Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 387: Surprise (1)

   Chapter 387 Shocking News (1)

"Oh no!"

   "Something is bad!"

   "The Yan army is about to arrive in the capital."

   "The Yan general who led the army was called Yan Tuo, and His Royal Highness was injured in his hands. He is now leading the elite Yan soldiers to attack the capital. What should we do now? Should we pack up and run?"

   "Fuck! If your head falls off, you will have a big scar on the bowl. I won't go anywhere."

   "It's hard to say! If you have the ability, don't shake your legs and don't stutter!"

  There is nothing more alarming than the news that the Yan army is coming to the capital!

   Two days ago, this news came out of nowhere and spread like a plague to the streets. People in the capital were panicking, and they gathered together to discuss in a low voice when they met. The more you talk, the more frightened, the more you talk about it.

   For so many years, the wars outside are not peaceful. But this city has never been subjected to war, and it is safe and sound under the protection of the Li family. The people are used to the emperor leading his troops to win battles, and occasionally even a defeat will not hurt the capital.

   Now, the Yan army is heading straight for the capital!

   No matter how tall or thick the city wall is, it can’t stop the floating of people’s hearts!

   Even the Chinese military officials were panicked.

   All the generals who were able to conquer and fight well went off with the Son of Heaven, and the ones who stayed were mostly old or injured generals. The capital was less than 50,000 troops, and the only one who could really lead troops to defend the city was General Liang, who commanded the imperial guards.

   A group of civil servants gathered in the Wenhua Hall and invited General Liang Da to come to discuss countermeasures.

   The fifth prince Li Chang and Wu Consort Wu also came. When all the ministers discussed matters, the young Li Chang couldn't get in at all. Wu's concubine was also a civil servant who did not understand military affairs, so he only listened with his ears raised.

  Old Qiao Ge frowned, and his voice was solemn: "The Yan army marches all the way, and within two days, they will be under the city. Now the important task of guarding the capital will be entrusted to General Liang."

  General Liang did not speak much, but it was concise and powerful: "The last general must do his best."

   The noble book of households said in a deep voice: "The capital has enough food, enough for half a year."

   The half-year stockpile of food is enough to support troops stationed in various places.

   Yang Shangshu of the Ministry of War swept his beard and said: "The bows and arrows in the Ministry of War are piled up in several warehouses, enough to support a few battles. However, there are not enough warhorses in the city."

   Most of the war horses were taken away by Emperor Yongjia. Now there are less than 10,000 war horses left in the capital. However, the side defending the city does not need too many war horses.

  The Minister of Officials said: "From today onwards, the gates of the city will be closed, and no one will be allowed to enter or leave."

  General Liang nodded: "From the direction of the Yan army, nine out of ten will go straight to Zhengdemen. I will personally lead troops to guard at Zhengdemen."

  There are four gates in the capital, the largest and most lively gate is Zhengyangmen. Zhengde Gate is the smallest of the four city gates, facing the direction of Yan State. Yan Tuo led his troops to attack the capital, and it was the most convenient to attack Zhengdemen.


   This discussion is about half a day.

  General Liang, who had a heavy responsibility, left in a hurry after the discussion was over.

   Li Chang, who was hungry for half a day, took heavy steps to the Jiaofang Hall. Consort Wu frowned and walked with Li Chang.

   Princess Hui'an and Li Chang were distant and indifferent, and rarely communicated with each other on weekdays. Concubine Wu and Li Chang were not familiar with each other either.

   Entered Jiaofang Hall, but did not see Queen Qiao.

   Queen Qiao has been ill since she heard that the Crown Prince was injured. Seeing that things were getting better, the news of the Yan army attacking the capital came to my ears again. Queen Qiao was frightened and frightened, and her illness became serious again.

  Princess Hui'an guarded Queen Qiao closely. Now the person in charge in the Jiaofang Palace is the Crown Princess Lu Mingyu.

   There was no trace of anxiety on Lu Mingyu's face.

   She was as calm and calm as usual. She stayed in the Jiaofang Hall every day in charge of palace affairs, like a needle that stabilized the sea, stabilizing the hearts of the palace.

   "I've seen the second sister-in-law." Li Chang had been cleaned up several times, and in front of Lu Mingyu he didn't even dare to show his air, so he honestly bowed his hands and bowed.

   Wu Concubine also handed over: "I have seen the Crown Princess."

  Lu Mingyu gave no heart to greet him, nodded slightly, and asked bluntly, "What is the statute of the affairs in the Wenhua Hall today?"

Li Chang is not very smart, but he has a good memory. He quickly told Lu Mingyu the results of today's proceedings: "...General Liang shoulders the heavy responsibility for guarding the capital. All the city gates are closed and heavily guarded. No matter where When the city gate is attacked, there will be smoke warning."

   "General Liang personally led his troops to Zhengdemen."

  Lu Mingyu nodded slightly.

   Consort Wu added a few words: "There is enough food in the city for half a year, there is no shortage of weapons, and there are fewer war horses. There are probably 10,000 war horses, which are enough to go back and forth."

   In the case of not taking the initiative to leave the city, 10,000 war horses are indeed enough.

  Lu Mingyu frowned: "It's not right! There are too few war horses!"

  Li Chang couldn't help but said: "Anyway, if you don't send troops out of the city, there will be fewer warhorses..."

   "There is always a contingency in everything." Lu Mingyu interrupted Li Chang coldly: "No one can tell what will happen to the war. It is better to be prepared now than to be short of horses."

  Li Changsan shut up.

  The Concubine Wu is quite knowledgeable: "What the Crown Princess said is quite reasonable. It is true that there is a shortage of warhorses when it is urgent, but it is always right to be more prepared. But, where to look for warhorses now?"

   War horses are also trained. Ordinary horses can't go into battle at all. Now that the time is urgent, it is too late to train the horses.

Now that Lu Mingyu thought of this, he naturally thought of a solution: "First recruit the war horses in each mansion, in case of emergency. It's not the best use, if it comes in handy, when the Yan army is completely defeated, War horses again."

   Dawei has a strong atmosphere of martial arts. The wealthier people love to keep horses, not to mention civil and military officials. Especially in the residence of the generals, it is not unusual to have dozens of war horses in the stable.

   If you gather less, you will become more, and it will not be a problem to make up a few thousand horses.

   Consort Wu immediately said: "This is a good idea. However, General Liang is busy arranging troops and has no time to borrow horses. Leave this to me!"

   "borrowing a horse" is a trivial task and easy to offend people. There must be someone with a high enough identity and good temperament to come forward. Consort Wu is indeed the best choice.

  Lu Mingyu was not polite to Consort Wu: "Then there will be consort Wu."

  Li Chang opened his mouth subconsciously: "I'll go with the concubine too!" After staying in the palace all day, he was really stuffy. It is better to go out of the palace to "borrow a horse" and relax by the way.

  Lu Mingyu glanced at Li Chang: "There is no one to be separated from the DPRK, you are just like normal, you just need to listen to the government every day."

  Why should I listen to you?

   is too overbearing!

  Li Chang was indignant in his heart, looked up at Lu Mingyu, and before he could say anything, Lu Mingyu glared back coldly. He replied foolishly, "I listened to the second sister-in-law."

   (end of this chapter)