Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 94: Shane

   Chapter 94 Thanks

  Wenhua Hall.

  The second prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince came together to give thanks.

   "My father has worked hard for my son's marriage, and my son has thanked my father for his grace." The second prince raised his brows and smiled like a spring breeze.

  Emperor Yongjia smiled and glanced at his second son who had his wish fulfilled. The sullenness in his heart had disappeared at this time: "I finally see your smiling face."

  Sons are debt collectors, and it is only natural for a father to worry about his son’s marriage.

  The second prince smiled pleasantly: "My father likes to see my sons and ministers laughing, and my sons and ministers will laugh for my father every day in the future."

  Emperor Yongjia laughed and sighed inwardly.

   This bastard. Before, he always put on a respectful stinky face in front of him, but now that he is happy, he is willing to show a smile to his own father.

   The fourth prince also had a beaming look on his face: "My son, I didn't expect that the father emperor issued a decree so early to give his son a marriage. Many thanks to the father father."

  Emperor Yongjia smiled and teased the fourth prince: "You are not in a hurry, your imperial grandmother is in a hurry, and she has urged me several times. I thought that it would be better to give your brothers three marriages together."

   Empress Dowager Zhao is partial to her parents' family, and it is not a matter of one or two days.

   Qin was the aunt and niece of the Empress Dowager Zhao. Empress Dowager Zhao took pity on this aunt and niece and married her as a concubine for her son.

   Emperor Yongjia sat on the dragon chair, and the women in the inner courtyard upgraded one after another. The Qin family became the Qin concubine, and the concubine became the fourth prince. With Empress Dowager Zhao favoring, the fourth prince is also favored.

  The marriage of the fourth prince, Empress Dowager Zhao has long planned. Her family's grandniece, Zhao Yu, is a few months older than the fourth prince, and her age is just right. This is also a happy event for kissing.

   In the past, the fourth prince was still young, so it was inconvenient for the Empress Dowager Zhao to open her mouth.

   After Emperor Yongjia returned to Beijing this year, Empress Dowager Zhao mentioned it no less than five or six times. Emperor Yongjia was a dutiful son, and Zhao Yu was also brought up by him. There's nothing wrong with it other than being stupid. Emperor Yongjia issued the imperial decree together.

  The fourth prince was very happy with this marriage, and asked expectantly, "Then am I going to marry the second brother and the third brother?"

  Emperor Yongjia laughed dumbly: "How can this be done? Your second brother and third brother will get married next year at the latest. You'll have to wait a year and a half to say the least."

  The fourth prince deliberately showed an extremely disappointed expression, which made Emperor Yongjia laugh.

   In a harmonious atmosphere, the third prince, Li Hao, seemed extraordinarily quiet and silent.

  Emperor Yongjia restrained his smile and said to the second prince and the fourth prince first: "You two both step down, I have something to say to Ahao alone."

  The fourth prince knew what to do, so he didn't ask any more questions.

  The second prince didn't say anything, just smiled and glanced at Li Hao.

  Li Hao: "…"

   A trace of anger flashed in Li Hao's black eyes. He clenched his fist subconsciously, and the heartless words from Lu Mingyu's indifferent face flashed in his mind, and the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

   There is only a heart full of desolation.

  Emperor Yongjia frowned slightly and gave the second prince a warning look.

  The second prince smiled calmly and resigned.

  The fourth prince and the second prince left the Wenhua Hall together. The fourth prince leaned over to the second prince and whispered, "Second brother, I broke a cold sweat for you just now. I'm really worried that the third brother can't help it..."

  The second prince raised his eyebrows.

   The fourth prince is so clever, and his words changed immediately: "The royal father has ordered the marriage, and the marriage has been decided. In fact, the third brother's marriage is really good."

   The second prince's eyes flashed, and he said lightly, "Daughter of the Marquis of Guangping, it's not bad."

   This is the marriage that Su Zhaorong tried so hard to find.

   In the future, let the mother and son "get it" slowly!


   "Ahao, come here."

  Emperor Yongjia commanded in a deep voice.

   Li Hao replied in a low voice, took a few steps forward, and was six feet away from Emperor Yongjia.

  Emperor Yongjia glanced over Li Hao's thin and gloomy handsome face, and said lightly, "It's not that I don't love you. I was also happy for you when you wanted to marry Miss Lu Si."

   "But I didn't expect that you and your second brother like the same woman."

   "King Xingyang politely rejected my proposal on the grounds of recruiting a son-in-law. It doesn't matter if I lose face, but your brothers turned against a woman, and I am very angry."

"I beat up your brothers that day, so that you can recuperate and reflect on yourself. I have already thought about choosing another beautiful woman for you. I never thought about it, your second brother came to me again, saying that Miss Lu Si had already agreed to the marriage. "

"I asked the King of Xingyang, and the King of Xingyang also answered. I am the Son of Heaven and my father, so I have to fulfill my son's wishes. I have not let you down by asking myself. Su Zhaorong wanted to marry the daughter of the Hou Guangping for you, and I also agreed. already."

   "Daughter of the Meng family, have you ever wronged you?"

  Li Hao pursed his lips and replied in a low voice, "Ms. Meng's family background and appearance are all first-class. This marriage will not humiliate the servants at all."

  Emperor Yongjia's expression sank, and his voice became a little colder: "Since you have not insulted you, who are you showing such a deadly appearance to you?"

  Li Hao was speechless for a moment.

  Emperor Yongjia's voice sounded in Li Hao's ear: "Today, I will do my father's responsibility and teach you well."

"The marriage is undecided. You have the heart. How you fight with your second brother is your business. I can turn a blind eye. Now, it is your second brother who has taken the lead, making Lu's father and daughter nod in response. next marriage."

   "If you lose, you have to admit it."

  No, he did not lose to the second prince.

  He lost...a secret he couldn't fathom.

  Li Hao only felt that his heart was desolate, and a cold wind was blowing from nowhere. His internal organs were blown through by the cold wind, and there was no temperature at all.

  Emperor Yongjia was an emperor of iron and blood. He led troops into battle and was used to life and death. When he hardened his heart, he was equally condensed and sharp towards his own son: "Don't show such a despised and mournful appearance. Otherwise, I will look down on you in the first place."

   Li Hao's dark eyes darkened, and he cheered up and replied: "What the father taught is."

  Emperor Yongjia snorted: "I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the palace. You don't even have a smile on such a great event as the imperial decree conferring marriage. You think everyone is blind!"

   "Put this face away for me immediately. Go to the palace banquet happily later, so that everyone can see that you are happy for this marriage."

"Especially Concubine Meng Gui, she has always loved Meng Yunluo. If you let her see your virtue, how could she not be annoyed? If you talk to Mrs. Guangping Hou in private, the Meng family is dissatisfied, and they haven't married yet. Come here, there will be a gap first."

   "Is this what you want?"

The last sentence of    is like deafening.

   More like a basin of ice water poured on Li Hao's head.

  Li Hao's body shook, his eyes suddenly calm and clear, and he cupped his fists and said, "Father Emperor said yes. It was Erchen who lost his head and resented his second brother."

   "Thank you for your father's teaching, my son has already figured it out."

   (end of this chapter)