Queen Qiao said with a smile: "The child will be stronger, the body will be better in the future, and there will be less illness and less suffering."

   Queen Qiao smiled and praised a few words, and then rewarded the greeting, which made a lot of face.

  Meng Yunluo cheered up and thanked her grace.

   At this time, Lu Mingyu also brought a pair of children to greet him.

  Looking at the beautiful and handsome brother and sister Xuan, and then at the daughter in her arms, Meng Yunluo's smile almost didn't hold back.

   "Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law took Sister Zhen to Yihua Palace." Meng Yunluo didn't want to stay with Lu Mingyu any longer, so she immediately resigned.

   Queen Joe nodded slightly.

  As soon as Meng Yunluo took the child away, Queen Qiao laughed in a low voice: "You told me yesterday that Sister Zhen was born like a fifth prince, and I didn't quite believe it. When I saw you today, those little eyes were really normal."

   "However, it's inconvenient to say these things directly. The Meng family is narrow-minded, and she is very worried about having a daughter. If I mention this again, I don't know what kind of annoyance it will be."

  Lu Mingyu said with a faint smile: "Both sons and daughters, they are all their own flesh and blood. Whether they are handsome or not, a mother also loves her children.

   Isn't it?

  Meng Yunluo is high-spirited and loves to pinch sharp points, especially when she wants to compete with Lu Mingyu everywhere. Now everything can be compared, I don't know what to be angry about.


  Meng Yunluo held back a sullen breath and led Sister Zhen to Yihua Palace to greet Concubine Su.

   Concubine Su disliked that Meng Yunluo gave birth to a daughter, neither cold nor hot, so she didn't give a good face at all: "The child is still young, don't run around with the child. Just keep it in the house."

   It's one thing to be disgusted by yourself, and it's even more irritating to be spoken coldly by your mother-in-law.

Meng Yunluo's mood has been unstable recently, and her heart is full of fire, and her words are full of gunpowder: "After Sister Zhen was born, the mother and concubine have never seen each other. My daughter-in-law specially brought her into the palace today to greet her, and the mother and concubine even looked at her. I didn't take a closer look. Could it be that I disliked my daughter-in-law and gave birth to a daughter?"

   Concubine Su clearly showed disgust in her eyes, and smiled in her mouth: "Take good care of yourself. When Ah Hao comes back, you will have another one."

   Unspeakable grievances flooded Meng Yunluo's heart.

   After she became pregnant, she took care of the miscarriage and raised her baby carefully, not to mention how much she suffered in the process. The pain of childbirth is still fresh in my memory.

   The child she gave birth to with all her strength was rejected by her mother-in-law because she was not a son!

   She wants to have a son too!

   God is so unfair. Why didn't her wish come true? Why let her sit here and watch other people's faces be despised?

   Meng Yunluo's tears quickly poured out.

   Concubine Su was also startled, with an unpleasant expression on her face: "You said it well, why are you crying. I don't know, I thought I said something unpleasant."

   Isn't that just telling him to take care of his body and conceive a son as soon as possible! It's not directly stuffing people into the Third Prince's Mansion. What to cry about. My belly is not up to my expectations, so I'm not allowed to say a word or two.

  As a mother-in-law, she feels that she has a very broad mind.

  Meng Yunluo fell into a feeling of self-pity and resentment, and it was difficult to calm down for a while. She cried and said, "I know that the mother and concubine are not enough. I also look forward to giving birth to a son.

   Sister Zhen heard the cry, twisted her body and started crying too. Meng Yunluo didn't cry much, but Sister Zhen's cry was loud and sharp.

   Concubine Su only felt a tingling pain in her ears, and her temples throbbed.

   Thinking of the Marquis of Guangping, who fought to the death and made meritorious deeds on the battlefield, Concubine Su finally resisted the urge to curse, and tried her best to be kind: "Don't cry. Who says I'm not enough, I'm very happy to have Sister Zhen."

   Then, he reached out his hand and hugged Sister Zhen.

Taking a closer look, Concubine Su's originally unhappy mood eased a bit, and said with a smile: "Sister Zhen is not at all like A Hao, A Hao was a handsome child when he was a child, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. She is almost like A Chang when he was a child. Ah Chang also has those thin eyes and a chubby face that looks simple and honest."

   After Concubine Su said this, Meng Yunluo cried even more.

  My mother-in-law said so, so she really looks like Li Chang.

Concubine Su took some of her disgust, and she was also in the mood to joke: "It's a shame that Achang is young. Otherwise, if Achang was a few years older and your daughter looked like an uncle, your uncle and sister-in-law would have to be teased and talked about. "

  Meng Yunluo: "..."

   Forget it, I really can’t talk anymore today.

   Thinking of Li Chang's obese and stupid appearance, she almost vomited.

  Meng Yunluo wiped her tears with a handkerchief and resigned in a low voice. Concubine Su said, "It's rare to come to the palace, so I'll leave after lunch. I'll send someone to the study and call Achang too."

  Meng Yunluo: "..."

   (end of this chapter)