Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 577: Shock (2)

   Chapter 577 Shock (2)

   "Your Highness! It's time to drink the medicine!"

  In a bedroom in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, Father Madoka's voice was heard.

   His Royal Highness, who was lying on the bed, was pale and almost bloodless. This is because of bloodletting in order to remove toxicity.

   However, Li Jing's mental state is not bad. At least there is still a self-deprecating mood: "I didn't expect that one day, I will become a medicine jar."

   Eunuch Xiaoyuan cried behind his back for an unknown number of times, but in front of his master, he had to force a smile: "His Royal Highness has a noble life, and with the blessing of heaven, nothing will happen."

Li Jing glanced at the red-eyed father-in-law, and smiled helplessly: "The imperial doctor said that, most of the poison in my body has been removed. As long as I take care of it slowly, it will be fine. Why are you crying secretly again? ."

   "Yes, the slaves don't cry." Father-in-law Xiaoyuan sniffed and stepped forward with the medicine bowl to wait on the master to drink medicine.

  The life of the master was taken back.

  The poison on the assassin's dagger is extremely poisonous, which is rare in the world. At that time, thanks to Lu Yi's quick response, he first took antidote pills for the master to protect the heart, and then gouged out the poisonous part of the injury and released most of the poisonous blood. Otherwise, once the poison gas attacked his heart, the Daluo Immortal would not be able to save Li Jing.

  Li Jing was in a coma for three days and three nights, and his fever persisted. It was not until the morning of the fourth day that he barely opened his eyes. Don't talk about him at that time, Fang Zi Zhan Zhouli Li Yan all cried. Even Shen Shilang, who was holding a heavy weight, quietly shed a tear.

   These days, the imperial doctor used needles to bleed Li Jing every day to expel poison. Li Jing was a hard worker, so he couldn't help tossing around like this, so weak that he couldn't get off the bed.

   The painful taste in it, just thinking about it a little bit, it makes people feel heartbroken. Thankfully, Li Jing can still laugh.

  Emperor Xiaoyuan carefully served the master, drank the medicine, and brought the candied fruit. Li Jing ate a candied fruit to clear the bitter taste in his mouth. After the second one, I can't eat it anymore.

  These days, he's been drinking too much medicine. The whole person is suffering from the inside out, the appetite is greatly impaired, and it is difficult to swallow.

   "Xiaoyu and the queen mother must have known about my injury." Li Jing suddenly sighed in a low voice: "I don't know how anxious they are."

Eunuch Xiao Yuan wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves and opened his mouth to comfort the master: "Don't think about this, Your Highness. Take good care of your body, and when the residual poison in your body is cleared, you will set off back to Beijing immediately. Then you will be able to go back to Beijing with the Crown Princess and the Empress. met."

  Li Jing said: "What you think is too simple."

  Emperor Madoka was startled and looked up at the master.

   Li Jing's eyes flashed with fatigue, and he didn't have the strength to speak. Eunuch Xiao Yuan endured the sadness and whispered: "Your Highness is tired, just take a good rest!"

  Li Jing's vitality was severely damaged this time, and he is extremely weak right now. I don't know how long it will take to get it back.

   Li Jing hummed and closed his eyes to rest.

   Lu Mingyu's face flashed in his mind.

  When people are injured and weak, they are especially vulnerable, and they will miss their wives, children and family members especially. Li Jing was also not exempt. Lying on the bed, thinking silently about his long-lost wife, he couldn't help but sigh again.

   With Lu Mingyu's temper, knowing that he was injured and assassinated, I don't know how shocked he was. I just hope she can be stronger and hold on as before.

  Li Jing fell asleep unconsciously. In his sleep, the familiar body snuggled up to him, and a gentle hand caressed his forehead. It's such a warm feeling, it's really addicting.

   He murmured involuntarily, "Xiaoyu."

   A familiar voice sounded in my ear: "His Royal Highness, it's me."

  Li Jing opened his eyes and saw a familiar handsome face in his eyes, it was Li Yan who came to Jiangnan with him. The two are both cousins ​​and brother-in-law, and have a close relationship that is far better than others.

  Li Yan hasn't slept well in the past half month, and his eyes are bloodshot. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he probed his forehead with his hand with concern.

   In front of Li Yan, Li Jing didn't hold back, he said with a wry smile, "I fell asleep and dreamed about Xiaoyu just now."

  Li Yan withdrew his hand with some guilt: "It really shouldn't be disturbing His Highness's beautiful dream."

   Just kidding, Li Jing cheered up and asked, "How is the outside world now?"

   Speaking of the business, Li Yan immediately restrained his expression and said in a low voice: "Governor Xie and the other four are locked in the mansion, and the people of Jiangnan officials are fluctuating. Fortunately, Shen Shilang and the others have stabilized the situation. At least it is calm on the surface."

   Li Jing hummed.

  Li Yan whispered again: "Everyone in the Governor's Palace has been interrogated one by one, and the assassination that day really has nothing to do with them. Inspector Jiang also really doesn't know that the people around him are dead men who have been lurking for many years."

Li Jing's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said in a low voice, "Inspector Jiang and Governor Xie are the same year, and they are also students of my grandfather. Governor Xie was awarded the champion, and Inspector Jiang was a second-class scholar, and was sent to Jiangnan by my grandfather. "

   "Governor Xie came from a big clan and brought many servants to his post. An Inspector Jiang came from an ordinary background. After arriving in Jiangnan, he bought a lot of servants and servants."

   "These three dead men all started out as ordinary householders. Because of their good skills and diligence, they gradually gained the trust of the Inspector Jiang."

  Li Yan's eyes flashed with anger, and he gritted his teeth: "There are quite a few officials like Anchor Jiang. I don't know how many nails were mixed in them."

   This also shows the ambition of the Jiangnan family. At that time, the Inspector Jiang was only a seventh-rank petty official, and he was targeted because he was an old disciple of Qiao Ge.

   Inspector Jiang never imagined that the personal soldiers who guarded him day and night were actually dead soldiers sent by others.

   Li Jing said lightly: "I am lucky not to die, these people may not be willing to give up."

Li Yan was startled: "Your Highness means, they dare to do it again? However, there are 5,000 elite soldiers in the Governor's Palace. Not to mention assassins, a fly can't fly into His Highness. Do they still dare to know Conspiracy ~ can't it work?"

  Li Jing's expression was still indifferent: "Father Huang was only the head of the Li family back then. Because the previous kings were ruthless and the world was in chaos, they took advantage of the situation. If the Li family can gain the world with this, how can the old people in Jiangnan not think about it."

  Li Yan took a deep breath.

  Li Jing glanced at Li Yan: "You don't have to worry too much. What I can think of, my father can naturally expect. At this moment, an army must have been sent."

   "It's just that it will take half a month for the army to set off to Jiangnan. The news will definitely come one step earlier than the army. Those who hide in the dark and cannot see the light, if they want to make a move, they will definitely grab it before the army arrives."

  Li Yan's eyes were full of anger, and he snorted heavily: "If they really dare to come, I will kill them myself!"

As soon as the words fell, a prince's personal soldier stepped forward to report: "Qi, Your Highness, there are suddenly many people of unknown origin outside the governor's mansion. These people are armed with long bows and keep shooting rockets into the mansion. There are several places in the mansion. On fire."

   (end of this chapter)