Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 613: float

   Chapter 613 Floating

  Everyone is a bit sleazy in their bones.

  The fourth prince rushed to show his favor, but the eldest prince was mean and sarcastic and ignored it. As soon as the fourth prince pulled his face, the eldest prince's attitude softened.

  The eldest prince also stopped and said to the fourth prince: "Tonight, go to my house for a drink. The two of us brothers have a good talk."

  My eldest brother, you can't really ignore it.

  The fourth prince resisted the urge to roll his eyes and opened his mouth to answer.

   Several prince's palaces are close together. In the evening, the Fourth Prince did not even ride a horse, and strolled to the First Prince's Mansion.

  The eldest prince and concubine led the concubine Li Tang to greet the fourth prince together.

  Li Tang is eight years old this year, born fair and handsome. He matured much earlier than boys of the same age, bowed his hands in a salute, and said nothing. The eldest imperial concubine was also a little helpless, and said with a smile, "Brother Tang is quiet and doesn't like to talk. Fourth brother, please bear with me!"

  The fourth prince smiled casually: "It would be nice to be calmer. Much better than my brother Chen."

   Father and son have the same temperament. The eldest son of the fourth prince, Li Chen, has a lively and free-spirited temper. Open your mouth wherever you go, you can't stop at all.

   It's a good thing I didn't bring it today, otherwise, it would be enough to just listen to him.

  The eldest prince was full of thought, and said a little impatiently: "My fourth brother and I drink and talk alone, you mother and son both step down."

   The eldest prince answered in a low voice, and led Li Tang back out.

  The fourth prince couldn't help but say more: "My sister-in-law is gentle and virtuous, and my elder brother should treat my sister-in-law better."

   Besides, as soon as Emperor Yongjia fell ill, General Liang guarded the Wenhua Hall day and night. This is also the only military general who can face the saint, which shows the trust of Emperor Yongjia in General Liang.

   With such a father-in-law, why should he coax the eldest prince and concubine!

The eldest prince was probably embarrassed, and said a few words to the fourth prince: "Fourth younger brother, I am not as lucky as you. The fourth younger brother and sisters are devoted to you, and your Yue family is also close to you. My father-in-law, in his eyes Only the royal father, open mouth and shut up is loyalty. I didn't put my son-in-law in the eyes at all."

   The fourth prince laughed and said, "As far as father-in-law is concerned, no one is better than second brother's luck."

   Isn't it?

   In terms of protecting short-term and loving son-in-law, no one is as good as King Xingyang.

   The eldest prince flashed jealousy in his eyes, and his tone faded: "What I said is that the prince has a good father-in-law. You and I can't compare."

   Incomparable, more than his father-in-law.

  Lu Mingyu can lead troops thousands of miles to save her husband. This ability is not available to the first prince concubine and the fourth prince concubine.

   The fourth prince knew the eldest prince's prudence, and smiled casually: "Second sister-in-law is very capable, let alone a woman, even a man like me is not good enough."

  The two brothers sat down and chatted while drinking.

   After half a pot of wine, the taste of the wine surged up, and the eldest prince spoke more directly: "Fourth brother, in your opinion, can the father's disease be cured?"

The fourth prince drank the wine and sighed: "Although I am not skilled in medicine, I have also heard that strokes are severe. The father and the emperor have a good life and support. In the future, if he can stay in bed, walk and talk, even if he recovers very well. Just imagine. It's absolutely impossible to shoot arrows on horseback like before."

   The eldest prince hummed, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes darkened.

  The fourth prince didn't know if he paid attention. After drinking a glass of wine, he said, "However, you and I don't need to worry about this matter. When the second brother returns to Beijing from his injury, he will take over the administration and supervision of the country on behalf of the father and the emperor."

   The eldest prince snorted and silently drank a glass of wine.

The fourth prince glanced at the eldest prince's unpleasant face, and simply said more thoroughly: "Big brother, I know you are not convinced. However, the second brother has been the prince for several years, fought in battle, and left the Beijing office. Too bad. He has a reputation for kindness and kindness among the court and the opposition."

   "This throne, sooner or later, will belong to the second brother. You and I can't compete."

"The third brother and the second brother have old grudges, and I don't know what they did in private, which made the royal father furious. Now he and the fifth brother are locked in the prison of the sect's mansion, and no one can see him. Waiting for the royal father to move I will never forgive him lightly."

"The two of us should take this as a warning. Honestly wait for illness and work. When the second brother comes back, I will file a memorial and ask the emperor to grant me vassal land. I will go with my daughter-in-law and son! Stay away from the vassal. The capital is right and wrong."

   The eldest prince moved for a while, and his brows furrowed: "The father is still ill. As sons, we should relieve the father's worries. How can we ask for the vassal at this time?"

  The fourth prince said: "With the prince here, it is not yours and me to relieve the worries of the father and the emperor. Talk less and do less, and you can also cause less fear. Brother, do you say yes or not?"

   The eldest prince didn't say anything, only sneered.

   I have persuaded everything that should be persuaded. If you are stupid again, I can't stop you.

   "Brother, I'll give you another toast!" The fourth prince didn't say more, picked up the jug and poured a glass for the eldest prince.

   The eldest prince raised his glass, brought it to his lips, and drank it slowly.

   The flickering candle was imprinted in the black eyes of the eldest prince. There seemed to be two flames in his eyes.

   At this moment, a personal soldier suddenly came in and whispered a few words in the ear of the eldest prince.

  The eldest prince was startled, and suddenly put down the wine glass and made a crisp sound: "What did you say? Is this news true?"

   The soldier replied in a low voice, "It's absolutely true."

   The fourth prince was startled and looked at the eldest prince: "Brother, what happened again?"

   The eldest prince looked solemn and replied in a low voice, "Finally there is news from the Qian family."

   According to rumors, the Qian family and the third prince colluded in private, inciting the Jiangnan old clan to assassinate the prince. I wish that all the four families of King Wei and Shen were captured, but only the man from the Qian family escaped and his whereabouts are unknown. The prince was chased everywhere, but he never caught the Qian family.

  I didn't think about it, but now there is finally news.

  The Fourth Prince asked impatiently, "Where is the Qian family now?"

   The eldest prince said solemnly: "There are thirty-two men in the Qian family, hiding in a house. This house, under the name of the servant in the fifth brother's mansion, is on the outskirts of the capital and is in a remote location."

  The fourth prince took a deep breath and blurted out: "So, the Qian family's assassination of the prince was really the fifth brother's order?"

  The eldest prince was expressionless: "Yes or no, no one can tell now. Because of the thirty-two members of the Qian family, all of them died."

  The Fourth Prince: "..."

  The Fourth Prince took another breath.

   What a ruthless means!

   This is more than 30 lives!

   Who is the murderer?

   The fourth prince's mind seemed to be in a mess, and he couldn't figure it out. He murmured to himself, "The fifth brother is imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion, and the third brother is also in prison in the Zongren Mansion. The second brother is far away in the south of the Yangtze River. Who the **** ordered the Qian family to be poisoned?"

   The eldest prince also twisted his brows into a knot, and said in a low voice, "Even I have received the news. Thinking about it, this matter has already reached the father's ears. I don't know how the father will decide!"

   (end of this chapter)