Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 174: Heavenly Fire Crow

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Four

Heavenly Fire Crow

Of course the fainted Gu Ya Lao Dao had no chance to refute. ☆☆So Huo Crow thought he agreed, and waved his sleeves and fanned out the row of old men kneeling in front of the temple. He squatted alone where Thunder had stood before his death, and kept groping with his right hand on the ground. After a while, he stopped his hand, frowning unconsciously, "Woman?"

For the past three days, Qi Huan has been in a state of depression, saying that women's minds are unpredictable, how does she feel that men are the one that is difficult to understand. She always felt that Mo Ye was weird these days, because he actually went to the ground to sleep every night? Every time Qi Huan fell asleep in the middle of the night, he had to wake up and pull up the quilt that was kicked on the ground.

Sure enough, without his body temperature, even the wonderful activity of sleeping became a bit boring. However, she couldn't pull her face down to call Mo Ye back, so after staying up these few nights, there were two big dark circles on her eyes.

When Qi Huan was about to take a bag of beauty sleep early this morning, Mo Ye suddenly pulled her out of the bed and had to get her up to eat his loving breakfast.

After eating, Mo Ye was pulled back by Minghui to discuss the so-called important things. Qi Huan wanted to go back to sleep for a while, but who knew that lying in bed would not feel anymore. Blame that **** man! ! Correct. It's all his fault.

Sitting bored by the pond, staring at the golden koi in the pond, Qi Huan remembered that a Tiandaoge disciple had told her a few days ago that this carp has been alive for no less than 500 years...presumably the taste should be too Not bad right.

For this koi that may become a dragon in the future, Qi Huan's only thought is whether its meat is as good as dragon scale carp. It is a good idea whether to braise it or steam it, and maybe save half for roasting.

Qi Huan's white and tender feet patted wildly in the water, swaying the calm water in circles. The koi was not afraid of her. It swam lazily around in the water, and then followed a group of palm-sized small carps. Obviously, the fish has not yet discovered that it has been classified as food and is listed on the menu.

Just when Qi Huan was in a daze at the fish, she didn't know when there was a man in red behind her, and the man did not speak, but looked at Qi Huan thoughtfully.

The man's flame-like robes were reflected in the water, Qi Huan turned his head to meet a pair of golden eyes. Those eyes seemed to be two whirlpools, absorbing all her attention instantly. The noisy bird calls on the tree stopped, and the itching sensation of the carp's tail fin on the foot was gone. Qi Huan only had those eyes, the golden eyes.

"What's your name?" the man asked, a little casual, but with a sense of inquiry.

"Qi Huan..." Qi Huan blinked and replied truthfully.

"Which school's disciple are you?"

"Qingyun faction."

"Who is your master?" Hearing the words Qingyun School, Huo Crow's brows suddenly frowned. He hated this school. Although this school was about to disappear soon, he still couldn't forget what happened at that time. Everyone in this school is crazy!


"Xing Kongzi?" Huo Crow paused for a moment. He had read the memory of Guya. There is no one named Xu Kongzi in the Qingyun school now, but he knew a Xukongzi... that person...

The memory suddenly stopped, and Huo Crow was surprised to find that he was **** like a zongzi. He tried to move his arm, but he didn't get rid of the gray net on his body.

Qi Huan moved his feet out of the pond, and stood barefoot on the bluestone path. A group of gray clouds was stepped on by her, her round and lovely little toes moved twice, and a glimmer of electricity flashed on the clouds.

Her eyes are clear, so she doesn't look a little confused.

"You recognize my master." Qi Huan used an affirmative sentence. Although the aura on this person is only for the tribulation period, but it can almost confuse her, I am afraid this person's cultivation level will not be low. If it weren't in the morning, Mo Ye ignored her opposition and forcibly painted a blood talisman on her body to wake her up, I am afraid it would be another situation now.

"The Xukongzi I know has no apprentice, who are you?" Huo Crow's face didn't show any expression of horror, as if being restrained by Qi Huan did not worry him.

"I'm really his apprentice, forget it if you don't believe it. Anyway. Have I offended you?" Qi Huan looked up and down the fire crow, he is very handsome, although he is not as good as Mo Ye, this is for sure, no one has Mo Ye Handsome! ! ! But she would never forget such a face as long as she saw it. However, Qi Huan can be sure that he does not know him.

"No, I just want to ask you something."

"Oh, you can ask." Qi Huan's eyes rolled, if she is not mistaken, she probably knows what this person is asking, but that has nothing to do with her. All the bad things that destroy the corpse are all done by a certain man. Qi Huan consciously erased the scene of thunder being sucked up by the ground net from his mind. Anyway, she was innocent.

"Have you ever seen a thunder beast called Thunder?" Huo Crow stared straight at Qi Huan. As long as Qi Huan lied, he would definitely be able to see that there had never been any mistake in his eyes.

"No." Qi Huan shook his head, saying very sincerely.

Fire Crow's eyes widened, trying to see something. But this time he was disappointed. Qi Huan had no panic, no guilt, no worry, there was nothing in her eyes. How could this be? He could see nothing but Qi Huan being very curious about him.

"Then, why did you come here." Although the woman in front of her may be telling the truth, she has the cultivation base of an immortal after all. You can also tie yourself up. Of course Huo Crow would not treat Qi Huan as a harmless little woman. In the immortal realm, there are no distinctions between men and women. Although the four gods and generals in the fairy realm are all, most of them are among the twelve day generals. But Huo Crow will never forget that there was a woman in the fairy world who kicked the Second God to the nose and mouth.

He is not a person of the Second God General, so he will never underestimate a woman.

"Well... my things were taken away, I want to get them back."

"Can you tell me what it is?" If Qi Huan didn't lie, at least Huo Crow couldn't see that she was lying. That proves that she seems to have nothing to do with Thunder's death. But after asking this question, Huo Crow suddenly felt Qi Huan's expression a bit strange.

"Of course, you...you should know this thing, it's called Diwang." Qi Huan laughed very innocently, but Huo Crow seemed to feel cold all over.

Earth Net, the top fairy artifact given to Thunder by the master, it is said that this thing is left by the Lord of the Six Paths.

"Your name is Qi Huan..." By the way, how could he forget that when he crawled out of the Heavenly Path and Heavenly Stele, the first name he heard was Qi Huan. I heard that Qi Huan created the Tower of Thunder, killed the four sacred beasts, replaced the six daos, and recombined the six dao orders. Six celestial monuments were shattered, and they were martyred.

I heard that Qi Huan committed suicide for a man. I heard that she was a woman!

Huo Crow was startled, and suddenly felt a trace of aura that didn't belong here, the cold and cold, like a tarsus maggot, sticking to his back, that breath made him feel fear.

The rigorous fire crow, who had been **** by the ground net, suddenly gained so much strength that it almost broke the ground net. Qi Huan didn't pay attention for a while, was taken aback by a strong pulling force, and relaxed his control of the ground net, allowing Fire Crow to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

After leaving the ground net. Fire Crow didn't have time to take care of Qi Huan, but Qi Huan was very self-aware, draped a ground net on himself, and drove the clouds under his feet to hide from a distance to watch the excitement.

The fire crow turned around and saw a man wearing a white Confucian robe with a blue and white porcelain plate in his hand. On the porcelain plate was a roast chicken that seemed to spread its wings and soar.

The adjective that can't blame the fire crow is weird. Qi Huan really said that the posture of the roast chicken is wrong, and she will never eat it. Therefore, this chicken has been specially treated by Mo Ye before being turned into a roast chicken ~lightnovelpub.net~.

Although the scene before him looked funny, Huo Crow did not miss the blood flashing in the man's eyes and the suffocating coldness of his body.

As one of the twelve generals, few people can make him feel this way. Before the battle for the first time, Huo Crow felt terrified. He didn't know if he could go back alive.

"Heavenly Fire Crow, are you looking for Thunder Beast?" Mo Ye looked at Fire Crow lightly, and threw the graceful roast chicken to Qi Huan. Qi Huan happily took the roast chicken, snapped off one of the wings, took a bite and narrowed his eyes contentedly.

It's not that she doesn't feel nervous, it's really that she doesn't have the strength to deal with the person in front of her. Didn't Mo Ye also say, he is a celestial general, he is only a fifth heaven.

In fact, Qi Huan has never had the consciousness of the so-called Lord of the Six Paths. She only knew that as long as Mo Ye was by her side, she didn't need to worry about anything. She was originally a little woman, Qi Huan has never denied this, but there is only one man in the sky and on the earth that she can rely on.

While she was eating her wings, Huo Crow and Mo Ye finally moved. The two men's moves are not fancy, but they are really frightening. Huo Crow was originally a demon repair, his attack was quite terrifying, and he was able to disrupt the surrounding space with one punch and kick.

Mo Ye's attack seemed a little erratic. Huo Crow punched over, and he instantly changed a place, but the force of his counterattack was really...

Qi Huan, who was watching the game, almost rushed up and pulled Mo Yepa aside, she would play for Mo Ye. It’s just that the chicken on the plate hasn’t finished eating, she is a little bit reluctant, it’s definitely not that she is timid


The chapter to make up for. . . sigh. . . begging. . . ticket. . .