Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 630: Fragrance (1)

   Chapter 630 Fragrant Elimination (1)


  The fifth prince concubine committed suicide?

  In the hall of Jiaofang, Queen Qiao was shocked when she heard the bad news, she stood up suddenly, her voice raised unconsciously: "What did you say? Say it again!"

  Lu Mingyu was also surprised, got up with Queen Qiao and looked at Eunuch Liu.

Eunuch Liu, who came to deliver the letter, had a bitter face and sighed repeatedly: "How dare a servant talk about such a big event. Before a stick of incense, the Fifth Prince's Mansion sent a funeral letter into the palace. It is said that the Fifth Prince's Concubine, the concubine, committed suicide by hanging herself. , is already out of breath. When the emperor heard the bad news, he was shocked and angry. He ordered the servants to immediately come to Jiaofang Palace to deliver the letter, and asked the empress and concubine to come forward to deal with the matter."

   The dignified prince concubine hanged herself in the prince's mansion.

   This kind of thing spread out, adding another topic to the scandal of the discord between the Tianjia brothers. Heavenly family has no face.

   The funeral of the fifth prince and concubine has to be done, and someone from the Yu family has to come forward to comfort her. For everything, someone has to come forward. Queen Qiao and Lu Mingyu are naturally the most suitable candidates.

   Therefore, Eunuch Liu came by the emperor's order.

   Queen Joe has not recovered from the bad news for a while.

  Lu Mingyu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly asked: "Eunuch Liu, the father and the emperor issued a ban before, and the mother and the queen cannot leave the Jiaofang Palace at will. Now this decree is issued, can the mother leave the Jiaofang Palace?"

   Eunuch Liu: "…"

  Prince Concubine Empress is really difficult to deal with. At this time, such a problem is thrown.

   Eunuch Liu was sullen and did not dare to show his face, and replied respectfully: "The emperor only ordered the servants to come and pass the word, and the rest did not mention a word. I think that the emperor has acquiesced in allowing the empress to leave the Jiaofang Palace."

  Lu Mingyu said lightly: "How can you guess the holy will at will. You go back to Wenhua Hall now, ask clearly, and then pass the word."

   Eunuch Liu had to retreat.

   At this time, Queen Qiao recovered a little from the shock, and grabbed Lu Mingyu's hand suddenly: "Mingyu, is the Yu family really dead?"

  Lu Mingyu's eyes dimmed, and he sighed, "Eunuch Liu is here to send a letter, this matter will not be false. The fifth siblings are too stupid."

   It's not worth it to commit suicide for a **** like Li Chang.

  Yu has been married to Li Chang for more than three years, and the relationship between the husband and wife is weak. Yu was also beaten and returned to her parents’ home in a fit of rage. In the past year or two, the husband and wife hardly ever met each other, and they respected each other like ice.

   The evil things Li Chang did have nothing to do with the Yu family. Even if Li Chang died, the Yu family could live safely.

  No one thought that Yu would commit suicide.

  Queen Qiao has the softest heart, she couldn't hear such things, her eyes quickly turned red, she turned her head to the side, and silently shed a few tears.

  Lu Mingyu comforted in a low voice: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to be sad. I'll go out of the palace to the Fifth Prince's Mansion later, handle the affairs of the fifth siblings, and appease the Yu family."

  Queen Qiao has been staying in the palace, and has not been out of the palace for several years. When a concubine's daughter-in-law dies, there is no need for a dignified queen to come forward for the funeral.

   Queen Qiao wiped her tears with her sleeve and said in a low voice, "Your father, the emperor, sent an order to let you go to the Fifth Prince's Mansion. Why are you embarrassing Eunuch Liu and let him run like that again?"

However, Lu Mingyu said: "I want the horse to run, but I don't want to let the horse graze. There is no such thing as cheap and good things in the world. Taking advantage of this time, let the father and emperor lift the ban on the Jiaofang Palace. Those imperial guards It's really annoying to stay outside the hall every day."

   Queen Joe was silent.

As expected, Eunuch Liu came panting again soon: "The emperor has a decree. From today, the guards outside the Jiaofang Palace will be withdrawn, and the empress can come and go at will. For the funeral of the fifth prince and concubine, please The Crown Princess is going out of the palace."

  Look how useful this trick is.

  Lu Mingyu and Queen Qiao looked at each other and gave the order in unison.


  Lu Mingyu rode his horse out of the palace.

   One hundred princes and concubines followed closely behind Lu Mingyu. More than a hundred horses galloped, like a whirlwind, and soon arrived outside the Fifth Prince's Mansion.

  The Mansion of the Fifth Prince has become a mess.

  Three days ago, the fifth prince died of poisoning in the Zongren Mansion. In the early hours of this morning, the fifth prince concubine committed suicide. In just a few days, the two masters closed their eyes and went west.

   The inner servants of the Fifth Prince's Mansion were all in a panic.

  The Yu family, who had already received the bereavement, went to the Fifth Prince's Mansion first. The leader was Yu Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel. Yu Shangshu was getting old, he lost his beloved daughter, his face was miserable, and he barely managed to not lose his honor.

   Mrs. Yu and other female relatives surrounded the corpse of the fifth prince concubine, their eyes were swollen, and they could not cry.

When   Lu Mingyu arrived, it was such a chaotic scene.

   The Yu family members, old and young, were immersed in grief, crying loudly. No one knelt down to salute.

   Now is not the time to count on etiquette.

  Lu Mingyu stepped forward and glanced over Yu's dead white face.

   Mr. Yu has an elegant temperament, almost cowardly, and is always at peace with everyone, and never holds grudges against anyone. Lu Mingyu hates Li Chang, but has a good impression of Yu. The two sisters-in-law didn't communicate much, and they were friendly when they met.

  Unexpectedly, today she will come to see Yu's last journey.

   Mrs. Yu almost fainted from crying.

  Lu Mingyu sighed inwardly, leaned down, and helped Mrs. Yu: "Ms. Yu couldn't think about it for a while, and committed suicide. It's a pity that Yu died at such a young age."

   "Madam's grief, I feel the same. It's just that the deceased is dead. No matter how sad the living are, they can't open the eyes of the deceased and bring them back to life. Please take care of your body, Madam."

How could Mrs. Yu listen to these light comforts, she continued to cry loudly: "My poor child! If I knew that today, the imperial decree granted marriage on that day, the Yu family tried to anger the emperor and refused the marriage. You are so young, you are dead. In the future, there will be no one who will give you incense!"

  The Yu family had no children, and Li Chang had no sons. Without heirs, naturally no one worships incense, kowtows and burns paper.

   Mrs. Yu cried more and more sadly.

Lu Mingyu said in a low voice, "My condolences, Madam. My younger brother and sister are gone like this, so she can't lose her incense and worship in the ground. When I return to the palace, I will ask for mercy from the mother and father, and let the Fifth Prince's House adopt a child and send five children away. The five brothers and sisters are buried. In the future, the five brothers will inherit the incense."

   Mrs. Yu cried and looked up in disbelief: "Is what the Crown Princess said true?"

   Yu Shangshu was very excited when he heard this: "Prince Concubine has a lot of money, and what she says will naturally count."

  Lu Mingyu would never be careful with Yu Shangshu who lost his beloved daughter. She looked at Yu Shangshu and solemnly promised: "What I said, of course it counts."

"The corpse of the fifth brother is in the ancestral mansion and will be brought back soon. It happened to be buried with the fifth brother and sister for seven days before being buried. The Li clan has a large number of people, so he chose a filial and honest child to adopt it under the name of the fifth brother and the fifth brother and sister. It can also comfort their spirits in heaven.”

   (end of this chapter)