Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 652: Madness (2)

   Chapter 652 Madness (2)

  Emperor Yongjia lay upright on the bed, looking up at the eldest son Li Yi, who was less than three feet above him with a crazy smile, his heart sank into the cold pool.

   The eldest prince laughed for a long time before stopping a little.

   He went around the screen and clicked on the dumb points of General Liang and Eunuch Liu. One by one, the people were dragged over and placed side by side by the screen. After thinking about it, I felt uneasy, so I simply clicked the faint points.

  Emperor Yongjia exhausted his strength and turned his head to the side, his eyes flashing with a cold light of rage.

  If eyes could kill, the eldest prince would have been smashed to pieces by a thousand knives.

   After finishing all this, the eldest prince went to the dragon couch again.

   He looked at Emperor Yongjia's furious, ferocity, as if he wanted to eat people, and a tremor mixed with indescribable excitement surged into his heart.

   "Royal Father," the eldest prince leaned down slightly and looked at Emperor Yongjia with a cruel and indifferent smile: "Royal Father must have never thought that such a day would come!"

  Yes, I didn't expect it.

  I didn't expect to raise a beast like you!

  Emperor Yongjia was short of breath, his chest heaved violently, his face was filled with blood, and it was scary red.

The eldest prince clearly saw what he wanted to say in Emperor Yongjia's eyes, grinned silently, and laughed again: "I am the eldest son of the father, although I am a concubine, I have been the father's favorite since I was a child. The father teaches I know how to read, teach me martial arts, and take me on horseback for archery."

   "I remember all of these. I always thought that the royal father loved me so much, and this great Wei will surely pass it on to me in the future."

   "I never imagined that! The father turned his head and made Li Jing the crown prince. It turns out that the love for so many years is fake. In the father's heart, the first son is the most important."

   It is only natural for the eldest son to inherit the family business. What's wrong with me?

  Emperor Yongjia stared at Li Yi, the fire in his eyes was about to burst out.

The eldest prince ignored it and said to himself: "Afterwards, I will follow you into battle to kill the enemy. Every time, I will do my best to fight with all my might. I want you to see that I am your best and most outstanding. Son. This crown prince should belong to me."

   "Unexpectedly, I suffered a defeat and injured my right leg. Even if I got my life back, I became a lame man."

   "In your eyes, I've become a waste. You think I'm ashamed. If I didn't insist on being a government official, you wouldn't want me to go out to see people at all."

  Damn stuff! I feel sorry for you, I hope you take good care of your body.

  Emperor Yongjia's eyes were almost congested.

The eldest prince raised the corner of his mouth and laughed nervously: "Li Hao is just a **** who is a dancer, why does the royal father prefer him everywhere? And Li Xian, except for a flattering mouth, what is he better than me? powerful?"

   "The crown prince is also a soft-hearted and merciless wretch. If he hadn't married a powerful crown prince, and if he hadn't had the support of the Lu family, how could he be the crown prince!"

   "I'm not convinced! I, Li Yi, are the Crown Prince of Wei, and the dragon chair should have been mine."

   When the eldest prince spoke of his excitement, he suddenly stretched out his hand and restrained Emperor Yongjia's neck.

  Emperor Yongjia felt a pain in his throat and had difficulty breathing. Unspeakable panic and anger swept through.

  Li Yi, you are crazy!

  You are going to kill your father!

   The eldest prince was really going crazy, and his subordinates continued to exert force, watching Emperor Yongjia's face turn purple when he couldn't breathe, and a strange happiness and self-satisfaction surged in his heart. His face was also contorted.

   "You are high above the ground and don't take me seriously. You must have never thought that one day, it will fall into the hands of my trash son! Hahahaha!"

   The eldest prince suddenly burst into laughter.

let me go!

   Inverse son!

  Let me go!

   There were sharp pains in the throat, and the eyes had begun to turn black. With the shadow of death shrouded, Emperor Yongjia struggled with all his strength. It is probably that when people are in a desperate situation, they will burst out with strange energy.

  Emperor Yongjia, who had been unable to move, raised his right hand and grabbed the eldest prince's wrist with difficulty.

  The eldest prince was stimulated by this move, without hesitation, he increased the strength in his hand, and grinned.

  Emperor Yongjia was tapped in a dumb hole and wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound.

After    about Mozhancha Kungfu, Emperor Yongjia finally stopped struggling, and his right hand slowly slipped. A face that was turned purple, forever fixed on the expression of anger, sorrow and despair.

   Those eyes were still staring straight at the face that was close at hand.

   The eldest prince was still laughing wildly.

   didn't notice at all, the person under the palm was no longer breathing.

   After an unknown amount of time, the First Prince finally reacted.

  He lowered his head and looked at Emperor Yongjia with a dead face, his whole person trembled, his mind went blank.

   What the **** did he do just now?

   He just wanted to question Emperor Yongjia, how could he accidentally kill his father?

   The eldest prince had a white face and put his hand in the breath of Emperor Yongjia. It was cold there, and there was no breath. Those eyes almost bulged out. Still staring straight at him.

   The panic and panic reached the extreme, but the eldest prince calmed down. He reached out and roughly closed Emperor Yongjia's eyes. Then, turn the Yongjia Emperor's head inward.

   Then, he groped around Emperor Yongjia's pillow and found a dagger.

  Emperor Yongjia's habit of carrying a dagger with him has not changed. They were all lying on the bed, unable to move, with a dagger hidden under the pillow.

  The eldest prince pulled out the dagger, took a few breaths, gritted his teeth, and walked to Eunuch Liu. A dagger pierced Eunuch Liu's shoulder.

   Intense pain woke Liu Gonggong from the drug. Because he was hit with a dumb point, Eunuch Liu screamed hard, but couldn't make a sound. The blood hole in the shoulder kept spewing blood. He quickly dyed his shirt red.

   Eunuch Liu burst into tears in pain.

  Under the bright candlelight, the eldest prince's face was cold and terrifying: "Eunuch Liu, where is the royal seal of the father?"

   Eunuch Liu tried his best to open his eyes, moved his mouth, but still couldn't make a sound.

   The eldest prince said coldly: "I'll untie your dumb hole now. If you dare to shout, I'll kill you with one knife."

   Liu Gonggong's face was dead white, but he did not dare to make any difference. His eyes kept drifting towards the dragon couch. However, from his point of view, he could only see the silhouette of Emperor Yongjia, but could not see his face clearly.

  I don't know what happened to the emperor.

   The eldest prince has gone crazy, and he dared to use a knife in the Wenhua Palace. He wouldn't have the guts to attack Emperor Yongjia!

   Eunuch Liu was shocked by this terrible guess.

   The eldest prince stretched out his hand to untie Eunuch Liu's dumb hole.

   Eunuch Liu screamed without hesitation: "Someone..."

Before the third word    could be said, the sharp dagger cut through Eunuch Liu's throat, and blood splattered everywhere.

   Poor father-in-law Liu slumped to the ground.

  The knife-wielding guard outside the bedroom was already alerted, and rushed to the side of the bedroom, knocking on the door: "Eunuch Liu! What happened!"

   (end of this chapter)