Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 182: Will meet again

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two

Will meet again

Could it be that this one was also hunted down with himself. ※

wwwiquKe※I accidentally fell down here? The more Qi Huan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, otherwise, why would there be blood on his chest.

"How did you come to this mountain?" The man still maintained that position, but the murderous intent in his eyes was slightly slowed down, and Qi Huan's heartbeat returned to normal.

"It's coming in~" This is still a question, Qi Huan looked at the man with contempt.

"...Don't you know this is a forbidden area!" The man gritted his teeth. He spent three thousand years here, and he was about to succeed. As a result, the woman who suddenly fell from the air was defeated and almost died.

She can't solve her hatred even if she is strangled to death!

"There is no sign here, how would I know." Qi Huan said with confidence, since this is the age, enclosures have long been out of fashion. You say that this is a forbidden area is a forbidden area, who admits it!

"You, you..." The breath was unstable for a while, and the man vomited another mouthful of blood, then he tilted and fell unconscious on the ground.

Although Qi Huan thinks she has a bad heart, someone vomits blood and faints in front of her, and she can't let it go. Anyway, there are no policemen in the fairy world, and we are not afraid of being slapped by him.

"Hey. You're not dead, right." Leaning over to the man, he squatted down and prodded his shoulder with his finger, without responding. Poke his face again, still no response. "Isn't it really dead?" He just said a word, his temperament is too big. Qi Huan knelt on the ground with some worry, and put his face on the man's chest, wanting to hear if he still had a heartbeat.

Who knew that just after putting his ears on, the man's eyes suddenly opened, and in an instant, a dazzling golden light flashed in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" The man didn't get up, but looked at Qi Huan with some curiosity.

"I'm seeing if you are dead." Qi Huan replied subconsciously. I didn't notice at all, who was asking.

"Oh, how do you feel."

"There is no help." Even the heartbeat is gone, so I dig a hole early... "Ah! You, what are you, why..." Cheated the corpse? No way, I just scammed the corpse within five minutes after I died. I haven't done any preparations for the corpse, the corpse, the corpse, and the corpse. What are you doing in such a hurry?

"Are you a human or a corpse?" Although we don't engage in racial discrimination, we still have to stay away from zombies. In case of poisoning or something, in the future, once you have children with Mo Ye, half ghost and half zombie, you just think I feel hopeless in life. Squatting on the ground and moving two steps secretly, watching the man not paying attention, move two more steps.

"None of..." Qi Huan's fuss unexpectedly pleased the man, he was planning to kill her. Those who dare to break into here will have the best fate.

But this woman is a bit interesting, just listening to her words, the murderous intention in her heart is slowly dissipating. Moreover, he was holding a nine-tailed celestial fox in his arms, and a Qiongqi hanging from his neck. Even the eldest lady of the aristocratic family, I am afraid it is not so big.

Although the nine-tailed celestial fox was not a rare monster in ancient times, it is truly a unique existence in the sky and underground. There is only one adult nine-tailed celestial fox in the entire fairy world.

There are also Qiongqi, fierce beasts. As long as there are ugly places, they will give birth to fierce beasts. Their rarity is comparable to the four mythical beasts, and they grow extremely fast. If not for the fierce beasts, they are generally lazy. There is no safe place. Raising a fierce beast, and not being corroded by those grievances, is really extraordinary.

"Well, let's change the subject, what kind of fairy are you?" thought privately. This person should be a magic cultivator, with a cold temperament and a handsome appearance. Although the figure is not visible, it should be quite predictable. It is in full compliance with the aesthetic concept of Xiaomei. Of course, although she is already a married woman, this does not prevent her from seeing beauties.

The man sat up and looked at Qi Huan and ignored her question, "Why did you come here?"

"Someone likes me, they want to grab me and become the wife of the village." Qi Huan shrugged, looking innocent.

"...There won't be a man who can't look away." The man's tone was determined, and Qi Huan almost didn't heal his breath.

This person's words are a bit too bad. What's wrong with her? Even if she doesn't look like a shameless flower, her husband does! Hmph, anyway, they are all in their own home, so they share resources~

"Huh, you definitely don't have a wife!" This kind of man who doesn't know how to be considerate to women and looks bad-tempered is definitely no one wants.

The man snorted and did not answer Qi Huan's words. He actually sat down cross-legged and began to practice. In the ground that Qi Huan could not see, a wave of tyrannical aura gathered under the man's x and rushed directly into his body.

After a while, the man slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath. This time I really lost, but it was the first time I didn't want to kill or vent.

Looking at Qi Huan, who was sitting on the side boringly, squatting on the ground and making a snowman, the man's eyes flashed. Do you want to take her back? She still doesn't know her identity, and the fox she is carrying is a bit troublesome. However, it was the first time he met such a different woman in so many years.

It was not disturbed by the breath of his body, and was able to directly touch his body.

Staring at Qi Huan for a long time, Qi Huan didn’t notice that she was making a snowman with all her heart. There is nothing fun about making a snowman. The point is that she can absorb the aura in the snow. Every time she absorbs a little, she feels The power of thunder and lightning in the body is a bit active.

Since the body was transformed with Jiuyouxie Lightning, Qi Huan can no longer absorb the general aura. Jiuyouxielei is very friendly to resentment yin qi and other violent auras, but Qi Huan cannot use resentment at all. Cultivation, if there is a male ghost in the family who radiates resentment everywhere, she should be healthy and improve.

In the world, she has tried many kinds of auras, except for the last time she absorbed the thunder and lightning power of the fairy beast thunder and cultivated for thousands of years, Qi Huan's cultivation base has never improved.

There are a few more people who practice thunder and lightning in this world. The last time she was able to kill Thunder was her luck. Next time, I'm afraid she didn't know how she died.

Absorb the skill of others and increase your skill. Still dead.

The thin thunder and lightning formed small nets that could not be detected by the naked eye, and the snow cages were joined together, and then Qi Huan was allowed to squeeze round and flatten them into small snowmen.

The man looked at Qi Huan for a while, then lowered his head to look at the snow under his x, reached out and grabbed a hand, and shook it, but soon the snow fell away from his fingers.

There is no stickiness at all, how did she do it?

"This fish is too ugly." I don't know when, the man squatted beside Qi Huan, frowning and pointing at the fish Qi Huan had just made.

Qi Huan first looked at the fish. He raised his head and glanced at the man again, and rolled his eyes angrily. Forget it, he is not familiar with the natives, and he has never seen a mermaid.

Of course, only Qi Huan believed that it was a mermaid. If the fish were to be placed in a fairy tale, it is estimated that after seeing the mermaid, the prince would go directly to the sea and drown.

Although thunder and lightning can be used to absorb the aura in the snow in a large area, Qi Huan found that the aura here carries a suffocating aura. Although it does not have a great impact on her, it is easy to absorb too much at one time and it will easily cause her Strong murderousness.

That's why she took it slowly. After the pile of snowmen, she felt that the aura she had absorbed had almost reached a certain degree of saturation.

"Hey, what's your name?" Qi Huan suddenly asked, watching the man seriously studying the seven dwarfs just piled up.


"My name is Qi Huan, and I said, can you take me up there." After all, this is the most important thing. Qi Huan didn't believe that she was a Putt, and she couldn't see how strong this person was from beginning to end.

Although it was easy when he came down, Qi Huan definitely didn't have the strength and courage to go up. He just couldn't count on these two, so he could only hope in the sky.

"Yes, why should I take you up." Cang looked at Qi Huan, but the words in his mouth made people want to give him a right uppercut.

"I know your name, and you know my name. We talked a lot just now, so we are acquaintances. Now, this mermaid gave you a gift. Now I give you a gift. You are mine. Friends, shouldn't friends help each other~" Look, more fluent theory. Qi Huan’s strong buying and selling theory is universal everywhere.

friend? This word is really new to him. Someone dared to be his friend! After staring at Qi Huan for a while, the corner of Cang's mouth raised slightly. This woman seemed to be getting more and more interesting.

In the end, I didn't know which line in Cang's mind had a fault, and she was really pulling the cart into that big pit, and even took the initiative to send her down the mountain under Qi Huan's hint.

However, when the two reached the foot of the mountain, Qi Huan suddenly stopped and said that he would not go forward. Because there were six people standing at the foot of the mountain, those six people were staring at her at the moment.

Secretly glanced at the expressionless Cang beside him, Qi Huan felt nervous, although he was deceiving people, but whether he could help himself is still a serious problem.

The eyes of the six people did not stay on Qi Huan at all, but kept looking at Cang who said nothing. They are all Xuesha's direct guards, so they have heard a little about the secrets of the mountains that Xuesha guards.

It is said that that person is practicing in this mountain.

This man was obviously not with Qi Huan from the beginning, so, what is the origin of this person who suddenly appeared next to Qi Huan? For a time, these six people were playing drums in their hearts.

"Let's go." Cang, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, and took the lead to walk forward. Qi Huan hesitated for a moment, but still followed, but the pace of the two was quite different, and Qi Huan could only barely follow him.

This is also safer. Although only two steps away, if someone attacks, she won't be the one who gets injured first.

Seeing Cang walking step by step towards his side, the six people looked nervous, Qi Huan still had a lot of doubts in his heart. It seems that this Cang is very dangerous, shouldn't you provoke him?

"Get out of the way." Although they are still worried, if they go back empty-handed, according to Xue Sha's character, they will never be punished to make people sleep nightmares, so they chose to block Cang and Qi Huan's Way to go.

"This woman is the main criminal wanted by our city lord. I hope you won't stop me from waiting..." Before the man in the lead could finish his words, he saw him draw a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell over ten meters away. On the snow.

The blood kept flowing out of his air, and it soon stained that piece of snow. Obviously only saw Cang waving his sleeves, killing a Seventh Heaven Immortal Emperor instantly? She has no eyes, is this a cheat device, or is there a bug?

Qi Huan rubbed his eyes vigorously again, he was really dead, and he died completely.

Looking at the man who fell to the ground, Qi Huan had a thought in his heart. After leaving here, the first thing is to clean up the relationship with Cang~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s not that she turned her face and refused to recognize people after using it. The key is that this person’s strength and terror methods are a bit too harsh. I accidentally encountered his enemy, I am afraid I don't know how my life was lost. And, God knows if he has any thoughts about himself, although he doesn't think he has anything worthy of the other party's conspiracy, but it's always right to be careful.

"Break into the forbidden ground, die."

"You, are you the guardian of the forbidden area?" The five people suddenly heard Xue Sha once said that there are several guardians of the forbidden area in the mountain, and they are powerful. This person should be the guardian in the legend.

Cang lowered his eyes, looking at his neatly manicured nails, without saying a word, as if he had acquiesced to the identity they gave him.

"Offended." Regardless of whether it was really as they thought, the guardians of the forbidden ground were not something they could deal with. Once they provoke them, no one can clean up the mess. The five people left without looking back, and they didn't even bring back their companions.

"Aren't you leaving?" Cang looked at Qi Huan, and didn't mean to move on.

"How about you?"

"I'm not going." Cang's answer made Qi Huan breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time she felt a little guilty. Although I have only known each other for more than two hours, this person should have seen his purpose long ago.

She actually helped her to drive away these people, and even owed him a lot of kindness.

"Then I'm leaving, you take care." Qi Huan took two steps forward, waved back at him, and then walked away without hesitation.

Qi Huan didn't see it. Cang, who had been expressionless, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, forming a beautiful arc, "We will meet again, Qi Huan."


"Chong Xi" (Gui Ren): The daughter suddenly became a pig-killing girl, but was she forced to rush for joy? !