Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 180: illusion

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty


Stayed in the city lord mansion for one night. @

. . Not only did no one come to pick up fox skins, but two beautiful maids came to wait on Qi Huan and them. Although it seems that these two women are more like watching Qi Huan and the little fox, some people give tea to thump their legs, so that fools feel uncomfortable on such a good day.

The possibility of running out of the city lord's mansion is not impossible. The key is that if they ran away, who knows whether the city lord of Nirvana will be wanted by the city lord who will meet him in the future. Although the kitten is rather stupid, its news is quite well informed. It is said that Xuesha, the lord of Nirvana City, is one of the twelve immortal generals, and his influence in the immortal world is very large. And with her stunning beauty and great strength, she was called the first person under the gods.

If it is placed in the past, let alone the first person under the gods, even if it is the gods, she will not be afraid. The key is that he is now a polished commander, and something went wrong, but it was really a mess.

"Hey, you are also a nine-tailed sky fox anyway, don't be so embarrassed." Qi Huan really wanted to throw him out as he looked at the little fox shivering in his bed. How can this fox become more courageous and daring. In fact, the little fox had never been brave before, but the one who was persecuted in the past was Qi Huan.

"I would rather not be a fox." When life and death are at stake, who cares about race glory, he wants to save his life.

The kitten showed a small golden head from the quilt, and suddenly saw the little fox staring at it viciously, blinking very innocently, "Don't look at me, I will only become a necklace."

The discouraged little fox lay flat on the bed, looking at Qi Huan with pitiful big eyes, Qi Huan was indifferent. In the end, the little fox simply lifted the quilt and sat on the bed and started crying.

The deafening cry and the sprayed tears made Qi Huan feel a pain in his heart. You say you cry and cry, why run to the bed to cry. Tears flowed like running water, the bed was wet, where do you sleep at night!

"I said..." Before Qi Huan said what he said, there was another cry. The little fox seemed to feel that there was not enough space to display, and he rolled around the bed. This is all right, the whole waterwheel is moving.

"Okay, don't fake crying. When the city lord leaves here, I can take you away." Qi Huan rolled his eyes, wouldn't she bully her for not using magic methods other than thunder. Really when she was a fairy tale, her tears flowed like running water, and he was not afraid of crying out that little water on his body.

Sure enough, Qi Huan promised that the little fox's tears disappeared immediately. It disappeared faster than the thunderstorm that summer, and by the way, it also included a smile brighter than a rainbow.

With Qi Huan's ability to control Jiuyou Xie Lei, it is not difficult to leave here. The key is that the city lord here is a heavenly general. As long as she uses thunder and lightning, she will definitely be discovered. At the time, it was difficult to run, but the city lord would not stay in the city forever, so their chances were still great.

If he didn't have this ability, how could Mo Ye dare to send Qi Huan to the immortal world alone.

On the first day, I heard that the lord was in the mansion.

The next day, I heard that the city lord was still in the mansion.

The third day and the fourth day passed, Qi Huan had been drying the sheets for four days, and the city lord hadn't even gone out yet. It can only be said that the original house is not the characteristic of modern people.



"Hey..." There are three in a row in the house, sighing constantly. They have been waiting for several days. When will they be tall? How to live such a life is frightening. It always feels like a duck filled by people, and it will be cleaned into the oven soon.

Finally, on the fifth day, they heard that the city lord was going to pick up a distinguished guest, and they finally found a chance.

Fortunately, this city lord is generous enough, and the place for them is quite spacious. The most important thing is that it is very remote. Usually, no one will show up here except for the two maids. It was that the two women were too gloomy, and they both stayed outside the house even when they were sleeping.

Randomly found a reason, and finally got them away. Who knows, before Qi Huan walked a few steps away, he heard a gloomy voice behind him, "What are you going to do?"

Qi Huan took a halt, turned his head stiffly, and saw the two maidservants who had clearly been taken away by him standing behind him, staring at her with a cold face, in fact they were mainly staring at the fox in her arms .

"Uh...I think..."

"The order of the city lord, you are not allowed to leave the house for half a step." Yes, this is good, they have already indicated that they will be under house arrest.

Just sit and wait? This is obviously not in line with Qi Huan's character, so after Qi Huan's brilliant smile, the two four-day maids found that their feet could not move suddenly.

They just wanted to yell, and two greasy and fragrant chicken legs were accurately stuffed into their mouths.

"My legs~" The little fox found his chicken legs ran into someone's mouth, and his tail stood up with anger. Grinding his teeth while staring at the kitten.

The kitten was frightened by the ferocious eyes of the little fox, and almost fell off Qi Huan's head, muttering, "That's a chicken leg~"

There is a ground network. The two maids couldn't get away at all. They could only watch a slap-sized fox with murderous eyes carrying a golden tiger and banging them on their heads.

"I don't see it, you're pretty strong." After knocking the person out, the little fox poked at the half-dead kitten who was treated as a brick and foamed at the mouth.

Beasts, that's good. Whoever has the big fist is the boss. So, who made his own cultivation level higher than that of the cat.

Just in case, Qi Huan slammed two thunders down specially. It seemed that the two maidservants were quite faint, and then dragged them by the arms to their own room.

When she left, she hadn't forgotten to make a thunder lock to tie the two together, hoping to delay it for a while.

Originally thought of being able to use Thunder Escape directly in the city lord's mansion, but she tried twice and found that there was a powerful barrier here that prevented her from using the power of lightning in her body.

No way, she can only go out.

After tidying up the clothes that had just been taken off from the maidservant, the little fox squeezed her face twice. After a while, her little face was changed to that of one of the maidservants.

One of the natural abilities of the nine-tailed celestial fox is the ability to transform thousands of looks. The little fox is just doing a little trick.

After hiding the two little things, Qi Huan walked out of the luxurious "prison" where he had been locked up for five days.

Probably the reason to meet the distinguished guest, there were not many guards in the city lord's mansion, Qi Huan kept on that face, and was all in peace all the way. She had already reached the door, and the two guards did not stop her, and even saluted her.

It seems that the status of these two maids should not be low in this city lord's mansion. Qi Huan didn't even know that the two maids sent by the city lord were her close girls. Their position in the mansion is absolutely unique.

Seeing to leave. Qi Huan took a long sigh of relief, and it seemed that there was no difficulty in his imagination.

Who knows, just as that crippling kick was about to step out, a voice suddenly rang from behind, "Xiaolan, where are you going?"

Qi Huan's whole person stiffened because of this voice. Unfortunately, it was that true monarch. However, the aura on his body has been imitating that maidservant, so he probably won't be discovered.

Qi Huan's expression quickly returned to normal. She turned her head and just watched that real gentleman ran over with a smile, with a hospitable expression.

"The city lord sent me out for errands." Qi Huan said, learning from the woman's voice.

"That's it, it makes you tired. There is nothing wrong with the woman who was caught in the last few days, right?"

"No." Because he was afraid of showing his horse's feet, Qi Huan's words could be reduced or reduced. Moreover, the woman originally spoke word by word.

"The adult came in a few days. After he finished reading, I will deal with that woman. Thanks to you these days. Hey, why didn't Xiao Zi follow you?" Xiao Zi should be that one. Maid. Qi Huan blinked and dealt with that woman? Isn't this person talking about himself?

"She stayed there, I have to leave beforehand." If you say too much, you will lose, and if you stay and listen to a few words from him, if you can't hold it back, you will be prone to lawsuits.

"Oh, be careful." The true monarch also seemed to find that his hot face was sticking to his cold ass, smiled weirdly, and stood on the street, waving at Qi Huan.

"Look, thanks to my cleverness, otherwise everyone will be finished." Turning the corner, Qi Huan's pace slowed down. The little fox didn't know how he crawled from his sleeve to Qi Huan's chest, and his little head came out of his chest. , Trembling little ears.

"Yeah, clever fox. Can you tell me where we should go next?"

"Don't that stupid cat know that, hey, don't pretend to be dead, just say it." The little fox grabbed the cat's pendant, and cracks appeared on the original tiger-shaped pendant. The more the little fox pulled , The more cracks there are. Is it silently protesting? Qi Huan thought embarrassedly that when the little fox bullied him, he didn't seem to stop him.

Seeing that the kitten didn't speak, the little fox took the pendant, grinned maliciously, and then licked it up. I saw the golden pendant instantly turned blue, and the cat’s whimper came out in a low voice, "Woo~~~~~You two are partnering to bully, woo~~~ I’m not with you gone."

Hearing the words, Qi Huan quickly slapped the little fox's paws, and comforted him with a pendant, "Hey, don't be familiar with him. I'll beat him for you in a while."

"You lie, woo, you two are not good people."

...I just found out now, doesn't it feel a bit late? Qi Huan shrugged, "Or, first tell me where to go around here?"

"I'm not going with you anymore." The kitten answered the question.

Qi Huan clenched the necklace with a smile, grandma's, I'm done making trouble for the girl, dare to say not to go with me, you will take advantage of it! In this life, no one dares to take advantage of her. "Kitten, don’t you know, I actually like animal specimens, especially small animals with golden fur~"

Qi Huan's gloomy voice sounded, and the pendant instantly faded to white. After shaking for a long time, it finally stopped, "Well, there is only one road out of the city of Silence City, and there is the Silence Mountain Range behind. If you want to avoid it temporarily It’s best to go into the mountains to hide."

Sure enough, the standard type of toast does not eat fine wine.

"Hey, I'll add some vegetables to you later." Qi Huan has always been such a pet with a stick for a sweet date.

"Well, it is very dangerous in the Silence Mountain Range. It is said that the space on the other side of the mountain range is very unstable. There are often entrances from all walks of life, and some monsters often run out of it."

It was obviously an unwise choice to walk from the main entrance. It was still possible to hide in the mountains. Qi Huan just turned his mind a little before making a decision. Besides, she never thought that she would be unlucky enough to run into any Warcraft.

I found a corner with no one, changed the clothes on her body, and asked the little fox to change her face, Qi Huan walked out swaggeringly.

Before she took a few steps~lightnovelpub.net~, she saw a bunch of fairy soldiers pouring in from outside the city gate, but those fairy soldiers were obviously not here to catch her. Those people lined up from the city gate to the city lord’s mansion. All the immortals who walked back and forth stopped on both sides.

Qi Huan was squeezed into the corner by the crowd, and looked out on tiptoes. It should be the distinguished guest greeted by the city lord.

I stretched my neck and waited for ten minutes. In the end, let alone the figure, I didn't even see a ghost. Just when Qi Huan turned to leave, a silver thread suddenly appeared in the sky. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that the so-called silver thread turned out to be an afterimage left by others.

When Qi Huan's gaze turned back, the man was already standing outside the city lord's mansion, and a silver light dissipated from his feet. From Qi Huan's angle, only one long silver hair hanging down to his waist and half of his face can be seen.

"Xiao Huan, don't watch it, go and go." The little fox was almost squeezed with his head, and he kept asking Qi Huan to go.

Qi Huan glanced at the person with some doubts. Although she couldn't see the front, she always felt that this person was a bit familiar, um...It should be said that the breath of him made her feel very familiar.

"Okay, don't bark." After Qi Huan turned around with the little fox, the silver-haired man suddenly turned his head. His narrow and cold eyes swept across the crowd, and did not see the person he wanted to see.

Is it an illusion? I always feel that I just heard his voice.

"Silver, let's go." Not long after, an enchanting woman suddenly appeared beside the man, who was the city lord Xuesha of Nirvana City. Xuesha's white lotus arm was wrapped around the man's arm, pulling him into the city lord's mansion.

boom! The open door of the City Lord's Mansion was closed, covering all the curious eyes outside.


Title: "Ronghua Return"

Author: Mu Aqua

Introduction: Her life has been occupied by others. She is proud and strong, looking for the willows in the mountains and rivers.