Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 363: serious injury (1)

   Chapter 363 Severely Injured (1)

  In the military tent of the Wei army thousands of miles away.

   The pale-faced eldest prince closed his eyes and lay on the bed.

   The two imperial physicians accompanying the army took turns to diagnose the pulse of the eldest prince with solemn expressions, and looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

   A month ago, the eldest prince led an army to pursue the Chu army and was caught in an ambush. In that battle, the casualties were heavy, and the eldest prince was also slashed and slaughtered. In the end, he was rescued by the loyal soldiers, but he lost too much blood. When he was carried into the military tent, his whole body was covered in blood.

  Emperor Yongjia was both frightened and heartbroken, and immediately sent two imperial physicians to the military tent to heal the eldest prince.

   These two imperial physicians are both good at treating trauma. At that time, as soon as the first prince's wounded clothes were cut and examined closely, both hearts sank.

   The knife on the eldest prince's leg was deeply boned. Even if a life is saved, the right leg will never be restored to its original state. To make matters worse, the eldest prince was scalding hot and developed a high fever. One careless, life is at risk.

  The two imperial physicians tried their best to take care of the eldest prince in the military tent in disarray. Finally, the high fever subsided after a few days, and the eldest prince also took his life back.

   The eldest prince was in a coma for several days and nights. When he woke up, he knew that his right leg was disabled, and his expression was full of despair. For more than half a month after that, he didn't open his mouth to say a word.

  Infuriated, Emperor Yongjia personally led the attack, and he never thought of losing another battle. Military morale was low.

  The eldest prince's tent was extraordinarily quiet. In addition to their two imperial physicians, only Emperor Yongjia and Hou Guangping would come to visit. The rest of the idle people, etc., are not allowed to enter the military tent.

   After checking the pulse, the two imperial physicians retreated outside the military tent and discussed in a low voice.

   "His Royal Highness's right leg is injured too badly, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand and walk anymore."

   "I can't say such things now. You and I can know what to do. With the appearance of Your Highness, I can't help such a heavy blow."

   "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. What if the emperor thinks that His Royal Highness's leg is still alive? Under the emperor's anger, how can you and I still have life?"

   Therefore, imperial physician is the most difficult profession in the world.

   He treats ordinary people, and everyone is happy if they are cured. If they are not cured, it is because of your bad luck that God will accept you and no one can do anything.

   To see a doctor for the emperor or princes, it is right to be cured. If you can't cure it, it means that your medical skills are not good, and the quack doctor will kill others to accompany you.

   The two imperial physicians sighed endlessly, and it was not an option to worry about it. They had to think of a way to diagnose and treat the eldest prince. Which step can be taken care of!

   After discussing with the two imperial physicians, they prescribed the medicine. The Chinese medicine boy decocted the medicine and sent it to the army tent. Eunuch Zheng, the servant who was waiting by the side, took the medicine bowl and went to the bedside.

   Eunuch Zheng is not too old, about twenty this year. Since he was twelve years old, he has served by the eldest prince's side, and he has been the confidant of the eldest prince for eight years.

  The eldest prince was injured so much that Eunuch Zheng wiped away many tears behind his back.

   As soon as he entered the army tent, Eunuch Zheng immediately adjusted the expression on his face, sat beside the bed with a smile on his face, and said earnestly, "The servant will serve His Highness to drink medicine."

   The eldest prince didn't open his eyes, didn't speak, his heart was ashes.

   "No matter how unhappy Your Highness is, you have to drink medicine." Eunuch Zheng patiently persuaded the master: "Drinking medicine on time every day, His Highness's body will get better soon."

   "Drink the medicine while it's hot, and the effect is best. If you wait any longer, the medicine should be cold."

   Eunuch Zheng tried to persuade him again and again, but he was unable to persuade the eldest prince to open his eyes and drink the medicine.

After the persuasion, Eunuch Zheng was also a little discouraged, his eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked: "His Royal Highness is bitter, and all the servants know it. But the more this is, the better the medicine. Your Highness is like this, no Are you tossing your body?"

"The servant said something I don't know about life or death. Your Highness has injured his leg, and his life is always safe. If you leave the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. Your Highness is tossing himself like this. …”

   Familiar voices whispered in my ears.

   The eldest prince naturally heard it.

   But for him, now everything is over. Everything around him is dark and dull, the front is dark and dark, turning his head is foggy, and his heart is empty.

   A prince who has lost his right leg, what else can he do?

   What qualifications does he have to compete with the prince?

   Even if the prince died immediately, it would not be his turn to be the heir to the eldest prince with a broken leg.

   What's the use of him alive?

   The eldest prince turned his head inward, and two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

The choking sound did not stop behind him, and Eunuch Zheng cried and begged: "The servant begs Your Highness, drink the medicine! Just treat it as Your Highness pitying the poor servant. Otherwise, if the emperor came to the military tent to ask, the servant would not be able to serve him well. , I can't keep the head on the slave's neck. Please, Your Highness! Poor slave once, drink the medicine!"

   The eldest prince didn't seem to hear.

   He doesn't want to live anymore, how can he take care of the minions around him?


  The tent was opened, and a familiar footstep entered the tent.

   Eunuch Zheng hurriedly put down the medicine bowl, wiped his tears, and stepped forward to salute: "This servant has seen General Meng!"

  After the eldest prince was seriously injured, the Marquis of Guangping became the main general of the Meng family's army again. No matter how busy the army was, the Marquis of Guangping came to the military tent once a day to take a look, and he took great care of his nephew.

   After staying in the army for more than half a year, the suave Marquis of Guangping is now full of beards, and the faint smell of sweat on his body is mixed with the smell of blood, forming a strong and unique smell.

   Guangping Hou glanced at him and said solemnly, "You step back first!"

   Eunuch Zheng gave orders in a low voice to retreat.

   Guangping Hou strode to the bedside, picked up the medicine bowl, and spit out a few words: "Li Yi, drink medicine!"

   No matter how heartbroken the eldest prince was, he couldn't ignore his uncle who had always supported him. Turn your head around and open your eyes.

  The eldest prince lay on the bed every day to recover from his injuries, his eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't sleep for a long time.

  The Marquis of Guangping was not much better, the bloodshot in his eyes was much more than that of the eldest prince.

   Recently, the army has suffered a series of defeats and wounded many soldiers. He, the main general, is very busy every day, and he has to take time to go to the military tent to appease the eldest prince, and he is not happy.

   "Life is alive, and it is inevitable that there will be ups and downs." The Marquis of Guangping said in a deep voice: "You can't just let it go. Don't think about anything now, drink medicine on time every day, and take good care of your wounds."

  The Marquis of Guangping didn't have the patience to feed the medicine mouth by mouth, and motioned the eldest prince to open his mouth and poured the bowl of quickly cooling medicine into the mouth of the eldest prince.

   Decoction is inherently bitter, but when it cools down, it becomes even more bitter to the point of tingling the scalp.

  The Marquis of Guangping was a little rude, and the eldest prince was choked and coughed a few times. When the person coughed, the whole body trembled. The severe pain in the leg injury swept over unceremoniously.

   (end of this chapter)