Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 631: Fragrance (2)

   Chapter 631 Fragrant Elimination (2)

   Yu Shangshu heard the tears, and knelt down tremblingly: "The Crown Princess is gracious and kind, and the old minister is grateful."

  Li Chang made a big mistake, and it was unclear what was involved in the assassination of the prince. Husband and wife are one body, and Yu's situation is completely because of Li Chang.

   Even if Yu was alive, he could only be placed under house arrest in the Fifth Prince's Mansion for the rest of his life, without seeing the light of day.

  Lu Mingyu took the initiative to open his mouth and let the Fifth Prince's House adopt a child. Let the Yu family bear the incense in the ground. Yu Shangshu was very grateful for this kindness.

  Lu Mingyu personally helped Yu Shangshu and sighed: "My fifth brother and sister passed away like this, and I feel very sad and unhappy in my heart. That's all I can do for her."

  Yu Shangshu said with red eyes: "The maiden is so kind and virtuous, our Yu family is deeply impressed. In the future, if the madam has dispatches, the minister will do his best and never refuse."

  Lu Mingyu comforted Yu Shangshu softly, and then helped Mrs. Yu.

  After hearing that Mrs. Yu could adopt a child, the crying gradually stopped, and her red and swollen eyes kept thanking her.

  Lu Mingyu is not hard-hearted, and seeing the appearance of Yu Shangshu and his wife is not a good feeling.

   The hateful and hateful Li Chang, who deserves a thousand knives, died when he died, but the Yu family went to Huangquan with him.

  Lu Mingyu calmed down, called the steward of the Fifth Prince's Mansion, and instructed: "Immediately set up the mourning hall, put the fifth prince's concubine in a shroud, and put it in the coffin. Also, send the funeral letter to each mansion."

   Stewards took orders one after another.

   Eunuch Xiaochun hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "The servant dared to speak, please don't blame the maiden. The emperor issued an order, and the palaces of the princes and princesses have been sealed. Is it inappropriate to go out now to send funeral letters?"

  Lu Mingyu said in a deep voice, "The fifth siblings just left, and the aunts and sisters have to give her a ride. Follow my orders, and I will take the blame in the palace."

   Eunuch Xiaochun answered in a low voice, and withdrew, calling the servants to deliver the funeral letter.

  Prince Palace and Princess Palace are all nearby.

   Within half an hour, everyone came to the door.

   The first person to come to the mansion was the fourth prince and his wife.

  The fourth prince was imprisoned for a few days and was a little haggard.

The fourth prince concubine Zhao Yu's eyes were red, and when she saw the Yu family lying in the coffin, tears fell immediately: "The fifth brother and sister are really stupid, it is better to die than to live. What did she do with her suicide."

  Lu Mingyu only sighed.

   Soon, the eldest prince and his wife, Princess Hui'an, Princess Jing'an, and others all came. Regardless of the depth of their friendship, everyone was in a heavy mood at this time. The eldest prince concubine red eyes. Princess Hui'an, Princess Jing'an, covered her eyes with a handkerchief, and began to cry in a low voice.

  Lu Mingyu naturally became the person in charge. Even the eldest prince and the fourth prince retreated silently, with no intention of fighting.

  The last person to come was Meng Yunluo, the third prince concubine.

  Meng Yunluo's face was pale and bloodless, and tears streamed down her face. Walking was a little staggering. After entering the mourning hall, he rushed to the coffin and cried bitterly: "Fifth younger brother and sister, why did you just leave like this!"

  After the death of the Yu family, the one who felt the most empathy was Meng Yunluo.

   Both Li Hao brothers were imprisoned in the ancestral mansion. She and Yu were locked in their respective houses. She didn't know what happened in the Zongren Mansion. After more than a month of anxiety, what was waiting was the news of Li Chang's death and the sad news of Yu's suicide.

  The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

  Meng Yunluo lost her heart at this moment, only full of fear and fear. Lying on the coffin, crying to the death.

  Lu Mingyu didn't take the opportunity to fall into the trap, only glanced at Meng Yunluo.

   Zhao Yu used to be at odds with Meng Yunluo. At this time, seeing Meng Yunluo crying pitifully, she felt uncomfortable and leaned over to help: "Sister-in-law three, don't cry too hard. If you hurt your body, what can you do in the future!"

   Meng Yunluo cried: "The fifth brother and the fifth younger brother and sister are dead, and His Highness is locked in the ancestral mansion. I don't know when I will be able to return. What's the point of me living like this."

   Everyone looked at Lu Mingyu subconsciously.

  Lu Mingyu didn't say anything.

   Meng Yunluo has nothing to fear, she is looking at the face of the Yu family and doesn't want to make trouble in the Yu family's mourning hall.


   An hour later.

   "Reporting to the Crown Princess, the Prince of Dongping has sent His Fifth Highness back." Eunuch Xiaochun reported with red eyes.

   He served Li Chang for many years. Li Chang's temperament is dark and twisted, and he often vents his anger in private. He was frightened and hated. Something happened to Li Chang and he died in the Zongren's mansion, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. The whole person floated lightly in the air, and no one landed.

  Lu Mingyu nodded slightly and went out first.

   The eldest prince and the fourth prince immediately went out to greet him. Princess Hui'an and Princess Jing'an took a step slower and went out together. Meng Yunluo cried and fainted, and was helped to rest in the wing room.

   The eldest princess and the fourth prince were last.

   "What a sin." The eldest prince's voice was hoarse and obscure: "It was fine more than a month ago, but it suddenly went away."

   and Li Hao, who haven't been released yet. Looking at this situation, Li Chang's death, nine out of ten, was implicated by Li Hao.

   No matter how blunt Zhao Yu was, she wouldn't say these things after Li Chang died, she just sighed in a low voice, "Poor my five younger siblings, after marrying into the Fifth Prince's Mansion, I haven't had a good life for a few days."

   The eldest princess gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "If you want me to tell you, you should live well. Why should a man do something wrong and a woman will die."

   Zhao Yu sighed: "It's all the time, what's the use of talking about it."

   Yu's corpse was cold, just waiting to be buried with Li Chang's corpse.

  Lu Mingyu and his party greeted the front door.

   What came into view was a very large carriage. The Duke of Dongping, who was standing beside the carriage, was still wrapped in layers of gauze on the bridge of his nose, only showing his head and face, looking strange and a bit ridiculous.

   Everyone was confined for a few days. Moreover, Emperor Yongjia issued a seal order, and very few people knew what happened in the clan's mansion.

   The appearance of the Duke of Dongping surprised everyone.

   "Uncle Wang, who dares to do something to you?" the eldest prince asked with a frown.

The Duke of Dongping didn't want to say more, and answered vaguely: "It's okay not to mention it." Then, his voice sank: "The emperor has a decree, ordering me to send the fifth prince back and be buried with the fifth prince and concubine. "

   No matter how angry or hated, Li Chang is also his own son. When people die and debts are eliminated, everything is destroyed, and they must be buried in a good life.

   The carriage door was opened, and the four personal soldiers got off the carriage carrying the coffin.

  The eldest prince and the fourth prince held the coffin and burst into tears.

   The eldest princess and others also covered their eyes with handkerchiefs and sobbed softly.

   Only Lu Mingyu looked calm and almost silent, and a pair of bright eyes passed over the heavy coffin.

  Li Chang, you failed Li Hao's trust in your previous life. This life and death are in his hands, and it can be seen that there is God's will in the dark.

   (end of this chapter)